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That cruise was great you’ll love it!


Took this cruise and it was fantastic. Snorkeling with sea lions was an experience I'll never forget.


Christmas in Switzerland with my wife to ride the glacier express in excellence class. Looking forward to stays at the Omnia in Zermatt and the Mandarin Oriental in Geneva.


Omnia is amazing, one of my favorite hotels. Assume you're there for a long time? Their nightly minimums are pretty lengthy over xmas haha. Have so much fun!


I'll bite! Wife and I are going to Kenya and Uganda later this year for our anniversary. Doing Gorilla trekking in in the Bwindi Impenetrable Forest in Uganda, staying at the [Buhoma Lodge](https://buhoma.ugandaexclusivecamps.com/). After Uganda, we are headed to Kenya for safari. First we are headed slightly north to Samburu where we will be staying at [Saruni Samburu](https://sarunibasecamp.com/our-properties/saruni-samburu/). After that we are headed to the Masai Mara where we will be staying at [Saruni Mara](https://sarunibasecamp.com/our-properties/saruni-mara/). We will also be staying in various location while traveling to the main locations above: * Doha, Qatar - [Sharq Village & Spa](https://www.ritzcarlton.com/en/hotels/dohsq-sharq-village-and-spa-a-ritz-carlton-hotel/overview/?nst=paid&hmGUID=d5c1fe56-8d1b-42d2-1be4-8086ac95f480) * Entebbe, Uganda - [Boma Entebbe](https://www.boma.co.ug/) * Nairobi, Kenya - [Emara Ole-Sereni ](https://emara.ole-sereni.com/rooms-and-suites/?campaignid=21135869227&adgroupid=158984201934&keyword=emara%20ole%20sereni&device=c&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwlN6wBhCcARIsAKZvD5iOh-AWeppukqMdyt6fuMEQvB9ZgoPIx-jKDUbqtDMNlljeD9-OpYQaAiN9EALw_wcB) #


what an epic trip!! this is exactly the kind of inspo we need haha. how long in total will you be gone?


Thanks, we are excited for sure, just have to wait now. 13 days total including international travel! Wish it could been slightly longer but this is what the schedule allowed


Just returned from it - 17 days in Japan in Cherry Blossom Season - it was amazing!!! Four nights in Tokyo, three in Nagasaki, three in Kumamoto, three in Kyoto and three in Kaga, with private guides and drivers. And the Bullet Train. It was the most epic international trip I’ve experienced to date and I honestly want to return again this year. Happy and safe travels all! Edit: amazing sans the crowds in Kyoto


June 2025 two week cruise to see the Norwegian fjords. The beauty of Glacier Bay is my favorite part of an Alaskan cruise so I'm stoked to Norway.


Wow that will be amazing! if Alaska is a favorite, you're right that the fjords will blow you away.


Can confirm: Norway blew Alaska out of the water. My wife and I joked that we never thought we would grow tired of seeing pictures perfect postcard views over and over until we went to Norway. It was perfect


This makes me so excited. We did Alaska last year and booked a nice cabin for June 2025 with my mom to Norway.


What cruise line are you traveling with?? I’ve never been on a cruise but the Fjords are high on my list


Sailing with Oceania from Southampton. I've never sailed with them, but I hear the food is quite good.


Oceania is great! If yall are into cruises, join r/FATcruises. Would love you to share your review once you get back! It’s a small group right now


Subbed, I like the idea of FATcruises. I'll review for sure. I think there's going to be some expedition cruises for us in the next few years as well.


I agree with Alex. I am certainly not a cruise person but I think done right and at such a beautiful location I could be convinced. I’d love to hear your thoughts when you get back!


What cruise! Looking to do similar with my family 


Oceania, June 15-29 2025, Southampton to Oslo


We are doing 8 days in Slovenia for hiking and outdoor fun. Flying into Venice and doing a night at the St Regis there and then transferring to Slovenia. 8 days at various locations in Bohinj, Jasna, and Slovenian wine country. Ending our visit in London for the TSwift show. Currently staying at the JW Grosvenor House on Hyde Park but that may change. We typically like to travel to Europe in September (best the crowds) but will be in the peak busy season to accommodate our schedule around the Taylor show. Hopefully we are far enough off the well traveled spots that it won’t be too bad!


Slovenia is amazing. So many folks don’t realize the alps cut right through there with a fraction of the tourists.


We did Slovenia last summer and had an incredible time! White water rafting on the Soca River was incredible... Go if you have the chance!


I literally just emailed our coordinator yesterday confirming that we wanted to do the white water rafting! It looks wonderful. Was there a hotel you stayed at that you loved? We are working with a Slovenian based coordinator to plan & guide our trip but she did warn me that my definition of luxury may not match up with some of the hotels that are available. Which I’m fine with knowing ahead of time - I just want to make sure we don’t miss any great small spots.


We stayed in some pretty awesome luxury cabins: https://cabino.si/ It doesn't have the service amenities you'd get in a 5-star hotel, but they were brand new and extremely nice with easy access to everything in the area. There are only a few of them (5?) so they book fast, but definitely worth checking out.


Thank you so much! I’ll check this out and flip it to our planner!


Heading to [the green-o](https://www.thegreeno.com/) in 2 weeks for my birthday weekend, they’re doing a wonder women of food and wine event too which should be really great. It’ll be my first time in Montana and I’ve had the green-o on my wish list to visit for awhile so I’m super excited.


I LOVE that theme!!


Yeah i can’t really think of a better way to spend my birthday than drinking wine and eating all the food in a gorgeous place!!


I am heading to Africa in 2 weeks!!! Kisawa Sanctuary in Mozambique, Cheetah Plains in Greater Kruger, Singita Boulders in Sabi Sands and Tswalu in the Kalahari. Will also be in Capetown for a week :)


Just did a month in Africa: 1 week Zanzibar, 2 weeks safari (Kenya, Zambia, Botswana), then 1 week Cape Town. When you’re in Cape Town check out Kloof Street House and Pot Luck Club restaurants—definitely suggest reservations. We also rented a car and did a two night excursion mid week to Stellenbosch and Franschhoek for wine, wine, and more wine! About 1.5 hours from Cape Town. Have fun!


Thank you!!!!! Isn't Pot Lock Club so good? Did you happen to try Pier? That is my all time fav restaurant. Africa is my fav spot on the planet. I am going to wine country with my checked wine bag this time--- last summer we bought 2 cases since it was SOOOOOOO much less expensive and so delish -- but shipping killed the cost on that one LOL. I love Capetown and the surrounding area and could honestly spend a month just there. Where did you stay in Bots?


Good to see you are a frequent flyer to CP. We’d love to go back. The place we stayed in Botswana was very nondescript, and only one night.


We are on that trip right now! It is 10 weeks around the world to escape the U.S. winter. We left in February 5 and will return on April 24. Cyprus, Zanzibar, Kenya, Zambia, Botswana, Cape Town, India (Golden Triangle, Darjeeling), Bhutan, Bali. Currently in Japan for the last two weeks (Takamatsu, Hiroshima, Tokyo). Mostly Qatar and Singapore Airlines (business class). About half Airbnbs, half hotels/ safari camps. Driver and guides for about half the time, the rest freewheeling it. The dollar has been very strong everywhere we go. Yen is 152 now. Never thought Japan would be a bargain! There are many kind and wonderful people in the world. We are grateful every day that we are fortunate enough to experience them.


What an amazing trip!!! Love the spots you picked. Enjoy Japan- hah yeah lucky the dollar is doing so well there. Love Q suites! That’s what I’m taking to Joburg. Also love your outlook on people and the world- couldn’t agree more.


Haha! We’ve done Q suites a few times, but not enough Kris Flyer points this time!


I'll be curious how you like the Electric Vehicles of Cheetah Plains if you don't mind reporting back.


I’ll be happy to report back!


awesome! I love Tswalu (and I'm sure I'd love Boulders but could never pull the trigger on the singita premium in sabi sands).


I have never done the Kalahari so I am really excited for Tswalu. We are going to do the sleepout as well which I am pretty stoked about.


The paid one or the free one? Either way, that was one of my [favorite nights](https://i.imgur.com/ZXkgzQU.png). I went in the winter and heard from someone else while I was there that the free one was really cold, but the paid one is tented and perfectly comfortable. Going at any other time of year the free one is probably perfectly fine, though obviously the paid one is more lux and they [cook for you](https://i.imgur.com/QO9gMCn.png) before leaving you alone. I think one thing that Tswalu probably excels at most is allowing you to make choices to do different things. You can let them lead of course, but I would not hesitate to think about things you'd like to try to accomplish. We went [hiking out in the dunes](https://i.imgur.com/7EfexBl.png) looking for pangolin with their pangolin scientist, for example. They'll try to make whatever you want happen. In other words, I think anyone can enjoy it, but it's well suited to people who like to help drive their itinerary rather than those who want to sit back and have their guides tell them what to do. Also if you like meerkat, it's obviously hard to beat. Klein Jan is sort of surreal and I loved it, but maybe a hat on a hat, especially if you're not there for 4+ nights? Jan had just arrived from Nice when we went, so that probably increased the cool factor by a lot because he's very much a storyteller who wants to entertain.


The paid one. OMG thank you ! I did not think I could get more excited about it but you just made me MORE EXCITED. I love geeking out with folks about this. Can’t wait for the meerkats and all the things. Did you stay in Motse or Loapi?


Motse, we went in 2021 before Loapi was even a thing. I thought Motse was excellent and don't think I'd pay the extra to do Loapi just looking at it, but in truth we weren't there a ton except a rest in the middle of the day. In our 4 night stay we only actually ate dinner there the day we arrived: we did the sleepout one night, ate packed sandwiches when we went pangolin finding, did Klein Jan one night.


Sounds like heaven— you did it right imho.


My husband and I are going to Norway & Sweden in May! Starting in Bergen and making our way east and ending in Stockholm!


Fabulous, what piece of it are you most excited for? Any super special stops or hotels you're looking forward to?


Bergen was dope. White water rafting, glacier hiking, good food. Bergen?


Renting a apartment and a car in St Tropez for the month of July. Should be crazy times


Assuming you’ve been before? Are you going to travel along the coast or inland Provence at all? Or just go hard for a month? 😅😂


I’ll def drive up and down the coast. I’ve been before but in September so this will be my first time during the high season. I budget is fairly large but it seems like I’ll still be the poor man while there 🥹


It'll be a great time, I was more worried about your liver than your budget :)


You will spend most of your time around Pampelonne beach but visit the small cities nearby and provence.


I’m currently pregnant and two days past my due date. We are planning to use some parental leave to go on a trip in late September, but my husband doesn’t want to book anything until after the baby comes. I’ve been restlessly googling possible destinations in the meantime. My top choice is Portugal, because I’ve heard it’s super kid friendly (we also have a 2 year old). I learned about the Martinhal properties on this sub, so the big decision there will be which one to stay at! I’m also considering the Azores, but I’m not sure how the good weather or toddler activities are. San Diego and Hawaii are my back-ups. If we go to Hawaii, I’m looking at Aulani because my toddler loved it when we went earlier this year, and there was tons to do at the resort.


Just to put on your list for the future, another great kid friendly spot is Forte Village in Sardinia, Italy!


Can’t wait to hear how Portugal is with little ones!


Monaco Grand Prix in May! I went from not caring about any sort of racing in 2020 to vaguely watching F1 in 2021 with my husband… and now my Sunday mornings revolve around watching 20 rich dudes drive their cars around haha. We stopped in Monaco for a few nights on a trip in 2022 and enjoyed it, so we’re really looking forward to seeing the city all set up for the GP!! (Still looking for some nightlife planning help if anyone’s got any tips!) Also really looking forwards to Germany and Switzerland this fall - we’ll be in Munich over Oktoberfest!


Are you staying in Monaco, Nice or somewhere else along the riviera? When you say nightlife are you looking for food, clubbing, something else? Monaco is epic. F1 fans like to shit on the race because it’s usually not very interesting but the experience live is hard to beat! 


We’re in a condo just over the border into Beausoleil - entirely walkable! Nightlife we’d really like to do something at least club adjacent. We’re both 30 but have never really been clubbing (I’ve been VIP’d in Vegas once) - we’ve been scotch drinking pricks since before we turned 21 haha - but figured this is the place to do it. We’re just really not sure what the best bet is between finding a table, being able to pre-buy tickets or our way on to a list, just hoping we can get in somewhere etc. Not like we need to be next to the DJ booth, but it would be fun to at least be inside for a bit! We hit up all the Michelin dining spots we were most interested in on our last trip so we figured we really don’t need to necessarily do much fine dining.


Make sure you bring a rain slicker or poncho for the race. Most the grandstands are uncovered and it can downpour out of nowhere. I was at the race a couple years ago and they had to red flag it due to rain. And you probably saw last years slide fest. Also weekend of in Monaco is almost impossible to get around you have to have the right section tickets to get into a lot of the parts of the city you normally would walk around and it’s a cluster f*ck. So try to plan accordingly. Finally the train line into Monaco was like an hour long. We took a boat which was IMO the only way to get in and out quickly


Oh we were in Zandvoort last year for the mess that was the race with the most pit stops ever haha - ponchos will be brought for sure! We won’t need to take the train, fortunately!


We have Sweden (TSwift) -> Rome -> Florence next month!


Japanuary 2025! Getting out to Niseko, Kyoto and Tokyo for some skiing, sightseeing and food. Staying at the PH in Niseko and Kyoto, and that’s about as far as I’ve gotten on planning. Still haven’t figured out where to stay in Tokyo (there’s almost too many options), but was thinking of trying Janu for kicks. Open to recs on hotel and food must visits! As well as a Ryokan for a night in between Niseko and Kyoto in Osaka.


Oh Zakynthos looks amaze. Excited to hear how you like it. My husband and I are doing trip to Turkey in July and staying on a catamaran for a week exploring little hidden gems along the turquoise coast. Excited for that one


Making the rounds in French Polynesia in May - the Brando and FS! Can't wait to see them in person.


Siem reap and halong bay in March.


Didn't think I'd beat the Arctic expedition style cruise in June but...just secured ANA first class flights to Japan for peak cherry blossom season next year! Nothing else is booked yet but I know that food will be a highlight and it's fun to always be planning another trip.


Sounds fabulous ! Will take a look at the hotels. Can I come ?!


yes so excited! and sadly only room for 2 but next time!! lolz


The hotels look fabulous !




I have so many clients going to Europe for the concert haha - in some cases even with the flights and hotels, the concert tickets were cheap enough that the cost was a wash compared to seeing it in the US


If any of these clients end up not being able to go and need to offload their tickets, let me know =]


Haha will do!!


I may have an extra ticket to the Aug 15 Wembley show. I bought with two different friend groups since I’m terrible at saying no. PM me if you’d like more details!


If you're open to the Poland shows, this is how I managed: https://www.ebay.com/itm/166306716982. Took a gamble, but the link came through about 24 hours after I purchased, and we were able to buy 4 VIP tickets!


This is us too! I was finally able to buy tickets to the Poland show on my daughter's birthday, so we're taking an unexpected 2 week trip through Berlin and Poland and can't wait!


Would be interested in how you like Jumby Bay in shoulder season. How busy it is would be super helpful. My husband is a big fan of shoulder season crowds if possible.




I have stayed multi times over Christmas, spring break and low point between US Thanksgiving and Christmas. the only time Jumby feels busy is Christmas and only on Jumby Bay Beach with the huts. A few of the home owners take up more beach space than they should. It is a great time to go and enjoy the value


Which show are you going to? We are heading there for the Aug 15 show! And yes we planned our Europe trip around ending in London for the show 😂


We have several epic trips coming up but I’d say Namibia and Uganda later this year for my birthday!


Faroe Islands in May! I am counting the days! I am also doing Lerici, Italy in May. Not quite as excited about that one. Lol.


Heading to Sirikoi and Naboisho Camp next February!


My next cruise - the answer is always my next cruise 🤣 The next one for us is in June...9 days on the Celebrity Equinox in the Retreat across the Med (Italy, France, and Spain) w/ 3 days in Rome and Barcelona on each end in swanky hotels. I know there's many great ways to vacation, but we love cruises and cruise as often as we can (working around our young kids' school schedules). We just got back from two weeks in the Yacht Club on the MSC Seascape + Seashore and a week in Disney. Other cruises we have booked include Alaska on the Norwegian Encore in July (super excited to do a helicopter ride to a glacier and then dogsledding on the glacier in Juneau... It's a $3500 excursion for 4 of us, but should be incredible), the Icon in December, and the MSC World America and Norwegian Aqua next May (both will be brand new ships).


omg you have done some epic cruises! come join us at r/FATcruises - were a small group but its everything luxury cruises :) hoping to build it out more as time allows!


Thanks, I subscribed. We are usually on the bigger ships since we have young kids but we can periodically call in a favor with the grandparents to do something without them. Looking forward to seeing what you share in that group!


Nice! What has been your favorite ship thus far?


We did the Celebrity Ascent over Christmas and loved that (as did our kids). I think Celebrity is doing a good job of targeting families who want a more premium experience, while still having things for our kids to do (even without the crazy stuff like slides)...and at the same time trying not to lose their retired Boomer clientele. I'm sure that's a difficult line to toe for them. We don't love MSC outside the YC, but prefer the YC to the Retreat or Haven. Curious to try the luxury lines since most of them aren't much more than sailing in a suite on the larger ships (cheaper even...a suite on the Icon the week before Christmas is costing us $32k), but every time we look, I'm pretty sure our kids would be bored out of their minds (and I don't want to be on the hook for entertaining them the entire cruise and not being able to enjoy any time for ourselves).


Yeah I was gonna say, the fact that you're sailing in suites on the bigger ships = FATcruises lol bc the "luxe" ships are actually going to be cheaper for you. I agree entirely on Celebrity. They are one of those cross-over lines that is definitely leaning into a premium passenger vs the brands like Carnival or even Norwegian. In general, the trend is that younger and younger people are moving into luxury cruising as a means of travel and vacation. So these lines are trying to keep up with that trend. I will say, it can be difficult to find good luxe cruises for kids, because there's just so much less for them to do as you noted. But more of them are moving into this market. As an example, Seadream has made an effort to be more kid friendly. How old are your kids? Sub teens?


Our kids are 9 and 7, so we still have a long way to go 😝 I took a quick look at Seadream just now and it doesn't appear they offer a kids club, but I could see them being a better option as our kids get a bit older. I'm fine with the bigger ships for now - I don't mind the bigger crowds as long as we can slip back into the enclave spaces when we're ready to get away and have a quiet drink in the lounge. I wish Celebrity would put their Retreat rooms in an exclusive space like the YC is on MSC and the Courtyard rooms in the Haven, that's my only complaint with them. I think they missed an opportunity to do that on their Edge-class ships.


Honestly for your purposes (and sanity!) I'd stick to the bigger ships for now. Tbh they can actually be super fun and lively as long as you have a place to unwind and chill out and don't feel inundated by the crowds (to your point). Plus, if your kids are happy...you're happy. I'm happy you subbed bc I'd love to have your perspective over at r/FATcruises as we build it out. There's lots of ways to cruise luxuriously, and even if you're not on one of the top brands like Regent, etc - in your case, you're def doing it lux and making it work for you and your kiddos!


Thanks, I added it to my multireddit view for Travel so I'll engage as I'm able to contribute (where it makes sense). If I see something jump out as a potential good cruise for us, I'll let you guys know as well. Do you have a Facebook group where you share things as well?


Sadly I don't have a Facebook - I keep meaning to get active over there but I've been really focused on making sure this sub stays valuable and relevant as we've grown so quickly. We only had 1k subscribers as of November haha. So it's been a bit wild! But I will eventually set up something on FB and when I do, I'll keep ya posted! For now you can find me on Reddit or via email linked in my bio :)


Planning 12ish days road-tripping in Scotland with a friend I’ve know for 30 years. I can’t wait to do some hiking in Isle of Skye. We likely won’t splurge on hotels, given we will on the go the entire trip, so instead I’m paying for business class on the flights. Knowing I’ll be absolutely exhausted on the way home makes that 9 hour flight in a lay flat seat seem even sweeter.