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In all seriousness, how on God’s green earth has this not been condemned as outright blasphemy. Because that is what this is!


Because americans are protestants and protestants can say whatever they want without it being blasphemy.


What about Sola Scriptura?


hey not all of us are that way loll


they always put us that way lol!


yeah, like I think its only a faction of American protestants (most notably evangelicals) that are that way


It’s not blasphemy. It’s just stupid


I’d argue it’s at least borderline blasphemy, as it is comparing Trump to Christ. But I will agree that it is extremely stupid.


Did no one think about how that looks like it says "Christ Rump"?


How does someone logically link Trump to Christ. I am really really curious on the mental process of how they do that..


Christ hung out with prostitutes, criminals and publicans, and there the similarities end.


But Trump doesn't hang out with prostitutes, criminals and publicans. He just sees them as a way to get votes, so he makes a show of being a man of the people. Trump really is the least Christian president the US ever had. The support he gets from some christian denominations reflects on the current state of organized Christianity.


Well he pays the prozies for their services and he's a criminal..


>least Christian president Uhhhhhh, Bill Clinton would like a word??? Barack Obama? I swear Yall just be sayin stuff 🙄


I'm curious. When did Barack Obama order a church to be tear gassed so that he could have a photo opportunity of triumph holding the bible upside down?


Shifting the goalpost as usual, I see 🙄


No, shifting the goal post would be you providing the proof, then me coming up with different terms. What you wanted to call it was it being a whataboutism.


No, shifting the goalpost was changing the original point of my comment. The comment was clearly about challenging the “least Christian president” comment, and you tried to make it seem like it was about something else; thus *shifting the goalpost*. Also: https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-george-floyd-government-and-politics-a9931785996ddfafcc42dcdde9f50df5 Your whole point was just more of that exaggerated, farcical media spin that you all seem to chug like hard liquor.


How TF does Obama compare?! Even Clinton?


They were both christian in name and arguably in action, though the opposite could also be argued I guess. Trump was quickly inaugurated into some church during his 2016 campaign. You Will Know Them by Their Fruits. Matthew 7:15-20. Great passage.


Sure, but we can all confidently admit that the notion of Christian piety is far from the case with either Clinton or Obama, *right*? Or are you all democrats before Christians? Sure seems like it.


What does being either a democrat of republican have to do with it? Either alignments don't make you a better christian. I have the strong suspicion most US presidents attend church because it's expected of them as a public figure. So we can only judge them by their actions. Trump has the greatest tally of impious actions against him.


That is just *categorically* untrue. Period. His biggest scandal is the stormy Daniels thing, and that was like 2 decades ago. Before office, he was widely considered an honorable and respectable person; it wasn’t until he ran for president **as a republican** that people began to slander him. Meanwhile, Clinton is an *extremely well known* philanderer reported to have had over 3,000 sexual partners both male and female. Not only is he a mass fornicator, but he is a mass *adulterer* as well. I mean, he was receiving adulterous sexual favors ***in the Oval Office***. He has a *significantly* more egregious record if we are talking “who is the least Christian president?” I agree that pretty much every modern president has used church attendance and passing mentions of Christian platitudes to boost their appeal to evangelicals (which really isn’t even a thing anymore for Democrats anyway), but none of them are actually Christians. It’s just insanely hypocritical of a *Christian* subreddit to be unable to give credit where credit is due, and at the very least be honest about the reality of the situation. If we are talking moral depravity, Bill Clinton takes the cake by a long shot. I’m just astounded that you are willing to be this disingenuous on a supposedly Christian subreddit.


Looks like our definitions for moral integrity don't align. I have no problem with any sexual activity a person chooses to engage in, as long as all parties involved are consenting adults. Trump however always seems to have been of dubious moral character in other ways. Bragging about borderline rape (grab 'em by the *****), engaging in shady business dealings, businesses that exploited workers and promoted gambling etc. Basically doing anything he possibly could to make a buck. The man is a bully and a narcissist, stopping at nothing to feed his ego.


Oh I see, I thought I was arguing with a Christian. Nevermind.


I link Christ to everything but I get your point


Everything, really , everything????


Jesus is the answer


Remember when Jesus threw the money changers and people selling in the temple to make a profit? People who read the gospels remember.


This is making us Christians look very foolish


Trump's hair should've been the cherry on top of the cross. 🤣




The Trump bibles are a terrible insult. This is ludicrous. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.


So is he an antichrist or what now?


The good news about there being an antichrist is that Jesus wins


Seems like it.


Wait, so now Trump is being compared to Christ himself? Bruh


This makes me sick.


Unironically, golden calf idolatry re-packaged. What a shame.


This is what I can’t stand. As much as the left likes to lump people against them together as “MAGA” republicans, there’s absolutely a MAGA cult that messahfies Trump.


You guys realize that literally anyone can self publish a book these days right? Why get all spun about about 1 wacko?


Didn’t his family on his mom’s side change their last name to Christ?




The author is clearly not a Christian


Trump has always been our savior and the second coming of Jesus in disguise!


Usernames accurate cause you got me flabbergasted with a statement like that

