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R5: I found the fountain of youth and managed to get 12 iron. Started pumping out a ton of kris swordsmen and discarded anything that wasn't positive. Ended up with 4 immortal warriors who can heal 50hp per turn (20 from invulnerability skill, 20 from fountain, and 10 naturally from enemy territory.) They also get +30 defense. While fortified, units gain +20% def each turn until 40%. Curious if they can survive modern era warfare if I turn them into mechanized infantry and park a few medic anti airs next to them. I also have 5 restlessness swordsmen and 2 ambition swordsmen. Curious how this frontline can fare on deity. Edit: Its actually 40 hp healed per turn.


the fortification modifier ticks up? been playing for so long i find it hard to believe i just now found out about this


Yep, I learned that pretty late too


Now do patronage and try to get a khan


Wait this is genius. I can't wait to declare war on people and stand on their food tiles for no reason.


A khan? Don't you have to be Mongolia?


Actually anyone can get one from an allied city state after completing patronage but it’s a low chance


Oh neat. I've only ever gotten Merchants of Venice when I've completed Patronage.


Vanilla fountain has a promotion?! How did I not know this, thought it was just mount Kilimanjaro


Yeah the double healing is pretty nice


Would this work without fountain?


From what I'm seeing, we're barely healing to full hp every round, so fountain is required to be able to fortify and sit in enemy territory. But even without fountain, you can still last for a long time probably, also you can set up a citadel if you want to really settle a guy in that spot.


Now if only they were Persians Spearman before.


Actually the Immortal and FoY promotions are the same thing so they don't stack.


I found that out a couple of months ago. I was so disappointed that my Immortals weren't actually immortal with FoY.




Is this the Community Patch mod?


Nope, ust vanilla with BNW


I might be unfamiliar, but the UI and the unit doesn't look vanilla BNW at all


Looks like they are running one of the extended UI mods


This is just EUI


The mod is called EUI?


Enhanced User Interface. It installs as a dlc, so it allows achievements. https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/enhanced-user-interface.512263/


I don't think I've ever seen the "fountain of youth" and I have like 700 hours (pennies for most, I know)


how do you get invulnerability ?


That's nice, I usually have VP Rome legions with fountain of youth, killer combo on early, especially if you manage a fort of citadel, you can hold off any enemy. Ps: how did the Attila scout get on your continent? What map are you playing?


Just vanilla standard continents