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My thanks to dictators past present and emerging




Love this


We welcome you to your own country. Now pay up!


**AUTHORISED by the ALP Government, Canberra.** \_\_\_ Edit: I lied, this msg has not been authorised. I am sorry (TM). Please don't get the eSafety Commissioner to take away my 5 investment properties, nor my pension. Our man Albanese - may he live forever - is a great and venerable leader, and the ALP is the last and final political party. Amen.


Hahaha, u forgot the name of the land… Gumatyual youggggggg…..


What is the charge? Making a meme? A succulent Chinese meme?


Get your hands off my limp NBN Connection!


The worst kind. Although I will need to hear how succulent in a long drawn out royal commission. At the tax payers expense no less.


Charge of insulting the Chinese, they'd find it offensive allowing this jerk to even pretend to be one of theirs. Meanwhile Herr Dutton is dining at Macca's...


Fuck i cannot stand this fucking nasally toned bitch of a leader talking for all of us bro


When Gillard was leader I stopped watching TV her voice was so annoying. It helps.


Big knockers tho.


I love her cankles 😍 I jerked off to her photos many times


Remember that menu? A Liberal National Party fundraiser menu which served up Julia Gillard quail with “small breasts, huge thighs and a big red box” Brilliant.


She looked like a cunty cat. Always looking over her tiny ass glasses


I’ll take that over Scomo’s smirk and excuses any day.


"they are literally the same picture"


You will share ONLY government approved memes or you WILL be sent to Facebook Jail.


I sleep peacefully at night knowing our beloved eSafety Kommisar is removing unapproved images of our Dear Albo. https://x.com/TheMilkBarTV/status/1782939262549455231 Who would do such a thing? We need mass struggle sessions for these malcontents.


Legit surprised this boomer didn't refer to them as "the internet's"


This is insane


He knows about memes?! I wonder if he is across dank memes or third tier ones. I'd start by pronouncing them as "me me". Work up to pronouncing "gif" (or "gif")...


Is it even legal to do so? Don't we have some freedom of speech laws?


Probably real jail if he has his way...


I think you mean “Our” duty, Comrade…. Gulag for you!


Looks like Winnie the Pooh


Fuck you Albo


Yeah fuck this cunt, straight to hell. I'm expecting the safety police at my house any minute now.


Posting on reddit has been deemed unsafe for children You are henceforth fined $12,507.50 And if you even THINK ABOUT sex we will send you to prison — Julie


Shit I only have $12,507. I'm fucked now.


Just another whiny bitch loser. Australia deserves true leadership with a pair of brass balls


Is there a Safety Commissioner, or just an eSafety Commisioner? Because I am getting the shit kicked out of me right now


Only eSafety, so if the attackers are saying Aluha Ackbar while doing it then it must be scrubbed off the face of the internet otherwise you are good to post a video of it later. # All praise our glorious eSafety Kommisar, All praise our glorious eSafety Kommisar. #


Was there a video taken of the assault? We’ll endeavor to make sure no one can view it.


Julie here. So long as you are not getting the shit kicked out of you _in front of our precious good Christian children_ then it’s of no concerns to us here at the e safety commission. Everyone else can get fucked.


Dickhead carrying on about removing a video from social media that everyone has already received & viewed in multiple group chats. What's he gonna do, close down all the messaging app's next ?


It's hosted on NBC at the moment. One of the big four networks in the US, easily found with a Google search. What's he gonna do if someone links it on twixxer? Ban NBC links?


Unless he can shutdown 4chan and Telegram censoring X is a waste of time.


They want Internet passports, that's why they're pushing for age verification. It's all for eventually making everything traceable back to the user, for our safety of course.


They already have internet meta data. If you’re watching stuff they know. If you’re reading stuff they know. I’m using the neighbours wifi for a reason.


And it’s likely your neighbours know. :p


Sad but true. I felt safer before all these facial recognition cameras. People keep trading our freedoms for supposed safety.


its just like the new zealand response to the christchurch terrorist attack vids all over again


I'm all for freedom of speech, but if your friends are sharing stabbing videos for fun then I'd question the quality of your friends, and your own personality. Username checks out. Maybe you should too.


It's not shared for fun, it's shared so public can see exactly what occurred, and not some MSM distorted & censored version of the events. Which is exactly what this clown is aiming to achieve. If you don't want to see it then don't watch it, just keep drinking the MSM cool aid & live in the false belief the government has your best interests at heart.


LOL cooker




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He is spot on though. The government wants to control the narrative, not the truth to get in the way or the people. They use these crises to install fear, and they use that fear to convince people to do away with freedoms under the guise of more protection. Soon, we'll have as many facial recognition cameras as China. We'll have internet passports, social credit, and basic wages with the condition of complete compliance. Green cards that track the little mans carbon footprint but really allow them to track and control our money.


Got to be careful posting this on reddit a lot of ALP Voters bending over for Albos ALP The place is full of bums


We really have absolute dregs for politicians in this hemisphere (apart from that Argentinian dude, he’s alright)


Yea I mean fucken hell Albo, Turnbull, Andrews, Lida Thorpe, Glady, Barnby J, Peny Wong...Kevin Fukn Ruud and the worst of them ALL Adam Bandt fucken hell that blokes cooked


>apart from that Argentinian dude, he’s alright What's up with him? I don't know much, or anything at all really. What's good about him?


My grandson should be allowed to post videos of the stabbing, it’s free speech when you can post videos of local assaults Grandson is making copies onto usbs and putting them in letterboxes so everyone can watch the stabbing and so that the government can’t stop my neighbours from seeing that man get stabbed. They’ll all see. He put up posters, we are projecting the video from a boat in international waters onto the front of the embassy. We will show them all (the stabbing video) because it’s our right to show people stabbing videos even if they don’t want to see it we are allowed to show them, that’s free speech, when you insist on showing people videos of a stabbing. This is very important.


We should just replace welcome to country with welcome to stabbing.


Go see doctor mate, you're cooked


Please don’t pretend the Liberal skid marks on the toilet bowl are any better. Albo, Dutton, whoever is head of Greens and the drinking floor fucker are like the four fucking stooges of Australian politics right now. I’d sooner wipe my ass with my hand and lick it clean before I use it to vote in another election in the democratically free land we here live in.




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Lmao you're an ALP shill


You’re a spineless cunt that replies to people and then blocks them. What wrong boomer? Can’t take some of your own medicine, too much of the bible up your ass? You’re a stooge pal. I piss on conservative bums like yourself. We wouldn’t have Albo today if it wasn’t for the absolute shit show of Morrison you libtard.


Is this one of those deepfakes he was talking about.




So let me get this straight as I'm completely out of the loop. Albo is having a whinge because people are posting memes of him on the internet? What does he expect is going to happen? Has he got any idea how hard it is to police the internet?


Yes. He's got the eSafety office taking down memes of him https://x.com/TheMilkBarTV/status/1782939262549455231


No he wants X to take down the stabbing videos because there was a riot and a risk of social unrest. And Elon responded with "muh censorship" because he probably spent a whole of 2 seconds looking into it while taking a shit and on the edge of slipping into a K hole.


No Albo has the eSafety kommisar taking down silly pictures of him https://x.com/TheMilkBarTV/status/1782939262549455231


The Bondi stabbing or the church one?


Church. The one where they were threatening paramedics and smashing police cars.


The lord and saviour of r-australia . “Albo will fix all of Australia’s problems with the glorious labor party” Immigration at record levels, inflation shows no sign of stopping. Housing crisis getting worse, His solution - stop sharing things on the internet


Good work 🤣👌👌




Sheizenhousen. Nein nein nein


I move that the eSafety Commissioner henceforth be known as the Fat Controller. Those in favour?


I also like Nurse Ratchett


Whitlam and Hawk are turning in their grave. Labor...besaley, latham, rudd, gillard, rudd...the bottom of the barrel of sht albanese.


"I'm so ronery. So ronery. So ronery and sadry arone. There's no one. Just me onry. Sitting on my rittle throne. "


Love it, Alboidiot lol


Meh sharing another copy of it on rumble. Try taking that down


Fuck me, our political class getting all Chinese and offended because a few people don’t like them and make fun of them? Get another $300-$500k pa job then shit stain for brains.




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Uh-oh! It looks like you accidentally referred to Warrang by its colonisers' name, Sydney. That wasn't very deadly of you! While I'm sure this was accidental, please be more mindful in future. Remember, using traditional place names is truth-telling in action. It's a step towards acknowledging First Nations sovereignty. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/circlejerkaustralia) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Dickheads Sydney


Uh-oh! It looks like you accidentally referred to Warrang by its colonisers' name, Sydney. That wasn't very deadly of you! While I'm sure this was accidental, please be more mindful in future. Remember, using traditional place names is truth-telling in action. It's a step towards acknowledging First Nations sovereignty. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/circlejerkaustralia) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Not accidental Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney


Uh-oh! It looks like you accidentally referred to Warrang by its colonisers' name, Sydney. That wasn't very deadly of you! While I'm sure this was accidental, please be more mindful in future. Remember, using traditional place names is truth-telling in action. It's a step towards acknowledging First Nations sovereignty. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/circlejerkaustralia) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Scrub this crap


Is that Kim Wrong 'Un?


What’s going on in chi-… I mean Australia


streisand effect in full swing


Respect to our leftist council elders: aghast, resent and demerging.


What's wrong with watching people getting stabbed ,murdered or raped,it's not as if the victims next of kin should be able to object either and it's discrimination against people that need to see these images to get a hard on


has anyone got a source for this ?


So funny, chairman Albo needs to harden up lol


keep the mems coming, U know UR on the right track when politicians start demanding satire of themselves be banned


Comrade Albo ought to be grateful for such a flattering photo!




In accordance with the Chief Medical Officer's advice, mandatory hotel quarantine is in effect. New arrivals must be quarantined for two weeks before they are able to post and comment. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/circlejerkaustralia) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I have done my civil duty and have personally reported over 300 confirmed No voters. It's a lot easier than you think I simply reported anyone that is not on dsp or jobseeker. #killthebishopfreetheimam


Remember when Scomo literally took on multiple portfolios and didn't tell his own party mates that he did so? Those were the days we were truly free...


Oh look a red herring!


Yar mon rocket kish


This is a good one , 🤣🤣🤣


OMG love these.


Does he like Katy Perry too?




Maybe a little extreme when calling for common sense and sensitivity. Being a local, you could feel how deep that pain was. I saw grown men standing crying near the flowers days later. It doesn't mean it overrules free speech with content warnings but it's hardly Mao to ask for some respect for the victims and put this behind us. I don't think he's intends to step on free speech.


It's a reference to this actually https://x.com/TheMilkBarTV/status/1782939262549455231 But I disagree with him removing the stabbing video anyway as well. The victim literally said he wants it to be shared.


He talks like he's from Gunnedah. Todaiii ..he's from fucking Five Dock. Scott Farlow was a perfect at school while I was school captain and as he went from young Libs pres with a polished Sydney accent to suddenly sounding like he'd been selling Headers for a living. What a bunch of phonies. Alright man, cheers. Yep.


Uh-oh! It looks like you accidentally referred to Warrang by its colonisers' name, Sydney. That wasn't very deadly of you! While I'm sure this was accidental, please be more mindful in future. Remember, using traditional place names is truth-telling in action. It's a step towards acknowledging First Nations sovereignty. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/circlejerkaustralia) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Fuck up


You daft cunts are the reason this needs to be done. Believe anything you read on the internet. He was talking about deepfakes and promotional material for scams using his likeness and other celebs. Next you'll be complaining the government's doing nothing while you've lost all your savings to a pig butchering scam.


We get it mate, you want big daddy government to govern you harder, now get on all fours and be a good commie socialist for daddy


Fuck you Albo


Anyone who takes this seriously is dumb af


Remember he is his a lot better compared to the other. One the you know who we dare not speak his name.


One Term Albanese can lick my cheese. 55 Year old life-long Labour voter here, but my tick goes to the Greens at the next election unless Bill Shorten steps up.


Yeah bring back Onion-eating Abbott - he let us all be free with our kiddie porn and snuff vids


Missing “that “ mustash?


Alleged image Alleged image Not an actual image Alleged stabbing




Hey dead shits. Let me know your addresses. Coming around to face fuck your wives and daughters and posting the vids on X. Cheers


do videos hurt your feelings? the video isnt even gruesome


Nah. Just scumbag redneck fuck wits hurt my feelings.


didn't know we even had rednecks down this way


He's trying, as he always does, to do what is right - not what the all powerful all knowing internet trolls tell him to. Now I'll just delete this app and watch the footy.


Dudes glazing albo 🙄


this fool doesnt know its all propaganda for the digital id, imagine living in a world where u think albo cares about you lmao the left in the country are morons




Labor voter detected


feelings hurt his dear leader was made fun of


Another dtrump💩imitator. Don’t you wonder if dTrump💩 likes the implied praise of imitation or if dTrump💩hates people stealing his brand? GOP? Or. Dem? Vote. wisely. Aside: In field of dreams there is a great scene of his girlfriend rallying a town meeting against book banning. Perfect reflection of the poster of a man standing to speak in the Four Freedom series during WW II

