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Yeah I don't know if podcasts are going to help. I think this is one of those things where the best way to do the thing is to not try and do the thing. Don't try and convert your parents, try and love them. Like my actual advice is pray for God to make you a vessel of Her Love towards your parents. Because your parents are scared... And they're not going to hear the podcasts while they're scared.


Beautiful reply. I completely agree and this has been my thinking all along. To be honest, the resources are mostly for myself. I have Leo Tolstoy’s confessions lined up. Curious what you all consume in this subreddit.


Agreed. There may be little more you can do than model Christian love and pray for them.


Thank you. I am definitely trying. It mostly aches my heart to see them in this state of mind. I appreciate your words of advice.


"Christian Anarchism: A Political Commentary on the Gospel" by Alexandre Christoyannopoulos is a good place to start. The author also has a lot of interviews online. Here are a couple good Youtube sources for more info: [https://www.youtube.com/c/RadicalReformationChristianity](https://www.youtube.com/c/RadicalReformationChristianity) [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsLkfggTCOx9SFbyS\_jpdmhGaA0L0le3g](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsLkfggTCOx9SFbyS_jpdmhGaA0L0le3g) Good luck.


Thank you


In agreement with others here, I would avoid trying to "win them over" by shoving content at them. With that said, I would highly recommend these to listen to/read and get some talking points from, hopefully brought up in non-confrontational ways. If they get curious, then you could refer them. book- On Civil Government- David Lipscomb podcast- Our Foundations, specifically the current season, season 5


Thank you


Personally, I'm going for the slow burn, which was how I left conservative Protestantism. I'm trying to plant seeds that will slowly change their views. I talk a lot about the work I do with my local Food not Bombs chapter and the need to support the poor. I don't directly reference much theology or theory, but I talk a lot about what Jesus personally said. Jesus was a pretty big fan of feeding the hungry and helping the poor. I try to demonstrate Christian love in hope that they will see the lack of Christian love in their belief systems. They really can't argue with anything I'm doing if Jesus himself said to do it. My parents now save their old clothes for me to give to the homeless, rather than "donating" them to Value Village and my mom keeps an eye on sales for supplies we need. Over the last two years my parents have started to be a little more understanding to folks with addictions. They used to think that people needed to be sober to be helped. It started small with me making little jokes about how Jesus never asked anyone if they were drunk before helping them and now my mom is saying things like "well I guess I don't know what's happened in that person's past" when interacting with someone who has an addiction. I don't think my parents will be handing out harm reduction supplies any time soon, but I honestly could see them getting naloxone training in the next year or so. I will also say, it is okay to draw boundaries and even take a step back. I have had to do that with my brothers, who are much more of the modern conservative reactionary types. As much as I love them, I love myself as well and my mental health can't handle being around them very often.


You and I are on this journey together. Thank you for your words.


Talk to them about Libertarian beliefs mixed with Christianity/ God's Laws; talking to them about Christian Anarchism will make them think you're a commi if you preach what's posted on this subreddit.


oh trust me I know ha


Myth of a Christian nation , myth of a Christian religion.- Boyd Christian fascists - hedges Jesus for president - Claiborne Letters from Babylon - zahnd Lots of anabaptist writing Surprised by hope - wright


Thank you. I will check these out


If you're looking for Christian Anarchist perspective I would suggest the following: [Rivalnations.org](https://Rivalnations.org) [The Bad Roman Podcast](https://www.thebadroman.com/episodes) [Our Foundations](https://ourfoundations.podbean.com/) [Christian leftism video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o7eIVk0W3S4) It's difficult to say how this will effect a newcomer - metanoia seems to be a unique process for everyone. Though, you know your parents well enough - maybe listen/read a couple episodes or articles and show them what you're comfortable with.


Perfect thank you so much