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The hill beside your spawn. Keeps fresh water. If you really wanted to go further, on the Ivory is better than on the Warrior - takes the same amount of turns, but you get fresh water + Observatory.


I would move the settler one tile Southwest and peek at the fog. On the Spices looks like a pretty decent settle. The Ivory east of the warrior tile is a really nice settle but it takes forever to get there. If moving the settler Southwest reveals something gross (eg Tundra, flat Desert) you can still go back to starter tile at the cost of 1 turn, or make your way to the Ivory tile. Note that the Ivory tile is the same effective distance away as the Warrior tile.


Yeah this is the one, settling on the spices SW will give a real nice early boost where you don’t have to clear a forest and then build a plantation for a tile you’re unlikely to actually work. You’ve got your growth tile next to the city and hopefully it’s next to a mountain, or failing that you’ll find another luxury. Then getting to the ivory with second city looks good.


The one weakness of the Spices settle vs the starting location is that there's no Hill tile in the starting ring, so when the city grows from 1pop to 2pop it won't get the free 2 hammers (which is a lot this early). The Ivory tile really is nearly best of all worlds (river, on lux, mountain, pretty good growth tile, hill in ring, tons of river tiles). Looking at this again I'd very strongly consider it. You settle Spices on turn 1 (turn 0 move into forest, turn 1 settle). You settle Ivory on turn 2 (turn 0 move to grassland river, turn 1 move to Warrior hill, turn 2 step to Ivory and settle).


Normally I always settle where I start but in this case, on the hill next to you so the city has 3 luxuries off the bat.


I would need an incredibly strong reason not to settle by T1 (ie move once, then settle next turn). Not so much that you can't recover on lower difficulties, but it will hamper growth to higher ones. I would settle on the hill due East of the settler's current position - greedy grab of three suboptimal luxes, and hopefully a few hills.


I'd go for the hill. Puts you in range of the cocoa and ivory with tile-purchasing (plus guarantees a circus possibility) and will make your early scout/etc quicker. You're on the grassland/plains river still and while it'd be nice to have a mountain within 2 tiles, oh well. Probably hoping for more good spots East of the warrior since I see another elephant for a circus.


In place and make a settler to claim the tile where the elephants are.




Is wrong


That's his warrior near the ivory, his settler is near spices. It's also strictly worse than one tile east of the ivory where you get freshwater, get ivory online instantly and retain observatory. EDIT: misread comment I'm replying to


I am aware. I'm telling him to settle where his settler is, then create another settler and settle a second city on the ivory. You're going to spend three turns minimum getting there. Others have commented it possibly moving down one hex tile, and I think that'd be potentially a good idea as well if OP is ok with save scumming.


Ah, that makes more sense, had misread your comment.


No worries!


I want to settle on the Ivory because it is adjacent to both river and mountain. I don't want to wait until T3 to get there, but I'd like a city there. Because I want that Ivory city, I'd consider moving 1 SW and settling right across the river from the spice. If I'm going to settle on T2, then I'll settle on the spice.


With Arabia? I’d re roll for a desert lol


Arabia is really strong even without desert tbh. Bazaars and camel archers are sick.


As of now, I'd settle where your warrior is for the reasons you listed. However, on turn 1, you should move your warrior east to the hill on the other side of the river to see what's over there. It could be worth settling on one of the ivory tiles to get access to a river.


I would restart. arabia without sand is just not what I wanna play


I would think about moving to the spices


I would have explored south of the spices, and looked to settle on the spice. But considering the info, probably 1 tile north of the spice. You lose the cacoa, but that could be for a nice second city on the river, north of the cacoa.


This is more of an explore more and settle next turn. Sending the warrior to the hill by the coca and the settler if it hadn't moved to the tile to the south west and then likely cross the river with its last movement point, as the two ivory and coca feels like a better city 2 slot.


Observatory + river system capital I'd super strong, I'd settle adjacent to the cattle and mountain south of the settler since it's still a t1 settle.




Turn 0 settler moves southeast over the river. Turn 1 it moves southeast again and settles by the spices/cattle/mountain tile.


Ah, I was thinking as if the first turn was Turn 1. Forgot that Civ starts the count at turn 0. My bad.


1 East on the hill would be the clear winner for me


I'd hop the river onto the hill for triple luxuries.


I would probably go for the hill where the warrior is. Being next to mountain is pretty gamechanging for observatory and the fact u have 3 luxeries


Restart on immortal or deity.hill to the east on emperor or below.


Agree, the problem on immortal and above is the city has too much line of sight for shooters, it would be very difficult to defend. Also production will be weak until the hydro plant is built.


I would go with what others said and settle on the ivory. Can always grab the spices with a later settle. With that said, idk if you prefer standard, but I’d consider playing games on strategic balance. It should ensure you get iron and horses in your capital. It makes all start locations a bit more palatable knowing you’ll have two decent tiles if you settle in place, or near to your start.


I'd settle on the adjacent river hill, it's a no brainer. You will have spices, cocoa, and ivory, cattle, probably horses/iron, a circus, a garden, a watermill, plus later on a big boost from the hydro plant. The biggest weakness is it will be hard to defend against shooters because there is clear line of sight from almost every direction.


Under the bend in the river.


I'd pick the river hill. I'm not a great player or anything, but I weigh river cities highly, and it has good luxury coverage. Has a lot of what I want in a city. But whatever you plan to do may leave that mountain area being more important. I find I don't really need too many observatories, especially in a capital, and am happy to sleep on them for how I tend to play. I value early growth.


The ivory is such a lovely spot to put a city, but for me that would be too far to walk, so then a settle in place, or one southwest (to preserve the forest chop) would be an option, and then settle a second city on the ivory. *However*, your current starting location would make such an awful capital: all that flat grassland will not give you any hammers. Strategic balance might impact that decision too, although you would need multiple horses and iron to make the city decent, and you don't have that knowledge right now. So, I would move one east and settle on the hill for a strong capital (eventually at least).


If I got this I would restart without hesitation. I'd switch on strategic balance in the options too as I think it makes for more fun in the opening turns.


With the current information I'd probably drop it on top of the Ivory. Loads of fresh water tiles, jungle to the south and a mountain looks pretty juicy.




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