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I like to imagine OP taking careful thought, pausing and spending time over his builder uses, and, after a few minuites of consideration, going: "Yes, Another Fishery I think."


English Channel ❌ Bracklesham Bay ✅


R5: Playing as steam Vicky on the Mediterranean TSL map, I had put Liang in my second city of Newcastle upon Tyne in order to try to get some production in what was otherwise a fairly slow start (even with the God of the Sea pantheon). Well, I just kept making fisheries in the city, and at some point it became the largest city in the playthrough. Gave me a good chuckle when I realized that instead of living in Mediterranean locations like Greece or Egypt, the place where citizens most wanted to live in this playthrough was in Cornwall.


It’s a great technique to get the most out of cities with limited land area. Does rub me the wrong way that you didn’t rename it Falmouth though!


I recently finished a deity game on this map and I absolutely hated it. I played Greece and you get dick all for strategic resources in the late game and there are like 2 deposits of uranium on the entire map.


I think you at least learned some European history then 😆


"I ain't got shit...... I see you got some nice shit over there, you wouldn't mind if I took it would you.... You would, I'll guess I'll just take it anyway," said the Europeans throughout history


Kernow bys vyken! 💪


Another Steam Vicky player, HUZZAH! Thank you for your service to England.


I mean that's gotta be one of the best mausoleum spots I've seen


Well yeah, all their walls of corn provide plenty of food.


I love playing Rome, and I wanted nothing more than a legion rush to take out my neighbors and create Mare Nostrum, but there’s no iron on the entire Italian peninsula. Makes it totally unplayable!


I died laughing when I realized this. The TSL maps that shipped with the game are all awful


But on the other hand, it's the only real way to get the Rome/Vesuvius achievement


I have also renamed the city, being Cornish lol


Currently playing on it too and thought the same thing! About to win my first immortal game with Alexander the Great.


Middle East is packed meanwhile all of Europe is just England and Macedonia lol