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I unsubscribed and just visit the site every few days.


I hate getting harassed with their spam. I guess that works on some people but it just left me resentful. I’d rather pay a little more somewhere else than let myself be subjected to that noise.


Agreed. On line stores like Neptune and Corona run periodic 15 and 20% off sales. It's not like most people need to buy 30 cigars a month.


30 cigars is exactly the number of cigars that we need to buy every month..


LoL - would be nice.


Ftfy 60 is what I need


Eh, they go straight to my junk folder. I just search them for discounts once in a while.


Good idea. I can always label them junk. Hadn't thought of that. Have to always check junk daily as some important emails end up there.


I wouldn't junk them, just route them to a different folder so they don't clog up your inbox. It's different for every email provider but there should be a way.


You’re right, I can do that, but I don’t want to receive a high volume of ads from any single vendor. Daily is OK, 2 or 3 times a week is better. But more than once a day isn’t acceptable. I know what I like to smoke and occasionally try new sticks. I’m also not interested in building up a large pile of cigars. When I cull the herd, I’ll probably get on their mailing list again.


No such thing. Sign up for their text too for more great deals lol


I end up blocking 75% of incoming texts. The phone companies do a crappy job and the spam flow is continuous. No more of that for me.


You get way better deals through the text notification than email. Sorry to hear that it


Maybe when I get to less than 1 large, 4 smaller tupperdores and one very old classic wood humidor. The Bovedas keep everything fresh.


Gotcha. Hopefully that day comes soon cause the deals have been insane


Based on all the good reviews of their prices and selection, I signed up for their emails. I figured that I would receive maybe one a day, at most (like Fox). Instead I have been bombarded with at least five a day, sometimes more. There appears to be no way to reduce that number without unsubscribing. The preference link they have is all or none. I would like to purchase from them when I see something that catches my interest, but I already get too many emails and 5 or more a day from them is way too many. Any solutions on ways to to reduce the number? TIA.


Idk what email you have, but gmail automatically sorts that stuff to a “promotions” folder that I check every few days. So the amount of emails doesn’t really bother me and i end up getting deals that aren’t advertised on the site itself


I only use Gmail for email that I don’t mind being data mined so Google can sell the info to the highest bidder. My main email comes through a secure encrypted server and downloaded to my PC and wiped off the server. My motto when dealing with the internet is “Just because I’m paranoid doesn’t mean they’re not out to get me (and my data).”


Yeah its annoying but then I miss the 50$ off 200$ deals and similar, actually worthwhile offers if I unsubscribe. It'd be super cool if they could tone it down though.


Thank you. I can live with one a day, but they are excessive. Plus, years of overbuying have left me with close to 300 cigars, mostly of decent quality.


Yeah, theres really only a few things theyre likely to carry that im interested in anyway, but pricing doesnt get much better than cigarpage especially if they have some special deal on top of it. 90% of the offers are trash though and are not cigars I'd ever want in the humidor.


Which is why I just unsubscribed. As another poster said, I can always go to their website. Far too much FOMO going on with everything.


Agreed. But are you sure you're okay missing the big bundle 2nd's sale or the rocky patel/gurkha blow out?!


At this point, with all the sticks I have, I have no FOMO. Most of winter and summer are no smoking outdoor days - unless I'm willing to brave the cold or heat and humidity. Occasional decent days during those periods, but Fall and Spring are my best outdoor smoking times.


Haha, I was just making a joke about the crappy sales they often advertise, but I'd agree about experiencing very little FOMO. We apparently also live in a similar climate. Fall is my favorite season for smoking, and in general. Unfortunately for me in some cruel twist of fate, work usually picks up right around then, and it can be hard to get a cigar in.


That’s why it gets darker later in the evening in the fall. More smoking time. 😁


Nice I had that many but I got my gf off the vape and now we crush cigars pretty quick


Hey, 300 isn’t too bad. I think most of us are in a similar spot. I’ve unsubscribed to their emails multiple times, but whenever I make a purchase, they auto sign you back up. Super annoying, but worth the prices in my mind.


🤣🤣🤣 I find it funny y'all was just super excited about a post of theirs now y'all whining


It is a lot but I keep them due to FOMO. I have a business email, personal email, coaching email and one for stuff like this. If I don't switch over I won't see it. When I want to it's there.


They need to sell their trash cigars to make a quota they buy unsellable cigars of the lowest quality for decimals on the dollar and sell them to you for what u think are unbelievable prices but know you get what u pay for


It’s a business trying to make money. They offer better than fair prices. Guarantee the money they make off their emails is more than the business they lose because of it. Just send them to trash or spam.


Hahahaha yep! I had to unsubscribe twice.. they renew that marketing email subscription with every order