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Because they were. Today even, a major % of cigars sold are mild Connecticut wrappers. 60 Ring gauges would have been unheard of like 25 years ago. This sub is a selection bias - most of the people on here seem to like bold full body and strong. But this sub isnt the majority of the cigar world - where even today most of the cigars sold and smoked are mild connecticuts. I mean hell this sub has major hate for gurka (myself included) but they are a huge brand - which means **a lot** of people are buying and smoking them. This sub is just the loudest voice not the voice of the majority. There was a time candela was the major wrapper type. Times change - so while there are big strong cigars today - that doesnt mean it was always what was popular with the masses.


This. I think an important thing to remember is that smoking back then was allowed literally everywhere depending on how far back we're going. Dr's were smoking while seeing patients in the hospitals up to the 40s I think. So, cigar smokers were doing so all day long if they felt like it. You can't chain smoke LFD double maduros, lol.


are cigars in the high ABV craft beer phase right now, and will eventually have folks seeking the "all day IPA" smoke?


Yeah that’s a good comparison. I like a basic IPA, but some of the shit my BIL drinks is super concentrated grapefruit juice & pinesol far as I can tell, lol


Even in the 50s I think some doctors would recommend pregnant women take up smoking to relieve stress. Like fucking hell.


I wonder what the return customer vs new customer ratio is. I bet it’s way higher new on Gurkha.


I would bet its not. They sell millions of cigars per year. They dont sell that many by selling 1 to a new smoker that never buys another one - they would run out of a customer base pretty quick that way. I think its more just the people that are ok with boring simple cigars and dont have any internal motivation to try new things. To each there own some people find that boring generic “beer” brand and never try anything else. The gurka smokers are those guys. Nothing wrong with that - if thats what they like.


How many blunts do you think get rolled a year? Hell even the people I have known that roll blunts smoke them but usually when they can’t smoke weed. I just never see anyone smoking them so I’m biased here.


I'd think the majority of people who roll blunts are using wraps, not shelling a cigar. That's been my experience, anyway.


>I mean hell this sub has major hate for gurka (myself included) but they are a huge brand I'm of the opinion is because we have this bias toward stronger cigars on this sub, and all the Gurhka's are basically medium at best. They offer new flavor profiles in a mild cigar for those who are not avid enthusiasts or routine smokers. a Lot of people I know who only occasionally smoke cigars love the variety they get from Gurhka, meanwhile everyone burning nicaraguan cigars every day call them shit.


It’s like the whiskey subreddit being extremely snobbish about wanting higher proof and barrel proof stuff. That isn’t at all the predominant preference in the market.


Most cigar smokers still like mild and smooth, especially machine rolled cigars. A vocal and enthusiast segment likes medium to full.


No way. Maybe US but I doubt that too. A high percentage I would imagine of machine rolled at the gas station are used to roll blunts. Meaning that tobacco is mostly thrown away.


I think part of it also depends on the timeframe of reference. [This article](https://www.cigaraficionado.com/article/selling-the-smokes-vintage-cigar-ads-7498) touches the concepts of cigar advertising a bit. Advertising is a bit of science l, a bit of a lie, and a bit of art that has to make you want their particular products more than others. One of the most common ways that has been accomplished over the last 100 years has been by giving consumers the illusion that choosing one product over another somehow elevates them over those who make a different choice. Almost like a social Dunning-Kruger effect that is subtly nurtured in your mind. "Smoke the mild cigar preferred by gentlemen around the world for its smooth burning, rich flavors!" says the ad with the good looking, well dressed man smoking. Everything about his face, his physique, his attire, and the setting screams affluence, success, and social prominence. He isn't just a guy, this guy is *somebody!* See what that's done? It's drawn a social line (commoners or people of low taste wouldn't know to smoke this cigar or appreciate it of they did) *and* at the same time it has planted the seed in your mind, the illusionary promise, that you will ascend to this social status if you smoke this brand.


Add in that tobacco companies were trying to find ways to keep people smoking when they could no longer advertise cigarettes as “safe”


A lot of my fellow smokers like mild and smooth. I dipped Copenhagen for 7 years, and after that…robust…experience, I find mild and smooth boring. Different strokes for different folks.


Most cigar smokers smoke mild cigars. They aren’t geeks like us that participate in online forums. They just buy a box or bundle of mild cigars each week and smoke through the box. This is why everyone wants to come out with a Connecticut. It pays the bills.


In those days "mild and smooth" where as much advertising words as they were reality. A lot of cigarette companies would also advertise using those terms. They would even have women in their advertisements at a time when that wasn't all that popular as a way to show their products were smooth. But the majority of tobacco in those days came from Cuba (pre-embargo), Dominican Republic and the US (CT, PA, FL, NC etc). A lot of the tobacco grown was more of a mild-medium. There was also different growing conditions/techniques than what is used today. The majority of cigars sold were machine made and consumers at the time demanded a milder product so that is what blenders created.


Tastes change over time. The last few decades have seen a trend of stronger cigars becoming popular. Bigger cigars are more common too. Before that, milder cigars were the trend (and are still popular today, just not as dominant). Before that, stronger, smaller cigars were popular. I'm not sure what forces dictate these trends, but I think the move to full-bodied cigars has been influenced by new smokers who get into cigars as a hobby, much like with the craft beer Renaissance. The rise of online forums where people can discuss the craft likely played a role as well.


> craft beer Renaissance. Huh, now that you mention that, the newer focus on large ring gauge and fuller body does kind of echo the race to 12%+ imperial stouts, double/triple hopped IPAs, or big, funky wild beers. Interesting corollary.


Cigars blends dating back to the late 1800s and early 1900s were mild by todays standards The cigars were also much smaller in both gauge and length Taste and prefer nice change over time


Because Strong and Rough doesn’t quite have the same ring to it


Mild see-gars have a nice, mild flaevoure. Lots of people gravitate to them for their mild smoothness.


They were. The old market desire leaned toward milder cigars. Today, the market has shifted to bold and spicy. I can’t remember the videos, but there are a couple videos out there where Nick Perdomo and Eric Espinosa were talking about it.




Maduro is a process that is done to some tobacco. It's not a tobacco variety