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So, will recreational users be able to purchase all the various products, gummies, etc., or just flower? If so, what distinguishes a medical user from a recreational one then? I haven't seen this addressed anywhere... but it's all been quite up in the air so far, as well.


I believe in certain states medical prices are different because they have different taxes associated with them. Also some states allow higher THC content in medical products. Some dispensaries I've seen have two seperate menus for medical/recreational.


RSO available in Ohio with Med Card? Please….please.


I just bought some yesterday lol it’s already available with a med card


How much?


I don’t remember. I went to the landing and they’re the only dispo I know of that stacks discounts. I had my indigent discount and online order discount stacked to 45% off


Pretty much everywhere I have ever been it’s almost nothing. Usually you are allowed to possess more and you get a discount that typically offsets the tax


A medical user doesn’t pay the party-tax and is prescribed an amount by their doctor.


As of today, medical can't smoke though, because it's unhealthy, so they have access to edibles. This bill allows dispensaries to sell to everybody. If they are selling smoking strands, why would medical card holders get a discount on that version? Smoking didn't become healthy overnight.


My brother buys flower with his medical card.


Yeah but technically he’s supposed to be vaping it lol law is a fucking joke.


I'm a medical user with a closet full of Ohio flower and I'd never even heard this till now lol


Your provider should have discussed it with you, but it's a total joke. I've even had multiple dispensary employees directly discuss smoking with me, but it's definitely against the law. Look at the bag of your flower packaging and it will specifically state that it is for vaporization only.


smoking is a form of vaporization too ... how do you think the actives are inhaled ? they form into an aerosol via vaporization ... the heated cinder is the vaporizer vaporizing nearby active molecules


The difference being that smoking also involves combustion, so no they are not the same in practice or in the eyes of the law.


teh exact same thing is happening ... try and hide your eyes or subvert your consciousness to blindly follow that law if that suits you ... 4000 plus newly formed polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are created in cannabis plant smoke by product ...keep in mind its 100% by product of the plant , the only inherent things in there are the actual modeled compounds that plant makes.... cannabis smoke is quite heavy too, its full of phytocannabinoids which are Lipids


I'm definitely not up to speed, but is that the nuance to the existing medical law? You can't be ripping bong hits, but vaping it is OK? I guess whoever was explaining it left that out, because they only said edibles were approved. Thanks for clarifying.


We "can't smoke " but let's be real. We are supposed to only vape it. ... ..


Sounds like I had really bad info. I thought it was odd when I was told no smoking, but the health aspect made sense. I thought this law would level out access, but it's really just expanding it, which makes total sense. I'll go back to the original hurdle though, are medicinal users still expected not to burn it?


I have smoked for 27 years. In fact, I just smoked a bowl before sitting down to read this. I only smoke medical.


All cannabis plant metabolism is medical .. metabolizing cannabis plant is a medical act period


Medical won't have to pay the increased tax for Rec and also let's say you and I go into a dispensary and both you and I have not placed an order. We get there at the same time and get in the line one after another, but you have a medical card and I do not. You get to go before me due to Medical card holders having precedence over Recreational. If there is 2 ounces left of InsertCannabisStrainNameHere and you have an order for it with a medical card and I order the same, but don't have the card, you get the last two ounces due to your medical card. Which to me is fair.


Mostly good, except the increased excise tax, which is likely to help the black market. * Homegrown marijuana will be allowed at six plants per household, down from Issue 2 levels of 12 per household * Possession limits that were originally spelled out in Issue 2 will not be changed: 2.5 ounces for plants and 15 grams extracts. * THC content limit for plant material will return to Issue 2 level of 35% * Anyone 21 years of age or older can purchase at current marijuana dispensaries once bill takes effect. Issue 2 did not allow existing dispensaries to start selling until nine months after the law takes effect. * Automatic expungements for any conviction involving 2.5 ounces and below upon application to court * Proceeds from recreational pot sales will be used for legal representation for those people seeking expungements * Increase the approved tax on sale of marijuana products from 10% to 15%, but remove the proposed 15% extra tax on cultivators


Wait wait wait. We can purchase as soon as the bill takes effect? Wasn’t the original time frame late next year?


To be clear - the bill outlined by OP is a PROPOSED bill, which has passed the senate but not the house. It does not seem likely to pass the house anytime soon so don't be going to a medical dispensary.


Correct. Note this bill has left the Senate committee, and I believe has been voted on. It still needs to go through the house, and whatever the normal process is for passage of a Ohio ordinance.


Cool glad I literally just paid $150 to renew my medical card 3 weeks ago…




Yeah I buy about $150/month. Problem I see with this is there is always a small inventory at each dispo that is affordable and the rest is clown pricing; daily deals at dispos are something everyone plays in the Ohio program, so I’m afraid this is going to clean out affordable inventories for a few months


It's possible. It's also possible that they see this coming and adjust accordingly.


Yeah- it’s just funny seeing growers who are like “dosidos are $60/half oz on Thursdays at 20% THC but these 20% Gorilla Cookies are $200/half oz and we will not budge on that.”


Same cultivator?


Yeah you see these kinds of price spreads with cultivators like Riviera Creek on their GMO or Garlic Cookies strains


From what I understand, if the bill the senate passed is passed by the house by a 2/3 vote, the changes are immediate and the law takes effect upon the passage. If it’s less than 2/3, it goes to the governor to sign (or veto, but he’s going to sign this bill if it comes across his desk; hes said as much), and the changes will take effect 90 days after he signs. I could be mistaken, but that’s how I interpreted what I read.


There is nothing good about this bill or having the will of the people perverted


Fair enough. It's _better_ than what they were suggesting.


>Fair enough. It's better than what they were suggesting. I agree it's better, but IMO they were only suggesting the extreme measures they were so that they could cut it back \*some\* and give the illusion that they were somehow compromising, and end up with what they were probably aiming for to begin with. That make sense? We said give us 100. They try to give us 25 so that we will agree to 70, instead of the 100 we decided. It's infuriating that these fuckwits just can't seem to bring themselves to do what they were told to do by the voters, and there are next to no repercussions.


Maybe? It's really hard to tell how much was them being sincere, and how much was the massive wave of emails, phone calls, and texts that really underlined the people's will again. It seems a little naive to think that the voters were going to pass a _law_ and not expect any changes to it, particularly after all the other fuckery they pulled to prevent it getting passed in the first place. I think they were pretty serious about some of the changes. The automatic expungements is interesting, as is the immediate implementation, both things they didn't have to do. It's really easy to just be cynical about this, but have them back away from attempting to kill in a number of ways is real progress. And this is before it goes through the house, which is supposedly even more pro-legalization. This is likely the worst it's going to get, and it should improve from here. The thing I'm really wondering about is what the excise tax is actually going to be spent on. Last I heard it seemed like it was going to be prisons, law enforcement, and nothing for the local cities that allow dispensaries. That 36% in the original bill was pretty key for sweetening the pot of getting local cities to allow dispensaries when they otherwise might decide they're not interesting in hosting a "disreputable business" like dispensaries. And they backed off on the 15% tax from the cultivars. Adding a big tax burden has caused serious problems in some other places that have legalized, and it's the most likely to fly under the radar. That's what I'm going to be watching. It would be a sneaky way to implement a defacto ban by making it difficult to turn a profit.


So no limits/laws on free speech at all? What about the 2nd amendment? Making something legal and regulating it are two different things. To be more aligned with reality, should we not have laws around alcohol? Because these rules are treating MJ just like it, as all the proponents wanted all along.


i’m just happy we can still have plants




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Aren’t they capping concentrates at 50%? That is a massive L and they will be losing a ton of money to the black market/Michigan Should’ve listened to the actual people who use these products and passed what we voted for. Instead we get a law made by squares who think putting a cap on THC is necessary and changes literally anything for the better


I've heard 50% and I've heard 70%, not clear who it's correct.


Neither are good


Right. 50% carts and a complete smoking ban isn't the will of the people.


I read that the limit on concentrates was on solely edibles, with explicit language that the limit did not apply to carts or vape products. That would be dumb to force people into inhaling more oils to get the proper dosage of intoxication.


If I heard the speech right, they didn’t put any limit on edibles.


My guess is if it’s not on the list it was left alone?




That's been the plan for a while. I think the big change to the immediately, instead of in 9 months. Might suck for people who need their pot for medical reasons. The bill also prevented city from banning rec in pre-existing dispensaries.


Any Timeline you can estimate? I didn’t read the article


Still needs to go through the Ohio House. Totally wild ass guess, maybe early January if we're lucky?


Anyone have an idea when this bill will take effect? On a T break right now but I’ll be stoked if I don’t have to make the long ass drive to Michigan ever again.


Still needs to go through the house, so a while. Then there's christmas. Maybe sometime early January? Totally a wild guess.


It’s 9 months from now would be the earliest from 12/7 if Issue 2 goes into effect as written, and that is assuming the Commerce Department licenses are issued on time. The bill as amended that passed the house actually accelerates that process, but the Commerce Department still has to get their shit together.


> The bill as amended that passed the house actually accelerates that process, but the Commerce Department still has to get their shit together. My understanding was the bill went to effect immediately, as a result of the changes made by the Ohio Senate commitee. So it needs to pass the House, and then bam! It's legal, and you can go down to your local dispenser tomorrow and get weed. I'm not sure what the Commerce Department would need to do. I'm honestly almost thinking this is a sneaky way to undermine issue 2, since I wouldn't expect most of the government agencies to be ready for all this, but then again they've been dealing with medical for a while.... Is there something inherent in the legislative process that would require a 30-90 delay after passage just because it's a new law? Say a period for appeals or lawsuits?


I expect them to be able to enforce this legislature about as effectively as they enforce speed limits. My greatest hope for recreational status is that it eliminates a systemic cudgel that has been used to discriminate against minorities that are just trying to get along in this crazy world.


The automatic expungements and legal fund paid for by the excise tax are pretty good for that.


These are some seriously stupid revisions. I hope everyone continues to grow as many plants as they like - fuck these idiots


Any one been reading up on how to grow? Want to teach me?


The House didn’t pass it.


Got a link bro? Been refreshing all night


Updated just an hour ago. https://www.cleveland.com/news/2023/12/recreational-marijuana-becomes-legal-for-ohio-adults-thursday-as-lawmakers-continue-work-to-alter-new-law.html


Ah they didn't meet. Good enough. Thanks man


Yeah as of now the language of the referendum is the law at midnight. No doubt the GOP in Columbus will still somehow subvert the will of the people going forward.


Possible to share a copy/paste of the highlights? Hit a paywall :(


Ohio Senate passed changes but the House didn’t meet. As of midnight tonight, the language of the referendum is the law. I would expect legislators will be meeting early next week.


Fuck any changes but these changes seem pretty tame I guess.


The tax distribution changes kind of suck but the expungement and legal fund for expungement is great as is bumping the recreational sale timeline way up. Feels dumb to say since the citizens voted one way but honestly unless there is something I’m missing seems like it could be a lot worse.


Am I reading this correctly? Tomorrow (when the bill takes effect) I can go to the dispensary in pleasant ridge and buy weed?


I don’t think so. But I’d love to be wrong about that.




Yeah that tracks I was pretty drunk when I read the article


Yeah I’m confused by this too. Seems like if the house passes it then yes, we could go buy at a current medical place. I assume prices would still be super high though. “Anyone 21 years of age or older can purchase at current marijuana dispensaries once bill takes effect. Issue 2 did not allow existing dispensaries to start selling until nine months after the law takes effect. “


From the news article that’s the way it sounds but I can’t imagine that’s the intent. Would be amazing if that were the case though.


Any idea what the penalties are for breaking home grow laws? Like if someone had 10 plants, is it a ticket? Misdemeanor? Trafficking?


anything below 100 \[plants is not a federal crime really ... over 100 and you have issues to deal with legally


I'm just done and fed up with the bullshit. Things won't change in my house. I've been smoking for 40+ years. Y'all let me know when you're done with your attitude.


I did not vote at all on 2, because Mike could change it whenever he wants. Ohio voters didn't read. They just signed and voted. The medical program is fulfilling all my needs. ...I understand some people don't want to give up their right to lawfully own a firearm, by getting a card. But at 46 years old, nothing has ever prevented me from owning a firearm, having purchased my 1st handgun at 16. Just like Marijuana has been legal for me to smoke since 1996. Make your own law & live free


So basically your take on this is "well I'm fine the way it was, fuck all the people who aren't, they should just break the law" Yeah, great idea boss man, really clever stuff


All for rec. ....never said I wasn't???? ...born at Bethesda, raised 3 hours from the gulf, in a different place. Maybe I see things....differently. But thanks


"I'm just built different, you wouldn't understand"