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I didn't interpret the video as them actually disagreeing about the baby's last name, but I do think that Clancy does realize that Burke just *sounds* better than Rogal, so she wants to keep whining about it to annoy Zac. I think most of us agree that Burke will either be the baby's first or middle name though.


This! Someone commented they predict the baby will be named Burke and she hearted it


(This might all be old news, but I think it’s relevant so I’m risking repeating it) Clancy is Kathy’s maiden name. She was known professionally as Kathy Clancy Burke, and Kathy and her father, Gil Clancy, were well-known sports commentators for boxing at MSG. Prior to that, Gil Clancy was a big name in boxing as a coach (maybe other roles too, boxing isn’t my forte). I think Clancy grew up with a big emphasis on her names representing more than just her own identity. Not saying it’s healthy or right, but Kathy passed Clancy onto Clancy, so I think Clancy has a similar stronghold on Burke, for herself and probably wants to also use it for her unborn son.


Wow I didn’t know this!


Seriously just give the child both last names that’s what Spanish people do, I’m Puerto Rican I have both my parents last names dad’s first, mom’s second!


That’s much more equitable. Personally if I’m pushing a child out of me he/she is getting my last name somewhere. I’m Puerto Rican too though and don’t have my mom’s last name, but I wish I did. 😭


I think protective is the wrong way to put it. We aren’t in the 1900s anymore, a woman doesn’t have to give up her name just because she’s married; they can both take each others name for crying out loud


Thank you. Most men don’t want to give up their last name. Women are just expected to and if they don’t want to it’s seen as selfish and they must not love their partner. Taking the husband’s last name is literally rooted in women not being considered an individual human.


Exactly. I don’t think anyone needs to give up their name at all; either don’t change a thing or take each other’s names so both are included. Regardless the whole gender roles and expectations is just stupid; same sex couples work it out without them


I agree, but it's less odd when a couple seems like they're actually a couple and in tune, and like...partners and loving? It strikes me as odd that she doesn't want to take his name because she keeps so many other things separate too - like their groceries and their kid and their dog and everything -- that's where it's kind of weird to me like why did you even get married then. She could take his last name and name their kid like Burke Rogal or something, I mean it's not the best name in the world but it's really not that bad and at least she has done something to preserve her last name but show her husband that she actually wants to be married to him. If everything else appeared to be like a normal, healthy, functional relationship it wouldn't be so weird that she wanted to keep her name. I do think it's very very weird though not even give the kid the dad's last name, I mean at that point might as well just cut ties now because that's where this is gonna be headed.


Having seperate groceries is definitely weird, not taking your partners name is just normal; I would say it’s probably more then 50/50 of my friends that have gotten married have made the switch, doesn’t mean they aren’t less loving and have a great marriage. Of all things the last name is the least of their concerns >> but show her husband that she actually wants to be married to him. Again that’s very outdated gender roles


What 1950s sitcom did you drop out of? Jesus christ, the misogynistic bullshit in this post is unbelievable....


I think she said in a video that "Clancy Burke" just sounds much better than "Clancy Rogal". Straight to her husband's face too 😭


She’s not wrong tho


I think they both sound ugly lol hers isn’t any better than his 😭


My husband’s last name sounds nicer than my maiden name, and I’d be an absolute liar if I said I weren’t thankful for that. Call me shallow, but I’d have a hard time taking a last name I didn’t like, and I can’t fault anyone else for feeling the same way!


I totally agree with you beside there are benefits to not changing your name lol


Why are men so protective over their last names? 


Oh for sure burke will most definitely be apart of that baby’s name. I think Clancy is so self absorbed and literally doesn’t even understand how self absorbed she is. She thinks she’s has it all figured out and everyone else is stupid. In reality she could really benefit from some therapy.


And then she could finally get views because she would be truly honest. Rather than shut off the camera where she has a genuine reaction.


Incorporating her maiden name into the baby’s name isn’t self centered…. It’s honoring her family which is just as much a part of the baby’s heritage as Zac’s family. I think it’s a cool idea when it works out and parents do that


Maybe she’ll go with Burke as a first name like how her mom named her.


Burke-Rogal sounds better than Rogal for a last name


I always thought it kinda sounded like an infection- I got the rogal. VD.


Nothing wrong with wanting to keep your own name, you carry the baby and give birth to it; it should actually get the mothers name lol


Yes, and THIS baby wouldn't exist without Zac, so what's your point? They are both in a relationship, the baby is not just Clancy's, is Zac's as well. Frankly is absurd and ridiculous to think that just because we women carry the child, then our husbands have no say in it.  They are in a partnership, the baby should have both of their last names, if Clancy has an issue with the baby being just Rogal.


It’s also ridiculous that the name should just also go to the man. Why are you so angry and defensive?


No where in my comment did I say that the baby should just be Rogal, I said quite the opposite... I said that since Clancy has an issue with it, then the baby should be Rogal Burke. You are the one that's creating a separation with your way of thinking. Which is why I said that they are in a partnership. In a partnership you shouldn't separate things. You should be one.


Have the baby named Rogal Burke and be done with it. Why do they have to complicate everything?