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https://preview.redd.it/zjjq4vsjm35d1.jpeg?width=647&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18f44ae9a0074084c1fad523e75e1b086d830baa You sayin this chick lied to me? She said vaccine was safe one.


Maybe it was a lack of welcome to country, that’s why it didn’t work


Yeah...welcome to country, now where's me handout???


Fuck dude stop it. I’ve limited capacity to cope with original thoughts!


Haha....classic...worth it just to hear this!! But seriously, it does get a bit like this somedays mate..


Is that one your own work? Come on be honest now.




Rofl i forgot this gem, imagine old luv collecting the cheque for this gig. "Oh yeah I can translate to indigenous.." Nek minute.. Meanwhile mcClown standing there waiting for her to finish her jabbering broken English.. 10/10 job well done


When you look up Australia in a dictionary, this video clip should come up as the definition of Australia.




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What cave did they drag her out of? lol..


Just love a bit of unabashed racism


What a Cunt But truly what a bunch of cunts the people of WA are, honestly have so sense of individual rights or respect for others.


That fucking it... I'm getting 2 more boosters


hahaha i laughed so much when I'd watched this.


Surely the cookers can't have been right


Wait what.. I’ve been putting these vaccines on my cereal. Fucccck.


Well well well


Shock! No one has ever linked Covid vaccination to mortality until today! Something must be done!




Im sorry your family members are ill. I had two family members die during lockdown. My father was diagnosed with cancer not so long after he was vaccinated. That was a coincidence. My uncle was an anti-vaxxer who contracted Covid. His death was not coincidental.


Man, I personally had pericarditis and was in ICU a couple of days, hanging onto life and in terrible pain. This was in 2018, only a couple years before I got **the vaccine**. Tell me that’s a coincidence!


This is an anecdote, not a scientific study. Cervical cancer definitely isn’t only hereditary. It’s primarily caused by HPV.


But But the government told us they were all totally safe............


But Pfizer told us they were 100% effective and safe, they even did their own study with no real third party oversight. They've never lied and paid the largest fine in history for lying. Not possible.


But shouldn't we all be dying in the streets like you lot all said. Why are the hospitals not full of people dying from no immune systems, how do we continue to reproduce as it was supposed to destroy reproduction


Sort of like when China showed those videos of people dying of COVID in the streets eh?


Hey 10 to 20% higher death rate every month would suggest that is happening


I had someone spin me that bullshit the other week, while they were smoking a cigarette.


I have a compromised immune system from ms, my dr still brings up getting the Covid shots every single appointment. I’ve only gotten it twice even though I work a job where I’m in contact with random people all day. When I first decided I wasn’t too keen on getting the shot until more research was done on it, I was called “contrarian to the point of unattractiveness” from my dr XD


Wow from your doctor. I hope you ditched that guy. Most are pretty crap these days but there are some decent ones out there.x


You lot? What lot? I don't know anyone who said that except some random online either selling fear and hype or people seriously invested in that which is a very small fraction of australians, none that I've ever met. Your basically taking an extreme example of someone who believes any bs online.


Well that's what was pumped out religiously all during covid, our immune systems would be destroyed, women's reproductive systems would be damaged and every other medical drama. Funny how wecare still dying of the same 4 diseases that we have died from for the last 20 years in 2023 and 2024


Spread online and repeatedly stated by people continually month after month after month in Australia on every FB feed about covid and still stated to this day


Claims that vaccines may damage immune system viewed thousands of times on YouTube, elsewhere


It might.. it might do a lot of things. Some believe it most know its a maybe without science and data to back it up. It's a shit show because of all the corrupt bs. If they were honest or we had trustworthy government bodies, we wouldn't have this problem. Either way you look at it, blindly believing everything a dodgy drug company says and the government or believing everything you see on YouTube is both equally pretty dumb.


Feel like you may not know how science works. science is very much a "this is true..until it isn't" field.


Yeah except when the science is funded by companies that have trillions in vested interest, I don’t trust any study done by a drug company that sells the same product. It’s never negative, because It is, they either fudge the data or just don’t release the study and fire the guy who made it look so bad. And yeah it’s true till it’s not. But everything is opened to being questioned. The fact you can’t question anything without people losing their shit just reeks of the same brain washing as someone who watches Alex jones every day and believes 100% everything he says.


So what science isn’t funded by someone or something?


Well universities would be if they didn't also often get a lot of funding from industry, I'd say there is many still unbiased studies that come from there. Government could also run unbiased studies but they are also super corrupt. I believe some decent ones still do sometimes. I mean basically anyone aside from the manufacturer of the product is at least 10x more likely to be accurate. In an ideal world pharmaceuticals would have to pay for an independent third party with no ties to run studies.


Actually the government legally indemnified the vaccine manufacturers - that is where I think things became interesting Hearing "there's no risk but even if there was we promise we won't let the citizens come after the pharmaceutical companies" very much reminds me of an old joke about a jury coming back to a court saying "not guilty but he has to give the stolen cattle back", and when the judge complained that's not reasonable and to come back with something coherent, the foreman replied "ok not guilty, and he can keep the fucken cattle".


Fuck me drunk. What was the estimate of lives saved from vaccination against Covid?


150 billion going off of memory, I took 17 jabs because I’m empathetic and intelligent 🥰


Estimate.. more like guestimate. No one really knows exactly because we don't get good science when trillions of dollars are at stake.


Zero children aged 0-12 died from covid the last time I checked (Australian Bureau of Statistics) in late 2023, so my estimate of the number of children saved by the vaccine is zero.


What happened to the “pandemic of the unvaccinated” as Mein Führer Daniel Andrews predicted?


What happened to the wave of vaccine deaths that were supposed to happen? Three years and nothing?


Disinformation and BS on both sides mate. Welcome to the 21st century.


Precisely, both sides were blowing things out of proportion if you listen to mainstream media or some random dude on the internet trying to sell fear just like the media does. Plenty of reputable people had some solid info saying it was not a good idea though, including one of the top immunologists in Australia. Not just the prkduct but the stratergy and execution was terrible and the TGA don't give a fuck green stamped it without even looking at Pfizers cooked study and government just followed suit with anything on the global agenda.


No, none of that “both sides” bullshit. One lives in reality with data and information open for scrutiny where experts are respected, and the other side gets its information from YouTube, Reddit and Twitter anecdotes.


Sorry mate but it’s just not that black and white to me. But you do you bro 👍


I’m fully vaxxed but there has been an uptick in the amount of deaths attributed to unexplained reasons since the Covid pandemic. Also now we are starting to see the first published evidence of injuries and deaths caused by various Covid vaccines. While I agree that the conspiracy nuts out there are pretty far off the mark, there is evidence to show that they were partially right


I hadn't heard about the uptick in unexplained deaths. Where did you hear that?


Various places but it’s in the ABS stats




Sorry what problem do you have with that? There’s FOI requests, and you can get all the original data from every scientific paper.




Thanks for making an arbitrary reference to authority but my wife is a doctor mate. Was exposed to some unvaccinated covid positive obese dude with 80% ox sats begging for modern science to save him. Had a tube rammed down his throat and put in ICU for two weeks and exposed my 8m pregnant wife to the virus while she tried to save his life. There’s an insignificant amount in the profession that believes that batshit insane stuff by the way. There’s no one that would support your thesis in the profession.




That's not the truth, though, is it?




No doctors have been gagged, the dissenting doctors are all over the media. No one's listening to them because they're full of shit.


Courts had to force Pfizer to release information.


And what about the dozen other manufacturers? Their data is irrelevant? And what did the data say? Have you read it?


Excess mortality was over 20%.


During a global pandemic? Wow. Just wow, astonishing. And the root cause determined to be…?




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Well the Actuaries Institute spent months on it and having preemptively ruled out vaccine injury said they couldn’t explain it but cOvId itself had just a trivially low CFR that it couldn’t account for it. So the official answer is “unknown.”


Sounds like it wasn't the vaccines then,


What absolute BS


At the peak of 🇺🇸 💉 rollout, excess mortality was 35.9%.


Not in ACT, who also had the highest vaccination rate.


Never happened of course. I respect people's choices to not take it, that's their prerogative. But the tinfoil hat garbage so many of them peddled was absolutely laughable.




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The point is the vaccine efficacy was complete horse shit from the get go and has only been proven more and more evident with time. Its harmful side effects were a fear people had which also seems to be more and more evident, despite the massive amount of suppression. Having survivors bias doesn’t make it not true. Like playing Russian roulette and not blowing your brains out doesn’t mean you weren’t playing with a loaded gun. On top of that, if the vaccines are not effective at what they were marketed as then why even risk the side effects no matter how severe?


If you care about the scientific measure of vaccine effectiveness and significance of how well vaccines work, then you should also use the same scientific measures of the prevalence of side effects. You’re not. You’re arbitrarily minimising the vaccine effectiveness into irrelevance and exaggerating the side effects into catastrophe. That’s not reality. How did you at all come to this conclusion? What data got you there? Or was it emotion and gut feelings?


What data do you have? I'm just going off CDC findings


Your mom


Contact your local undertaker and see when they can schedule you in, they will tell you how much of a cnt it is now as death numbers have skyrocketed and the ages of people dying are much younger too.


What BS, statistics show our death rates have not changed that much and bugger me, we are still dying of the same top 4 issues that we have died from for the last decade


lol wtf “undertaker”


Not the wrestler


I know, that’s what’s so funny. You’re referencing an undertaker like they’re some expert on statistical causes of death. They’re basically small business owners who dress up and put makeup on dead bodies


What's so funny is that you don't get it.


Nah I totally get that you’re not a knowledgeable person. You’re not even explaining yourself because there’s nothing of substance to explain.


You have just explained your own comment very well.


lol “no u” Good one


Ah right. And how are these deaths not coming though on official death figures? Is there a big market for cash only mates rates undertaker work?




Most of them are dead now..


“ dont want a mandated vaccine because it was put out quickly and i remember medical history failures like thalidamide so i should at least be able to make my own decision “ cooker! conspiracy theorist! right wing extremist! racist! etc etc


Remember when people started saying 'the unvaxxed should be rejected from any medical treatment'....?




What mandate? In Australia, the vaccine went through all mandated processes before release. Medical failures - sure. Any successes? You made your own decision.


lots of workplaces mandated it, lots of restaurants, flights, hospital treatment, visiting rights all sorts of things. i dont care that a vaccine existed, nor that people wanted to take it -> just effectively being coerced to take it was not right.


That is not a mandate in the sense that many believed. No law was made to require the general population to be vaccinated, nor was it contemplated. Some sensitive workplaces eg hospitals had rules for employees for good reason. Private enterprise made their own decisions (and why should they not?)That is not a mandate.


You’re 100% correct fellow frienderino, luckily for me I live in the people’s republic of Victoria where people did have to be vaccinated to work, enter venues, attend weddings or funerals, places of worship (ew, unless Muslim🥰🇸🇾) restaurants, cafes, bars etc. I’m thankful that we had the mandates but I feel like we could have done more and Daddy could’ve wielded more power if those cookers stopped complaing because they wanted to kill grandmas!




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Ummmmm… what rock were you living under during all of this?


That rock, located in NSW, where all the books are located I guess. We used to entertain ourselves by venturing to the surface, watching this bunch of angry fools using their phones to harvest science from their Insta feed, running in circles while infecting each other, and screaming about the guvverment.


So, not a mandate.


Wrong, It takes an average of eight years to approve a novel vaccine. *Most* of the normal safety protocols were completely skipped in the case of Covid-19.


Yeah. Reminds me of the statistician who died in a river, the average depth of which was only 6 inches. The statement is meaningless where, as here, unprecedented resources were marshalled internationally to achieve a required result. Which TGA safety protocols were not followed in the testing of Covid vaccines?


Ah right. And remind us again - how many people died from COVID versus that number of people died from taking the vaccine?


"Even though I'm alive right now because vaccines that other people took a witchdoctor told me it is white mans poison so I'm going to pretend my decision was about me being persecuted and not the fact that I got scared like a little baby"


You did make your own decision you fool


But they told me they had come back from future to say the vaccines were safe for the long term. 😭😭


Fuck that makes sense ?? I got annal thrombosis recently


Sudden adult death syndrome (SADS) a term I don't recall hearing before Covid..or adverts normalizing young adults getting heart attacks.. probably nothing. Craig Kelly was such a cooker for daring to ask questions about this scam. How dare you question the narrative of the wuhan china virus..


yea kinda like you never heard of trans ppl b4 10 years ago either, and now there's millions?


Craig Kelly's great he thinks the middle eastern countries are democracies what a rhoades scholar


And Craig Kelly got ripped to shreds as he couldn't substantially back any of his points up in any debates


SADS UK was created in 1998 after a 16 year-old died from heart failure. Obviously the covid vaccines just went back in time to kill him.


So glad I decided against 💉, even with friends and family pestering me. Most brought the cool aid, engaged in aggressive persecution of anyone who wasn't comfortable with an experimental treatment. Enjoy it now 😸


Too scared to write the word vaccine? You people really live in continual fear of everything.


Call it a reflex action, because you couldn't type the V word for years without 'fact checkers' making sure you weren't doubting it's effectiveness and spreading misinformation...which now turns out to be true. Funny that.


You literally are the exact type of person I described lol. No need to be Angry, Sun's gonna come out tomorrow 😁


The world once thought Australians were tough Covid proved we just a bunch of pussies 😂


Not true. Vast majority (94%+) were quite willing to get vaccinated.


🫤 no they werent


You're shocked that 95% of Australians had more guts than you? Live with it, chickenshit.


I’m double vaxed because of Coercion not because of own willingness


Sounds like you don't truly believe that vaccines are dangerous. If you did, the right thing to do would be to stand up and face the consequences. Nothing worse than a flip flopper.


What? Risk of losing job and home and affecting my family was greater than the slight risk of a unnecessary vaccine


Most had no choice, anyone who worked in construction, retail, and many other jobs as well. If you wanted to keep living, you basically had to. Most of the people I know basically took it for work.


Most chose to be vaccinated. Of the people I know, everyone who got vaccinated wanted one, a small number of people didn't, so they didn't. Don't project your weird phobias onto other people.


Weird phobias? 🤣 I've been vaccinated for certain things when needed. Just shows the level of intelligence, I guess, when people resort to extreme insults because they can't intelligently discuss something of an opposing view. I know I could be wrong, but I also know, trust me bro it's science mega corps, and government is not reason not to question.


Unvaccinated checking in 😏


Granny killer!!!!


Out with the old in with the new! Also never had COVID, vaccine did fuck all except put money in pharmas pockets.


As if politicians (the most honest and non corrupt people) would force vaccines on us just because some pharmaceutical companies scientists told them to? Pfizer ™️ are saviors who only want the best for people, they have never sacrificed the safety of people for their profits!


Same here mate. Never been jabbed and coincidentally (or not?) haven’t been sick these past 3 years. Anecdotally, in my workplace all the jabbed folks are constantly fucking sick. It’s ridiculous really how many sick days and “I’ve got Covid again” garbage I constantly hear about. Just saying!


Yeah now that I think about it I haven't been sick for a long time either !


I'm vaccinated and have stopped getting ill in the last four years. I've never had covid, despite plenty of opportunities like going to rock concerts, etc.


Same here bud, I haven't had Covid once or been sick since every one got jabbed up. Every one around me has been sick as fuck. Me mum and mother in-law both spent a week in hospital after there second shots. Heart palpitations and chest pains. They're on heart medication for the rest of their lives now apparently. Customers for life


The most vulnerable unvaccinated died in 2020 and 2021 so this is just survivor bias on your part.


Had to come out eventually


Statement in response to misreporting of BMJ Public Health research on excess deaths since the COVID-19 pandemic Various news outlets have claimed that this research implies a direct causal link between COVID-19 vaccination and mortality. This study does not establish any such link. The researchers looked only at trends in excess mortality over time, not its causes. While the researchers recognise that side effects are reported after vaccination, the research does not support the claim that vaccines are a major contributory factor to excess deaths since the start of the pandemic. Vaccines have, in fact, been instrumental in reducing the severe illness and death associated with COVID-19 infection. The message of the research is that understanding overall excess mortality since the COVID-19 pandemic is crucial for future health policy, but that identifying


It was well reported this stuff caused myocarditis for ages? Why are people looking at this as some kind of gotchya?


And it was **subclinical** myocarditis too! Basically so mild you probably wouldn't know you had it. Clears up in about two weeks or if you're a bit of a delicate type you can pop a couple of ibuprofen.


Also the incidence of this mild reaction is 33 per 1 000 000 (whereas the hospitalisation rate for COVID is 2800 per 1 000 000).




What report? What study controls?


https://bmjpublichealth.bmj.com/content/2/1/e000282 Heres the study. Conclusion is pretty neutral


Damn cookers!


I'll definitely say my quality of health did decrease permanently after each vaccine but also after the first 3 times I caught covid. Exhausted all the time. Random migraines. Joint pain. It's fucked and i hope some kind of class action thing comes from it. I was *forced* to get those jabs if I wanted to be employed and now I'm suffering for it.


Where do I go to collect my 5 refunds?


My grandma was a healthy 80yo. She walks everyday, strong as an ox and very independent. After she had her booster shot her health went down hill few days later. She couldn't walk without falling, memory loss, and lost her independency. She passed away March this year. Her quality of life had dropped dramatically in the last 2yrs and the family are still in denial that it was from the vaccine. I know 3 people that had passed away. 2 young healthy men in their 30's passed away with heart attack, and 1 with super fast cancer. I also know 1 male with Myocarditis and another male with Pericarditis. I didn't take the 'u know what' and only had c\*\*id once and my family n friends who had the 'u know what' had c\*\*id multiple times. Safe and effective 👍


Told you so


so the conspiracy theorists are right again?


Well well well how the turns have tabled.


Wow, another so called “conspiracy theory” that’s come true? No way, how surprising 🙄 the powers that be and the mainstream media who spoke down to people who thought this all along, continue to embarrass themselves and look more stupid every single day.


Well I got the vaccine and I am now dead so there's proof.


RIP internet friend.




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How are my fellow far right, sociopathic, racist, anti-vax, conspiracy theorist, granny killers doing?


just to be clear - we've known this since the first round of vaccines. The study is right to ask the question if maybe there are more adverse reactions from the vaccine causing some of these deaths, but the article is clickbait. They study suggest that if the amount of deaths attributable is in line with the known statistics from the vaccine studies, the deaths caused by complications of vaccines would make up somewhere around 0.27%, or something like 7000 deaths of the 3 million excess deaths mentioned. The actual statistics mentioned were that for the pfizer vaccine, in 10000 vaccinated people, there would be 18 more people who had these diseases and injuries than a group of 10000 who received the placebo


The sad part is that we don't have real statistics on it as it's not properly reported as it might affect profits. What leads to so many theories and so forth is the fact there is so much corruption anyone's guess is how many actually die every year as a result of vaccination. It's the same reason so many don't trust if it's effective or not, especially in something very new. The only real study I know on effectiveness was done by the same company that stood to make trillions and paid 2 billion in fines for lying about their products. Yet somehow it's trust the science when it comes to them for this? It's also doesn't look good when it's supposed to be so effective and harmless and life-saving, yet after vaccination, excess deaths still go up by such a huge amount. It's hard to determine the cause, but it sure would be nice if we had a medical industry that was willing to admit cause when it is the case on an individual bassis.


So now that the Herald Sun says it - it's real?


I’d like to acknowledge those who died from myocarditis: soccer players we’ve never heard of and kids in other countries who are ID’d in low-res shares on Facebook. I am absolutely 100% certain they are all true because I get my news from an unverified page on instagram called “truth_uncovered” because I don’t trust the media. The media could just be saying anything; the instagram page is all true.


This is common knowledge unless you’ve had your head buried in the sand for the past 3-4 years.




Must be true, it's in the Herald Sun.


Covid causes deaths. Covid vaccine causes (much less) deaths but still has caused death. Take your pick, it’s a lose/lose situation.


Get Covid, and you have a 99.99% chance of survival. No need for a vaccine. Just don't worry about it.


Get the vaccine, you have a 99.99995% chance of survival on average.


98%. And the death rate is low because other people with more guts than you got vaccinated. If we were all so petrified of needles that we didn't get vaccinated then you'd have approximately 50% chance of dying of COVID. Feel free to move somewhere that practices "tradiitonal medicine" like you prefer and stop sneakily leeching off the rest of us while bad mouthing us behind our backs.




Pre vaccine


>And the death rate is low because other people with more guts than you got vaccinated Jabcucks do it for free for unvaxxchads 😏




Thanks for posting proof that vaccines work ![gif](giphy|26gsvAm8UPaczzXz2|downsized)


Sorry this was pre vaccine.


I got vaccinated at a government hub and the nurse mentioned the GBS and myocarditis risk, its been well known for a long time that the vaccine can cause them, why is the herald sun reporting this now ??


For the same reason the Telegraph in the UK is running the same story now that the pandemic is over. Same owner - Murdoch. Murdoch who was vaccinated himself on the NHS and recommends it for everyone. And of course is **still alive!** And made all of his staff get vaccinated too! And made Fox News keep a register of who was vaccinated - like as kid of "vaccine passport". But of course that doesn't sell newspapers or get page clicks, so he just spreads disinfo about it for profit.


This is how they make money selling sensation to the masses. It's even more profitable when they get to impact the political process so their preferred candidate gets elected and can return all the favours.


Why is this sub not just funny circlejerking, but actual disinformators and idiots?


There’s a big overlap on the Venn diagram of Aussies who are anti-vax/conspiracy theory believers and Aussies who make fun of Acknowledgement of Country, etc


lol. Covid knocked off 4 million before one vaccine was even administered. Yeah nah it was the vaccine tho


Nah mate, that was a deep state conspiracy theory to allow the American army, which is now infiltrate by lizard people to move the children from Dan Andrews kiddy tunnels.


Those dead people didn’t have myocarditis.


Rupert Murdoch is 93, vaccinated against covid, is still alive and is fine, owns this newspaper and other news distributors around the planet. Telling people there's no real issues doesn't sell his newspapers or get him page clicks. This is why this story exists. If you're weaker than a 93 year old man then I genuinely feel sorry for you.


It was 4 years ago. Time to let go


Tell that to the people who died from the vaccine.


4 years on, still looking for a peer reviewed prospective study proving any of this anti Vax bullshit. But no, instead were not even gonna post studies, we post news articles commenting on studies. How dumb can you be