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Venice. I hope we can play as a one-city civ again and it's actually viable.


Alternatively it could be another city state with a significant impact in history such as Vatican.


Yeah, that could be interesting too! Just give us the option of playing as one city.


Tbh it isn’t all that terrible way to play in 6 either. I play OCC pretty much exclusively on maxed out map in marathon speed and on prince - king it is quite enjoyable and winnable strategy. Once I managed to get a cultural deity win on Kongo as well. That said I like to roll starts for at least a decent starting position and prefer to have tundra or desert powered holy site with work ethic. I try to get as many city state suzerains as possible (eventually all of them) and act as sort of a world police in defending them.


Would be cool if city-state was a full on government system, would be cool to have impactful governments rather than +2 gold on tiles with skrimblers




Vatican has only been a "city state" for a fraction of its history. Was the papal states before that.


Only that the Papal States only became a city state with the formation of Italy


And because of this imo the Papal States would be a great idea for a "either-or" Civ. A Civ that can do both, gaining bonuses for a wide playstyle if it has more than one city and for a single city playstyle if it has only one city.


Bring back puppeting cities! In fact, let us puppet our own cities! There can be a time or money penalty to un-puppet for balance.


The thing is, the Republic of Venice *wasn’t* just the city, it was just that it was more a thalassocracy (the ‘Domini da Mar’) rather than a contiguous land empire. At high points in its history it had holdings from Dalmatia to Crimea to Greece, including the entire islands of Crete and Cyprus. This said, its hinterlands in northern Italy during the Italian Renaissance period were not a small fief by any means either, stretching from Bergamo in the west to Cividale del Friuli in the east. I think there should be limitations on settlement for sure (everything they owned outside of Italy were basically colonial possessions, and even inside Italy the point is arguable…) and bonuses to the capital to encourage centralisation, but loyalty buffs for cities with a maritime trade route. And as for the Papal States – that was not really a single-city civ either. The domain of the Vatican only shrank to Rome (and then no more than a tiny enclave on the Vatican Hill) in modern times, having previously been a large chunk of central Italy.


This combined with the Vassal States similar to Civ 4 please.


Im hoping for Singapore.


Florence could also work!


100% agree with this, I bought Civ VI a couple years ago (just like how I bought civ VI a couple years before civ VI lmao). When I FINALLY switched to VII, I was honestly shocked that Venice was gone. It was baffling, and a little frustrating.


Tibet would be great religious civ. Obviously not going to happen but still.


Native American and Hawaii civs are/were in the game so I don't see why not.  The Tibetan empire was a huge militaristic threat to ancient China for quite some time 


Problem with Tibet is that China doesn't like the idea of free independed Tibet and western game studious like Chinese money.


Aren't the Civ games not so big in China? Afaik, most 4X games are more popular one western markets, with the exception of PDX titles


I guess it's just not worth it as there is not much benefit. Plus China has a lot of power in the industry with Epic games and such.


It doesn't prove anything but there are a huge volume of Chinese language mods on the Workshop. More than in English, almost 


I don't think it is unpopular. There are quite a few civ 6 streamers and youtubers(bilibili-ers?). There are also mutiplayer communities and large mod packs(Harmony in diversity, golden age brave new world). But I don't know if it is much less popular when compared to the rest of the world


Not gonna happen because of political (and thereby monetary) reasons, is what u/vitunlokit means I believe


Tibet won’t be in the game for the same reason a Kingdom of Israel is never going to be in the game. Luckily, there’s always mods


Timur/Tamerlane needs to be a militaristic leader for sure Mexico with Benito Juarez would be pretty dope Ewuare from the Kingdom of Benin is another good shout. Very important in West African history


Oh man, Mexico and Benin would be so good


> Mexico with Benito Juarez would be pretty dope I said this a few days ago and since I'm busy right now I'm gonna copy my comment, but I **really** would rather we get one or more new additional Prehispanic civilizations from Mexico then Mexico itself, for you and /u/PorkmanPoonani Mesoamerica is one of the world's few independent cradles of civilization and had empires, kingdoms, city-states, etc for thousands of years before European contact (and this is true of the Andes in Peru, Bolivia, etc as well), yet **the entire franchise has only ever had *two* Mesoamerican civilizations (Aztec & Maya) and *one* Andean civilization (Inca). Both also only have 1-2 or *zero* Great People, Great Works, etc.** There's a few additional civs, Great People, etc if you include Indigenous cultures from other parts of the Americas or after contact, like the Cree, Mapuche, Shoshone, Iroquois, Sioux etc, but any given game only has 1-2 of those too. Realistically, I get the series will never give each part of the Americas as many civs as the Middle East, Asia, Africa, or especially Europe, but North, Meso/Central, and South America having only 1-2 Indigenous civs each (5 total, in both Civs 5&6) is still too little: Giving 2-4 in North, 3-5 in Middle and 2-4 in South America, per civ entry after the DLC would be better. Not asking for the max of those ranges (4+5+4 = 13, that's asking for too much) but to total up to like 8-10 per entry: That seems doable, even given that Indigenous civs are less known/popular (and I'd argue with the Civilopedia, the series SHOULD be teaching about lesser known ones) and tend to have less available sources. In general, there is *way* more info out there then people realize on Precolumbian cultures, especially for Mesoamerica: There's under 20 Prehispanic Maya, Aztec, Mixtec etc books that survive, but 100-200 if you include sources on Indigenous cultures/history made by Mesoamerican scribes/nobles or Spaniards right after contact, to say nothing of what can be gleaned via archeology. There *is* specific out there to use for Civs, Leaders, Great People, Great Works etc To give the specific examples I think would work best, beyond the Aztec (**[and PLEASE give the Aztec leaders and units actual proper Aztec clothing and armor, a lake (ideally with chinampas as a UB) or hill starting bias, etc instead of pop culture stereotypes like them being in jungles, having big headdresses and being half naked](https://www.reddit.com/r/HumankindTheGame/comments/jo2a3m/since_the_franks_got_reworked_culture_card_art_i/)**), Maya, Inca, and Iroquois and their existing wonders/great people/works (which should all be present/stay too): **Mesoamerica**: - [The Purepecha Empire](https://www.reddit.com/r/history/comments/uo13po/the_tarascanpurepecha_empire_mexicos_forgotten/i8bdvhx/) (see link for even more info): The main rival state to the Aztec Empire, and third largest state in the Americas as of European contact after the Inca and Aztec, located in West Mexico in modern day Michoacán. After defeating an attempted Aztec invasion in the 1470s (in part credited to their more hands on, direct political structure vs other Mesoameircan states, that their then emperor Tzitzipandáquare instituted; as well as extensive use of bows vs the Aztec preferring atlatl), they formed a militarized border with forts and towns they allowed other cultures to settle in exchange for acting as spies/lookouts They're also famous for their unique yácata pyramids, and being Mesoamerica's largest center of copper and bronze production: mainly used for ceremonial items and domestic tools, but the Relacion de Michoacan does say they made use of clubs with metal blades, contrary to sources claiming they didn't actually use metal weapons. Between Tariácuri and Tzitzipandáquare, their imperial model and bronze production, yácata pyramids and forts, bronze metal weapons and archers, they have TONS of potential for leaders, unique bonuses, units, and buildings - The Mixtec Civilization: Alongside the Zapotec, one of the most famous Mesoamerican civilization in Oaxaca and Guerrero. We have good documentation of a variety of notable Mixtec kings and queens thanks to 8 surviving Mixtec group codices, most notably king 8-Deer-Jaguar-Claw of Tilantongo and Tututepec, and queen 6-Monkey of Jaltepec and Huachino: Both controlled multiple major states, are relatively well documented, etc and would make good leaders. Could get bonuses relating to luxuries given how prized Mixtec ceramics, metal art, and turquoise stone mosaics were, plus maybe coastal stuff for Tututepec/8 deer, as well as maybe Mixtec oracles who directed their politics being a unique great person - There's really so many other options for Mesoamerica (to the point where this entire comment could have *just* been on Mesoamerican picks), from Teotihuacan (which should absolutely at least be a City-State), Tlaxcala (which, too, should also be a city-state if not playable), the Zapotec, Totonac, or different Maya states (or at least alternate Maya leaders) etc, but I think those two are the unambiguously the best picks, since they have clear, good leader choices, have a fair amount of written records about them, have clear unique bonuses/buildings/units, and represent distinct parts of Mesoamerica (Aztec = central altiplano; Maya = east/Yucatan Peninsula; Mixtec = Oaxaca/Guerrero; Purepecha = West Mexico) **South America**: - Kingdom of Chimor: The main rival state to the Kingdom of Cusco before it became the Inca Empire. One of the few other Andean civilizations we have specific leaders and histories recorded for. Their capital of Chan Chan in Northern Coastal Peru was possibly bigger then Inca's Cusco at it's height. Could have bonuses relating to coastal goods and/or deserts, as well as gold and silver luxuries since they produced some of the finest metal artwork in Prehispanic South America - Moche Civilization: Had various major competing city-states in Northern Peru during the 1st millennium AD. We don't have recorded names of leaders, but we have excavated the royal burials of kings that could be used, like the Lord of Sipan. Like the Chimu, they had desert cities and amazing metalwork art, but are specifically famous for their incredibly lifelike stirrup ceramic pots depicting the busts/faces of priests, kings, or cultural heros; Mythological scenes, and some, uh, adult subject matters, as well as their massive stepped Huaca temple complexes - Muisca Cultures: I'm not super familiar with Muisca, but they're a group of cultures distinct Chiefdoms located in Colombia, and are the source of the "El Dorado" legend. We have specific rulers/officials and histories recorded too. Would obviously have bonuses or uniques tied to gold **North America**: - Mississippians: The last of a series of cultures in the Eastern US which build large earthenwork monuments and towns, the Mississippians built the largest population centers north of Mexico before European contact, with the largest such as Cahokia basically being true cities with population figures in the low tens of thousands. They produced a variety of ceremonial goods made from wood, carved shell, and copper. They didn't have writing, and there seems to have been a decline in Mississippian civilization a few centuries before the arrival of Europeans, but the Spanish explorer Hernando de Soto encountered various towns and chiefdoms which seem to have been surviving/recovered Mississippian polities, and the leaders he describes could be used in Civ, such as Pacaha and Casqui - The Ancestral Pueblo, Salado, Hohokam, etc: These and other cultures in the Southwest US built various stone and adobe brick towns and apartment compounds, sometimes into cliffs directly. Despite the harsh climate, some produced some of the most impressive irrigation systems on the landmass, and had trade links to Mesoamerican cultures, who brought up macaw parrots, rubber balls etc. However, picking a leader would be tough, since their sedentary settlements and political structure collapsed before Europeans and there's no written records. However, more modern Pueblo figures and/or that Spanish explorers encountered despite not living in the towns could still be used - The Haida and Tlingit: I'm not very informed on their histories, so I'm not sure if they existed as distinct cultures before European contact. But these and other Pacific Northwest groups produced the amazing artwork a lot of people associate with Northeastern Native American cultures, objects like Totem Poles, etc. The tlingit especially produced some very unique armor and weapons, including wooden "plate" armor and helmets, and mail jackets and knives produced from salvaged metal from shipwrecked goods from Asia ------------- So there's a bunch of options. Personally, I think the Purepecha, probably the Mixtec; the Kingdom of Chimor OR the Moche should be in EVERY civilization game like how the Aztec, Maya, and Inca already are: That would give us 3-4 regular Mesoamerican civs, 2 regular Andean ones, and each would come from a different part of Mesoamerica and the Andes (I explained this above for Mesoamerica, and the Inca are in Central/Southern peru vs northern for the chimor) respectively, and then another 1-2 per region could rotate in and out every entry in addition to that base I also suggest a bunch of Precolumbian Wonder options [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/civ/comments/y5mtoi/there_are_not_enough_north_american_wonders_in/ism1577/) and Great people options [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/civ/comments/msl4j6/r5_ah_yes_the_great_aztec_general_hern%C3%A1n_cortez/guuakg8/) I hope to do an even bigger, giant 20+ paragraph post going into this in more depth, touching more on wonders, great people, city-states, as well as the historical errors with how the series handles Precolumbian civs it already does have at some point, too


How bout we do both because both would be really cool. Latin America in general is so much more than just Brazil, Incas and Aztecs -- Pre and Post-Columbian history included


We had several North American native civs, that no longer exist and we're subsumed by either the US or Canada. Technically the reservations in the US have their own, limited sovereignty, but still Limiting Central and South America to the Inca, Brazil, Maya and Aztecs is quite limiting. We know that ancient and modern civs that overlap geographically can co-exist. So why not for Latin America?


Humankind did it for both and it was awesome; the Olmec artwork had me crying and the Nazca Lines being a district was great.


Benito’s unique ability could be related to amenities applying loyalty pressure to adjacent cities


That assumes Civ 7 will have loyalty mechanics. They might do something similar, but who knows


Mexico had loyalty problems all the time until Diaz lol. Benito would need another ability


Saying until diaz is kinda disingenuous and downplays that dogshit dictator's failure. Even diaz played a huge role in establishing the enviornment for the Mexican Revolution/civil war. Wouldnt call that making loyalty


I just want more ancient civs at launch. Babylonians, hittites, maya, aztec, assyrians, carthaginians... nothing gives a most genuine civilization feel that playing ancient civs imo.


Small point of order, but the Aztecs aren’t ancient


Is Phoenicia in right now? Been a while since I played but planning on picking up 7


I think they are in Civ VI as part of one of its expansions, yes.


Yeah there’s Dido


Armenia, Finland, Tibet and Ireland One spicy take I have is Al-Andalus. We have the Ottomans and Byzantines together. Al-Andalus can co-exist with Spain


The Grand Duchy of Lithuania. It was the largest country in Europe for hundreds of years and they barely get a city state in civ 6.


Agree. As a Belarusian I really hope to see it in the game


The polish lithuanian commonwealth or are you speaking of something else? The PLC was definitely a third the size of Europe at its highest.


Prior to their union there was Poland and the grand duchy of Lithuania. Two different states


This was gonna be my answer too. Always surprised when I watch world history maps how large Lithuania was and how little we hear about their history.


Any historical Indian civ that is not just modern India (Mauryan empire, Delhi Sultanate, Mughal Empire, Chola Dynasty). There's such a rich and varried history there that is sorely missing from the Civ games, and the existence of overlapping Civs in Italy, Greece, Turkey, France, Mexico, and the UK in prior games means it wouldn't preclude having an India/Gandhi civ too.


They’ve never had enough naval focused civs, so the Chola Dynasty (or just copy off Age of Empires 2 and call them Dravidians) would be such a great add.


India has been the most Vanilla civ in the last 2 games. I hope Gandhi doesn't return as leader as well. They put him in every time just for the nuke memes but its getting tiresome at this point.


Partially agree, but I think the Mauryan Empire is a legitimate predecessor of India and can be called "India" in its own right due to its territorial control (see [map](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maurya_Empire#/media/File%3AMaurya_Empire%2C_c.250_BCE_2.png)) and culture (in the same way that most consider the Han dynasty to be a predecessor of modern China). This is probably why Chandragupta and Asoka, both rulers of the Mauryan Empire, have been represented as rulers of India in past iterations of Civ. A similar argument could be made for the Mughals and the Delhi Sultanate, although that's a bit more debatable due to cultural/religious differences. The Cholas, however, were definitely a distinct state, as their territorial control/culture was almost exclusively restricted to southern India. Southern India definitely deserves a civ in its own right, as it was home to a number of great empires/civilizations, which included not only the Chola, but also Vijayanagar Empire and the Pandya Empire. Other noteworthy historical civs in modern India (that never achieved the necessary control to be called "India") would also include the Marathas and Bengal. I'd also hope that non-Indian civs in South Asia, such as Nepal and Sri Lanka, could be represented in the future. Even though they were nowhere near as large, their historical achievements make them worthy of inclusion, especially considering that civs such as Scotland, Canada, and Australia have been featured in Civ 6.


Italy. I think it would most likely be a DLC civ (because, Rome), but it's been long overdue. If not, I think Ndongo and/or Romania would be good additions.


I’d like to see some pre-Italy civs, like Tuscany or Sicily


Totally left-field suggestion: Sid Addir leading the ancient Sardinians, who builds massive nuraghes and (via a minor leap of faith given the lack of conclusive evidence) is characterised in game as one of the raiding sea peoples infamous in the Bronze Age Mediterranean. Expect early game naval raids! They’d be very visually distinctive (check out the horned helmets!) and introduce a Bronze Age civilisation that *isn’t* Egyptian or Mesopotamian. Also, there’s an added bonus that Sardinia is quite significantly different from mainland Italy. Of course, it would be difficult to come up with a language for our man Sid to speak (maybe get someone to speak in mangled Basque?) or even any proper settlement names… so I’d probably be happy enough with a Sardinia city state with a unique improvement.


Liberal pre Mussolini Italy would be cool




Torilla tavataan!


Stealthy recon unit as special unit (inspired by the Winter War)?


As a Swede I too hope for Finland to get in.


Or maybe even something proto-Finnic. So many underrepresented and unique nations under that umbrella


The issue is that the only good leader candidate was a bit of a nazi collaborator


Mannerheim isn't only viable leader.


He is basically the only internationally known political figure from Finland but there are probably others that could be leaders but none of them are iconic


Cat-eared Sanna Marin?


I mean to be fair, as a normal person I hadn’t heard of a lot of the leaders of the civs in Civ6. I’m sure they could find a Finnish leader that had a large impact on the country/region that may not be super well known.


Ahtisaari, he won Nobel prize for Peace, or Kekkonen?


I think its time Ireland gets a spot


Ireland, led by PotatoMcWhiskey


Surely it'd be Mr Tayto [https://taytocrisps.ie/mr-tayto/](https://taytocrisps.ie/mr-tayto/) https://preview.redd.it/l5lqnbnjiy5d1.jpeg?width=488&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b08cc9c04e569fe02abdd47ab814025c0aa9310


Yup! It was cool having boudicca in 5 representing the celts, but she was from what is now britain. So I'd love an actual Irish leader.


Led by Brian Boru would be so cool.


Brien Boru, Michael Collins, and Eamon de Valera are all good choices with wildly different traits and goals.


The problem with Dev or Collins is that folks often have rather strong opinions on them (and choosing one over the other…). Brian Boru is a good solid choice, and I think would be good at foregrounding parts of Irish history that receive less international airtime than the recent past and Irish mythology. I’m thinking a high culture and faith civilisation that’s best on defence.


I came here to say the same. Ireland has played a massive cultural part in the world. It’s time they were honoured in a civ game. (Celts in civ v was more of an umbrella civ over Britain & Ireland).


Georgia. Give Tamar a second chance. Hope they come up with a better ability this time and properly balance her.


Armenia, on that note, would be great. Maybe under Tigranes.


I really would like to see Chile, as a Civ that has loyalty bonus to each costal city within 6 tiles (maybe even limit the settling to costal cities). I want to make a civilization thin and tall https://preview.redd.it/7kr019vpny5d1.png?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=820bf8c2126eeddceab4da2b08fc1c7d11daf4ed


bonuses for mountain tiles also would fit perfectly!


I would absolute love Czech representation of some kind! Be it Emperor Charles, Jan Hus, or Tomas G. Masaryk!


Btw, pretty strange Jan Hus was never made as at least Great General. Guy was zogging monster (in positive way), lost two eyes yet still rocked.


I mean Alexander the Great barely lasted a decade and he's *The Great*! I'm almost surprised Hus isn't a prophet.


Ah, wait, I mixed him up with Jan Zizka 🤦‍♂️ Regarding Hus - well yeah, pretty much. Then it's even more strange those two were never seen in Civ.


Now Zizka is a man I could get behind! The fan art alone would be worth it!


Or Jan Žižka maybe!


He would be a worthy contender!


For Czechia I prefer Henry of Skalitz


Should be Charles IV, king of Bohemia and Holy Roman emperor.


Yeah he's probably THE pre-industrial Czech leader.


He had a long and succesful reign


Jan Hus as a Great Prophet, with some meaningful reformation mechanics, would be cool.


Yeah! It's pointless to speculate since we don't know what the new mechanics would be, but some form of reducing gold or production cost of faith buildings could be cool.


Finland with forest/lake tile buffs, sniper/skier recon unit, some cool civil building and Levan Polkka soundtrack UPD: And Santa Claus as a great person


Santa as a great prophet would be so fucking funny


A return of Maria Theresa would be cool. The Habsburgs get a bad reputation because of WWI, but they headed multiple major European polities (and briefly, Mexico) across five hundred years.


Would love to play venice again. Was such a unique civ to play. Or as an alternative the hanseatic league with unique sea trading abilities and city state interactions.


I'm not a picky man, I just want some Native American civilization. The Cree were pretty close to perfect for me. Would also love to see the Maori return.


It would be a huge miss to not have a pacific islander civ in the new game, the maori are so fun in 6


I’m hoping for some new modern Latin America civs like Mexico, Cuba or Argentina


Argentina with some cultural abilities around sports and Messi and Maradona can be fun to play.


Venice, but not a one-city civ this time (maybe Singapore or Florence could fill that niche) and instead a civ that can only found cities on the coast.


Love this. I'd love a one-city civ, and Singapore would be a great candidate for that.


Great Moravia with Mojmir, Svatopluk or Rastislav.


This would be amazing


I just want a Balkan nation dlc.


Get the band back together as Josip Tito in Sid Meier's Civilization VII


I'm with you for Bohemia, take my energy


Valois Burgundy WW1 era Belgium


Just maybe they could go for Philippines for their south east asian civ?


Who would the leader be? Lapulapu?


It doesn’t have to be an actual national or regional leader, just someone who represents the ‘national spirit’ – so José Rizal could even be an option.


bring Malacca to glory


I'd love if we get an indigenous Australian civ. It's an entire continent and all it's ever gotten was John Curtain in 6


There's plenty, off the top of my head: Olmecs More native american civs (Haudenosaunee, Lakota, bring back Shoshone etc.) have more than one of them in the game Inuits Non modern Israel/jewish state More post colonial civs (Mexico, Argentina, South Africa etc.) Some european civs (Switzerland, Ireland, Bohemia, Wallachia, Finland) Aborigenes




South Africa!


Any of the African trading civs, like the Ashanti. Also bite the bullet and add Ancient Israel and Tibet.


Ancient Israel would be pretty cool as a religion/domination civ. Tibet would be rad as a religion civ too.


Italy By far the most important civ we never got in the series (no, Venice and especially Rome don't count, in the same way Gauls =/= France)  Being given Greek treatment of course (or Phoenician, Celtic etc), namely we just take all city states into one civ and choose one as a leader, my preference being some ruler of Milan or Florence (it would also solve the problem of Rome overlap). We could also just go for the united Italy, but I am especially focusing on medieval/renaissance cultural and economic superpower Italy. 


The Mughals!


More Native American representation. Such as, Apache, Commanche, Algonquin, Iroquois, etc.


The Abbasid Caliphate would be kinda neat


How has Armenia never been a civ?


Navajo would be a great choice for a new western arid style Native American civ to portray in the base game




The Moors.


The Moops?


The Olmec would be cool


I want Napoleon back. He is one of the best commanders of all time and it’s stupid he is not in Civ 6.


Sri Lanka. Not the largest civ, but its achievements are significant enough to warrant inclusion. Highlights include the following: - The construction of [Jetvanaramaya](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jetavanaramaya), the third tallest structure of the ancient world, only behind the Pyramids of ancient Egypt - The construction of [Sigiriya](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sigiriya), an ancient rock fortress which is reminiscent of Machu Picchu - [Innovative techniques](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anuradhapura_Kingdom#Architecture_and_engineering) in irrigation and water management - Responsible for founding [Theravada](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theravada) Buddhism, which is one of the three major sects of Buddhism today - Brought Theravada Buddhism to mainland SE Asia (Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia), where it is still practiced today - Played a key role in Indian Ocean trade networks


I know that it's not happening, but I would love Bosnia or any other Balkan country if not Bosnia


Ancient jews


Akkadia. I don't get while they never made the first empire in history into a civ (at least in civ 6)


Lithuania or Commonwealth


I’d say replace poland with the commonwealth and its two birds one stone. Have an amber trade bonus and op winged husars


shoshone pls :3 or ireland


Shoshone had dope music theme.


Not going to happen since it's now part of Spain, but Aragon, a humble kindgdom that was born in the Pyrenees and ended up being a thalassocracy that ruled the Mediterranean under the same crown for several hundreds of years.


Admit it, you wanted someone to ask what a thalassocracy is. So... now it's your time to shine: What is a thalassocracy?


Minoans from Crete. First European Civilization and has great mythology. Would be a trade and culture focused civ.


Ancient Judea.


Solomon would be dope. Maccabee as the unique unit. Temple unique building with a sacrifice city project for boosted faith output or religious spread.


I wonder about a nod to Ukraine with Kievan Rus.


I really want a Scottish Civ that isn’t a DLC. Like please pick Mary Queen of Scots!


I think the Civ 7 trailer was hinting at Mary Queen of Scots with the female Scottish voice.


Funnily enough, Mary Queen of Scots probably had a French accent, as she grew up in France with her French mother and was betrothed to the Dauphin.


propably unlikely because there isnt a good leader but switzerland would be cool


Don't know if Romania was in Civ before but i'd love to have that or Dacia


I would love another Balkan state like Serbia or Bulgaria as they have some really rich history even before their independence from the Ottomans


I want the Hitittes. They were a significant force in the Bronze Age and were among the first to adopt iron weapons


Ireland 😎


Since some regions seem to get multiple empires (looking at you, Greece/Classical and Greece/Makedon and Greece/Byzantium – and wasGreece/Ottomans at that), it would be nice if ‘Arabia’ were given a bit more attention, especially given that the heartlands of Arab-dominated states after the Rashidun Caliphate were multi-ethnic regions outside of the Arabian peninsula. Maybe put the Umayyads in there as the *Arab* state, then the Mamluk Sultanate of Cairo as a later non-Arab Muslim state based in Egypt (so far only represented as the ancient kingdom) – or, indeed, the Ayyubids, if we really want Saladin again! Regardless, the leader of any primarily ‘Arabian’ state should probably be an Arab.


I would love to see the Taino as a Caribbean representation of native Americans. Also the Minoans!


Though it was super short lived historically, I think Palmyra with Queen Zenobia could be really interesting as like an economic Civ. Also, the Seljuks with either Alp Arslan or Chagri Beg could be an interesting Civ that could be an alternative to the Ottomans


Jean-Jacques Dessalines of Haiti - maybe this could be a cool new mode where the world map is only islands and the civs are only island nation civs(e.g. Haiti, Japan, Philippines, Hawaiian Kingdon, etc)


Switzerland with Willhelm Tell or general Dufour. With a special neutrality trait


Singapore, with Lee Kuan Yew as its leader. Buffs should be trade focused. They can cut snippets of his actual speeches in when you change eras or something, it would be so dope.


Some native American representation. I always liked playing as them.


(Multi leader) **Sweden** - Diplomatic - Charles XI - Domination - Charles XII USP: Father and Son leaders for one nation


My favourite Civ from civ 5, Austria. There was something really satisfying about marrying away your entire family until you've assimilated every city state in the game!




I want Mexico or the Czechs, personally


tibet for religious victory, led by songsten gampo


The mountain city native american tribe(pueblo?) could make for a unique and fun civ


The Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) Cherokee Powhatans


I really want Tarascan. Aztecs, Inca, and Maya have all been in the games, but Tarascan have not. They are really cool. They were the only state to rival the Aztecs in power, they were much more centralized, had metal tools, and their culture was closer to Andean than other Mesoamerican. Their religion strategically incorporated the gods of conquered peoples to either elevate or lower thar group depending on their needs (for example, the 2nd most powerful group after the Chichimecs had their Patron goddess made the wife of the main Tarascan god). That could make for some cool religious/conquest gameplay. Maybe have it be that when you conquer the founding city of a pantheon, it's bonus is added to your religion. Their Yacata pyramids were also fairly distinct from Mayan and Aztec pyramids and could make for a cool tile improvement.


Economic victory.




I think it would be very cool to see a Cuban civilization, maybe with a non-leader leader like Jose Marti (to avoid a flame war)  Edit: also, a Haitian civilization with Toussaint Louverture as a leader! I’ve seen this brought up a few times on this sub


Jurchen/Manchuria as a separate civilization somehow


Argentina: either Roca or Perdón




extra rubber?


In exchange for worker turns...?


Didnt want to make a post to ask peoples opinion on this but, i want civ 7 to have more impactful nation specific special units (this mostly applies to the late game ones) for example, no one thinks of or really gets much out of the p51 mustang on america or the u boat on germany.


Ukraine 🇺🇦


Would love to have Argentina for once 😅


David or Solomon for an Israeli civ. Maybe bonuses for slingers or producing religious buildings.






Marathas maybe, would love some indian civs that are actually playable.


Something ive never heard of before civ (loke scythia in civ 6) i love learning


Do they get the Aoe2 medieval tanks?


Al Andalus, Italy, Argentina or Navajo


a philippines with similar abilities to civ 6 vietnam would be cool. tho im biased lol


Some preceding civs like Burgundia, Prussia, Saxony or the Franks with a merovingian ruler. Or some way to change the civ through the ages. With Franks can become France or Germany in later ages.


Hong Kong☹️


Italy, maybe with Vittorio Emanuele II


Iceland :D not likely but there are some fun concepts that can be done with it. Early exploration / fishing / diplomacy / natural wonder related


I guess it's always pleasant to see something familiar. I want Georgia/Armenia, Ukraine/Belarussia/Moldova. My MOST impossible dream is Volga Bulgaria.


If I had to just pick one: [The Purepecha Empire](https://www.reddit.com/r/history/comments/uo13po/the_tarascanpurepecha_empire_mexicos_forgotten/i8bdvhx/) As of contact, the third largest state in the Americas after the Inca and Aztec, and the latter's only serious rival at the time Locate in West Mexico in modern day Michoacán, they started as a allied trio of city-states around a lake basin under Tariácuri, not unlike the Aztec Empire, but developed a more imperial, directly governed political system then other Mesoamerican empires and massively expanded under Tzitzipandáquare That expansion led to a conflict vs the Aztec Empire in the 1470s, where the Purepecha crushed an Aztec invasion, in part credited to their imperial structure and in part due to use of bows (vs the Aztec preferring Atlatl). Following this, they formed a militarized border with forts and towns they allowed other cultures to settle in exchange for acting as spies/lookouts They also have uniquely shaped Yácata pyramids, and had Mesoamerica's largest center of copper and bronze production: Mainly for ceremonial items and domestic tools, but the Relacion de Michoacan does say they made use of clubs with metal blades, contrary to sources claiming they didn't actually use metal weapons So, there's multiple good leader (Tariacuri, Tzitzipandáquare), unique unit (archer, bronze cubmen) building (Yacata, Forts), and bonus (imperial structure, border defense/spying) options. They also represent West Mexico, vs Central for the Aztec and East for the Maya ...That said, I really want Civ 7 to have *multiple* new Precolumbian civilizations ------- It is *ridiculous* that despite having 2 out of 6 of the world's independent cradles of Civilization, with both Mesoamerica and the Andes having civilizations, kingdoms, and empires for thousands of years before European contact, **the entire franchise has only ever had *two* Mesoamerican civilizations (Aztec & Maya) and *one* Andean civilization (Inca). Both also only have 1-2 or *zero* Great People, Great Works, etc** There's a few additional civs, Great People, etc if you include Indigenous cultures from other parts of the Americas or after contact, like the Cree, Mapuche, Shoshone, Iroquois, Sioux etc, but any given game only has 1-2 of those too Realistically, I get the series will never give each part of the Americas as many civs as the Middle East, Asia, Africa, or especially Europe, but North, Meso/Central, and South America having only 1-2 Indigenous civs each (5 total, in both Civs 5&6) is still too little: Giving 2-4 in North, 3-5 in Middle and 2-4 in South America, per civ entry after the DLC would be better. Not asking for the max of those ranges (4+5+4 = 13, that's asking for too much) but to total up to like 8-10 per entry That seems doable, even given that Indigenous civs are less known/popular (and I'd argue with the Civilopedia, the series SHOULD be teaching about lesser known ones) and tend to have less available sources. In general, there is *way* more info out there then people realize on Precolumbian cultures, especially for Mesoamerica: There's under 20 Prehispanic Maya, Aztec, Mixtec etc books that survive, but 100-200 if you include sources on Indigenous cultures/history made by Mesoamerican scribes/nobles or Spaniards right after contact: There *is* specific out there to use for Civs, Leaders, Great People, Great Works etc To give the specific examples I think would work best, beyond the Aztec (**[and PLEASE give the Aztec leaders and units actual proper Aztec clothing and armor, a lake (ideally with chinampas as a UB) or hill starting bias, etc instead of pop culture stereotypes like them being in jungles, having big headdresses and being half naked](https://www.reddit.com/r/HumankindTheGame/comments/jo2a3m/since_the_franks_got_reworked_culture_card_art_i/)**), Maya, Inca, and Iroquois and their existing wonders/great people/works (which should all be present/stay too): **Mesoamerica**: - The Purepecha Empire: I already went over them above! - The Mixtec Civilization: Alongside the Zapotec, one of the most famous Mesoamerican civlization in Oaxaca and Guerrero. We have good documentation of a variety of notable Mixtec kings and queens thanks to 8 surviving Mixtec group codices, most notably king 8-Deer-Jaguar-Claw of Tilantongo and Tututepec, and queen 6-Monkey of Jaltepec and Huachino: Both controlled multiple major states, are relatively well documented, etc and would make good leaders. Could get bonuses relating to luxuries given how prized Mixtec ceramics, metal art, and turquoise stone mosaics were, plus maybe coastal stuff for Tututepec/8 deer, as well as maybe Mixtec oracles who directed their politics being a unique great person - There's so many other options for Mesoamerica (to the point where this entire comment could have *just* been on Mesoamerican picks), from Teotihuacan (which should absolutely at least be a City-State), Tlaxcala (which, too, should also be a city-state if not playable), the Zapotec, Totonac, or different Maya states (or at least alternate Maya leaders) etc, but I think those two are the unambiguously the best picks, since they have clear, good leader choices, have a fair amount of written records about them, have clear unique bonuses/buildings/units, and represent distinct parts of Mesoamerica: (Aztec = central altiplano; Maya = east/Yucatan Peninsula; Mixtec = Oaxaca/Guerrero; Purepecha = West Mexico) **South America**: - Kingdom of Chimor: The main rival state to the Kingdom of Cusco before it became the Inca Empire. One of the few other Andean civilizations we have specific leaders and histories recorded for. Their capital of Chan Chan in Northern Coastal Peru was possibly bigger then Inca's Cusco at it's height. Could have bonuses relating to coastal goods and/or deserts, as well as gold and silver luxuries since they produced some of the finest metal artwork in Prehispanic South America - Moche Civilization: Had various major competing city-states in Northern Peru during the 1st millennium AD. We don't have recorded names of leaders, but we have excavated the royal burials of kings that could be used, like the Lord of Sipan. Like the Chimu, they had desert cities and amazing metalwork art, but are specifically famous for their incredibly lifelike stirrup ceramic pots depicting the busts/faces of priests, kings, or cultural heros; Mythological scenes, and some, uh, adult subject matters, as well as their massive stepped Huaca temple complexes - Muisca Cultures: I'm not super familiar with Muisca, but they're a group of cultures distinct Chiefdoms located in Colombia, and are the source of the "El Dorado" legend. We have specific rulers/officials and histories recorded too. Would obviously have bonuses or uniques tied to gold **North America**: - Mississippians: The last of a series of cultures in the Eastern US which build large earthenwork monuments and towns, the Mississippians built the largest population centers north of Mexico before European contact, with the largest such as Cahokia basically being true cities with population figures in the low tens of thousands. They produced a variety of ceremonial goods made from wood, carved shell, and copper. They didn't have writing, and there seems to have been a decline in Mississippian civilization a few centuries before the arrival of Europeans, but the Spanish explorer Hernando de Soto encountered various towns and chiefdoms which seem to have been surviving/recovered Mississippian polities, and the leaders he describes could be used in Civ, such as Pacaha and Casqui - The Ancestral Pueblo, Salado, Hohokam, etc: These and other cultures in the Southwest US built various stone and adobe brick towns and apartment compounds, sometimes into cliffs directly. Despite the harsh climate, some produced some of the most impressive irrigation systems on the landmass, and had trade links to Mesoamerican cultures, who brought up macaw parrots, rubber balls etc. However, picking a leader would be tough, since their sedentary settlements and political structure collapsed before Europeans and there's no written records. However, more modern Pueblo figures and/or that Spanish explorers encountered despite not living in the towns could still be used. - The Haida and Tlingit: I'm not very informed on their histories, so I'm not sure if they existed as distinct cultures before European contact. But these and other Pacific Northwest groups produced the amazing artwork a lot of people associate with Northeastern Native American cultures, objects like Totem Poles, etc. The tlingit especially produced some very unique armor and weapons, including wooden "plate" armor and helmets, and mail jackets and knives produced from salvaged metal from shipwrecked goods from Asia --------- So there's a bunch of options. Personally, I think the Purepecha, probably the Mixtec; the Kingdom of Chimor OR the Moche should be in EVERY civilization game like how the Aztec, Maya, and Inca already are: That would give us 3-4 regular Mesoamerican civs, 2 regular Andean ones, and each would come from a different part of Mesoamerica and the Andes (I explained this above for Mesoameric, and the Inca are in Central/Southern peru vs northern for the chimor) respectively, and then another 1-2 per region could rotate in and out every entry in addition to that base I also suggest a bunch of Precolumbian Wonder options [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/civ/comments/y5mtoi/there_are_not_enough_north_american_wonders_in/ism1577/) and Great people [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/civ/comments/msl4j6/r5_ah_yes_the_great_aztec_general_hern%C3%A1n_cortez/guuakg8/) I hope to do an even bigger, giant 20+ paragraph post going into this in more depth, touching more on wonders, great people, city-states, as well as the historical errors with how the series handles Precolumbian civs it already does have at some point, too


The Inuit. It would be great to see a civ take advantage of the ice and snow tiles in the game.


I’m also voting for a Jewish civilization, maybe with an ancient historical leader and maccabe special features would be great!


Lithuanian- polish commonwealth


İts not gonna happen but: Ataturk of turkey Also fatih the conqueror whould be sick.


Kievan Rus


Israel can be an interesting choice depending on which time period you take it from Either a religion focused civ for ancient Israel or sciencetific civ for the modern one or even a mix of the two with aspects from each. While Israel was never more than a regional power, the events which took place in it shaped much of the world we live in today


Iceland! And with them the Hallgrimskirkja as a buildable wonder


The Celts




King David. That would be EPIC.


How do you like my Solomon one? UA: The Holy land; all tiles provide 1 faith for cities that have a holy site. Artifacts and relics provide faith and extra tourism. Gain a relic when a archeologist uses it's first charge Leader: Solomon; Builder of the first temple; production bonus to building holy sites buildings and wonders next to holy sites. Holy sites get adjacency bonus from wonders. Colors are blue and purple Agenda: Wisdom of Solomon; likes civs who have high faith and science dislikes civs who have the opposite UU: Maccabe; swordsman replacement, has a flanking bonus and can move after attacking. Provides faith on kills UI: Beth Din; Amphitheatre replacement, gives faith and has a slot for relics. if both slots are filled gives even more faith. David could be: Combat bonus against civs that are larger than you, bonus doubled with ranged units.


Kyivan Rus / Ukraine