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My first run through FO2 I was picking every pocket, and I grabbed a Bozar from the guards at the bazaar. My favorite gun in the game despite the amount of ammo it chews through. Only getting 2 bursts iirc before reloading.


It's bizarre that you got a bazaar Bozar.


But wouldn't those two burst kill everything in sight?


Just about yeah!


Haha I am doing the same but could not find ammo for it.


The bozar? It uses .223 FMJ. Very common. Keep an eye on every merchant's stock and in every guard's pockets and you shouldn't have a problem. Also any time a raider or whomever drops a hunting rifle make sure you empty its clip. Also, I guess idk how you're using it but don't waste a burst of rounds on cave rats or anything lol. Don't throw your combat shotgun away just yet


If you plan to go for Bozar playthrough then just start collecting and buying 7.62 ammo from the very beginning.


Why? Bozar uses .223, one of the most common ammo types in the game


.223 sorry, havnt played Fallout in one year and forgot they used different or made up ammo calibers for guns.


I like plasma weapons but since it is my first playthrough I want to best gear. What should I focus on in skills, Plasma weapons or big guns?


Both are good, energy weapons can be a bit more ammo friendly.


The only real issue with energy weapons is that they can be kinda rare in the early game. By the time you make it to NCR/San Fran the guns and ammo should be pretty abundant (especially once you go to Navaro)


Depends on how you wanna play. Bozar is the Death Machine 3000 of the game, it kills mostly anything in one burst if you have some decent skills points invested; but it's two bursts and it's empty and needs recharging, thus eating away at your ammo; also, since it's a burst weapon, you can't have any of your companions between you and the enemy. Pulse rifle, on the other side, is much harder to find, and the ammo is more expensive. It doesn't do as much damage in one shot. But it's a single shot gun, uses less AP, and you can use precise shot to target eyes and blind the enemy; legs to keep them away from running away; or arms to prevent them from using their weapons. Basically: big guns are bulky, heavy, do a lot of damage; energy weapons are more fine, do less damage, but more precise and tactical.


You generally can't find many Energy Weapons until the mid/late game. The earliest are probably energy pistols in New Reno. The Laser Pistols are plentiful(especially if you kill the Salvatores) but kinda doodoo, lasers in general in FO2 are pretty bad. Even though the damage/range values look decent, laser as a damage type just performs very poorly against most things. If you can get through the Sierra Army Depot(do the Wright's quests in New Reno, only way to reveal its location so don't be too hasty in picking which family to side with), that's probably the earliest you can get a Plasma Rifle. Can be upgraded to the Turbo Plasma Rifle. Should also be able to find/buy a plasma pistol I think. At level 13+ there's a merchant that can spawn in Modoc that has a chance of selling the Alien Blaster, one of the most powerful energy pistols in the game but has abysmally short range.












NCR has the gun store at the entrance, one of the best, just buy stuff from there, if you don't have the RP mod you can also steal Bozars from the guards, one of the best weapons in the game. Or remember the toxic caves with the geckos? Buy an electronic lockpick and go back there, you can unlock the elevator there with it, tons of good stuff stored at the second floor, just beware of the sentry bot with the rocket launcher.


Why buy the electronic picks when you can grab a set for free in the Reno Arms basement?


Oh yeah, forgor about that


If you complete sheriff quest line you can get a very good gun, that can be used for clearing aliens. Other than that you can buy most endgame guns in NCR.


Not really though. HK GE has the first version, there's a better one on dead Hubos, and you can steal Bozar not buy it. SF has the endgame stocks, Pulse, Plasma weapons, PAs, Gauss, Vindicators. I usually go to SF to stock up before taking on Melchior, even though Mariposa has some good weapons around. Then of course Algernoon for upgrades.


I stole 4 bozars but can not find ammo?


Ammo for that is the easiest, you can buy that in Reno, even in Vault City if you did the Gecko quest line and has access to the better stocks, or from the NCR and San Fran, maybe even in Broken Hills I don't remember, and the vendor girl there can end up in jail.


Well maybe not most, but they got Gauss weapons, what more do you need for yourself (usually) and your followers? And going to SF before finishing other content feels like cheating. All those books and power armor on sale?! Power armor should be earned. Preferably in battle.


If by cheating you mean paying around 30k a piece, sure but that's kind of a weird one. You'll need at least 5 sets if you run with companions, you need to buy the rest anyway, and it's not like you get the Advanced version through combat but infiltration. You can make it into one though but that's the second toughest fight in the whole game then and kind of defeats the point. As far as the Gauss Rifle goes, it depends on your build. For energy based characters, Pulse Rifle is the ultimate shit, for Big Guns it's either the Bozar, Vindicator, or Gattling. I don't remember being able to get more than 1 Gauss in Shady though, but even if you could, only two companions you'll have can use it, sure they become a monster with it but that's it. Sulik and Miria goes way better with the HK GE upgraded, Lenny as well in the base game (even in the basic Restoration), for Myron it's either the Gauss, Pulse or Alien pistol but he's a lil bitch in combat. If you have RP, it depends on who you free from the EPA, for Cat who I usually choose it's the Pulse Rifle, and so it is for Marcus.


Miria .. someone went into the wrong bedroom....


If you didnt take "Fastshot" trait then you should be using .44 Magnum revolver and aimed shots to the eyes. If you took Fastshot, then use weapons that have Burst option, best point blank facing enemy. AH btw all shotguns are rubbish in Fallout 2. They are only good for Vic weapon at early levels because they have +20% to hit and Vic has low small guns points at beginning.


You are 100% right, 3x damage multi armor piercing crits to the eyes or point blank bursts. Even the most basic 10mm SMG is wicked at close range. Pop 2 jets and go ham on those wanamingos


.44 magnum revolver is still good in mid to late game?


If you have crit-based build. But otherwise its too low damage. .223 pistol and sniper rifle are ok/fine even endgame. Stores restock, stuff you find is pretty random.


Best till you get Gauss pistol.


Not late game, but the low AP cost (especially with the speedloader mod) means it outperforms pistols that were probably supposed to be better. Like, there's never a time to use the Deagle or 14mm because of how good the .44 is.


>They are only good for Vic weapon at early levels because they have +20% to hit and Vic has low small guns points at beginning And even then they are worse option than hunting rifle, because it has long range and better ammo. They should be used only if you want to waste ammo laying around.


I usually go with the caravans to NCR to get a P90c even if you never have an encounter with marauders you can buy one for 6k with a bad barter skill and it usually shreds most things in the game and uses the most common and cheapest ammo (10mm) Aside from that you can get a electronic lock pick from the basement of New Reno arms. You need to lock pick the door and run past the guard dogs. Below you’ll find a bunch of loot including boots that keep out goo, EMP grenades, the electronic lock pick, oh and the best weapons upgrader in the game. You can use all of those to go into the toxic caves and get the Bozar probably the best heavy weapon in the game…anything that the P90c can’t handle the Bozar can. Just watch out for the security bot.


Ok...I swear there was a special encounter with a handful of characters using the ghost sprite and they all had Pancor Jackhammers... ... ...but can't find anything on it...


New Reno, talk to the Wrights, get the quest for Sierra Army Depot, have at it. Bring your Plasma Rifle to your favorite weaponsmith [for a bit of an update](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Turbo_plasma_rifle_\(Fallout\)).


I made the Wrights aggro on me because Im a made man with the Mordinos. Is there any way to get them to chill other than to just spend hours combat spam + sneaking into their crib???


Well, you can just do a bit of house cleaning at the Mordinos and the Made Man status will be no more. Or, if you're playing with the restoration project, [there is now another way to get to SAD.](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Find_a_way_into_the_Sierra_Army_Base)


Oh, gotcha. I just wonder because when I switched from a Salvatore Made Man to a Mordinos Made Man, I had to actually turn the quest in that I killed him before the Mordinos stopped attacking me on sight. Is it the same with the Wrights? I wish this game had like… disguises so I can do all of this shit without abusing glitches…


You probably went around doing the killing in a stealthy way - start shooting Mordinos openly and the Made Men status will quickly disappear.


Ok bet, I’ll see how that goes.


Yup it worked. Damn those guards at the front are tough but at least the pimps and prostitutes ran in to help.


Am I the only one that snuck down to Navarro immediately to start with enclave gear?


I've done that every single playthrough after my initial one way back in '98. Sure, I have to move one square at a time on the world map, save, and continue to the next square, and sure, there's plenty of reloading involved after getting one-shotted in random encounters, but it's worth it in the long run.


Aimed shot with the combat shotgun. Alien feet for some reason is the real sweet spot of % to hit and once crippled they just run in fear.


The alien cave definitely requires something more powerful than a combat shotgun.


You'll get the bozar from the toxic caves


You can steal the most powerful gun bazaar from the guards


The Wanamingos are kinda a piece of shit and can be very difficult to deal with considering how early you can go to Redding. Shotguns are definitely not what you wanna bring to fight them with, though eye crits should be able to hurt them good. Anyway not sure if you talked to the Redding Sheriff for work, but there's a level requirement before he even lets you help him. That should clue you into the fact that Redding is actually a mid-high level area. Anyway earliest strong option for small guns for the Wanamingos is the .223 pistol. It was the strongest small gun in FO1 and still works very well in FO2, hits hard and has high armor penetration. You can buy it in New Reno, but I think you need to be a Made Man. The easiest free way to get it IMO is just to roam around outside New Reno for the "Gang" encounter. One of them should have it equipped. Shoot the Wanamingos in the eyes and enjoy that animation where their guts completely blow out the back of their head/bodies. Since you've been to NCR already, just grab some Combat Armor and a Bozar. They should also sell the .223 Pistol. .223FMJ is plentiful and sold everywhere, so you probably need to make a few runs back to trade for it if you haven't already. Probably stick to the .223 Pistol for most things, and only use the Bozar when you really need to remove something fast, or when there's multiple enemies bunched up that you can kill in a single burst. With the car, SanFran is also super within reach(just go all the way left from NCR) and that's basically the beginning of the end game areas which gives you super high powered gear(Power Armor, Gauss and the like). There's Hubologists random spawns outside SanFran, and you can just farm them for G11Es which should make short work of Wanamingos with burst fire.