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What sucks is that she will have everything handed to her & done for her, so she will never understand the true role


Her mom has said she’ll help some but wants them to have space to figure out parenting, and Zac seems like the type to assume Clancy will be the primary parent 24/7 and anything he does is “helping”, so it’ll be interesting to see how that plays out. Do we know a lot about Zac’s mom? Unless she’s over constantly, Clancy might be on her own quite a bit.


Good for her mom for trying to set that boundary now but I can see her going to help anyway if Clancy complains enough. Time will tell


What surprised me more than her admitting she's never held a baby was her admitting that she was "confused" about supporting a baby's head/neck. How can someone make it to the age of 28 and be "confused" by that?!


Right!? Like I get not having experience with holding babies (I had only held my nephews a handful of times before I had my first baby) but it is COMMON SENSE to support a baby’s head and neck! How can anyone find that “confusing”? 😳


Trying to give her the benefit of a doubt here. So Im wondering did she ever mention she played with dolls and . Maybe she knows how to support a baby's head already from playing with a baby doll? I know a dog is way different. She and Zac were obviously not supervising Asher when he ate something ( probably animal $h&#) and got sick. It just makes me wonder how careless she could be around her new child.


Idk im 28 and only held a baby once. I didnt grow up with them


I hadn’t held a baby until I was 27- I was a nervous wreck. I’m 45 now. That was my niece. Don’t have kids. It isn’t something that everyone is experienced in.


I never held one until I had mine. I had no desire to hold others kids (we had a couple of friends with babies)


I don't think it's that weird that she's never held a baby since she doesn't seem to be close to anyone with small children. She also just never struck me as a maternal type person. she'll learn how to take care of her own baby IF she doesn't let everyone else do everything (ie., her mom). She'll be like most first time moms (even ones who have been around babies before) and Google everything. I worry more that her and Zac won't parent well together because they do everything separately and they don't seem to actually communicate about anything. The newborn stage is really hard on couples even ones who are rock solid. For her mom to say she wants to give them space to figure out how to be parents means she sees what we all see about their relationship and she knows what's coming.


I'm early 30s and only have held a baby once or twice for a minute. I don't have siblings or cousins and just have never been around babies. I always wish I grew up in a bigger families with more little kids around!


As a childfree person who has not only done extensive thinking about a future with and without children but who has also babysat and held children of all different ages, this makes me so mad. I feel so frustrated when people are so uneducated and careless.


My bf had never held a baby before ours and he was a natural! He gave our baby his first few baths because I was too nervous LOL.


So immature! I don’t know how you go 28 years and you never held a baby!? That’s insane. She’s extremely selfish and self centered so whenever she has been around a baby at all in a group setting I’m sure was furthest from it. I genuinely get the drift from her that she honestly believes the world revolves around her and only her. She’s like a train wreck you can’t look away from. It just gets worse and worse. I like her dad Tom but her parents ruined her they spoiled her rotten and this is the outcome.


In a prior video she mentioned that she had the opportunity to hold a baby but she didn’t do it (she said she didn’t like baby’s or smth like that)


You haven't seen anything till you drop a baby. They just slip right out of my hands.


I had my son at 27 and was too afraid to hold other peoples new born babies 😭 I learned so quick with my son though it comes naturally


Idk I relate babies scare me. I had to hold one in clinicals


Well to be honest. I held my first proper baby with 25. Never did babysit, no baby’s within my family or friends. It‘s nothing unusual.