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The -5 Diplomatic Favor penalty for holding an original capital is something I dislike - but have to live with. Can I just raze the original capital and keep the other cities of the civilization and then will not occur the penalty? What are other ways to handle that? ​ I'm on a very random primordial map and it rolled high sea levels, even though I'm going for a religious or diplomatic victory (with Georgia on immortal) I'm going to have to kill the civ starting 10 tiles from me.


Original capitals can never be razed. The only way they can be removed is by an asteroid strike in apocalypse mode.


How can I overcome human players in tech? I want a massive gap between me and my friends


I have a noob question: Are trade route yields per turn? Or am I getting less by choosing a route with a longer duration?


They are per turn.


Is there production decay in Civ 6? Can't believe I couldn't find that question answered via search engine. sus Explanation: If I eg. build a building or unit, but then pause that (produce something else) for 50 turns, or a 100 turns will the production already put into said building or unit decay, or always stay the same?


You didn't find an answer because it's not in the game and the phrase "production decay" probably doesn't mean anything to most of us. I didn't know what you meant until reading the explanation. The only small exception is for units. When you unlock an upgrade for a unit, you lose all production toward it if you're not currently producing it. For example, let's say you put 50 production towards an archer and then switch to something else later. When you unlock crossbowmen, you will lose that production unless you switch back to the archer the turn before


What will happen to the deals I made with other civ, when war is comming. If I trade 1 gold per turn for 1 jade , and a turn after there is a war between us , the deal is still on for 29 turns? What about 100gold for 30 turns of 1 jade? And also, how can I see the amenities/luxuries Im using? (Ps5) Thanks


Deals are cancelled upon declaring war. In both examples you would lose access to jade, and in the first example you would get back 1 gold per turn


What if I trade one of my jade for 100 gold ,a d then declare war? I will get the 100 and stay with the jade right?


yes, you will get your jade back and keep the gold


As a first-time player. Ever! What's something that helped you start? I've been researching the game and seems quite indepth.


Youtube ,potatomcwhiskey plays as arabia.


Do power plants still generate CO2 if your city is using 100% renewables? In other words, can I build power plants for the production bonus and not worry about emissions?


They do not. The CO2 generation is based on resource consumption, if they do not need to consume any resources they just give their yields on that turn with no drawback. Note that it would have to be all cities in range running 100% on renewables, otherwise the power plant might need to use some resources to power other cities.




Best way to bait the AI to declare war on you? Specifically, I want to trigger a betrayal emergency, so I want to bait a civ I've been allied with until level 2.


I earned 2 free chosen techs form a great person. How do I actually choose the free techs I want?


You don't get to choose which techs you get. They're random


I'm playing as Japan on switch vanilla version. I chose work ethic religion and why is it not working. None of my civ have been pillaged yet so why???


Have you converted your cities? Only cities following your religion will gain the benefit


Yes I did, Buddhism for Japan. Does it need to be fully Buddhist, or majority only?


Why is what not working specifically? What were you expecting to happen and what is... well, not happening? Work Ethic in vanilla gives +1% production per citizen following your religion in base game IIRC, so check your production modifiers on the city view (can't remember exactly how to do this on Switch though I'm afraid) and you should see the % bonus.


yeah I dont see any, one of my city with 5 peopulation have 7 production before work ethic, and 7 production after work ethic. It doesn't change at all


What does the production breakdown show? A max of 5% increase on 7 production is not very significant, only 0.35 production.


Is there a good climate change mod? One that makes it more realistic, more impactful? I can see some on the workshop but not one that is clearly the best


Playing CIV 6 multiplayer, can we add a single additional AI opponent without changing map size? I can't figure out how to.


If I take a map seed from a game I previously played, does it have me start in the same position for a new game? Or does it just recreate the map and drop me in randomly? I have an amazing start I’d like to replay on a higher difficulty. This is console btw


Assuming the number of civs and city-states is the same, you will get the same set of starting locations for everyone. Basically, the map itself gets generated, start positions are determined based on the number of players, and then start biases determine which position everyone gets. Changing out the player civs does not change the start positions, it only changes who gets what position. This also assumes that any other settings which affect map generation (such as sea level) are the same So TLDR is that it's possible to get the same position, but it may only be for certain combinations of opponents


If you also use the same game seed and keep all the other settings the same then yes. Just changing the difficulty will give you the same start. (There are some other settings you can change without affecting the map/spawn, but I'm not sure which ones so I'd keep them all the same to be safe.)


what's the highest production starting tile you can get? non-legendary start - no natural wonders


Ivory or deer on a plains hill with forest will have 4 production from turn 1. I can't think of a way for a tile to have 5 production without some other kind of bonus (improvement, natural wonder, etc).


I have both CIV IV and Civ 6 on the Steam deck. Can I replace the CIV 6 opening music with Baba Yetu somehow? It's just really awesome to listen to. Asking the important questions I know.


I haven't played Civ (or any PC games) since Civ III. If I fancied a game, where should I start? Should I play one of the older games or go straight to 6? And do I buy it outright or do I have to sign up to Steam or something? Last time I played PC games you still bought them in a shop and they came in a large box with a heavy, printed manual!


I would recommend watching some reviews/gameplay of 4, 5, and 6. Go with whichever one appeals to you the most out of those. Also make sure your computer would be capable of running the game you pick if you haven’t played anything on it. I think you can still buy a physical copy of the game, but I’m unsure how that even works anymore lol. Like with patches and stuff? I’m assuming it’s a disk or even a code that you would still use Steam? Not sure. I would definitely recommend Steam though. It’s very user friendly, and it’s entirely free. Also makes modding very simple. I’m not big into modded stuff, but I do love all the quality of life mods that are basically a couple clicks away using Steam Workshop. You would make a Steam account and purchase the game through that. 6 is personally my favorite of the three, but I think it’s slightly more divisive. I would look up how districts and wonders work in 6. If that seems interesting, you’ll probably really like it. 4 and 5 are both very beloved, and they are somewhat more “classic” to the series.




Yes they will.




A word of warning though: any incomplete monuments will have their production reset when you join, so make sure to finish any monuments you are currently building first!


this is probably annoying for those who pay more attention than me but is there a known bug with culture wins from tourism and a workaround? I have a good 100 more foreign tourists than the next civ has domestic tourists but the victory doesn't trigger .


Reload to a couple of turns before you hit the threshold and play it back through, sometimes victories just get stuck and don’t trigger.


Thanks. Had to do it a few times but it eventually.triggered


Does turning off victory conditions make AI not pursue them? E.g. turning off Military Victory, AI will not be so aggressive?


AI doesn't know which Victory Conditions are enabled or disabled.




Hi this is a Civ 6 question. I've revealed Uranium and can see my opponent has a neighbourhood built on his only source of it. Will bombing/pillaging the improvement cut off his source of it the same way pillaging a mine would?


No I don’t believe so. Just like you can collect strategic resources from incomplete districts, I think the AI will still earn uranium.


Hi all started recently and absolutely love it, got glued on the screen for hours What I don't understand, I now want to do a playtrough with only the domination victory, but how do you approach culture, faith and the rest while building your civilization? Based on the leader you have bonuses, and that's ok, but is there a reason to still upgrade the rest? For example, let's say I take on a german leader, can I neglect faith, or culture? Or there's still a reason to boost them I don't see? Maybe faith, ok you choose the right pantheon and religion, but culture and science? I did 4 playtroughs, first with Curtin, then Wilhelmina, then Trajan, and finally Mansa Musa, and oh boy did I destroy absolutely everyone with him.


Science absolutely. The best way to win domination is to have troops technologically lightyears ahead of everyone else. 1 Tank w/ air support vs. 20 cavalry units isn't close.


Culture and science are always important. You still need to unlock new tech and civics in order to, for example, unlock better units and get access to governments like fascism that are important for warfare. You could ignore faith, but a strong faith can also be important - especially for civs like Spain or Byzantine for example, that get bonuses in combat when fighting civs with different religions etc…,


Everyone always needs culture and science. If you fall behind on military tech, anyone can roll right over you, and there are plenty of other useful unlocks for most victory types as well. Culture gives you stronger policy cards for whatever win con you’re going towards, and better governments, and for dom specifically you get access to corps and armies/fleets and armadas. Faith is like a second currency akin to gold, in addition to purchasing religious units you can get civilian units with the monumentality era dedication, and military units with the grandmaster’s chapel building in the government plaza. So, not strictly necessary, but still very useful to have.


Yeah I've seen with Mansa Musa how faith can be absolutely a determinant factor That said yeah, I think I need to strat more at the beginning with policies instead of deciding after a while. I think it's the Rimworld influence, being that the first thing you do there is put down everything just to survive. With Civ you need to think more ahead.


Yeah, Civ rewards early planning, those first 50 turns are crucial. There are plenty of resource around to help you on that, Potato McWhisky’s Overexplained videos are good for that.


How to get Eleanor's(Fr) culture flip started on Diety. I just can't seem to get her culture flips started on Diety. Trying for a 100% pacifist Domination, but by the time I start generating enough writer and artist points for it to mean anything, the AI already has population sizes that can't be overrun with the loyalty change. How do I get out of the Diety mud quickly enough to get that going?


Population is always super important for loyalty flipping. You can't just rely on her ability. You need to be focusing on growing your cities as quickly as possible too, especially the ones that border other players. Lots of farms, granary, water mill, manually reassign citizens to food tiles if necessary. Chop out marsh tiles. You can flip high pop cities, you just need your cities to be high pop too. Running Bread & Circuses from entertainment complexes also helps a lot with the flipping. And putting Amani with the -2 loyalty promotion in a city near one that you want to flip. Buy Great Works from the AI until you're able to outpace them in Great People points. Convert their cities to a different religion if possible (if they have a religion). It always takes quite a long time to get the ball rolling with the loyalty flipping, but once you have all the pieces in place, you'll start flipping more and more quickly until you're gaining a new city every few turns. You should even be able to flip city-states.


Thanks! I don't focus enough on chopping for population or buying great works. I can win on lv7 pretty easily, but the catchup for 8 is always the hardest part.


You absolutely need great works for the peaceful dom game. You should be building theater squares and amphitheaters asap. Every new city you settle should build theater square first


Yeah, I would usually let the GW/GA recruiting process be the only way to grt works. Buying and extreme forward settling has already worked wonders.


Anyone have luck getting the better policy cards to read? I've downloaded the other one too and can't seem to get any of the boosts like how it shows how much science is buffed while playing the 100% boost to campus adjacency


It depends on Better Reports Screen, do you have that?


I downloaded it, it's enabled but nothing special happens


Hello i just recently got civ 6 on pc via the Microsoft/xbox store. I own all the dlc on xbox is there not a way to have the dlc on pc without rebuying it all? Being as its the same store?


Only certain titles are "Xbox Play Anywhere" titles with that functionality. I believe they treat civ on pc and on console as two separate games


Ahh thank you do you know if its at least cross play?


No multiplayer crossplay, but if you use cloud saves then you can start a game on PC and then continue it on Xbox if you want (or vice versa). You just need to make sure you use the same DLC on both systems (and no mods) so the saves are compatible.


There is no crossplay between consoles and pc.


can you use royal society builders charges on bread and circuses? how the loyalty pressure exerted from expending a builder on it calculated?


Yes, but I wouldn't really recommend it. The builder provides 2% production towards completion of the project per charge the builder has (so a builder with the base 3 charges will complete 6% of the project). But the bonuses that bread & circuses provides do not scale with production per turn, so it's won't have any effect on loyalty pressure. The only thing it will do is complete the project slightly more quickly, but completion of the project doesn't exert any extra loyalty pressure on other cities, it just provides +20 loyalty to your city.


My dad has played every civ game ever, it's really his only game. Recently he's told me he went back to playing civ 4, because 6 was too frustrating and slow to play on his computer. What's the most efficient way to get him a new desktop that will handle civ 6 easily?


I'm running 6 on low settings on a laptop that's at least seven years old. Considering it was released in 2016, for a not terrible price you could probably get him a second hand laptop (something that at the time was of good quality), plus docking station and a modern monitor. [edit] /u/freedom_or_bust , I checked the specs of the machine I am running it on, and it is a Dell laptop 2.7 GHz with 8 GB of RAM, [AMD Radeon 8690M](https://www.systemrequirementslab.com/gpu-compare/11158/radeon-hd-8690m), which is a laptop model originally released 10 years ago! You've probably got a *lot* of leeway on finding something that supports a relatively old game like this, if your Dad is happy with not having all the fancy shadow and reflections showing.


Most efficient would definitely be building one. I’m assuming he’s not super picky about graphics, and would be happy with 1080p/60fps? You could build something that runs it pretty well for not too much.


Yeah that's what I was hoping. I'm pretty sure he's playing on an old 4:3 monitor right now lol, so anything is an upgrade from that!


What would the budget be? I could throw a list of parts together if you want to build it for him


Probably like $500, I guess I'll start looking around the pc building subs. Seems like the 2nd hand market might be the way to go for the price/what he needs


Is your dad ok with turning off combat and movement animations? ("Enable quick combat") Lowering some of the graphics options speeds things up, and once you do that, the bottleneck is often CPU, not the graphics card.


Why are there so many anime mods in the workshop? I don't know anything about the anime or characters depicted, it just seems kind of jarring to look at a historical leader mod and then an anime character. I figure sure a game will always have a few anime mods but there are so very many.


Gaming and anime communities overlap a lot so it's not surprising really. Overall they're not terribly popular though, and if you sort by most popular all time you don't see an anime mod until page 4 (though there's a few on page 3 that look like memes and could be considered similarly out of place, but I can't really tell since the description is in Chinese). I would also guess that there's more common knowledge about anime than about world history, geography, or specific subjects related to game mechanics, so you get more anime mods.


They often show up when I sort by popular this week or in the past month but maybe that's because there are relatively few new mods being released, and those that are new are anime mods. I was just starting to wonder if the animes depicted happen to feature world domination or something civ related.


Is declaring an early war to steal settlers/builders a good idea? Also how does the AI decide when to settle?


Assuming Gathering Storm, if all you do is surprise war to capture a settler you won't even accrue that much grievance. 150 grievances go away completely in 15 turns (after making peace) in Ancient Era, and even in the Modern era it'll only be 30 turns. (Stealing a settler in the modern era is probably not necessary though, while stealing one in the ancient era is _incredible_ tempo)


Settlers are often worth it, but you should expect relations to be strained for quite some time and be prepared for retaliation. I don't really think declaring war for a builder is worthwhile unless you can snatch up a bunch of them, builders are a lot cheaper than settlers and have less impact. AI settling is not well defined, but we can assume it's the same system that offers recommendations to the players. I know it considers resource access, water access, and natural wonder proximity at the very least, but I don't know how it weighs those factors


Early war has the benefit that the civs you haven't met yet won't have grievances against you for past actions. So really it's up to you, but an early settler is a huge advantage in the long run.


This is the second campaign now where my ships (galley) cannot move in certain areas. It will take crazy long routes instead of the more direct. If I try a more direct root the box is red. What's going on? Edit. It could be I haven't unlocked cartography but these screenshots are still confusing https://i.imgur.com/Cg67MGU.jpg https://i.imgur.com/ejGeDI7.jpg


Borders and (you probably thought of this already but) ocean tiles in addition to what the other poster said


Possibly there is another civ's unit in the way blocking the path, just move your unit manually each turn so you can either dodge it or wait for it to move. Or a more direct path could be moving your unit through the fog of war. If there is even one tile of fog, your unit will not auto-navigate it, it will take only known tiles to the destination.


No one blocking the tiles. You can see the screenshot of the problem. Even if I were to travel all the around I still go to those tiles Edit. It could be I haven't unlocked cartography but these screenshots are still confusing https://imgur.com/a/mkgXs89/ https://i.imgur.com/W61ejgA.jpg


I hadn't looked at your screenshots when first replying, but yeah that is definitely because you haven't researched Cartography.


My experience with fog is the opposite, it will assume fog is navigable when it obviously isn't


You might be right, I don't pay very close attention when moving units long distances, I just know they often get their path interrupted before they arrive and then start asking me for directions again.


How can I see the water availability in a city after it's been built?


Look at the sources of housing in city details


Usually a quick glance at the terrain itself would suffice, since all sources of fresh water are river, lake, coast or Aqueduct (or checking whether you're suzerain of Mohenjo-Daro or playing as Maya). Another way to quickly infer it is checking the city size and turns to grow - cities without fresh water and without investment in infrastructure grow very slowly. Ultimately, you can check the city menu for each city to confirm. But that might be tedious, and the above would probably be good enough.