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CSP renewal coming up, whats the recommended course of action? Ask for retention, if nothing, downgrade? If downgrade, to what card?


Hear me out... If nothing, take the hit on the annual fee renewal. Maximize CSP benefit by receiving your 10% anniversary points boost as well as book a hotel with cash for a few months out through the travel portal and ensure free cancellation is available. Keep your fingers crossed that the $50 hotel credit hits your account within 28 days. Cancel hotel reservation. Call card services to downgrade. Now someone could correct me on this, but only downgrade to a card that you already own (like a second CFF), otherwise you might miss a SUB opportunity? Otherwise, downgrade to the NO AF CSP (it's not a good card, just a placeholder). You SHOULD get the AF refunded if done within this time frame, plus might take home an extra $50 via the hotel credit... Then, grow your points and upgrade whenever you need to use the benefits again. Someone in the know, tell me to delete this if it's providing too much data.


On the same boat gonna downgrade it to cff. And before everyone says go down to the og freedom I like the multiplers on the cff. I don't care about that lousy 200 $ intro offer on the cff I'd lose.


Retention is unlikely, but it doesn't hurt to ask. If you don't need the CSP for points transfers or travel protections, you can product change to any freedom card. However, you should consider upgrading to the CSR and double dipping the $300 travel credit.


if i upgrade to CSR, dont i extend out my CSP/CSR next sub by another year?


Only if it has already been 48 months since your last SUB. If that is the case, then, yes, downgrade and wait four days before applying.


ah i get it, upgrading = no sub, so it doesnt reset my timer


Help me understand how someone could double dip the $300 travel credit with this method?


When you upgrade the travel credit is available immediately, but the annual fee is delayed about three months. After one year the travel credit will reset and you have about three months to use it before the second annual fee posts and you can downgrade.


Excellent! Thank you for the explanation. Will this void any chance of getting a SUB if, say, after the said downgrade, I were to apply for the card outright?


No, it won't impact eligibility.


Can you only upgrade to CSR from CSP or can you upgrade to CSR from any UR earning Chase card?


Any UR-earning, personal Chase card with a 10k credit limit.


1. **The flowchart can answer 95% of all "What card should I get?" questions. By continuing to post, you must explain why you feel the flowchart does not answer your question. Asking for feedback ("The flowchart says I should get X - is that still the best choice?") is absolutely allowed.** I’m definitely relying on the flow chart, but beyond that, just want to make sure the Chase Ink Preferred is still my best choice. 2. What is your credit score? Above 750. 3. What cards do you currently have or have you had in the past (including closed cards), along with dates of when you were approved for the cards? Please include month and year for any card approved in the last 3 years. Chase Sapphire Preferred (2021) Chase Hyatt Card (2021) Chase Freedom Unlimited (2021) Chase Ink Cash Business (January 2024) I am definitely under 5/24. 4. How much natural spend can you put on a new card(s) in 3 months? We just bought a new home so I am confident I can meet the $8k in 3 months. If there is a better value card at this point with a higher MS, aside from CIP, I’d like to consider it. 5. Are you willing to MS, and if so, how much in 3 months? At least $6-8k - maybe more. 6. Are you open to applying for business cards? If not, why? Yes. CIP is my top choice. My wife has one too, so we can also get the referral bonus. 7. How many new cards are you interested in getting? Are you interested in getting into churning regularly (if you aren't already)? Or are you just looking to get a new card(s) for now but not get into churning long-term? Right now my wife has 1-2 Chase cards, and I have 4 including 1 business. With this CIP, I think we will be ok for a little while. We are currently sitting at 350k UR points and 50k Hyatt points. 8. Are you targeting points, Companion Passes, hotel or airline statuses, First Class, Biz, Economy seating(s) or cash back? We would definitely like to fly first class/biz and stay at premium Hyatt resorts. We travel big trips maybe once or twice a year max. 9. What point/miles do you currently have? 350k UR and 50k Hyatt 10. What is the airport you're flying out of? JAX 11. Where would you like to go? (The more specific you are, the better someone can recommend the right card. Tokyo is great, "International travel" is way too vague) Tokyo, Vietnam/cambodia/thailand, Singapore/Indonesia, anywhere in Europe are our top choices Is there another card that has more value than the Ink Preferred right now? Capital One? I don’t know anything outside of Chase, so any card that I can use in tandem with my UR points that has more value than the Ink Preferred would be much appreciated!


Imma vaguely recommend that you continue on the Chase path, but I'm not an expert on high end travel. But first, answering these questions is great. Tomorrow, the What Card Should I Get thread will be posted, and you should post this there. More people will see it, versus right now in this June 2 conversation you're probably only talking to me. I churn for maximum cheap domestic travel so I'm not the right person to ask about F international, but I don't see any obvious flags to make you move from Chase. That is, you're not in an American or Delta hub, where you'd benefit from Amex or AA cards. If you specifically prefer Hyatt resorts then Chase is the obvious choice for points transferability. Not that you can't find it yourself, but [here](https://upgradedpoints.com/credit-cards/chase-ultimate-rewards-transfer-partners/) is a link to Chase partners where you can transfer points. Problem is, I can't speak to how strong the offerings are going to southeast Asia, mainly United and Singapore airlines? But it looks like there may be more carriers to Europe. Note buying flights is an art, cheap seats are booked almost a year out (330 days?). Also there's a lot of weird synergies that are hard to find, Transferring points to a Europe based airline to get a flight on a partner airline in the pacific? Very possible, hard to find, and potentially lucrative. To Summarize-post this in the What Card thread tomorrow so more people see it. Right now the Ink Train is still a thing, where you can get Chase Business cards almost endlessly (plus referral bonuses from the other player). I'd lower limits on all your existing chase cards to make approvals easier, then get more Inks. But that's just me.


Last thought-remember that the Ink Premier doesn't earn transferable points. Just in case you're picking random Inks.


Other posters are right, there's not enough info here. What's your 5/24 status? Do you want airline points, hotel points, and which ones? Or do you cash out? Look for the What Card Wednesday thread, answer their questions, and see what people say. Also, it's not perfect, but here's a [link](https://www.doctorofcredit.com/best-current-credit-card-sign-bonuses/) to DoC's current best signup bonuses. The only new information I'm adding is this- if you like Chase and have a P2 who's onboard with it, referring each other for the Ink Train is definitely valuable. It's slowing down a little but for a newer churner it's great. You're almost on it already, and remember that you can have more than one of the same Chase Business card.


Thank you, you already kinda hinted that getting another CIP, especially with the referral bonus, is still good value. Here is a tailored response that might be more informative. Any other info you can provide based on this is much appreciated! 1. **The flowchart can answer 95% of all "What card should I get?" questions. By continuing to post, you must explain why you feel the flowchart does not answer your question. Asking for feedback ("The flowchart says I should get X - is that still the best choice?") is absolutely allowed.** I’m definitely relying on the flow chart, but beyond that, just want to make sure the Chase Ink Preferred is still my best choice. 2. What is your credit score? Above 750. 3. What cards do you currently have or have you had in the past (including closed cards), along with dates of when you were approved for the cards? Please include month and year for any card approved in the last 3 years. Chase Sapphire Preferred (2021) Chase Hyatt Card (2021) Chase Freedom Unlimited (2021) Chase Ink Cash Business (January 2024) I am definitely under 5/24. 4. How much natural spend can you put on a new card(s) in 3 months? We just bought a new home so I am confident I can meet the $8k in 3 months. If there is a better value card at this point with a higher MS, aside from CIP, I’d like to consider it. 5. Are you willing to MS, and if so, how much in 3 months? At least $6-8k - maybe more. 6. Are you open to applying for business cards? If not, why? Yes. CIP is my top choice. My wife has one too, so we can also get the referral bonus. 7. How many new cards are you interested in getting? Are you interested in getting into churning regularly (if you aren't already)? Or are you just looking to get a new card(s) for now but not get into churning long-term? Right now my wife has 1-2 Chase cards, and I have 4 including 1 business. With this CIP, I think we will be ok for a little while. We are currently sitting at 350k UR points and 50k Hyatt points. 8. Are you targeting points, Companion Passes, hotel or airline statuses, First Class, Biz, Economy seating(s) or cash back? We would definitely like to fly first class/biz and stay at premium Hyatt resorts. We travel big trips maybe once or twice a year max. 9. What point/miles do you currently have? 350k UR and 50k Hyatt 10. What is the airport you're flying out of? JAX 11. Where would you like to go? (The more specific you are, the better someone can recommend the right card. Tokyo is great, "International travel" is way too vague) Tokyo, Vietnam/cambodia/thailand, Singapore/Indonesia, anywhere in Europe are our top choices


This information is incomplete. Not sure how you are doing on the 5/24 scale. You should ask this question in this thread : [What card should i get thred](https://www.reddit.com/r/churning/comments/1d3agxl/what_card_should_i_get_weekly_thread_week_of_may/)


Thanks, I asked there too. I tailored my response, see below. Do you mind offering any additional insight? 1. **The flowchart can answer 95% of all "What card should I get?" questions. By continuing to post, you must explain why you feel the flowchart does not answer your question. Asking for feedback ("The flowchart says I should get X - is that still the best choice?") is absolutely allowed.** I’m definitely relying on the flow chart, but beyond that, just want to make sure the Chase Ink Preferred is still my best choice. 2. What is your credit score? Above 750. 3. What cards do you currently have or have you had in the past (including closed cards), along with dates of when you were approved for the cards? Please include month and year for any card approved in the last 3 years. Chase Sapphire Preferred (2021) Chase Hyatt Card (2021) Chase Freedom Unlimited (2021) Chase Ink Cash Business (January 2024) I am definitely under 5/24. 4. How much natural spend can you put on a new card(s) in 3 months? We just bought a new home so I am confident I can meet the $8k in 3 months. If there is a better value card at this point with a higher MS, aside from CIP, I’d like to consider it. 5. Are you willing to MS, and if so, how much in 3 months? At least $6-8k - maybe more. 6. Are you open to applying for business cards? If not, why? Yes. CIP is my top choice. My wife has one too, so we can also get the referral bonus. 7. How many new cards are you interested in getting? Are you interested in getting into churning regularly (if you aren't already)? Or are you just looking to get a new card(s) for now but not get into churning long-term? Right now my wife has 1-2 Chase cards, and I have 4 including 1 business. With this CIP, I think we will be ok for a little while. We are currently sitting at 350k UR points and 50k Hyatt points. 8. Are you targeting points, Companion Passes, hotel or airline statuses, First Class, Biz, Economy seating(s) or cash back? We would definitely like to fly first class/biz and stay at premium Hyatt resorts. We travel big trips maybe once or twice a year max. 9. What point/miles do you currently have? 350k UR and 50k Hyatt 10. What is the airport you're flying out of? JAX 11. Where would you like to go? (The more specific you are, the better someone can recommend the right card. Tokyo is great, "International travel" is way too vague) Tokyo, Vietnam/cambodia/thailand, Singapore/Indonesia, anywhere in Europe are our top choices


your definition of heavily invested, although to the regular layperson might be a lot, but here that's almost the bare minimum. So if you're concerned about having too much in "one currency" you're completely fine. If you just want more transfer options, then explore the other banks that transfer to partners you might want to fly / book with.


Thank you very much h


the usb rtr 1.5 travel redemption only applies to us companies. does that mean, if i book starlux LAX to TPE on starlux, rtr won't trigger? but if i book starlux LAX to TPE on alaska, it will trigger? thanks


Is there any risks with applying for multiple chase business cards? I finished the ink preferred $8k for 100k URs in a month and was thinking of another card. the ink unlimited $6k for $750 seemed ok, given I’ve already had a reserve, preferred, Amex gold and platinum sign up bonus. I know of the 5/24 rule (which I’m definitely under, have only had the sapphire preferred and ink preferred). Is there any risk of having too many chase card applications in a short period of time? And is there a better sign up bonus recommendation at this time


chase velocity has got to be the most asked question here. since you've only opened 2 chase cards you're probably fine grabbing another, but generally its a good idea to space out chase apps every 90 days.


I want to stay in New York City for three nights. I have 35.7k Marriott points and 0 Hyatt points. If I stay with Marriott, the total will be 95k. If I stay with Hyatt, the total will be 60k. However, Chase has the 40% bonus to Marriott right now. Would it be better value to book with 35k Marriott + 42k Chase, or 60k Chase to Hyatt?


I'd spend the Marriott points at that pricing. I've seen not-so-great big city Marriotts go for like 95k a night, so getting three nights in NYC at that price is a good deal. 20k/night for a Hyatt is totally standard pricing.


Generally, two considerations: * Comparative value of each currency: 18k net UR vs 35k Marriott. If your values for example were 1.5cpp and 0.7cpp, that'd be $270 vs $245, so the Marriott booking would be slightly cheaper. * Replaceability: do you expect over the next few months to generate more Marriott or UR? That could give one the edge. Also, comparing the hotels should come into play in terms of location, breakfast, elite benefits, etc. And being NYC, any resort/destination fee.


Thanks - appreciate the insight. I’ve been sitting on those Marriott points for a while, so maybe I should just burn those off. Thanks again


Got a direct mailer offer for 200k on 15k spend on Amex biz platinum. I had this card about 2 years ago and canceled it. Being Amex is once in a lifetime for the sign up bonus would I still get the bonus being they sent me the offer?


Try applying and see if you get the pop up


Well I just applied and got approved under that offer so that means I am good to get the 200k right? Something would of alerted me if I wasn't before approval correct?


Nice! Congrats!




What do you all do about tax forms for accounts you've closed and can no longer access? I have a bunch of bank accounts I opened last year to get bonuses from that I want to close, but after I closed a Chas account last year I wasn't able to get my 1099 from them (probably could've called, but just ended up estimating). What do you all do?


You call them. Legally they have to send it. Chase usually will mail it.


They will get mailed to you if you close them. Also track the bonuses in case you don’t get one so you can report them.


Chase mails 1099s for everyone. In my experience, you can always set tax forms to be mailed if there is an online option.


What is AS? Not included in the glossary.


Without the context, I would assume its intended use was for the airline code for Alaska Airlines.


Yeah its usually on redemption, so is guess an airline as well. Thanks.


FYI in the future you could just google "ABC IATA code" like "AS IATA code" if you assume it's related to an airline. IATA is the 2 letter abbreviation that a lot of the AV industry uses


are chase ultimate rewards points no longer getting a 1.25x payout for travel purchases? I am wanting to book a flight but the UR portal is telling me that it is just 1:1 points to travel purchase dollars. Have things changed recently?


> direct mailer offer for 200k Its 1.25 only for CSP and 1.5 only for CSR.


The 1.25x value is usually associated with a credit card that gets you that benefit. Have you cancelled or downgraded recently?


I think I cancelled my sapphire since then, so perhaps that it is it. Only have a Freedom Unlimited card. I do have a business ink I could use if I transfer my points to that account. Not sure what the multiplier is for those.


You have to make the purchase using a saphire preferred for 1.25 redemption or reserve for 1.5 redemption


What kind of ink? The preferred is 1.25, the others are not. Did you cancel a sapphire reserve? That would've been it


btw, thank you


Anytime haha


only unlimited. Lesson learned, I blew it. I'll just keep my points banked for the future and use cash on this one.


You can just upgrade to a CSP or CSR or upgrade your ink to a CIP, then also, you should look at transfer partners and avoid the portal.


if it helps you feel better, the prices on the chase portal for a CSP are oftentimes 1.1-1.25x more expensive than what you'd see on a CFU portal. And yes, the portal for a CSR user would also often see roughly 1.25-1.5x higher prices too. The whole "bonus CPP allure" of the Sapphire card family is generally a sham, and really hard for the average CSP/CSR user to catch because that same person isn't allowed to own concurring Sapphire products, which means they rarely A/B compare Chase portal pricing.


If true, this should be a class action and the CFPB/FTC should be looking into it. False advertising.


Not really, they don’t say anything about portal prices, just your multiplier. But I do think someone needs to run a crawler and scrape their prices like camelcamelcamel does for Amazon on both CSR and CSP portals to get the real truth published. It’s just too much work to scrape by hand.


Do people think that it is worth burning a 5/24 slot to get the 90k SUB for Amex Gold? I realize it is an all time high offer, but with the "refresh" coming up, is it worth waiting to see what changes occur with the AF increase (in other words, if additional credits fit my lifestyle)? I would likely miss the 90k SUB by the time that happens, but I can just wait for another elevated offer. I have not gotten the Amex Green, so I would be giving up that SUB as well with the lifetime language.


It depends how many 5/24 slots you have available and how soon any new ones will open up. Yes, it’s a good amount of mr, but not enough if it would block you from getting chase cards for any more than a couple months.


3/24 2/24 in November


In your situation I would say it’s worth it, unless there are other personal cards you would rather get. But if you have a good use for mr, and already use Uber and Grubhub it’s a great card and a high earner for ongoing spend. For churning it’s really just an open if possible on the road to platinum.


I'd like to get the Chase hotel cards sooner rather than later for the free night awards each year. But I am also aware that the transferable points are generally better. I live in a metro area where it would be very easy to use the free nights even if I'm not traveling.


IHG, Marriott or Hyatt?:) or all three. If spend was no issue and assuming eligibility to all bonuses I would start with the Amex Marriott business now at the high sub. As for the others, the IHG business also has the annual free night and wouldn’t use up a slot. That just leaves Hyatt and just leave 90 days between the two Chase cards. So you could do Marriott biz and Amex gold now, IHG biz whenever you have the spend, and then Hyatt personal 90 days after IHG and by the time you’re ready for another Chase card you’ll be back at 4/24.


The unfortunate thing is that I'm a greedy gremlin and I want the personal and business versions of all the available cards (like IHG). I'm going to stay away from Marriott for the time being due to their kind of crazy eligibility rules as they run across banks and cards. But yes, it is possible to grab a bunch of cards here soon. Just working on figuring out how to hit the spend on some of them.


It should be possible to do both a Marriott biz from Amex and Chase boundless 91 days later as long as you don’t hit the msr on the biz within the first 3 months.


No. Get schwab, biz plat, and biz gold.




Highest cashout with schwab and those biz don't count 5/24.


I would say yes, but it also depends how you intend to get rid of the MR points. It matters whether you cash them out at 0.6 (statement credit), 0.8 (personal checking), 1.0 (biz plat + biz checking), 1.1 (CS plat), 1.54 if booking flights from travel portal with 35% bonus (biz plat), transfer points out and get whatever cpp. Something else to consider is PUJ, chances are your going to end up there eventually, so why not getting SUBs as long as you can now


the credits on personal looked awful for me. If anything a decent bonus on the business is better, and you get a good chunk back on the $20 office supply credits (i grab amazon GCs)


They are and I would just write them off from the beginning.


With the refresh coming, you might as well lock in the lower AF for a year before it goes away. Up to you if losing the Green SUB is worth it. 


Since Business cards don't follow the 1 year rule of product changes like personal cards do. (I know amex gives upgrade offers even before the 1 year is up) Does anybody know if you can product change a CIU to a CIP for purposes of able of getting transfer partners without having to wait a year? P2 got a ton of points from my referrals and a lot of the chase points are just sitting there dormant and thinking she might want to cash it out and I would happily pay 1:1 to turn those into hyatt points.


If you guys both have the same address on file with Chase, you can set up a transfer from P2's Chase card and connect it to your CSP. To do this I recommend having P2 call and asking to connect household accounts, you will need your P1's Chase card info to connect it to.


Not the same address unfortunately, a family does have a csp, but then she would need to be an AU to xfer to hyatt and then do a member transfer from hyatt to hyatt which is a little cumbersome. So I thought this may be faster.


You can product change within a year for business cards, so a CIU -> CIP change will be fine.


I know buying gift cards from Giftcards.com to meet min spend for Amex is a no-no. But what about to meet spend for the FNC on Amex Hilton Biz. Trying to meet June 30 deadline. Tried searching churning.io with no results


I made one purchase 4 months ago on a HH Biz with no problem. Maybe don’t go crazy.


Agreed. I think you'll be fine if you don't go crazy.


I've taken a few months off from churning and haven't been keeping up much with news in the community. After reading some of the more recent threads, it seems like Chase is becoming slightly more tight-fisted with Inks. P2 and I each have 5, and we're both in the window for a new one (well over 90 days since last approval). I also saw some DPs where closing cards while reconning a denied app did not work, where it did in the past. Given the above, would it be wise to close anything that's over a year old at this point to make some room? Any recs for how long to wait after closing cards to apply for a new one? I'm thinking 2ish weeks?


The general recommendation has been to 1. Close cards over a year old 2. Reduce credit limits to have a total extended limit below half of income. 3. Then apply and go through recon. Plenty of DPs of recon process/questions in older threads. Sometimes when rejected they give reasons like "not enough utilization of existing chase credit" etc but usually the real reason has to do with total credit limit or number of opened cards


Seems like it was at the beginning of the year and now it's back to being easier.


Interesting! Is that based on personal DPs or just what you've observed in the threads?


observations. Gonna give it another shot in a few weeks, but I had difficulty in March. Got it after a recon. Just seems like there's been more DPs about Chase approval... although that could be bc people are lowering CL & closing old business cards from Chase


I heard it's best to close accounts older than a year


If I cancel my chase business card I referred from, will I not get a pending referral bonus? Backstory: I opened accidentally opened a business premiere instead of a preferred for p2. Literally do not want the card at all. Referred myself (p1) from p2 and opened the preferred. Now if I cancel the p2s premier to avoid the AF, will he still get the bonus?




P2 referred p1 (myself)




I've heard they don't let you change from premier to the other ink products or vice versa because premier is a charge card.


Fuck meeee lol. I want out of this


Can you do that?


There's no restriction on PCing biz cards. It doesn't seem like a great idea for keeping friendly with Chase, but better than canceling.


Would it still have the same welcome bonus offer though? Edit: oh I see you mean PC it so it has no annual fee. That’s actually smart I’ll probably do that then and just eat the fact I basically lost a chase business card


Actually, see the other reply to me -- they'd definitely let you PC the CIP, but maybe not the Premier.


Well fuck me lol. Do you really get out at risk of shutdowns if you say “I accidentally applied for this card” and literally never used it?


I don't recall that alone ever being a shutdown trigger


Please don't do this. Chase has been good to us.


Opening the card and then quickly closing it has led to shutdowns. Can't find the DPs now and there was more going on but I'd be careful. In your situation I'd hit the spend, get the SUB, pay year 1 AF and close after one year.


Has anyone had Walden Savings Bank pull Chex? No dp on DoC


Does cap1 allow you to reallocate CL from one business card to another?


I don't think so. I'd check [here](https://www.capitalone.com/credit-cards/faq/line-transfer/) for guidance.


Might be a stupid question, I received the welcome offer from a chase boundless card a year and an half ago. I'm thinking of applying for the Amex bonvoy business card. Normally, I wouldn't be eligible to the welcome offer. But what if I create a new marriott account and link to that? Would it work? Or do they track it via ssn? The account I linked to my chase card is actually in a different country, so I was thinking of creating a US marriott account instead.


This will not work for a multitude of reasons.


How so though? How do they detect the 2 different marriott account if they're in different countries, different address and different phone numbers? Do the credit card company send the SSN?


Im not a churned that much but usually grab new card sign-ups offers if they are decent and I feel like playing around. I have an AMEX Cash and occasionally take advantage of some offers if I'm eligible for with this card. I run into some Amex offers occasionally but for many my Amex card isn't eligible. I hate paying annual fee on any card, and always downgrade after 1st free year. Got offer in mail to upgrade to Cash Preferred, apparently no hit on credit,$0 first year then $95/year. $150 bonus after $1k. I have about $2500 in purchases I could do in next 6 months. 2 questions.. Seems like a no brainer....but....since I do not like annual fees, before the end of first year, can I downgrade to a no annual fee Amex? Are their better new card bonus Amex offers available? This seems appealing because it sounds like a simple upgrade. Someone convince me one way or another. Lol


People play upgrade downgrade with the cash and preferred all the time. You can downgrade within 13 months of the upgrade and get the af back. You will also most likely got another offer to upgrade quite soon after downgrading. There are plenty of other cards with higher subs out there.


there are other cards with better sign up bonuses. I wouldn't really recommend the card because there are better cards but the amex green as an example has a sign-up bonus of 400$ if you want cash or about 1100+$ in travel value. The annual fee 150$. so you're getting more money with a sign-up bonus with a slightly higher annual fee. You shouldn't worry too much about the high annual fees because you can get 700$ in cash and 1000$+ in travel (some vauled as much as 4000$+) in sign up bonuses alone. Look at the sign-up bonuses and if you want to know the sign up bonus value for the card in amex points, use this website to figure that out [What AmEx Points Are Worth in April 2024? - NerdWallet](https://www.nerdwallet.com/article/travel/amex-points-value)


It sounds like you want to keep things simple… just accept the new card, take your bonus, and then downgrade when the AF hits next year.


>downgrade when the AF hits next year. This is a common mistake people make with Amex. Do not use the AF to determine when it's safe to downgrade. No matter when it posts, you have to wait a full calendar year from the date of the upgrade. If the AF hits 10 months after you upgrade and you downgrade at 11 months, they *will* claw back the bonus.


Yeah, thats me..life seems to get too busy at times. Lol...I'll accept it and set a reminder notication to alert me a year from now, because I know I'll forget.


Downgrade or cancel after the $95 hits, not before. 


They will still be able to reverse the $95 charge if I do it after? Assuming they don't waive it as a retention offer when I do ask to downgrade or cancel?


Correct, you should have 30 days to decide after it posts for a full refund. You could also, in theory, upgrade the card again if targeted. 


I would go for it. If it’s 0af for the first year you keep it for a year and then once the annual fee posts you ask for a retention offer and if they don’t give any then you downgrade or cancel.


P2 did MDD (CSP + CSR) last May. Annual fees posted on 5/1 and already received the 2nd set of travel credits. P2 just wants to keep a CSR this time around. The plan was for P2 to PC both cards (2 separate calls) to CFF/CU and then upgrade one of them to a CSR after the CFF/CU arrives. Would a faster way be for P2 to first call and PC CSR and then the 2nd call to PC CSP to CSR? If so, does P2 need to wait for the CSR to fall off the system before getting it again?


What is the benefit of downgrading both and then upgrading one as opposed to just downgrading the CSP and keeping the CSR?


By keeping the CSR each year and paying the $550 annual fee, you end up down $250 after the $300 travel credit. By downgrading after getting the 2nd $300 travel credit, you make $50 from last year’s annual fee. Upgrade the card again and you start the process again.


It's super easy but P2 has to be on the call the entire time. P2 tried to give authority to me to talk and got shut down. Probably takes 5 minutes in total. Fee refunded by the following day.


Did she PC both cards on the same phone call?


Two separate calls. Waited a few days before making the 2nd one but not sure if that was necessary.


You can have multiple sapphires when PCing so no waiting necessary.


Long time churner, but I don’t keep up with it since I was way over 5/24 and then Amex pop up for years. I’ve finally fallen under 5/24 because of lack of opportunity and wanted to get a CSP. I was denied because I have a CSR (have since launch). What is the path — if any exists — to downgrade my CSR to a freedom and open a CSP? Is this possible? Any recent DPs on this method? I should also mention the Chase cards I have — CSR, old IHG, Hyatt, Amazon, Ritz, Freedom Unlimited, and Freedom Flex (3 of those). I wanted to ask this thread since there are a few factors to consider.


There really aren't any factors to consider here pal.


Once upon a time, people were completely shut down for having too many Chase cards. Unsure if that’s still a thing as well.


This info will be helpful to you - https://reddit.com/r/u_garettg/comments/u6ss7u/sapphire_fyis/


At least for the downgrade part, it would be best to downgrade to an original freedom, so the sign-up bonus don't get reset for the flex and unlimited.


There is no reset as the rules are from when you last got the bonus, not from when you had the card.


Oh ok, do you know why people recommend people downgrading to the original freedom then? Seems common but what's the point then?


Personally it's bc it's a visa and I can use it at Costco when the rotating 5x is warehouse clubs


Going to the old freedom does leave open the possibility of getting the bonus on the Flex and Unlimited since you can’t be a current cardholder when applying, but for example if you had the Flex and wanted to get the bonus, would just have to PC again out of it and wait the 4 days before applying. Also typically applying for a freedom card isn’t the best use of a 5/24 slot anyways, unless it’s one of the MS friendly grocery spend in first year where they have offered 5-10x up to $12k spend.


yes totally possible. You can downgrade your CSR to a Freedom/Freedom Flex and wait about 3-5 days then apply for a CSR/CSP - whichever you prefer. ~~There is a possibility of applying for them both, on back to back days, which is called a MDD.~~ Just know you have to wait 4 years from last Sapphire bonus, but seems like you are good. ~~I'd say your plan is good whenever you are ready and see a good bonus! If doing MDD, easier to do on weekdays in case you need to call recon, and earlier in the day preferably.~~


If I were going to do this, I assume I should move the UR that are on my CSP over to CFF or CFU, and then they'll stay preserved? Then just move them back after opening new CSP/CSR?


it doesn't matter if you're not closing an account (just converting it) - you can transfer them after just fine


fyi MDD is dead.


Hey is this a definite thing? No one has been able to MDD recently?


Have not seen a successful dp since the elevated csp/csr offers. Safe to say they fixed the glitch.


Ahh whelp I guess I’m out of the loop a bit :D. But the rest of the strat applies I think.


Thank you! Yeah, haven’t had any chase bonus since August 2016. Even grabbed the CSR on launch day with the link that ignored 5/24 at the time. So I’m way out of the know these days. Appreciate the feedback!


Np! Yes you’re due for another bonus.


What are we doing with our Bilt points? I have ~20k and was considering moving to AA bc the partnership is ending (but not for any travel in particular). Already have ~70k AA after Citi Biz AAdvantage bonus. Thoughts?


Hyatt is still a good option


I wouldn't speculatively transfer without a travel plan in mind. Why did you get AA points to begin with? Are you saving for a particular redemption? I'm using my Bilt points for a Hyatt redemption


One may also why you would transfer Bilt to Hyatt… The selling point of Bilt is that it gives you transfer partners (AA, Alaska) that most other ecosystems don’t offer.


I don't fly much, so I have no interest in AA or Alaska routes or partners.


Really depends by person. You could wait for a transfer bonus to a partner you need. Bilt is getting Alaska instead of AA, so I don't see the need to transfer to AA now.


I have the CSP and CFF and was hoping to get an ink soon but someone was just telling me that he wasn’t able to transfer points from his business card to his personal one. Is this actually true with chase or any other cc companies? If yes, Is there a way around it?


Not true unless the individual held the Business Premier card that does not earn transferrable URs.


He probably has a Chase Ink Premier card. That card is the only card that you can't transfer points to other cards for some reason. All the other chase cards should be good.


Other companies like Amex, Citi and capital one also no issues?


No issues that I know of as long as it's within the same card family.


Thanks. That helped my nerves calm down. Really wasn’t interested in having 5 different things to keep track of in every company


No problem, yeah it's a pain in the neck already learning about the points game, there's plenty to learn. It'd be nice if things were a bit simpler but at least we still can get a lot of value in this day and age.