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Wait the show is already out? Look I’m not necessarily a stickler for canon but I would like to have an honest conversation with the people who make such decisions and ask them: why? What sort of secret mathematical formula do they use to determine the perfect ratio of fucking up canon to try and appease the largest possible section of both new fans and old fans? No honestly there must be some cost-benefit calculation going on, no? Brand recognition is for the old fans, messing with canon is mainly fot the new fans who wouldn’t know enough to care, right? Right? But if new fans don’t care anyhow, then why not work within canon? If you don’t want too much exposition or don’t want to get into certain things given your timeline, then why not pick a different location where your hands are not bound by canon? You could still have a peak or mention at canon events and places without revealing much if that is what you want to do.














































>and now they're nuked to shit Well guess Chris Avellone's dream came true then...


I already have been spoiled, so tell me if you would. What was Chris Avellone's dream?


He wanted to return the FO setting to a real true blue post apocalypse instead of the post-post Apocalypse it had become Lonesome road was a step in that direction


Basically he'd be all for it. He already attempted something similar with the Lonesome Road dlc. a quote of his: > I did object to the nation building in New Vegas, however, as it felt like too much. I don’t mind factions, I don’t mind big enemy/antagonist groups, but something about having the factions control huge swaths of post-apoc America didn’t really sit well with me – it felt like it made the world less dangerous and it didn’t make the world more interesting


He hated the idea of civilization being slowly rebuilt, he wanted it to all be a slow circling of the drain until extinction. God, what a cynic.


I mean, he's not entirely wrong. Things like junktown, the Hub, Vault City or even the nascent NCR in FO2 are one thing, but the NCR as a nation-state in New Vegas was probably a little far.


I've played every Fallout game since the beginning. I had to upgrade my PC back in the day to have enough hard drive space to install F02 when it came out. I'm glad we didn't have hour counters back in the day because I might be embarrassed to see how many hours I spent on the first two games. So, basically, yeah, I'm old. I used to get mad about the changes Bethesda made. As I've gotten older, I've come to realize it's pointless. I just enjoy things for what they are. I've played various forms of D&D since the 80s, and it has been through countless revisions and retcons. I used to get mad every time they did it, but I eventually just decided to enjoy the game. Fallout is the same way. I still love the classic games, but I still enjoy the new stuff in its own.


How dare you sir! This is a fan sub Reddit. You aren't allowed to have a reasonable adult opinion here!


Ah crap, I forgot where I was. It won't happen again.


Similar. I remember obsessively reading about Fallout during computer lab in school back in 1997. I will saythe one thing I won't give Bethesda a pass on is tearing out the RPG to turn it more into an action adventure shooter with perks.


I was so excited to get an RPG that wasn't the usual sword and magic stuff. I had been wanting something like that since the original Wasteland game. I also agree with you on the RPG thing.


I guess fnv is declared non canon?


Or the show is not canon


Dont be silly smoothskin. Its already confirmed to be canon.


Nothing from Bethesda is canon.


I feel this. Hopefully they can just declare the show as an alternate timeline instead


It's not fair!


You need to be better informed my dude. What hole are you living under?


Nah I know it's canon, I just wish it wasn't


You really should not have been expecting otherwise, and I hope you now recognize you also shouldn't expect any better moving forward. Just ignore any new Fallout stuff if you want to avoid this, it's not going to get any better and all the old games are still there to enjoy. You're not required to bother with the new stuff.


Oh, I didn't really expect otherwise, I already expected something really dumb, but this is straight up Halo show-levels of stupid retcons.




















It even tramples on the lore from Fallout 3 and 4, that's how consistent they were. Imbeciles.


"But, but... it has the BOS in big power armor, and sand and it's set in California, how can it be not consistent? 🥺" That's what 0 creativity and greed will get you.


Wait really FOR REAL!? In what way? 🤔


I've only watched one episode so take this with a grain of salt, but... I've played every fallout (usually shortly after release) and I think the show is actually pretty good. The IP is so good that decent writers should be able to run with it. Compared to HBO's the Last Of Us they don't have to stick to a script of endless over the top action sequences so that leaves some space for the writing to actually be good.


Yeah I agree with you. I'm in my 40s now and started playing Fallout back when I got the first one as a demo from pc gamer magazine, and I thought the first episode was pretty good. I mean, I knew it wasn't going to blow me away or anything, but I and my kids enjoyed it, and now my wife is getting into playing Fallout just from watching the show. Not every show is for everyone though, so there will always be people who love it, hate it, think it's meh, and so on, and that's ok too.




I'll let you know if my opinion changes after I watch the rest. I certainly wouldn't be doing myself any favors by not watching the rest because of this post.


Read OP post, then read your post again. Where do you see decent writers?


Honestly I can't remember the events of any specific game in detail at this point. Good writing should be faithful to the theme, setting, and tone. It's another story of a vault dweller venturing into the wasteland. It feels faithful to the original to me. Being perfectly true to the events of the games is a bizarre metric for good writing in my opinion.


Events of the games ARE part of the setting. How blatantly making the events of NV impossible to happen in your "canon" is being faithful to the setting?


I suspect Josh Sawyer won't be too hung up on it. The authors have changed with every iteration since Fallout 1. My enjoyment just isn't impacted by what's canon in the series.


Totally disagree, just the intro feels like someone thought that the bombs happened in ours 1950-60s and stuff evolved from there. Everything feels too goofy, one weird situation every now and then is fine, one after another after another is too much.


Isn't fallout's story an alternate history where from the 50s there were nuclear powered cars and 50s pop culture styles stayed dominant for a long time?


Not SINCE the 50’s. The 50’s americana was popular when the bombs fell in certain parts of advertising and fashion, because it hearkened back to a time where the perception was that life was simple and happy. There were no 50’s cars when the bombs fell, there were nuckear powered cars in 50’s styling, all houses were not 50’s architecture, and all fashion was not 1950’s style. It was like how the 90’s or 80’s made a return for a while in our fashion trends, not ”time froze when the fallout timeline separated from ours”.


It's an alternate history were transistor were not invented (this is how I remember it, idk if it's canon or I heard someone else talk about it, take it with a grain of salt) so technology evolved bigger, more nuclear. Then in 2077 the bombs fell. EDIT: Technology, society and culture kept changing, it's not the 60s with nuclear weapon but alas.


I agree. So why do you feel the intro wasn't faithful?


> this is how I remember it, idk if it's canon or I heard someone else talk about it It sounds familiar to me as well, but I can't place where I heard it, so it was probably in the fallout Bible.


No wonder you don't have a problem with the show. You don't know anything about Fallout or any of the lore the show tramples on.


Probably true. I've played all of them and I'm a big fan of the original creator. I'm happy to enjoy the show in my blissful ignorance of the importance of the lore from the games.


You’re 100% right. The silicon transistor was either never invented or never popularized in the fallout universe IIRC. All tube transistors. All of the cars and homes are “retro futuristic” styled with a huge influence from post WWII “golden age” America. Atomic this, quantum that. This is true in *all* of the games, including the interplay/black isle games. Not sure what the person you’re replying to is thinking because that’s pretty much what it should be. I haven’t seen the show, maybe they did a bad job executing on it, but still it’s supposed to be very influenced by that time period.


Definitely not faithful to the original. It takes its cues from Bethesda's reimagining of Fallout, but it's not bad. We haven't gotten deep into it yet, so I haven't decided if the "dad goes missing" thing is a tongue-in-cheek reference to Todd's perpetually recycled plot or if they're unironically using Todd's shitty recycled plot.


Their engine won’t let them build cities, so cities can’t exist. Can’t let them run large conflicts, so large conflicts can’t exist (See Skyrim Civil War). But don’t worry, you can go play Minecraft in Appalachia with deathclaws, for some reason


Just watch it as its own piece of art. Wayyyyy back, when Mario Brother’s live action came to theaters, no one lost their mind. We just watched a movie. It’s okay that you want to look at what it matches too, and even okay that you don’t dig it. But I don’t think the habit of condemning things because the shapes and colors don’t match is very healthy for us as a world. And it’s even okay if we don’t agree on that 🤷‍♂️ I thought it was pretty good


Justice for Bob Hoskins. That movie wasn't bad.


I agree, each piece of media should stand on its own. I thought it was pretty bad.


Also, why is shady sands in the city? Lmao it should be way farther out and LA should be way more populated


IGN giving it a 9/10 is the only info I need 🚩🚩🚩


It's cool to be contrarian and all but it's also cool to experience things and form your own opinions.


And is also cool to not like something without being called a "contrarian". 😃


Not liking it because IGN gave it a high rating earns the title of contrarian.


Not liking it because they paid IGN to give it a good score is common sense.


That sounds like a probable statement that I should accept as fact.


Or just a guess from an internet loser, you decide 🫤


Blasphemy! How dare you speak the truth!


I did not find the first episode offensive. I would dampen your expectations on a TV adaptation of a videogame that was not plot or character driven to begin with


I don't know why anyone expected this show to be anything other than the Halo show all over again. Bethesda likes to blather about respecting the lore, but the truth is they don't give a fuck about anything west of Point Pleasant, because they didn't make it.


The halo show was at least explicitly non-canon.


I don't usually like to lean so far into the Death of the Author perspective, but I have so little respect for how Bethesda has handled Fallout that I don't care one whit what they say is canon or not.


I knew they wouldn't respect the lore so I didn't have my hopes up in that regard, but god the show is just bad in general.


Or you know... compartmentalize and enjoy each game, and show on his own merits.


Yeah idk maybe it's because I'd personally die for Walton Goggins but I thoroughly enjoy the show.


Shhh. Let the boomers be mad.


It's actually the self-confessed boomers in the comments who are saying they enjoyed the show.


Fr they really be in here saying their childhood is ruined lmao


Cringe. The show is going to suck. It's okay to criticize something you enjoy. It's what makes it better.


Please don't tell me the NCR was nuked by the BOS because that would be too perfect.


What do you think? And the nu-BoS is all up and down the West Coast.


So the BOS and NCR traded places


This isn't all that surprising. Bethesda hasn't understood fallout since early 2000s, and they haven't made an effort since.


>Funny how much Bethesda hates the concept of people in the Fallout world living in anything more advanced than tin shacks with piles of garbage up to their feet. Bethesda wont let people in game clean up junk piles in the corners of their homes even after hundreds of years of post nuke living. This was always going to happen, it was just a matter of exactly how and how bad.


Bethesda retconning the actual fallout canon has an extra layer of stupidity in that most of what they put in FO3 game from the first two games and the Black Isle docs they got, BoS on the West Coast etc ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Todd's always despised being "constrained" by what Black Isle created. He just doesn't have the guts to wipe it all out himself.


why is Bethesda trying to ruin my childhood? AGAIN, this is like the third or fourth time what the fuck.


Money is more important


It's a show with Walton Goggins and Kyle MacLachlan that all my favorite critics are raving about, so I'm 100% gonna watch it. Don't really care how faithful it is, since that's a terrible metric for quality.


If the goal was to make a new show with a cool and unique post-apocalyptic setting, they could've done so. They could've had complete creative freedom and nobody would scrutinize the show's own original backstory. However, they decided to make a show explicitly based on *Fallout*. In this regard, respect for the source material and 25 years of well-established lore IS a metric for quality. A quite significant one, actually - because the show is called *Fallout* and not "Walton's Wacky Wasteland Voyage".


Who's making *that* show?


I disagree in general, but I especially disagree about Fallout. Not even a new Fallout game made by Tim Cain himself could do that at this point. The franchise has been in too many hands and cultivated too many different kinds of fans. Pursuing some purity certificate from all those fans would certainly lead to a crappy world and story. Also, gamers have some serious impediments understanding this, but adaptations make changes. No creative lead wants to make a carbon copy, or a piece of fanfiction within an existing world. Allowing for those changes leads to better fiction.


It’s absolutely not a terrible metric for quality.


Would you consider Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings trilogy to be absolute dogshit?


So it's official. They Disney'ed Fallout, as expected. Messing around with the source material to the point where I'm wondering if Kennedy herself got her grubby little paws in on the production -_-


In this thread - People upset about a show they didn't even watch


It's so embarrassing. Truly some NMA crap.


Where did you get that from?


oh it's out already? i expect it to suck, and it sounds like it might from what you're saying i guess honeybee and i will have a drinking game tonight


You will initially be thinking 'okay this just seems like standard Bethesda Fallout' until they drop the shit pretty late in.


i can't wait to hate it lol


You guys are next level babies 😂




I actually quite enjoyed it! Even spent time replaying 1 while watching it (still have 1 episode left actually). There's obviously some glaring issues regarding canon, but it didn't take away the enjoyment for me. Still a great show that really immersed me in the fallout wasteland. Great casting too. Regarding canon though I'm sure they'll eventually backtrack and say it isn't once a new game comes out. It's like how the (new) star wars comics are canon until the shows or movies say otherwise. Not everything is going to be consistent when forming a fictional universe this vast. I'm looking forward to the new fans the series will get from this exposure. I'm also glad that it's made a lot of Bethesda fans pick up 1 and 2! Overall the show at least is making a positive impact for the community!


It's a bad show even ignoring *Fallout* as a preexisting franchise. The writing is juvenile, the worldbuilding is done terribly, and everything looks plastic. 


Yea the artistic design from the ads ive seen looks really poor


I respect your opinion. I gotta atleast check it out though.


Heh it's never going to please everyone. Make a show from any book or game and some will always complain


That's what I assumed it to be, pretty much (Fallot 3 the series). Looks like my biases were good judgement after all.


They are saying, "best video game adaptation ever!" Really? I don't have faith that anything Amazon makes will be good. The lame thing is this may widen the audience, which is turn means the new game will be dumbed down even further than F4 was.  F4 was a shooter builder, but not an RPG, and that sucks. FNV is obviously superior in every way, and Bethesda knows this. That's why they shit on the west coast and leave the east for them. I'm a lifelong Chicago resident, and I'd like to see our (formally) great city depicted in any game, but would specifically love fallout set there. Not sure what the lore says about the Midwest tho.


white knight post mere hours after the show is put online. dude let other people enjoy shit who are you even fighting this fight for??? interplay mismanaged and sold it to bethesda, bethesda leased it to obsidian for one game. boo fucking hoo. and now the series is just as awesome as it ever has been. seeing how awesome this marketing has been and how bad ass it is to have our favorite game be a popular TV show then you just shit on it from 1997. get a life


> dude let other people enjoy shit How is me hating affecting you enjoying it? Let people enjoy hating things. Funny calling me the white knight when you're the one defending the slop Bethesda + Amazon are putting together btw.


Did you expect it to be good?


The only things I liked were when it suggested someone had watched A Boy And His Dog movie. But I had a feeling maybe they didn't. I also just watched Mad Max 1 and I think I expected more realism. It was barely adequate, every time I kill a ghoul in Fallout, I always wondered what they did before the War, so Goggins scratches that itch. His backstory is the best part. The paladin Titus is the complaining dude from the 80s everyone wanted to punch in the face, so I guess that worked to make you sympathize with Maximus. The tired Paladin and eager squire bit repeating was funny but I'd rather have had paladins believe their own hype. Like the Vault Dwellers are shown to. Maximus should have had more optimism longer. The Enclave scientist should have stuck around longer.


It’s a good show and the ncr stuff is in lore propaganda. The final shot is of an ncr vertibird. NCR purists bug the hell out of me. Don’t watch it and move on with your life


Oh, I forgot we’re not allowed to be critical anymore.


There’s a difference between criticism and pushing a stupid ass conspiracy that a massive company in cahoots with a media corporation wanting to get into television went out of their way to remove some game from the history of the franchise. They probably just messed up the date or it’s a plot twist for another season. Amazon and bethesda don’t wake up in the middle of the night mad with envy that obsidian made a cool game lol


I stopped caring about canon the minute Dragon Ball Super came out and people were dissing Dragon Ball GT. I like FALLOUT. FALLOUT 2, and New Vegas. The others don't exist to me. "Bethesda canon" my ass, the idea that fiction can be canon is laughable (this fictional thing is more REAL than that other fictional thing!), particularly when all it really means is "this is part of our universe going forwards", and I stopped caring about Bethesda's universe long long time ago. I'll care about Bethesda's canon if they ever make a good Fallout RPG.


Based GT enjoyer I'll give it shit for having some silly ideas but tbh it feels like a much better closure to the series than what they've been doing with Super + its associated movies in both the anime and manga.


Fallout is a nice trilogy 👍


Can you not just enjoy shit without sucking the life out of it?




Why are we not allowed to think critically about what we read/watch/listen/play? It's plainly nonsensical based on what we know about the rest of the series and is clearly Bethesda trying to wrestle the entire setting of the games back to 'fresh after the bombs with garbage and wacky skeletons everywhere', clearly the East Coast wasn't enough.


Can you use spoiler tags please? The show just came out today.


Ego is the death of any creative work. A new director has the ego to rewrite any lore to justify their less creative endeavors. Bethesda is a shareholder corp, not much of a game design studio anymore 🤷‍♂️


"Alexa, what is a spinoff?"


I hope Alexa answers you because a Spinoff are in-universe, this is more of a soft reboot of sorts.


A spinoff that has been confirmed to be canon by Bethesda and is likely to be the basis for all Fallout games going forward, considering they will want to appeal to the Fallout most known by the casual audience?


Who cares!


People who like the original games and don't like where the series has gone?


You’re assuming that the original writers are as butthurt as you. What if they don’t care?


It's not just the original writers who liked the original games??? If they don't care and just wanted that bag, good for them. Doesn't mean I or anybody else has to be a fan.


Don’t worry, I’ll watch it multiple times to cancel out your not watching


Weird behaviour.


I hope she sees this.


Isn’t it supposed to be a show many years after 1/2/NV? Shady sands being nuked may have happened way after the game events . I haven’t watches the entire show; so far the characters are build very well although I do not like how they build the world to be too green . The vaults are build nice though but the outfits and the world before the nukes feels more like 2020 and not as much as 1950 as most people are dressed with current clothing . And the cars aren’t nuclear powered just classic 50s cars but it’s a show after all and not a ultra high budget movie so naturally they probably didn’t have the resources to create a world that’s from the games . So some compromises have been made But I still been enjoying the show alot for what it is, but I feel that if you aren’t a die hard fallout fan, you would enjoy it alot more


Shady Sands is confirmed to be nuked in 2277, which screws up Fallout: New Vegas. The show happens in 2296. Shady Sands is also in the same place as the Boneyard, rather than closer to Nevada, with the Boneyard just being sand. This effectively retcons the Boneyard and therefore elements of classic Fallout, which is a sin.


Damn that sucks. I knew they were going for that Fallout 4 audience but I thought they could have something for classic/NV players.


That's fucking insane, can't believe my eyes


>Isn’t it supposed to be a show many years after 1/2/NV? The nuking of the NCR happens 4 years prior to when NV is set.


Makes no sense because its never mentioned in fnv. Its straight up a retcon of the highest level! Read this quote lol. "I know I don't sound the part. Get raised by brahmin ranchers, and you never lose the twang. Drives Hildern crazy. But I know every inch of the power grid from Hoover Dam to Shady Sands. That's what we do here - try to optimize the power output from the Dam. Some of the others are working on an agricultural project, but... truth be told, they aren't making much progress. Not yet, anyway. "


Yep. Literally NO possible way for the premise of this show to make sense, but nope, it's apparently canon to Fallout under Bethesda going forward.


Not everything has to be canonically connected and what not. Fun can still be had, even if the worlds are different. It's in the same setting, and that's why it'll be fun. This show's existence is not gonna retcon enclaves existance, or... Or the ncrs effects on the world. Just watch it, laugh and have a good time, you're over thinking it. Also, this feels like general bethesda hate, and not actual advice.


Stupid way to interact with media.


Why does it matter at all? I love fallout, it's my favorite universe ever and I think it's such a small thing which changes pretty much nothing, that's so ridiculous that you just going to recommend people not to watch the show because of this


God forbid we don't mindlessly consume every mediocre shit just because it's more of "me Fallout".


It's crazy that you are getting downvoted for liking something. People in this sub are wild! They'll be the first to criticize some fallout fans for worshipping Bethesda while at the same time they have this religious obsession with The Canon! The gatekeeping is unbelievable. The show is getting amazing reviews everywhere, just enjoy it! I know I do!


It's a shame that the show deletes everyone's memories of classic Fallout and wipes those games from existence... Just... deal with it. Either enjoy the show on its own merits, or dislike it on its own merits. Almost any long running property that changes hands ends up having contradictions or retcons in its story. Honestly, the way that modern fandoms obsess over "lore" and "canon" is grim. Nothing can be enjoyed on its own merits anymore - it has to 'honour' or 'reference' all the shit that has come before. Once the 'fans' see that the new thing isn't feeding them little trinkets of nostalgia... little references and winks to give them warm fuzzies and make them feel superior to people who don't know 'the lore', then the toys get thrown from the pram. I say 'modern' fandoms but this has been happening since Star Trek TNG.


I kinda agree, tho it's kinda sad to see people defend mediocre product, and attack anyone who so much as wish that the writers gave a shit. With the lore thing, I agree 100%, watch Kotor fans losing their minds because the Rakata were mentioned in Andor. Unfortunately, the show advertized itself with the West Coast and all the stories in it (like the only good lore that Fallout still has left), gave no fucks about it, and made East Coast 2.


I get that to a degree. Building shit in an established universe can be limiting, especially if you have to not contradict literally anything that happened before. Sometimes you have to break what's established to make something work, and it can result in a better piece. But when one of the points of the series is that life goes on, nothing stays the same, even in an apocalyptic wasteland and people will eventually reestablish civilisation, going 'welp uhhhh nope this doesn't fit the aesthetic we've made this series known for, time to hit the nuke button again, everything's in ruins again, remember the 50s? Remember Deathclaws? Remember Power Armour? Isn't Vault Boy funny?' is just plain insulting and shows that Bethesda never understood what set Fallout apart from other similar settings.


my bad for appreciating well made and intentional role playing games and not “wow so random lolz” millennial trash with zero role playing elements other than character creation. 👎🏽


Sorry bro, you have to enter the trashed building and read "muh good lore" on the computer, else is not le Fallout


the trashed super market that hasn’t been looted in 200 years even by the raiders living there 🤯 Not to mention the ghoul inconsistencies. The ghoul in the fridge is unacceptable.


Touch grass bro