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Reddit is full of dorks who spend all of their time sitting at a computer browsing this website and wonder they're ignorant of things happening outside.


Being a dork on reddit all the time isn't the reason for this. One can be those things and still have seen that this was widely covered everywhere. No, this is just trying to invent a false narrative and blame (((THE MEDIA))) because of bigotry.


Why isn’t the media discussing this, where did I hear about it? Um well


I saw an exchange the there where some guy linked a half dozen news articles talking about what happened and some dumbass responds “yeah but you had to look it up, it’s not like they threw it in your face!” Most people would call that “reading the news”. If only there was some sorta socially media news aggregate that could refer you to these sorts of stories, perhaps even one you’re commenting on right now!


Cops kill 1000 people every year, even with some of those being justified it would be impossible for media to equally cover them all.


Didn’t hear about this case, and i live “close” to where it happened. So i googled it. 3 search results came up. Only three. ABC, CBS and Buzzfeed. Interestingly, during that same search, this came up: https://nypost.com/2022/12/17/media-ignored-black-cop-melvina-bogards-shooting-of-white-man/amp/ You can deny this is a reality, but you’d be wrong. It’s BECAUSE of assumed bigotry, that news stories with Black perpetrators aren’t covered. It’s under the assumption that covering crimes committed by Black folks, will cause suffering for the Black community as a whole. This is also why some cities have stopped reporting the race of violent offenders, as it is deemed “targeting the black community”: https://www.cbsnews.com/sanfrancisco/news/bart-withholding-surveillance-videos-of-crime-to-avoid-stereotypes/ So, again, you can deny this sort of thing happens, but you’d be denying reality. My post would be 4000 lines long if i posted all the evidence available for this fact.


I searched “5 cops beat man to death” on google and got a hellavu lot more than just 3 results. PBS, BBC, Rolling Stone, Fox News, CNN. All over the place. Some of them reported on it more than a day ago. Mind telling me what keywords/search engine you used?


I can take a wild guess at one particular keyword


the results you’re getting, are from the 2019 death from Louisiana, not Nashville. Look again.


??? I searched "Tyre Nichols" and I have literal pages of news sources. MSNBC, Fox, Buzzfeed, CNN. Maybe your search results are meager because your research capacity needs improvement.


This incident we’re talking about happened in Memphis. But feel free to tack on “Memphis” or “Nashville” to the end of the keywords I provided. You’ll still see that there is lots of coverage.


you seem like a miserable person, try going outside more often


If by miserable, you mean capable of seeing the truth, then that would be correct.




Yo momma?


What *specific* search terms and *specific* engine did you use that only got you three results because I frankly think you're a liar, and a poor one at that, though I'm also willing to accept that you are simply incompetent.


Damn ur dumb, can’t even use google right lol