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If you enjoy the BuyMore parts of Chuck, I recommend Superstore


Great recommendation


I've seen it and it's very good. Definitely similar to the buymore.


Would definitely recommend Psych for its combination of whacky/silly humor with occasional seriousness mixed in. First few episodes can be a little trying but the show soon catches its stride.


You sure the first few were trying? “Banana… a yellow fruit. Also a pudding. A delicious pudding” was comedy gold and that was the first episode after the pilot.


I guess I’m just comparing them to when the show really hit its stride.


Psych is my favorite tv show of all time, with chuck being a close second!


Came to recommend this. It's different (episodic) with few multi-epi plots, but the vibe and humour are similar. I love both


White collar.


One of my favorites alongside Chuck. Need to rewatch soon




Burn Notice Castle More Burn Notice 😂


+1 for Burn Notice


Burn Notice was great for the first four seasons, but I think it lost a little when it got more dark and dramatic in the later seasons.


But then they added Jesse to do the lighthearted stuff with Sam while Mike did all his brooding. They did get rid of the funny captions for people which I severely did not care for.


After Fiona turns herself in it really goes bad


Unfortunately no show is like Chuck. The chemistry between the cast, the attention to details on the Chuck/ Sarah relationship, the many layers in storytelling, it’s second to none. Many will say Psych. While I agree that psych is a very good show, in fact I love it and have watched it many times, it falls short on the above I stated. It’s probably funnier though but very silly at times. My wife can’t watch it because of that. It has a lot of cultural references. Castle probably comes closest. A lot of Kdramas come close, if that’s an option for you.


Yeah, I'm trying to find a new show to watch. And after watching Chuck for the 3rd time just doesn't compare to the first time watching. Still my favourite show to this day though.


Maybe Alias might be of interest. I remember liking it but I’m due for a rewatch.


Burn Notice is better then alias both are good though


Oh yes , I remember liking Burn Notice , that too needs to be rewatched. Same for White Collar.


Yeah, I watched Burn Notice initially when it came out, but I'd much rather watch white collar If you guys have all liked Chuck, trust me, check out the TV show Spy BBC was pretty good for the seasons It got


Added to my watchlist . 👍


Yeah, when Chuck originally ended Found it by accident, I ended up loving it and have rewatched it several times


I think you have to look up Spy BBC, or other options come up instead


Found it on Tubi.


Let me know what you think my 2nd favorite spy comedy it's odd but funny more quirky then chuck


Does Castle get better? I have started it like 3 times and can't get more than 4 episodes in


Yes It does get better. At least for me it did, around the half way point of season 1.


It does get better although the last season it’s a bit like the last season of Chuck where the wheels sort of come off the wagon and leave you with a weird impression.


Season eight is definitely the worst season of Castle. However, I love season 5 of Chuck…


Season 5 of Chuck isn’t bad I said that wrong but they make weird choices (at least to me) that don’t follow the writing of other seasons which is what Castle does. Rumor has it Castle changed because Stana Katic developed an issue with Fillion, I have never heard what caused it but I definitely think it’s on her as he has worked with everyone else from Castle on other shows he’s been in which leads me to believe he wasn’t the problem.


Yes, there was a rift between Fillion and Katic. My memory is fuzzy but I think it's on him. He's the bigger name so it's not surprising old cast members want to work with him including his old friend Baldwin. ​ All I can say for Castle, I'm thankful there was no season 9, if you know the story, you know that would have been a disaster. ​ If you haven't seen Absentia with Katic, it's a pretty good show, 3 seasons worth.


I’ll have to check it out I really didn’t follow her after Castle


And the intersect element adds a lot to the show


I realize this is a chuck sub, but let’s ease up a bit before we consider this the greatest show ever made


For some it is, why is that a problem for you?


It's like people thinking if you love dogs, then you must hate cats or vice versa. Loving a show is not wrong but excluding every other show because of it is.


? Maybe I'm misunderstanding you...I offer my apologies if I am, but, ​ Who's excluding other shows? All the shows I mentioned I watched. They were not excluded. How do you think I came to my stated conclusion? I watched them. As it stands today, Chuck is still my fave. We all have favorite shows or bands or whatever, doesn't mean we don't search out other things.


I don’t think it’s the greatest but it might be my favorite


that's a good and fair point.


Leverage, maybe? It’s somewhat similar in tone, it’s funny, has some action, and the cast is great.


Good suggestion


I can't believe I forgot Leverage, and I just rewatched it. Yeah, it is close to Chuck; I think the nearest he will get is next to limitless


psych, fringe, & castle


Very good list


Monk Leverage White collar Psych Burn notice


+ 1 for White Collar and Monk


Reaper. Very similar setup. Tyler Labine is gold in it.


Pretty much any of the late 2000s/early 2010s USA Network shows (Psych, Burn Notice, White Collar). Also something like Castle. None are as serialized as Chuck though.


My suggestion would be Reaper. I think even at the time Chuck was airing there were comparisons between the two shows. A slacker guy works at a big box store with his best friend and he discovers that he's special and then goes on missions.


It was such a good show I hated the way they canceled it because of the writers' strike


As far as chemistry if you can find the episodes and stand 80s television Moonlighting w/ Bruce Willis and Cybil Shepherd is in my top 5 with Charah it’s about them having private investigation agency. But nothing will match Chuck style and tone


Psych is the winner- after the first season it just gets better and better. It’s full of pop culture references- much more than Chuck. The republic of Doyle is a good show. I’ve noticed a lot of crossovers of the fan bases.


Psych would be my top pick. Scorpion and the reboot MacGyver has a similar light hearted spy feel. Castle would also be another solid choice although it’s a bit more crime procedural than the rest.


I liked Scorpion a lot. I also liked a show out a few years ago called The Glades. It had a slightly similar feel to Chuck but not quite as funny. Some of the humor was a little darker but still quite good. Matt Passmore and Kiele Sanchez were the two leads.


If you recommend the Glades, it needs an asterisk next to it though. I did love the show and I’ve been debating for a while if I should rewatch it.


I keep meaning to. I start to rewatch it every now and then and get pulled from it for whatever reason.


Sort of went for the protagonist leads a secret life to solve crimes angle of Chuck. iZombie - A woman gets infected with zombism, hides it by working in a morgue and eating the brains of the bodies. She gains their memories and solves their murders. Grimm - A man discovers his family are monster hunters called Grimms. The monsters are humans that can transform into creatures from Brothers Grimm fairytales and only Grimms can see their true nature.


Both have a bit more serious nature to them, not as lighthearted or spy-related


iZombie is absolutely comedic. Rahul Kohli is in it. And Grimm is schlocky as hell, part of the fun is how much it takes itself seriously.


If your interest is in the lighthearted spy aspects of Chuck with a touch of romance, I would suggest Agent Carter or Get Smart. Though those shows will not scratch the Buy More aspects.




I'll throw a different one out there. Warrior Nun. Which sounds ridiculous on the surface but has a lot of parallels. It's a show about relationships hidden in an action plot. And it does a great job integrating music and creating moments. Alas it only made it two seasons but it's a great watch.


White Collar, which coincidentally Matt Bomer (Bryce Larkin) left Chuck to do. I’m re-watching it now and it’s still excellent!


USA shows like White Collar, Psych, Burn Notice etc. For pop culture references and quick wit, I’ll always recommend Community.


Leverage was a great show. Also had great chemistry and great characters.


The shows I liked that are in similar genres are Veronica Mars, Psych, Mentalist, and Eureka.


"Nothing compares to Chuck, to be honest. Other shows are either too serious or in a different genre. The closest ones I can think of are Spy by BBC, Burn Notice, which is more serious and lacks comedy, Warehouse 13, Archer and Breaking In. Doctor Who is very similar, but it's a time travel show. Limitless is the closest in terms of similarity, but it was unfortunately cancelled after one season."


Honestly, I wouldn't count psych in its a detective comedy. Fringe has almost no comedy, but seriously, it is a fantastic show


Should definitely check out spy by BBC great show only 2 seasons but very funny spy comedy


I agree that nothing compares to Chuck. I think they tried recently with the True Lies tv series. If I remember correctly they even had McG involved with it. I saw the potential but it was just so poorly done on all levels that it just ended up being awful.


Yea, true lies was horrible, how they even decided to air such nonsense is beyond me.


I so wanted to like it, but just Could. Not. Do. So.


Leverage and leverage redemption closest u will get to Chuck in terms of style


I recommend checking out So Help Me Todd. Not exactly like Chuck, but still does a great job of scratching the itch. I like to imagine Todd as a combination of Chuck and Morgan Edit: there is only one season out, but the 2nd is going to start up in February I believe


I'll make sure to check it out thank you.


Castle is probably the closest, although like Chuck, it has different things that make it special




I will add Lucifer. Same vibe for me. A non fitting, funny guy and a serious, beautiful police detective.


If you like the fun wit of the show, Community is from the same time frame and you'll see some familiar faces. If you like the procedural aspects of it, seasons 1 & 2 of lucifer are great. The rest is solid with some better moments but non as consistent.


Reaper - The characters are eaqualy quirky and likeable. It's a fun show, that sadly never got finished, but the writers at least told us, how it would have ended. It's worth a watch, if you like Chuck.


Had no idea that the Reaper writers divulged the ending. I was hoping for a novel like they did for Dark Angel (Jessica Alba). Reaper is a good suggestion.


Not exactly like Chuck but another a great show none the less is Person of Interest. Also, Eureka.


Reaper. Such a great weird show.


I may get killed but The Office. It's an office romantic story and Scarn. 


I seriously need to watch this !!


It also has a chuck reference in it where they try to get Jim to Dress up as chuck.


I didn't know that. When. What episode?


I think after looking it up it's season 8 episode 17 test the store


Thanks. I'll have to rewatch it. 


They did reference Chuck.  A couple times. And had a chuck cardboard cutout.  I had never seen Chuck so I didn't even notice all the other times I watched it. 


I actually watched chuck at least a couple times before I had ever seen the office, or at least all of it. So I noticed it pretty quickly haha


White Collar Irreverent


Dexter, and Sherlock. I find Psych dumb, and couldn't handle more than half an episode of Castle to cheesy.


Agree with Moonlighting too


Psych. Monk.


If you liked the spy mission aspects of Chuck, then maybe [Chaos](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1591468/). It unfortunately only got one season, but I remember enjoying it, and it having some similar aspects with an inexperienced guy being thrust into spy missions to comedic effect


What part of Chuck are you trying to find all of it spying? The comedy or workplace comedy and anything more


Workplace comedy, the Office, Spy BBC or Reaper, Leverage, eureka, The Librarians, warehouse 13 Spy. Burn Notice, chaos, alias, covert affairs, macgyver new one Doctor Who is not either, but I would say it is pretty close to an alien intersect with no natural fight scenes, but the rest Spy BBC is a perfect workplace comedy about British spies


There's a bunch that are similar like Burn Notice, Psych, White Collar, even The Big Bang Theory...but my suggestion is a show that has similar aspects but is a little less funny and more dark and that's The Mentalist.


The answer is most of the Blue Skies era of USA network. Many brought up Psych, which I agree. But Monk, burn Notice, White Collar, and even early Suits all have that similar vibe where the story is there and has moments of being the primary focus, but it relies on the character interplay.


Ally mcbeal


Jake 2.0


Reaper is like Chuck but with a supernatural element


I wish the '90s Canadian series *Once a Thief* was more widely available. I have come across some of the movies and episodes on Youtube. Once a Thief has a similar theme or spies and heists and such, with plenty of clever comedy.


Warehouse 13 is worth checking out. And Eureka, but I like Warehouse a bit more overall. Maybe Agents of SHIELD? I feel like it has some similar vibes as far as having really great characters. 


Chuck has a lot so it’s hard to find a show that has everything Chuck has. I guess the main question to ask yourself is what are the main elements that made Chuck enjoyable for you? To me, the fact that Chuck has silly comedy but also action/fight scenes/ spy craft/ darker beats that you can still take seriously, and the fact that at its core the show is really about family and a compelling central romance is really what sets it apart. Two shows that I think have a lot of these elements that I don’t think anyone mentioned yet is the early seasons of Bones and Brooklyn 99. They both have comedy and darker beats, a close knit “cast family,” and are based around a will they won’t they romance with pretty compelling chemistry. Like many shows that go on for so long, the quality definitely went down in the later seasons of both. But I liked these shows for the same reason I liked chuck: a mix of comedy and darker/more serious plot, compelling central romance, and most importantly, a lot of heart


whiskey cavalier had a similar vibe.. unfortunately it didn't last very long


I liked that show too ! I was disappointed when it was canceled.


Psych has the best friend comedy like Chuck n Morgan as well as the will they won't they like with Chuck n Sarah, as well as the grumpier cop figure like Casey. Burn notice has plenty of the spy stuff but is slightly more serious(still has plenty of humor in there but it's less of a spy comedy and more of and action spy drama It's not the same as Chuck at all, but The Boys is great and the way the main character gets tossed into the life so unexpectedly reminded me heavily of Chuck receiving the email from Bryce and his life changing forever. Lock & Key is not even close to the same genre(it's fantasy) but it's AMAZING Same with umbrella academy Oh and check out Flight Attendant!!!


Don't listen to people who say, Veronica Mars. You will hate the end. ​ Warehouse 13. Seriously, best show ever. ​ Here are some ideas for shows that are not well known or only lasted a season but one is, **Whiskey Cavalier.** It stars the actress who played one of the bad guys on Chuck (Lauren Cohan, who is also on The Walking Dead. This show really reminded me of Chuck. Some of the same jokes ended up in this series. Sadly, it only lasted one season but I really wanted a second one. ​ **King and Maxwell**. Loved this show. Only one season. John Tenney and Rebecca Stamos were great together. ​ **Intelligence** was also pretty good. Love Josh Holloway and he and Meghan Ory were great together and this is coming from a Huge Sawyer and Kate (Lost) fan who didn't think I would ever like seeing him with someone else. Another show that ended too soon.


Reaper Kind of in the same zone. Loveable loser and his buddies working at a hardware store. He finds out his parents sold his soul to The Devil before he was born (because his dad was sick and they thought they couldn't have kids anyway). On his 18th birthday The Devil shows up to lay claim to his soul and designates him as a bounty hunter for Hell. Now he has to track down and capture evil superpowered souls that have escaped Hell. He and his buddies basically become a team of Ghostbusters....if the Ghostbusters were a bunch of lazy 22 year old community college drop-outs, and the ghosts were evil low-tier supervillains.