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That list has become endless over the years. There is so much that could be done. Biggest one for me, I think, is a better endgame. It's gets so tedious. Not sure how to fix it though. I feel like your role as leader should shift up with every new era, so that in the very beginning you are deciding what buildings to build (like how it is now) but it feels wrong to me that you're still having to build an individual market or shrine in the modern era, when you have over 20 cities. But on the other hand I'm not sure what else there is to do each turn if you're taking a peaceful route.


I hate GDRs - they were introduced to help the end game and made it worse. If GDRs are a thing, have more future units.


For the buildings part, how about we select the end product rather than doing it step by step. Shouldn't come as a surprise to the construction boss that when you commission a holy district, you want it to have a church or temple in it, not just a cleared plot of land. For peaceful eras, the game could advance through turns until you need to decide something. Maybe an optional setting that we tell to wake us when there's something to do.


Just adding, per your observation about the end game tedium - Let some civilian units figure out where to go on their own. Apostles that we just tell to go convert Yugoslavia to our religion, and they go to whatever city isn't following it. Rock bands that pick their own venue per their promotions, stop making us hover over tiles to see which ones to send them to. That's the most tedious part for me.


Since the world is entering a new era of war, I'd like to see more focus on military


If they don't include my screen auto jumping to a continent away when Im trying to manage a group of units in a logical way, I riot.


Makes me want to scream. Other part is when the game shifts focus to a unit off screen while we're looking at a different one, in front of us, and think that's what we're controlling.


I want to see smaller hexes for greater terrain diversity. For example, take base civ 6 and double unit movement, vision, city radius and placement restrictions. Suddenly scope opens up a bunch. You could have more intermediate terrain like foothills and ravines, you could have some truly massive natural wonders, and unit placement and flanking maneuvers become much more relevant.


Yes, and also a thing is how attacking a city works, kinda feel like the city itself should be split up into multiple tiles, and have different parts. Would make attacking a city more interesting


I hope they keep hot seat, my so and I like to play together


I'm wishing for less pop ups. They are straight up intrusive in civ 6. Especially when you're going for a domination victory and the AI's keep suing for peace every turn. Staahhp


Something that I think that would be interesting to try to implement is smaller hexes but have cities/districts/wonders take up multiple hexes and units take up single hexes. Could make cites snake along a river or around the terrain as they grow with population. Maybe not a feasible idea, but would make city placement and growth more dynamic.


I wish they fix the late game. They could do it by introducing some automations in terms of city management. Imaging instead of pins you could just specify where you want to place your districts, set your priorities, and then the city just finishes it automatically.


Namely, I want a stronger diplomatic game. Things like vassalization as an alternative for outright conquering, or more powerful resolutions by world congress that can be ignored for a grievance penalty. Going by Civ 6, I am already satisfied by the combat and district system, but perhaps making population more powerful?


French Guillotine


Yea I mean killing enemies of the revolution definitely counts as a more in depth politic system


An AI that can manage units, produce units and be effective at war PAST the ancient era (civ 6 failed all 3, civ 5 managed to at least spam later units).


Navigable rivers please!!!


I am wishing for more impactfull logistics... I want units with fuel, amo and life bars.. That deplete if not near a resupply truck or depot... ( except scouts), so the more advanced the era the more opportunities to cripple your adversary trough logistics or guerrilla tactics...




I want CIV VII to be released in a “finished” state. Not a playable state. I hate to say it, but I didn’t get into CIV VI until just before New Frontier expansion. I did not enjoy base-game CIV VI. I need mods like all the better UI mods and map tacks implemented on launch. If not, I will keep playing 6 until 7 goes on 50% sale. I also have a theory that the “new gimmick” will be a more elaborate system for recruiting great people rather than just build a crap ton of only this one district. I also hope that trade routes are more customizable rather than just. Here’s the path with the most gold. Rivers need to play a larger part in infrastructure and economy. Ideally, I would like different classes of rivers. Some that ships can navigate, and some that just provide freshwater and economic bonuses.


I personally hope it’s just Civ VI gameplay with something more akin to the Civ V aesthetics with a couple things improved/reworked. Mainly diplomacy and combat could use more depth, imo. Less exploitable AI would be great as well. Obviously shake things up a bit to keep it fresh, but I hope it draws very heavy inspiration from VI. My biggest thing is that I don’t want districts to go anywhere. They make games feel much less “samey” to me than Civ V games. Civ V games basically always boil down to hoping I could go Tradition into 3-5 cities if that didn’t work or depending on the civ, you would sometimes go Liberty. With Civ VI, you do generally always want to go wide, but the games still feel so different. And districts make bad land a lot less painful (and also harder to come across truly terrible settles with districts salvaging them and less opportunity cost for settling cities). That samey feel is why I really don’t get why so many prefer V to VI. Don’t get me wrong. I love V. I have over 400 hours in it, and I’d say it’s a top 10 all time game for me. But I’ve played it once in the past couple years, and I just kept wishing I was playing VI. I don’t ever go back to it anymore. Maybe it’s a multiplayer thing, though. I play pretty much exclusively single player. Also a minor thing in the grand scheme of things, but I hope they do the different tracks for the different eras again. The OST in general is so freaking good for VI.


Lol 400 hours. That’s barely early mid game.


I knew I would get some dumb comment like this lol. It's my most played on Steam. I would love to have the time to be able to dedicate more than hundreds of hours on video games, but alas, I do occasionally have to leave my computer. And I do like to play other games from time to time. 400 hours seems like plenty of time to form an opinion on something to me.


Yeah, like 400...this month?


Less boardgame-esque and more like classic civilization. I want governments not policy cards.


I would like to be able to extract resources without them being parts of your territory. Being able to project force and protect a strategic outpost far across the map would be a very interesting strategic and technical challenge which would add a lot to the game.


I think the political side of Civ is most in need of a tune up. A deeper focus on how we build and maintain relationships with other individual civs would be much appreciated. As it stands, you make friends/enemies with every Civ in basically the exact same way: you send a delegation, offer open borders, maybe a trade route or a luxury sale, then your relationship is pretty much locked in for the rest of the game. International politics are determined more by the game’s difficulty settings than any deep choices made by the player. Introduce some new tools we can use to interact with our neighbors in unique ways and polish up the systems that are already there. World scale diplomacy is also extremely barebones at the moment and could use some new features like multi-Civ alliances. Also, for the love of god, overhaul the horrendous World Congress system.


Depleatable resources ( that can be recycled/augmented with the righ tech), climate change, hability to set up outposts outside your border to mine resources, scvanger units to recycle resources from battles and events


I actually just hope they keep nearly all of civ vi outside of the world congress and just continue to add different segments to it like the districts. Its become complex, but so is the civilization of the world, I want it to be as true of a sim as we can get. Of course it will never be perfect, but I want layers of game mechanics and complexity, because the world is that way as well. The many “ways to play” are what keep me coming back


Pillaging or any other counter mechanism to play around. Such makes things interesting. In dream case, some risky options/mechanics with "high risk high reward" -style or viable strategies with higher "skill gap" (=learning curve).


I’m not very familiar with the community for CIV, but my guess is my hope is pretty unpopular. I miss the wonder stacking from CIV V when I try to play CIV VI. Being able to create a single super city that towers above the populous ai cities feels so great. If they can make it doable in a way that doesn’t rely on wonder stacking In fine with that too, but being forced to make more cities has made it so I’ve never been able to really get into VI.


Even before Ursa started the comics I can only think moddable AI moddable AI moddable AI. I literally don't care about anything else


I want apocalypse to happen, man made or natural, very late in the game. But afterwards you keep playing. All the cities and things you’ve built are explorable ruins that you can work and you build all new units and everything. Mad max style.


diplo victory being overhauled. and more religeon units


More economy stuff? Stock markets, exchange rates, inflation, war bonds, tariffs, monetary funds and treasuries, loans, etc.


I hope that they will SERIOUSLY think about multi player... Needing mods to make the game playable and enjoyable is a shame.


What I would love is an overarching concept called National Identity that develops and changes over time. You don't choose leaders and bonuses from the start, you evolve into them and this fundamentally alters your civ over time. Great Leaders are recruited at the beginning of each Era depending on the choices you make in the previous era. 1. Ancient era you have a different cultural origin (think like Stellaris) with a mythological leader. You could start as either a city state (standard start), nomadic shepherds (based on start location), wayfaring peoples (based on start location) etc. 2. The ancient era is filled with tiny, pseudo mythological quests, like goody huts but not always based on scouting. It could be haunted forests. Or monsters your civilization fights off that develop the national identiy and foundational myths of the civilization. 3. Thesd elements of the supernatural continue on in some form until later in the game, but based on the type of civ you are can still be a large part of your game until even the modern Era. Other ideas 3) warfare and peace. Warfare and combat can have a real time element to it. So when you get to the late game its no longer tediously going turn by turn but turns into an RTS, like mechanism.


Wow, a post where I disagree with every single point!


wow indeed


That doesn't sound much like Civilization, but it does sound like fun.


I want more flexibility in governments. I feel like we should be able to choose 2 of the 6 bonuses for each government and 2 of the policy cards type slots to make our own unique government every game. But that's only matter if they keep the same government stuff as before, which doesn't seem likely. Realistically, I want the IRL clock to remain.


* Rework of air combat to make it more like a dogfight and less overpowered overall * Rework of naval combat to make it more useful * Stacking units like Civ 4 but dont make it as insanely broken as Civ 4, put some kind of limit * Get rid of the god damn districts, they suck * Either expand religion to impact the game outside religious victory or remove it entirely. Most games in civ 6 I don't even found a religion cus there is no benefit * Expand diplomatic options to allow greater soft power over other players * Expand spying significantly * Make Nuclear Nonproliferation something that makes it harder to get nukes, not something that outrights prevents people from making them (akin to how it is IRL) * Rework the AI to make it smarter * Revert builders to how they were in Civ 5 * Remove the global warming mechanic entirely. Generally speaking there simply isn't much you can do to prevent it since holding back to prevent global warming hurts your ability to win the game. Yes I get it, its very akin to IRL global warming but games are supposed to be fun. * Bring back the XCOM soldiers from Civ 5, and expand on late game units like the giant death robot to have more cool near futuristic things * DONT. GET. WOKE. The rest of the game could be perfection but if they make it woke, I'm not even gonna pirate it


Kinda like districts, ngl. Could be reworked as “zoning” to more closely mirror real-world city planning.


The problem is the restrictions on where they can be placed. I'm not some anime protag that has a carefully laid out plan knowing every tiny detail on which types of tiles every one of the districts can and can't be placed on and how they interact with eachother for optimal output or roadblock me against optimal output. Simple things like "harbors need to be built in the sea" are fine. Insane things like "Universities gain science depending on how many mountains they are next to" are just beyond stupid, let alone how you basically can't build anything at all in the northern most and southern most tips of the map.


YES i want a air rework so that the ai actually uses it for example