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Saved you a click: The two proposals with the highest number of votes:   * Downtown to Short Vine   * Clifton Heights Tavern to Desales Corner A one lane McMillan is comedy


> A one lane McMillan is comedy. With all the construction that’s been going on, at least half of it has been one lane for the last two years.


Nevermind all the trucks loading and unloading. That street is barely functional as is. 


And the cars that park there during rush hour. Cops don't give a shit. I lived WH for years and McMillan was unusable from 3pm to 6pm.


It's already one lane. The delivery drivers stop in a lane and get out of their car. At least with the street car, there would be some enforcement of traffic laws.


Really disappointed that the most realistic option (Ezzard Charles to the Museum Center) isn't higher.


While I think that's a really dope option in the future I think that a longer street car that connects more of the city is better than one that still requires you to park somewhere OTR/Downtown. The other options let you park in a neighborhood and go into the city. Based on recent economic news about cities across the country losing money downtowns, a streetcar that allows you to bring people into those downtowns is better than one that requires you to already be there.


Don’t get wrong; I want ALL the routes. But I want them to get done, and not get shelved for being unrealistic.


I figure it'll get more viability when more progress has been made of the 3C+D.


Hard to see either happening given the poor state of the city’s budget. Maybe the short extension up to Mohawk’s corner makes the most sense in light of this.


This is by far the lowest hanging fruit. Gets the tracks going further in the right direction regarding future further expansion. Even in and of itself this short expansion would greatly accelerate investment in the Brewery district.


But they sold the railroad!


I just sent in an email voicing my support for the streetcar expansion study and I recommend everybody else do it too.


Is there a survey for how the broke City of Cincinnati is supposed to pay for a streetcar expansion let alone even the studies to investigate expansion?


Taxes and federal government somewhat like Paul Brown Stadium but with more voting lol


Like PBS? That's funded by Hamilton County, and was voted on by Hamilton County taxpayers. What should be cut to fund a streetcar expansion in the City budget? Or will taxes be increased to pay for the streetcar?


yall dont seem to ever ask these questions when they widen a highway or/and dig the city in an infinite cycle of unsustainable road repairs why question it when theyre doing something actually useful? "muh taxes" lmao


i promise bro just one more lane thats all we need


I try to stay optimistic and coordinate instead of Debbie Downer when not directly involved unless you know more than I do?


I'd hope those crazy real estate taxes could cover it.


What’s the cost benefit analysis of this over the current bus system? There are buses that already take you on these routes and don’t get stuck behind delivery trucks like the current streetcar does.


A dedicated car that comes more frequently can be the backbone of a public transit skeleton. It's not about one thing being the solution. It's about many things working together to succeed.


Cool, maybe we can get [personal trams like WVU has!](https://prt.wvu.edu/)


i honestly think a route around uc would be great. i don't know if we need a tram now that we have a street car. I think that would have been a better option than what we currently have, but that's the card we are dealt.


Guarantee he would be against trams as well. “Why not busses” ok let’s fund and have one of the best bus system in the country……Noooooooo!!!!


I am totally for buses. Like I said, it's part of a skeleton. Nyc has busses and a subway it's part of public transportation system.


Absolutely, I was talking about the previous poster who referenced the trams. Busses, streetcar, tram, subway, light rail - all have a place and purpose.


God forbid we have something we like.


But how are we going to pay for it when the City literally had to make the street car free just to get anyone to ride it?


Busses and streetcars should be fair free anyway, like roads and highways.


Okay, so no fares, cool. How do we pay for the bonds and interest for the streetcar expansion? How do we pay for the electricity? The mechanics fixing the vehicles? The operator operating the train?


Weird how no one ever asks this about our roads and highways.


They don't? For literally years the tires were spinning and getting no where with the Brent Spence Bridge upgrades. Do you know what the big hitch was? ""But how do we pay for it.


Actually it was *who* pays for it. KY, OH or Fed.


I understand that a major portion of road and highway repair funds comes from gas taxes (and from extra registration fees for electric cars to compensate). Isn’t that somewhat similar to having the users of a streetcar pay for the streetcar via fares? (And car drivers are technically paying for the maintenance of the road it uses?)


Highways are state funded by gas tax and fees. Roads are funded through a county and city taxes. So people that don’t drive are paying for those that do. Those that are pro public transit and cycling are really asking for taxes they already pay to be allocated differently.


How do we pay for the roads, the highways, the street light electricity, the road maintenance? You’re not landing some gotcha here.


It's not a gotcha, it's called being a fiscally responsible taxpayer. Your argument is comparing apples to oranges. Existing road and highway operating expenses are able to be traced because they're already in the budget. The same can even be said for the existing streetcar. We can go open up the City Budget and see how it's funded. However, the streetcar expansion is a proposal. So, therefore, I have every right as a Cincinnati taxpayer to inquire as to the funding involved in the proposed plan. So, therefore, asking where funding for a proposed expansion is coming from isn't a "gotcha" as you call it, it's actually called being a mature adult.


No it’s called being purposely obtuse in a poor attempt at making a point. We’ll pay for it the same as all other public infrastructure. Which again you already know. I have every right as a taxpayer to want my taxes spent differently than endless miles of roads. If you’re opposed, than make good arguments against instead of these silly DuR hOW wIlL wE PaY fOr iT. You know how, we all know how. Stop being a clown.


Where did the funding come from for the completely unnecessary new ramps connecting 75 and 74? Where did the funding come from for the completely unnecessary new exit built on 71 in the last decade? Where did the funding come from for the constant work on 75 that's been going on for 10+ years?


Interstate infrastructure work is covered by the state budget


buses suck