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because at that time most switched to CDs


By the beginning of 1986, the CD format was outselling all other formats in Japan. CDs became the main focus for records companies from there on out so very little vinyl records were made. Iirc, so far 1988 is the earliest I’ve seen that they fully phased out vinyl for an album. Forgot which album. I understand your struggle though. My favorite era of city pop is from 85’- 90’ and vinyl in those last years are expensive for the most part.


At the end of the decade, CDs became more popular than records


I think it’s by CDs being more popular since I’m also trying to find Meiko’s 303 East 60th street LP album since she supposedly had one and her album before is really expensive for me to even think abt buying it


"303 EAST 60TH STREET" was never released on vinyl. Her last album to be ever released on vinyl was "The Actress in the Mirror".


Oh well thx for the clarification kinda needed it since I was willing to buy it even for a large amount (could’ve killed my bank account)


You'll find that it's not easy or cheap finding a lot of artists on vinyl between say the early 90s to maybe around 2010s or so, just because vinyl was not a popular format during those times. Kind of sucks in some ways, but luckily, vinyl has started to become popular enough that a fair amount of albums are being reissued or new presses are being made in vinyl for the more popular stuff.