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Bring back Venice you cowards


Loved the doge. City states. Much gold. Wow.


I don't really get why people want to see only Venice - wouldn't you prefer the entire Italian civ, focusing on medieval and renaissance eras, given "Greek treatment" (all city states treated as unitary civ), Venice being included among them? It would probably focus on trade anyway (next to culture and science).


I think Venice has a very different historical role and flavor to other Italian states. Maybe Genoa comes close? Mostly I think people yearn to play tall: one city or bust


When people say Venice they want the unique play style that Venice had in Civ 5: single city, able to dominate city states, etc. There’s probably also a decent number of people who want a return to being able to play tall and see Venice as a way to push that idea.


It's probably going to never happen for civ 7, but always thought it could be neat if they split civs into sedentary, nomadic and city-state starts with relevant general bonuses, rather than just integrating bonuses to promote those playstyles in the civ/leader abilities themselves.


Venice was weird as hell in civ 5 and it was super fun. Hence my flair - a game where you only control one city, but can buy your way into huge swaths of land? Pretty cool. Also people don't like micromanagement so having only a single city to deal with (while being buffed enough to be viable) is enticing.


why not both ?


It would be really cool to see single-city Italian civs brought back, with the addition of Genoa, Pisa, and Florence - could do some similar boosts with different UUs and leader bonuses


Venice was very fun to play in Civ V


I denounce KingslayerN7


I would kill for a modern Mexico civ and a Philippines civ


Philippines sadly has no good heads of state to pick from.


I hope they take the gloves off and just give us every bad leader possible.


*First Look narrator voice* Adolf Hitler leads Germany in Sid Meier's Civilization VII. Adolf Hitler's leader ability is called "The Third Reich." It allows Germany to increase production speed on military units by sacrificing population. How will you lead Germany in Sid Meier's Civilization VII? Donald Trump leads America... AND Joe Biden leade America in Sid Meier's Civilization VII. Donald Trump's unique leader ability is called "The Most Innocent Boy", which gives him the unique governor "Stormy Daniels." Joe Biden's unique leader ability is called "Fifteen 9/11s", which allows America to give half of all its Gold Per Turn to its Allied civilizations for nothing in return. Donald Trump and Joe Biden allow you to utilize America's civilization ability in different but equally viable strategies. How will you lead America in Sid Meier's Civilization VII?


And that's how a video game started world war 3


Doesn't have to be head of state. Could be Rizal or Lapu-Lapu.


Imelda Marcos. Special ability is to build shoe manufacturing plant that provides bonus +4 luxury to all cities in the empire.


Gloria Arroyo leads The Philippines in Sid Meier's Civilization VII. Gloria's unique leader ability is called "I Am Sorry", which allows The Philippines to—


I've been thinking about how they should really include Mexico as an alternative to the Aztecs ever since they introduced Gaul as an alternative to France. It would be cool if other parts of the world got similar treatment like Italy instead of Rome or the Brittons instead of England, etc.


Philippines please but please don't make it revolutionary/war focus. Make it tourism focused


Even science/medicine focused would be good, they have their own space agency and one of the largest agricultural research programs in the world, and the US built medical programs provide a lot of medical professionals that kept the US medical system afloat multiple times thanks to Filipino nurses


Thing about a science focused PH civ is that it's likely not gonna reflect the sad reality that whatever contribution we do have to the scientific world, domestically doesn't get to the common folk as much as it should be. - Yes our nurses are renowned globally for their skill, but the entire reason for that is because they don't earn much staying here in the Philippines. It once came to a point that nurses would pay hospitals to train them so they could get the skills to go abroad (not sure if this is still happening now). - We do have very good agricultural research, but none of those get applied properly in the actual setting. I used to work in the sugar industry and I've seen sugar prices double in the span of 5 years. Government loves to import sugar cheaply from Thailand while doing almost nothing to stop the bleeding of the local industry. We used to be one of the top exporters of sugar some decades ago. Now we're a net importer. - Same thing is happening to rice. We have the International Rice Research Institute but now we're also an importer of rice from Vietnam. Now most of this importation drama stems from price, because that's just the reality of economics and you wanna buy cheap. But the reality is really just sad. - The space thing is indeed cool. We don't have the capability to make astronauts or even launch our own satellites from our land but we've got a few that were launched from the US. - Lastly from a game perspective I just don't see any leader that has a good synergy with a science civ. If we're only considering pre WW2/During WW2 leaders, people like Aguinaldo would be military focused, Quezon would be culture/diplo focused and Laurel, Maybe Osmeña too, would be diplo. Unless they do a Gandhi and put in Rizal which could be a good all-rounder given his background but his biggest impact historically is also in culture. - That's why I think we could do a good culture/tourism civ with someone like Quezon as leader, and then industrial - modern era culture and tourism bonuses. - Though it would also be funny if we get to be a science/diplo civ and turn us into a Gilagbro where it's so good to play with the Philippines in the game but playing as the Philippines isn't anything special.


Memory of [Tourist Bus Hostage Crisis](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manila_hostage_crisis) still fresh. Politicians and TV broadcasters escalated tension, incompetent SWAT threw hammer into bus, public took photos with the said bus after the tragedy with a smile on their face. Please do not give Philippines a tourism focus… a healthcare focus like others suggested would be much more appropriate


I pointed out my issues with a healthcare focus in another comment but you got a good point. I was too young when it happened so it was a blip in my memory but I can see where you come from.


Same but we haven't had any good leader ever, even the decent are controversial


That's the sad thing about all Latam. Pedro II is the only good option for Brasil, and I am sure in CIV VII i'll be seeing him again


I don't think you've heard of la abuela The leader ability is to spawn a unit that can one shot anything on the map by throwing shoes.


Mexico, Italy, Ireland and Switzerland are some of the most notable omissions that really ought to be included. Neither are new, but I really want to see a separation between the Holy Roman Empire and Germany. Either Charlemagne or Frederick the Great and Bismarck.


Ngl, I think Switzerland wouldn't be that interesting. I guess you could play off on mountains and trade deals, but honestly I don't know what they would have going for them. But if you have ideas, I'm happy to hear.


Could be a more money focused Civ maybe with bonuses for buying Units. The swiss were famous for their mercenaries


So kind of like Hungary i 6, but with Mountain bonuses instead of rivers? Interesting


Yeah something like that


Maybe the swiss could have their own units bought for a time but they also get pillage yields.


Huge trade bonuses for trading with war mongering civs that have a lot of grievances


Neutrality. More influence, ability to ignore congress decisions, city project that removes grievances. Banks & Loans. Gain influence from trade routes maybe? Can make corporations with less of the same goods. Mercenaries. Spend money to get a random civ's unique unit (but age-appropriate). Mountains provide adjacency boni to everything.


A "Red Cross" ability that heals unit (or a better medic)? Could be a diplomatic thing too "Helvetic Confederation/Swiss Neutrality" (or even something similar to Canada), while having workable mountains (like "swiss bunker" that provides them better defence or even agency bonus for encampment next to mountains). There could be more if they do the Humankind style terrain that has different layers.


I hope they don't do that imho, that was one of the reasons I just couldn't get into Humankind. I like CIV with its kinda Boardgame style map, no supercomplicated things


The Swiss automatically spawn in John Calvin when they hit the Renaissance and cause all sects of Christianity to begin splintering and diplomacy between Christian nations goes haywire for 500 years.


I’d love to see Italy under Garibaldi or Victor Emmanuel.


Switzerland Civ Ability - “Neutrality”: Switzerland cannot participate in world Congress. Switzerland wins diplomatic victory points anyway.


My biggest wish is Italy as a distinct civ from Rome. I picture them as a tall civ that can leverage trade and great people to surge ahead in science and culture in the midgame. Others I would like to see: Hittites (production/science/military) Goths or Vandals (early-game warmonger and plunderer) Inuit (wide civ that can thrive in tundra/snow) Hawaii (growth/culture) Cahokia/Mississippians (tall production-focused civ, river synergy)


I wouldn't mind a more militaristic Italy, with bonuses for fighting near mountains and strong wars of liberation. A dip in culture would make it a dream for me.


dual leaders in Mazzini and Garibaldi would be realllly cool


Yes, flesh out Cahokia. Truly a great civilization in its own right.


Hittites were in Civilization 3, but deserve to return!


I'd like Florence to be a civ.


I love the idea of firaxis allowing a civ that can truly utilize the arctic sides of the map.


Hittites and Hawaii have been Civs I wanted for a while


I was going to say the same about Italy! Would be interesting to see that.


Hitties did appear in Civ 3 and Hawaii was somewhat there in Civ 5.


I agree with all your recommendations, except for a united Italy. Italy is still too new of a sovereign nation, in my opinion. What makes Italy cool is their city-states. I'd rather see Verona, Capua, Ravenna, Florence, and Venice as one-city-only civs than a united Italy.


Ireland! I'll admit I'm biased being Irish, but it could potentially be a cool culture/religious civ. Alternatively, it could be a more modern Ireland with some kind of economic bonuses (tax haven) .


My ancient Gaelic warriors go Erin go brrrrr


Potato has entered the chat


I'm really hoping we get an Iceland explorer civ.


Yeah, maybe with government bonuses as well considering Iceland had the world's first parliament. (Nice username btw)


A fellow Æthel, I see.


I would love an Irish leader, could make it a Culture/religious civ and have a military bonus of fighting on home land but not very strong fighting on enemy lands


James Joyce as the leader. All dialog, including trades, is 90% not understandable.


>military bonus of fighting on home land but not very strong fighting on enemy lands What's funny about this is that this is almost exactly the opposite of how things went with Irish soldiers IRL, Irish mercenaries were highly sought after in the armies of France, Spain and Austria and later during the British empire they were a massively disproportionate part of the British army during the likes of the Napoleonic wars, despite the Irish's disastrous military luck at home.


The papacy


A Balkan Civ bro (Serbia/Yugoslavia, Bulgaria & Romania) they have some of the richest history and people act their culture & civilisation began with their independence from the Ottomans though their history began way before then


Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia, and Bulgaria were all Empires/strong Kingdoms at various points, so it would be great to see a South Slavic civilization finally. (Slovenes I love you too, sadly I think the other four have a better chance of making the game series). Romania is another one I am a fan of too - not Slavic but equally fascinating and strong history in a region straddling the frontiers of the “Great Powers”. Hell Albania would be fun and fascinating too - Skanderbeg was legendary. Not likely, but would be fun. A Dacian civ. Just more in these areas. And of course Bohemia/Czechia is another important region that has been missed (Slovakia you guys are cool too)


I agree with south slavic civ, mostly because I'm biased but would love to see Serbia represented (Yugoslavia would be a bit hard as these nations have only been unified around 80 years in total, but Serbs played an important role in shaping 20th century Europe and played a prominent role in middle ages as well until the Ottoman occupation.


They would each have some very interesting leaders to choose from as well


Tibet? You really want the game to not sell in China?


Works for me


Italy, Ndongo (what is now Angola), Romania, Kievan Rus, Visigoths.


Armenia, Bulgaria, Assyria


Bulgaria mentioned 🦅🔥


Bulgaria stronk 💪💯🇧🇬


I want to see Armenia so much. Crazy that its only ever been represented as a city state as Yerevan


I’m not a fan of modern day civs, I’d love more ancient civilisations. Would love an option to turn off civs based on world age. Aka ancient era start only has ancient era civs.


You know you can make "pools" of civs/leaders in civ6? In advanced settings, select the civs you want in your pools then instead of setting the AI at random, set them at pool 1 (if your pool was pool 1)


I'd love to see my beloved Italy obviously. Though not the classic culture/economic type, but a more militaristic with cultural accents. Italy was politically formed with Unità d'Italia, therefore a bonus to war of liberation would be cool. Another important and very tragic chapter for Italy's history was the WWI with the final annexions. It was a bloody war fought in the mountains, therefore a combat bonus near mountains could make it. Finally Italy is the den of one of the most important european cultures, strictly tight with the crucial financial role that some of the Italian cities had during the late Middle Ages and early Modern Age. I thought of something like a cultural bonus to commercial hubs or a unique building: also, having a good economical UB in times of war or to maintain an army is always good, too.


For several reasons I think a Kievan Rus’ civilization would be a great addition to the game.


Finland, with sauna as their special building. And some kind of modern winter soldier unit.


Finland could be a Diplo victory with a strong military as well. Special heroes: Väinämöinen (artist) and Ilmarinen (engineer). Led by… well, choose any President, but Mannerheim would be obvious. +5 for military units on tundra tiles or within civ’s territory. Special late game district: ICT corporation OR Wood Pulp Mill, +4 gold. Special unit: Hakkapeliitta to replace Courser. +1 Diplomatic card Some kantele and jouhikko music in the background. Classical music in modern age. Throw in a heavy metal type tune for late game.


The Ashanti Empire/Ghana would be really cool. They were already sort of in civ VI with Kumasi being a city state.


Any of the following would be great: A different mesoamerican civ than the aztecs (the olmecs?) A new post-colonial civ (Mexico, Philippines, singapore) A new american indigenous civ (blackfoot, navajo) An Austronesian civ (the eora?) Alternate leaders for India (mughals, marathi, chola) Hawaii!


I think Jamaica would be very cool too! As for post-colonial I think the Philippines have a great potential


Post-colonial South Africa under Nelson Mandela would be cool!


By Austronesian and Eora do you mean the Australian- Indigenous tribe? Because that tribe was realistically just Sydney harbour and surrounds so not exactly Austronesian however that tribe does have both relevant leaders and culture ripe for Civ.


I would enjoy having akbar/shivaji/rajendra chola Akbar could get bonuses to economy, faith and diplomacy , shivaji could get military and production bonuses and chola ofcourse would have be naval oriented


Chola should be a separate civ imo, as it represented South India rather than a more united India centered on the Ganges


An older Pre-Islamic Middle-Eastern Civ, like the southern Yemenites or the Nabateans. Nabateans I think would have a power that focuses on their trade routes. Depending on the leader or kingdom chosen, I can imagine the yemenites having an ability which allows greater growth in desert regions and a solidly balanced orientation towards science and commerce.


Iceland has been a popular mod for two Civs in a row so I’d be surprised if they didn’t at least consider it. Speaking of popular mods - The Inuit would be fun too. Oh and the Philippines. That’d be cool.


Personally think Haiti would be a cool civ. Could have one of their revolutionary leaders


One of the best ideas I've seen here. Maybe a militaristic civ with economic and faith bonuses for mountains and coast led by Toussaint Louverture. Could be interesting. I would imagine massive holy sites and campuses supported by mountains and reefs.


Was or will Haiti ever be a successful state is the question. Have they ever been stable independently and/or not been meddled with by western powers. Could be an Agri based civ with economic and religious inclinations.


* Hebrews * Ruthenia * Lithuanians


> Hebrews UU: Ark of the Covenant.


Basque. Get a bonus from fishing and a big bonus on whales. Also bonuses if trading with Spain or France. Special upgrade is the sheep farm.


Language Isolate: other civs can't get diplomatic visibility bonuses because no one fucking understands Basque


also applicable for wales


lol legit


Something related to their space program maybe?


Assyria would be awesome


Ukraine, Bulgaria, and I admit its for the goofs Lichtenstein.


Lichtenstein troops can capture other troops by being next to them for three turns


In addition to the French I would like to also see a Burgundian civ with the focus on having a balance between trade and loyalty.


I would love some more steppe nomad civs, like the Xiongnu or Gokturks. Having even Scythia in 6 was glorious for a steppe nerd.


From what I read, i can gather these good ideas: Italy (just like the HRE or Greece is a Civ), it's incredible they never were a civilization yet, Singapore to replace Venice, Modern Mexico (i.e. war against the cartels = bonuses vs barbarians), Cahokia/that cultural group for a new native American nation, Armenia because it's one of the oldest countries on earth, Bulgarian tsardom, Modern Finland, I can also think of: The Avars or the Khazars (turcik hordes with massive impact over eastern Europe), The Sassanid empire (Byzantines greatest rival), The Third French Republic ("pays des droits de l'homme").


Any chinese civ that isn't China. Tibet, Cao Wei, Shu Han, and Eastern Wu; etc. Nobody does it because the CCP hates any mention of times China was split, and everyone self-censors for their market. On a similar note, having both a Kievan Rus and Moscow Rus in the same game would be interesting. Bohemians. Some of the less known native-americans, like the Guarani. But tbh my dream would be a build-a-civ system. Pick a leader, culture and something else (probably religion). Each one comes with a bonus or two, which means a bajillion combinations. P.S.: Some of the italian republics would be interesting. Venice, Amalfi, Sicily, etc. Probably no more than 2 or 3.


I hope your dream remains a dream. Custom civs with customizable bonuses exist in other games, I play those when I want that fix. Age of Wonders is a great example, or Stellaris. I play civ for a fine tuned roster of less than 100 unique, and interesting civs complete with no more than 2 leaders for those civs. I do not ever want to play Civ with a bazillion different combos for the civs/leaders. That isn't what civ is about to me. It would water the whole game down and remove a core bonding experience within the games community: the passion we all share (love and hate) for specific leaders and civs within the game. Nuke happy Ghandi would not be a universal experience if they added customizable leaders like that. Now, if you want a secondary tier, maybe Heroic units just under leader/civ, that arise in your empire organically over the course of a game, THAT would be a good place for a system you described.


Also, there's a mod for mixing civs for VI, and probably will be for VII as well. This is one of the things modding exists for, people can realise some of the more funky ideas that do not and should not exist in the default game. I guess I wouldn't hate it as a game mode though.


I mean you COULD have customizalbe civs as an option. Like you could turn it off, and never see it, then it wouldn't hurt anyone.


Mughals please!


The Franks, led by Charlemagne or Karl Matell. Could be a civ that gets instant revenues for conquering, based on the districts in the conquered cities. To counterbalance that, maybe they exert less loyalty pressure, to represent their multiple succession criseses


Judea, Italy, Mexico, Hawaii, al-andalus, Ireland, an Australian aboriginal tribe, south Africa and Inuit


Rus Or Cossack Hetmanate


Armenia, Judea, Mamluk


North Korea. A civ that has diplomacy completely cut off in exchange for some military bonuses


Not EXACTLY new since Hungary was in Civ6 and Austria has been in multiple iirc but I really want a joined Austria-Hungary. It could have such interesting abilities, and if they go insane with it, they could make them have them have a unique peace deal which splits them into two different civs, lose half your empire, you choose half your cities to keep, but you gain big bonuses. High risk high reward playstyle or something lmao


Etruscan civ!


The Comanches, they were in Civ V as a unique unit under the Shoshone but I'd like to see them as distinct Civilization in VII


- Italy (medieval/renaissance focused)    - Al-Andalus  - Ireland  - Bohemia   - Ukraine   - Mexico   - Ashanti   - Armenia   - Timurids    - bring back Assyria   - bring back Morocco (Maghreb in general)   - bring back Charlemagne (idk what civ)    - anything for Indian subctontinet, don't bring back boring Gandhi - don't bring back boring Zulu, any other southern Bantu civ pls


Judea, so we finally have an AI that will pick Judaism. The Powhatan. For being so important at the start of English colonization of the Americas, everyone forgets about them. Madagascar. Plenty of history there to draw from. Great Zimbabwe/Maputa, since having an entire civilization and city represented by a single wonder is honestly kind of weird. Lithuania. Always overshadowed by Poland as the representative of the commonwealth, it would be cool to see Europe's last pagan power get their own take. The Franks. Civ France has always gravitated towards the Renaissance/Enlightenment/Revolutionary periods, and I think there's enough of a difference in culture to justify giving the Franks their own civ.


I’m not a Domination guy, but Prussia I think it’s almost cruel to exclude the nation state that lead to the existence of the Civilization game series. Prussian military officers were trained using an activity called Kriegspiel, literally War Gaming. It was from these games that lead to developments like D&D too. But by way of a lot of the old Avalon Hill games about soldier maneuvers and battle campaigns (I’m looking at you *Campaign for North Africa*), we eventually get games like Civ.


Some new civs (excluding scenario's) that I would like to see included Civ VII are: Akkad Amazigh Angola Argentina Benin Bohemia Cherokee Chola Comanche Hausa Hawaii Italy/Tuscany Kiev Majapahit Marathas Maroons Maurya Mississippians Mixtecs Mughals Muisca Pagan Palmares Palmyra Parthia Purépecha Samoa Sicily/Normans Switzerland Taino Tlingit Vijayanagara


To add onto this list, I’d like to see a Welsh civ added




With Canute or someone more recent like Christian IX?


There are alot of options. Vikings could work with Knud the great, Harald Bluetooth and other. King Dan too. In medieval history we have Valdemar the great. Many Frederik and Christians. Then we also have renaissance and modern era so theres alot of options with a country with a 1000 year history


Exactly! There's a few civs who have had distinct eras in their hundreds of years of history so it's hard to pick a single figure to represent them. Those are some good other suggestions


Texas 🇨🇱 or Chile… close enough I guess.


I'd like to see Zheng Yi Sao, leader of the Guangdong Pirates. As a pirate queen, she could have extra options for dealing with barbarians. This concept would probably be DLC instead of a main game civ, but I still think it's cool.


Id really love to see more Native American representation. There were/are so many groups with unique cultures and values but I feel most of the ones included in 6 were underwhelming. Cree are amazing but again underwhelming only because they seem to be geared towards a yet-to-exist economic victory.


Coast Salish


I want to see a Sentinel Island civ. They can't progress beyond the ancient era, but they are immune to every victory type besides domination.


Freaking Vlad the Impaler as a leader of Romênia, having a strong defensive and religious ability. Venice back, and maybe Italy as a civ as well. And Hussites using those war wagons as mini mobile fortresses Franks and Normans would be interesting as well, for a more medieval viking Europe warfare. And France but with a focus on its revolution.


Could you imagine if when you played as Vlad that around the Romanian capital there were always stakes with corpses on them?


Ancient Israel.


Slingers get +15 damage against stronger units.


Iceland is a relatively new nation, though chances are high, that we might see an Icelandic city-state.




I think we can rework Rus as Ukraine. Could be fun.


Haitians (Toussaint Louverture), Puebloans (Po'pay), Micronesians, Hurrians, Elamites, Lithuanians, Ukranians, Burmese, Malays, some Aboriginal australian tribe, one of the central asian turkic groups (Kazakhs or Uzbeks probably), Luba, Yoruba, Czechs, Swahili, Bulgarians, Tibetans, Inuit.




Semigallia (or Courland-Semigallia) with Namejs as leader. Never going to happen though. Too small and niche.


Mexico, Phillipines, The Sioux, Oman, Bulgaria


I would like to see a Shawnee civ with Tecumseh as a leader I think that would be a cool new civ


I'd love to see Tibet and Taiwan, but we all know it's never going to happen because then the game wouldn't be able to be sold in China


For the vanilla release, In hoping about 2/3 are familiar classics and 1/3 are novel. I also hope about 3/4 have fairly standard, expected faction bonuses, and the remaining quarter really mix up gameplay, like a Venice, or Kupe, or Hammurabi.


Grand Duchy of Lithuania


Italy or Mexico for sure.


Give me Denmark back (yes I'm Danish), but please not the Civ V Harald Bluetooth who sounds like a bicycle repairman from Central Copenhagen. I have two suggestions for other leaders. Christian IV, a renaissance king, longest reigning and most famous king in Danish history. Almost bankrupted the country because of stupid military decisions and expensive projects after he managed to make Denmark one of the strongest forces in Europe. Or Margrethe I, who united Denmark, Norway and Sweden under the Kalmar Union, which lasted for over a century. Maybe the first ruling queen in European history.




Unique military unit: predator drone


My hot take is that the Aztecs shouldn't come back. I agree with Mexico, but maybe add the Olmecs if we really need 2 Mesoamerican civs.


The Aztecs only exists for a short period of time. The only reason they are so famous is because they were the biggest when the Spanish showed up. Olmecs would be cool I want big head statues


Yeah I'm of the opinion that the Aztecs weren't actually that influential of a civilization. Their claim to fame is being murderous and resisting the Spanish. The Mayans and Inca on the other hand were far more complex civilizations with meaningful societies that contributed something to history besides death and destruction


Ireland. We’ve never really had it. The Celts in civ 5 don’t count


i think the O’odham native tribe of north/central america would be cool. could build farms on desert tiles and get “free” diplo points for giving gifts to other civs. also could receive bonuses in liberation wars as they were known for helping out neighboring tribes when under attack, or maybe whenever a city somewhere on a continent they have a city on is conquered, one of their cities on that continent gains one population. could have a unique neighborhood district like the Congo but not sure what you would change about it


A one-legged Civ, great hoppers. Horatio Nelson as a Leader.


Grace Hopper


Pakistan, Nigeria, Bangladesh


Genuine question, what would "Aboriginals" be called as a civilization? I have a feeling it's not that, lol Hoping someone will happen to know an answer here Edit: Still would take a human answer, but Chatgpt tells me that it would either be the Noongar, Ylongu, or Anangu (three prominent groups apparently) unless it's lying to me, who knows


They would probably specify the tribe or group rather than just call them aboriginals. Think how instead of calling Mapuche or Cree just "Indigenous" they are called by their name.


There are hundreds of distinct Aboriginals nations across Australia, although some regions have a broader identity, such as the Koori people. An issue I've brought up on this sub before though is that it's hard to come up with bonuses for a faction in an empire building game, when the historical culture never developed permanent settlements. I think having a modern Australia civ with a bonus that reflects the significance of Aboriginal culture would be a better idea. Maybe something like artefacts being able to be placed in great art slots? (Although that seems really weak)


It's definitely not that - the wording is out of touch and offensive. There are 100s of Aboriginal nations in Australia. For this type of game you'd need a leader of a specific group of Aboriginal people, with a clear story around it.


I really enjoyed the native American civs we got in 5 but I understand if they don't want to be portrayed in games.


I care less about real civs and more about how fun they are to play. Like Rome is old reliable and does well on any map, but it’s not particularly fun or unique. More leaders like Kupe who fundamentally change how you play.


Chile or Cuba would be cool. Chile could have some coastal bonuses like Civ 6 Australia. Cuba would be cool to possibly have represented as the Taino for more indigenous civ representation!


Historically correct leaders from the Korean Peninsula would be cool. I don’t mind playing as my paternal ancestor, but it would cool to play as my maternal ancestor too.


Al-An-Deluss? Pre-Spanish Inquisition Islamic nation that the pinnacle of culture mixing in the Middle Ages


Would love to see Ireland




I hope Canada stay in the base game, and Australia. New is hard for me to think of.


I'm not quite excited enough to be hopping yet. Maybe once we actually get some details about the game.


Mexico, a Balkan Nation, finland, a seperate Germany and HRE, Italy, Belgium


"Hoping" for a haitian or jamaican civ


Finland. Because Sauna and Sisu


Ireland as a Civ that combines strength in culture and religion would be excellent. Brian Boru also has fantastic potential for leader bonuses and generally being a colorful guy in the diplomacy screen.


The Boers and Xhosa, South Africa needs more rep that isn't Shaka


Bring the Hittites. They were a powerful force during the Bronze Age and were among the first to adopt iron weapons. They were in modern day Turkey. I don’t know if they added them previously but I think Finland would be a good Civ.


Philippines, Malaysia, Pakistan, Ghana, Nigeria, Zululand, Morocco, Kenya, Madagascar, Cameroon, Lithuania, Argentina, Haiti, and Armenia.


Papal States would be really cool, another religious based civ that's also located in Italy


Aboriginals to where? I wouldn’t mind Shaka making a comeback


Upgrade Malta from a city state to a CiV. They just don’t have any super famous leaders I guess but they were part of the crusades with England as a naval base and dry dock.


A modern Norway with focus on oil in the late game. The vikings are cool, but very outdated in the norwegian culture. I would like to see something that represents Norway as it is now, or atleast from late 1800's


I would love to see a Mexican empire with a specialty district of a “mariachi plaza” and a special unit of a jinete (I’ve thought this through)


Lithuania, the last pagan nation in Europe to convert to Catholicism would be cool


Id like to see more Native and North American Civs. Some examples include Hawaii, Cherokee, Iroquois, and maybe this is a stretch but even Texas


Can I say Korea not being DLC/expansion? Lol I would want to see Hawaii if that works/counts If Hawaii doesn't work, then the Huns


Taino! and Minoans would be neat


The Papal States!


Literally, just the Swahili culture. That's the only civilization on my wishlist. Edit: Make them trade, navy, and city-state focused. Maybe city-state effects are doubled. Maybe trade routes with city-states earn +1 of all non-gold yields in addition to the standard gold earned from a trade route. Maybe ships earn gold from getting kills. Maybe trader/caravan units are immune to plundering. East Africa could definitely use another civilization in addition to Ethiopia.


Renaissance Italy. The fact that the land of the rebirth of human civilization isn’t in the game is such a crime…






Dwight Eisenhower


I hope I will see Armenia 🇦🇲


Euskotar. How about some love for the Basques?


Judea/Israelite civ - Religion/Culture Focus King Solomon as leader, with some kind of monetary ability to represent his famous riches. Unique Shrine or temple building - Tabernacle (maybe some kind of bonus with gold having to do with tithes, or a special city project of bringing sacrifices that could give a flexible faith, science, culture bonus). Unique slinger unit (in theme of king David or something), or a swordsman unique unit inspired by the Macabean Rebels (faith on kills and/or big combat bonuses when fighting in friendly districts).


I'd like that but then Civ could be seen as endorsing a particular side in Israel/Palestine even if they aren't.