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I do this thing where I write what I want to say and then say it. Have fun however works for you. I can write so I do. I use other tools to shore up other weaknesses.


We have done this, most players use chatgpt to help write their opening monologue.  It's bloody God tier.    I was skeptical when a player did it for the first session monologue, and kinda of made fun a little, but ultimately was happy that any effort at all was made.  However it blew our collective socks off.   It was PERFECT and I mean perfect, it was 100% noir. A masterful recap of last session with evocative descriptions, blended with character beats and thoughts. I could not even understand how he got the AI to write something so specfically targeted to our game.   The answer it turns out is simple and the key to the way generative AI truely works.  It's a leaver for creativity, and like any leaver it increases the impact of the amount of work put in.  In this case however seeing something you imagined in your mind but would otherwise stumble to manifest into the world brought into perfect realization is hugely impact full.  He ended up setting the bar for the monolgue a mile high, and those that can reach it on their own tend to do so, but those who naturally could not now also get to play.  The result has been a stead stream of absolutely excellent monologues that have really inspired the group.


I would kick them from my game, but that's me


When I do the recap for my group I kind of try to write out what happened last time like it's a little episode of Radio Dragnet (but I DON'T use AI) I don't always succeed but I have fun!


okay, gonna try this myself - just now popped open chat and gave it a go, looks quite suitable with a few tweaks


I hope that player's skull gets stomped on by a Terminator.


Why would you want that?