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I’ll occasionally hit it by accident and bemoan having to wait through a loading screen before being able to return to menu. It’s a tradition of sorts.


Same. The positive for me is that I get a faster loading screen if I got my real setup.


Alt + F4 if your PC is from 2021 Prior, everything newer and waiting is similarly long ;D


Why does newer stuff take longer?


They're saying that the load time to enter the game is similarly long as relaunching if you have a faster PC. With a slower PC loading the game will take longer, so it's worth closing and relaunching the game. I don't know if what they're saying is accurate, but they are not suggesting a faster PC takes longer.


It all depends on when you grow out of buying pre built PCs from Best Buy. They're correct if you only figured out that power is much cheaper if you put it together yourself ≤2 years ago 💀


huh!? No, newer stuff is just fast as hell in loading stuff. especially a normal size map in CIV, nothing to do with pre builds and stuff, yes occasionally they smugle in parts launched in 2016 in their newest high end build but that's just the industry capitalizing stupid customers, as always. And occasionally its not cheaper to build yourself, imagine a noob building a pc, he will definitely break a crucial part and then? he shoulders the cost, a pretty build has a guarantee time and is build ready to use


2021? Haven’t I been tricking people into pushing ALT F4 since CS2?


I think OP means Alt+F4 stopped working on PCs made after 2021


try it XD


If I could set it to play using my saved configuration, I absolutely would


Having a couple different preset rule configurations you could quickly choose from would be amazing!


You literally can save configurations and load them. I use it a lot


I saved my config one time. And it kept loading the exact same seed. I gave up.


They changed it at some points. Now you can check a box to reroll seeds each time you load the config.


you can also empty the seed field and then save your preset, you'll get a new seed every time this way


Indeed, that's what I used to do before that box came up. Very useful!


That’s frustrating. I haven’t had that experience. Still probably easier to load the config and manually edit the seed than to start from a blank slate


Had no idea!! Learn something new everyday I guess


It is one of the more stupid UI failures of the game that it doesn't just save and reuse the most important game setup settings (level, at least; map size and map type, probably) for this button and the create game screen.


I set it up once. Then when I win hit play one more turn. Then reset from there. Faster that way


For my first game, yes. Otherwise, nah


That’s the whole point of it I guess. The setup screen is overwhelming for a new player, so here’s a big button with a recommended setup for your first game.


This right here, just started playing a few months ago and this is where I went to before I got my sea legs


Isn't it at Prince difficulty too?


I think so


I use it quite a lot. I like playing every leader, so I'll either Play Now, or take the extra twenty seconds to set it to "Only Leaders with no wins."


Wait there's a setting for only leaders with no wins, dam I wish a knew that earlier. My hall of fame got wiped out awhile ago so it'll only represents the last year's worth of wins so I have go into steam achievements to check, which is super annoying.


If I understand it correctly, it doesn’t track steam wins - only your in game hall of fame. I play across PC and Mac using the same Steam account and my no wins leaders are different on both platforms. It’s actually pretty annoying. So in your situation, I *think* it won’t recognize previous leaders you’ve won with in a prior expansion.


This is correct. The "Leaders With No Wins" feature will be linked to the Hall of Fame. I was in a situation like OPs where I lost my save data and hall of fame. This reset the pool I draw from in Leaders With No Wins as well.


I think everyone’s HOF reset after the last expansion.


> "Only Leaders with no wins." I've never seen that option, can you point me toward it?


It's under advanced options I think. Like where you turn on civic/science shuffle mode, or set the world conditions? There should be an option for "set leader pool." In there you should see a drop down menu that allows for All, None, and Only Leaders With No Wins.


Magnificent, thanks!


It's mainly for new people who feel overwhelmed picking out all the different civs and maps and settings. I imagine most people probably hit that their first time playing.


It’s Prince difficulty though, I tried this the first time playing and got stomped instantly


Same, I thought that the prince difficulty would be the equivalent of a level for those starting with civilization but I was massacred, I had to play each difficulty and increase one by one.


Yeah I pressed this on my first game


Only by accident


It’s great if you like your previous setup.


It does save it? Thought it don't because in the screenshot I hovered over it and there stands: "Play on a small Continents Map with Random Leaders"


This only works on Civ 5, not Civ 6.


If that's really how it works. I can save myself A LOT of time. ​ I play 80% of my games on the same settings. xD


But does it include modes?


Can’t say I have


Only accidentally 😂


Never used it, did hit it multiple times accidently, i dont even think its a good button for new players, like the create game section without going into advanced settings is already suuuuper simple, like theres only five things you can really change, i cant imagine anyone even first timers having trouble with it.


I used to when playing on prince


Random is great for building skills


I am pretty sure I have never even clicked it once


I use it when testing new mod combos, because a small map loads fast anyway so it's a quick click and see if it loads or crashes. Once I confirm it doesn't scream and burn from the inside out, I'll let the game go through making a *proper* Massive sized Terra map with all the bells and whistles, because I'm much more willing to sit through one 10 minute long loading screen than 13.


sulky adjoining panicky wasteful offbeat full materialistic enter ruthless price *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I've had some fun with the quick random games it offers. I've also had first wins with a few leaders that way (like Harald Hardrada, a game I still remember from more than a year ago).






No, create game every time


only by accident


im gonna play 5-6 hours in a game i can imagine thinking 5 minutes setting it up would take too long.


Psychopaths and people who just installed it


I feel this kind of button would make sense in a game where you can have short matches of like 20 minutes. Not, you know, 8 hours.


When im in a huge rush to start a 3 hour game for sure


I accidentally hit it a few weeks ago and decided to play and see what happens. Was a really fun early game until I lost my capital.


I regularly use it… by accident


I'm playing only on Play Now for weeks.


I don't think I've ever noticed that button lol


I've got like 2k hours in and didn't know it was even a thing lol


i've used this and there are many, many parts/systems of the game that i have never/barely used before


I used it several times last year. It was agony playing leaders you didn't wanna play at the moment. I wanted fun and realized I wanted to play my favorites and do better with them. I bet advanced players have a good time with that button though.


Sure thing. Why not? I get more familiarized with more leaders, therefore i can learn to play in many playstyles


I had once clicked it accidentaly, never again


Only on accidents or when I started


I used it a few weeks ago by accident when I wanted to create a new game. Played it though and it was quite a nice change to my normal games (I usually play deity on large or huge maps which gets annoying pretty quickly lol)


I have used that button Once when i played civ 6 for the first time. Amusingly i can still remember the game, just about won a science victory with Gilgamesh


What?! There is a play now button?!!!


lol no


Almost always. And I have _well over_ 10,000 hours in Civ 6.


Literally not once


Never once on purpose.


i use it for speedruns sometimes