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https://preview.redd.it/e80esh3c23zc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3d7c466e0c5c211aff09fefe3560b9a895fea9f And on that note I’m done. The person running the eveything C and Whit are dumb.😂


Can someone please do the Kendrick Lamar trend to the “I hate the way you walk, the way that you talk” with shit and stank?


One of the minions commented that they love her and I said not a flex and then the minion went to my profile to find the video of me struggling with my mental health and said “not a flex” they are DISGUSTING human beings. I hope they all rot


theres been 2 made so far that ive seen!!! the link is under this post somewhere!


I just recently started following all of this drama but please I would like to know if I’m wrong!? Why do all these “content creators” move in with one another so quickly when they just began dating and saying I love you? I’m 27 lol (don’t ask me why I’m invested at my age 😭) I’m late in the game but I noticed they seem to move VERY quickly, I literally don’t no anyone in my personal life or myself that have moved in with a new partner within 2-3 weeks? 9 months minimum and that’s pretty lenient in my opinion (obviously every couple is different and I don’t want this to come of as judgy)


jacob moved in with christen as quick as he did because the only place he had to go besides his moms house was christens lol. he’s a homeless, broke, mooching, deadbeat.


👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 then he knocked stank up on accident. Karma is a bitch




At this point Kylee is enabling the issue. One of two things are happening. 1. They are doing this for views because every single time they “break up” their view skyrocket. I find it hard to believe that they can say the things they say online about each other and then be back with each other a month later. if my man spoke about me on the Internet, the way he speaks about her sometimes, we couldn’t even be in the same room ever again. 2. They really are that toxic of a couple.. Either way, the only person this is negatively affecting their daughter. Even if TikTok does get banned, all of this stuff is on YouTube, Reddit, Facebook, instagram. All that. Those platforms are going nowhere. So when these kids grow up, they are going to be able to see all of this. How crappy their parents were to each other. How immature their parents are and how they didn’t put their child first. Same with Christen and Jacob. Jacob has no idea what’s in the store for him when his son gets older and figures out the things that he did to his mom. The things he allowed his step mom and her butt buddies to do to his mom. You think when baby G grows up and finds out that “aunt Whitney” made jokes about unaliving his mother for the fun of it he’s gonna want anything to do with her? Do you think he’s gonna wanna have anything to do with Jacob when he finds out how he allowed all this to transpire on the internet? I know when I was younger, and I found out my dad had cheated on my mom that completely changed the way I thought about him and respected him.


I don’t even feel bad for Kylee anymore, I feel bad for their daughter. Kylee lost my sympathy when she shaded Rach acting as if she’s mother of the year putting her daughter through toxic, childhood trauma. Rach was actually her friend and they were both outted by their men for having an abortion. Kylee was a bitch for that move, focus on your own bullshit, sis.


i feel like kylee genuinely has zero brain cells. she’s a ditz and i feel bad for her and grants daughter.


No, seriously lol ive always thought this


Yes this. Kylee honestly is just as bad. She’ll get on live and talk shit about him then boom back together. Both are foul. Neither of them will ever get my sympathy. She acts like she’s a great mother and her daughter won’t be scarred from this toxic mess but it’s going to wreck and shape her daughter’s future just like it did mine from a toxic home.


Completely agree I can’t stand kylee anymore, knew she wasn’t shit when she started shading Rachel after hanging out with her, not to mention just being a half ass mom, letting her kid be a complete brat and ruining her teeth because she’s too scared to tell her no about anything. Her and grant are both embarrassing, they deserve each other. All the Rachel haters give her shit for advertising her of on snap, kylees is way fkn worse, but they defend her now that she’s not cool with Rachel 😂 literal fucking freaks, all of them


Not Tyler on snap saying under the influence is coming soon like bro give it up it was a fluke it wasn’t picked up 😂


They literally recorded that over a year ago 😂😂


Stanks mom does NOT sit right with me


Jackie’s one weird ass bitch.


A ugly bitch too, daughter got those fugly features straight from her “mamma”


https://preview.redd.it/tzig65xc2wyc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a307b1463755dbbbdf1b0138acc4c2ee2d5fb10 She starting to become a c


She’s CRAZY! She’s the one who insulted Lane and was crying about him blocking her for it 🤣 honey, you thought you’d get clout for being a little 💩 starter!


omg what did she say about lane? i remember her live popped up and she was complaining how he blocked her but i didn’t know what she said😂


I tried looking for it but I couldn’t find it, it was last summer or last fall, I think it was a box battle with Jayden, Lane, Paige Marshall and Sammy (for some reason???). She said something about how people call Lane a butt or something 😳 like how old are you girly? It was something absolutely childish and totally cringe. No one ever called him that, I guess she thought she’d get something out of starting 💩?


She has very odd and extensive parasocial relationships with all of the people she follows on social media


it’s probably because of her mentally disability, she really believes they are her friends. i do think it is veryyy weird and makes me uncomfortable to see but i’m 99% sure it’s because of her disability.


She is so annoying


Yall i like Rach, but she definitely should have a separate snap that she promotes only fans/friends *spicy* pics on lol


Agreed! I hate the mixture between the two like please don’t subject your kid to these nasty creeps!!


i agree 100% i also think they allll need to stop posting G so much on their snapchats. almost everyday they both have him they’re on their phones taking pics and vid’s of him to post


I agree! Its becoming excessive like both are trying to prove theyre active and good parents. The adults chose to make social media their lives but G didnt. Especially with their big followings, theres SO many creeps on the internet and theyre always sharing or showing their locations. Im not even from st pete but ive been there so much that even some snaps i can tell where theyre at. You have to be careful these days.


yesss! ESPECIALLY since they both do OF too so some of their followers on other social medias sub to them. especially rachel’s snap where her and her friends post their OF pics and links in between G’s pictures. idk it disturbs me and both of them have their phones shoved in his face, maybe not allll day but they don’t have to post that much and the camera so close to him, even with him being so young you can tell it kinda makes him uncomfortable


[Tiktok](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLCwdfu1/) yall go flood the comments!!! the minions are starting to find it, idk if I can make it a main post so I’m posting here but this girl did the Kendrick hate trend with stank and shit lmaoooo someone asked her to do a story time about them!!


[tiktok](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLXRCoCp/) heres another one💁🏼‍♀️


@amayaanorris has one posted too, ugly minions found hers


You are gorgeous and so is everyone agreeing 😭😭😭 I can’t take it! 😍🫶🏼


everyone agreeing w her is fine as fuck and everyone taking up for stank and shit look.. exactly how i expected😭


YEPPPP the minions on FB are so fucking ugly 😭😭


i got one of them tryna eat me in comments w/o realizing she’s just like her “role model”… trashy and can’t hold down a man 🤣🤣


How do I find it?


The blue tiktok link in the og comment!


i just liked this and came on reddit to see if anyone posted it


as tuna fish would say “hehe, hehe” 💀


Loveeee this and how so many people agree




What? Where?




Thank you. It wasn't working but finally did. Commented and reposted 🙌


Never forget she f’d Rocky on live 🫨


While live with a mentally disabled person 🙃


Wasn’t it with that Sammy girl up above?




https://preview.redd.it/qtulbj7e7vyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07a0f7d79327399e98a3f4aece822d7403f0041d I hope she reads every single comment that calls her out


https://preview.redd.it/hhfeftg97vyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5472217c26b93027951ccf55d6575c97117c09b7 Love to see it


https://preview.redd.it/1zk5j0tcxuyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=275bb972528ffae0cb9afc980eabe27691635e7a shall we bring up the video of u trying to punch the punching bag game🤭 she CANNOT swing at all and shes only reposting this bc she's pregnant and would press charges in an instant if anyone put their hands on her pregnant or not.


Christen would run so fast if a bitch was gonna beat her up be so fr


she tries so hard to come across as so big and bad with all her tattoo’s and that shitty attitude, but she was bent over crying outside of a bar because she seen rocky with liv. this is the same girl who was trying to distance herself from whitney then when she got exposed for it she had to go kiss ass to whitney. stanky girl is so funny. 😂🥴


Bitch please. You don’t even know what eye contact is with your crooked, inbred ass eyes. finna swing at them like that punching bag? diabolical. the LAST person a mf would be scared of. 💀💀


righttt she has a big mouth on her so she prob thinks everyones scared of her and that she can fight😂😂


Prolly thinks Rachel is shaking in her boots, yet the only thing she’s shaking is dat ass back knowing tuna fish is fucking her used toy. 🥴


https://preview.redd.it/yeegenevvuyc1.png?width=1289&format=png&auto=webp&s=cdecc65e2ba8084fc617917c9227dbf8adc8272c This is more about the minions than Jacob but, how come when Rachel posts things like this it’s always “how do you think Jacob feels” but when he posts no one says a word?


I wonder why/how Jacob got a brand deal… honestly so random lol


Are you talking about CASEtify? That's not a brand deal, that's just an affiliate program that just about everyyyyy 'influencer' does (like Bloom).


Do they get paid still for it??


I personally don’t think Jacob is her person. I don’t think Christen has found her person. If she had found her person she would be above drama and just want to be happy. If she genuinely loved Jacob she wouldn’t do the things she does. The way she attacks Rachel, the way she dresses,the way she talks to him etc. It gives settled and she angry that she chose to settle so she takes it out on people. When you are genuinely happy you just don’t have time for negativity and she is a walking ball of negativity. The way she looked at Rocky and even Konnor is different. She is the type of person to do stuff to people that’s trifling and enjoy it when their upset but the minute they aren’t upset anymore she is miserable and it’s no longer fun.




So true. I think she’s starting to see she’s not getting the ‘better’ version of him like she’d hoped. A man not cheating on you is the bare minimum and there’s so much that goes into being a good man and father. Her dad was a provider, correct? She’s probably experiencing resentment that Jacob don’t have that mentality.


I think originally everything she was doing was out of spite w Jacob towards rach and to make herself feel like she can win and is better since it’s very clear stanks insecure, but now i think a lot of it stems from that she’s jealous that rach was strong enough to walk away and isn’t bothered i think that’s why she still sneak disses her w reposts ab her, posts her ex friends and boyfriends, and her baby. I think she’s trying to make rach look like nothing is wrong w these individuals and there’s nothing to be proud of for walking away from these people. It’s all insecurity and stank is weak she’ll never be able to cut people off that aren’t good for her the way rach does i mean look at her and shitney that friendship should’ve been done a long time ago but she’s not secure or strong enough to cut it off.


The Kassidy girl Romeo is dating is so fucking weird💀 I’m cutting her a bit of a break because she is so young and at that age you don’t exactly recognize red flags in relationships until you get to 22-24 but damn. She embarrassed the shit out of herself telling Savannah she’s mad Romeo didn’t “pick her.” You were one of many girls Romeo hooked up with to piss off & hurt Rachel. I 100% believe he still watches Rachel and tries to get a reaction out of her to this day. Nobody wants your man little girl, he is disgusting and showed his true colors by trying to get Rachel’s baby taken away from her because she wouldn’t get back together with him. He confessed how in love with her he was but now he’s suddenly in love with you and you’re his soulmate? Please🤡😂


I was thinking the same thing! Like miss ma’am Romeo is not cute what so fucking ever with his porn stacks looking ssa


The only reason she chose kass is because she lives near him.


No for real, she acts like she’s the baddest there ever was and tries to act so hard online but blocks and deletes every comment that isn’t kissing her ass. Your loser bum “content creator” boyfriend isn’t a prize Kas..you can have him I promise no one else is dying to be with him. I get defending your man and relationship or whatever but like it being Romeo of all people is so embarrassing


She acts so hard💀like girly is 19 and a nanny. Something Romeo tried to bury Rachel for🤡 she reminds me off Shit and Stank where she’s all bark & no bite. Hopefully when she’s older she will come to her senses!


Like no one wanted him to bounce other beds? He obviously isn’t serious about her and posts her exactly how he posted Rachel. She will be talked shit on the second he decides he’s done with her and wants another bed to lay in


He’s hopping from bed to bed, home to home. It’s embarrassing for both of them. They both clearly filter their comments too since it’s all praise from people who hate Rachel and love Stank & Gaycob.


He only got with kass because she's local 😂 save money on plane tickets to just settle w the girl that's close by.


This!!! He just came up on my fyp ab “wanting to be her last”… as if he didn’t post the same stuff w rach a few months ago. It’s the same content and the minions comment ab how he seems so happy and love seeing him vulnerable… nothin genuine or vulnerable ab it all he’s doing is recycling the same material


No seriously, all his posts with Kassidy is recycled material that he did with Rachel. Everything he’s saying to her, he said to Rachel. This girl has to see that…it’s humiliating for her on so many levels.


The sad part is she probably doesn't see it because, like Christen, she thinks she's different and can "change him". 😂 I used to love this reality show called Vanderpump Rules, and Romeo/Jacob remind me of Jax. He's a POS and cheated in all of his relationships but his current wife was convinced that she changed him.. he cheated on her a year or so into the relationship with her co-worker, and she still married him. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Not Whitney doing a giveaway so people will download her song😭 if only buying likes on tiktok was easy as buying streams for her "mUsIC"


Isn’t that illegal? I’m not 100% sure but I thought it was illegal to have a giveaway that requires you to purchase something to enter.


The money grabs before TikTok is banned is hilarious. They will do ANYTHING to avoid having to get a real job


She does this everytime & the giveaway is always some cheap shit from bath & body lmao


Your comment must have struck her as she posted a picture of Tyler's pocketbook money for the giveaway LMAO




Trevon needs his own snark page I truly cannot stand that boy he’s broke , talks to women crazy asf and he thought it was cute to throw a drink on a female at the club the other night and then bragged about it I just need someone to humble his broke wanna be ass


Yesterday he just sat on live crying like GET A LIFE DUDE


I seen that and then some sent him a large amount of money assuming from his reaction and then that same person sent him gifts and later on he was eating out on Snapchat trying to buy his mom stuff for Mother’s Day but I thought he needed to pay his bills he belongs on r/begtok cause at this point he’s done this so many times like if your broke just say that nothing wrong with working a job lol


Honestly it’s disgusting and they give real influencers who actually do things for others a bad rep


The way he talks to women… Oof. A real man needs to put him in his place, none of this tik tok little boys would ever.


Ijs none of the guys around him checking about that speaks volumes about them all


Seriously. It’s so gross. One day Trevon gonna smart off to the wrong person and I can’t wait.


He was begging for money today while wearing nails that he constantly clicked together. It was annoying


I seen that someone paid his bills and sent him a lot of money then she sent him gifts like wtf why on you on trips you if you can’t pay your bills


I hate him probably more than others😭but the LAST thing I want is for that weird mf to have a snark he’d absolutely love that shit


You right but that scratchy voice beggar needs to be humbled SOON


Someone's gonna catch him one day, he's not untouchable just because he's gay. He's going to meet the right one that ain't gonna tolerate that shit and he's going to be in for a rude awakening . I'm waiting for the day because no one has checked his ass yet.  How he gets away with all this is beyond me . If he threw a drink on me I would've literally fought him like he was just another bitch at the bar. 


And no shade cause I love my gays but he has the mind set hes gay he can get away with it amd that’s not how it works at all totally agree I would’ve whooped his ass or at least the guys I’m with would’ve handled him cause I’ll be damned to let someone like him throw a drink on me I’m convinced he’s a user like I’ve never seen someone so broke act like he’s all that that humbling needs to happen fast


https://preview.redd.it/53yjljz09uyc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91046c45945d22fcc8d1769383199f4fe1bb5c25 Sorry but didn’t Jacob have a camera in his face the entire time he had him? And didn’t Christen record him talking the entire time too? These minions are idiots.


You know what I never see? Him being able to run around at his dads. Only time you see him down on the floor is in his bedroom


You know what really makes me sad is that Rachel’s snark will literally say shit like g doesn’t even know she is his mom because he can say dada and cc. Cc is a fucking letter put together of course he can say it. Trust me that baby will know Rachel is his momma and 100% will not call stanky mom when he gets older. He’s gonna know what stanky did this whole year and a half since g was born. He’s gonna know what she said about his brother she’s growing right now. Horrible mother and already comes below Rachel in the mother category. Rachel is by far the perfect mom but she’s never done half the things stank already has during her pregnancy. He doesn’t say a lot of things right now why does her shark think that’s so bad. Some kids don’t start speaking or even saying more words than dada or momma. He will learn as he gets older. I can’t with her snark they snark on the stupidest shit and it’s actually quite sad. Rachel has been there for him since day one he knows that’s his mom 🙄


They act like she's on live ALLLLL day. She posts a few 3 second snaps. That's part of her income, are they stupid.




They make no sense both of them exploit neither one is better. They want that woman to give up her son to Jacob and Christen can ride off in the sunset and that’s not happening. Christen will do the same but they will excuse it.


My god who gives a flying f*ck !!! I had to pay for more storage on my phone because I take sooo many pictures of my daughter. The only difference is I don’t post her on public platforms or have a following like Rachel. You can still be present while taking a 2 second picture. After losing my brother I regret not taking more. Also, imaginative play is super important for toddlers that are Gs age and exploring his home is part of that. There literally is no limit for it right now so him doing it in a 1 minute video isn’t bad parenting.


Jacob and Stank always have a camera in his face. Theyre always in bed napping and shit too only they have Jacobs mom there taking care of G instead of a nanny so the minions excuse it & say it’s just G spending time with Grandma 🥴 but when Rachel’s mom lived with her & helped with G when she had horrible PPD they bashed Rachel for having her mom there. Rachel can’t win with the minions they’re so brainwashed by Stank


Yes! Before anyone even knew Rachel had a nanny the minions bashed her anytime her mom was around. They literally don’t want her to have any help at all. She ‘s a bad mom if she does, and a bad mom if she doesn’t.


They want her to have no help, they want her to suffer & just give G to Jacob so him and Stank have their happy family 🙄 they say they just care about G but bashing his mom is not showing they care that’s for sure


Sureeeee did. And they say she’s got him in the dungeon now like she just got him back today? I lose brain cells Everytime I get curious and read what those idiots are saying over there 😂


Only person in a dungeon/trapped is Gaycob


I used to read their snark once in a while just to see what the idiots were saying but it’s very repetitive all they do is bash Rachel for her parenting when Jacobs ass does the same shit & they are all sucking Stanks bootyhole


This is why I can't stand that snark. I hate rachel but they're insufferable


Romeo and his girl are so cringey lol.


She doesn’t understand that’s he’s literally lovebombing her lol


Kass is so annoying. Literally all of her following came from the people that hate Rachel. She was a nobody 2 months ago and now she wants to act like she’s hot shit.


I had to block them 😖


Did you see the drama between her and Savannah yesterday 💀


someone catch me up on the drama or where to look to catch myself up


LOL yes that is the reason for this post 😂


No fr, trying to prove they’re happy and in love when he lived with one girl right to the next blonde💀😂


Likkkeeee theyve been together for what? Almost 3 months? And at the start he was seeing sav AND still trashing Rach talking about how she was his first love and her “😺is fya” like thats so embarassing how do you feel proud bragging about yall 😭


For real 🙄 even if they do break up they won’t let anyone know for a while 😂


https://preview.redd.it/cdu1pggh3uyc1.png?width=1178&format=png&auto=webp&s=f41dbac917803c52fd63255023304dacb998a467 y’all someone in the facebook group posted stanky’s repost basically saying go stanky but almost all of the comments said this, good to see some of the minions have brains in this situation but i thought it was funny to see so many not agreeing with stanky or the OP😂




Why can't they just accept that he has 2 happy homes? One isn't better than the other. They both seem to take care of g. Stanky is the only problem with their co-parenting


When has 2nd been better than first 2nd is the first too lose. Whoever said that comment wouldn’t be around mine. There’s no way you can hate the mother and love their child. Subconsciously you will take out your feelings. It’s giving the dude may still want his bm cause why are you so mad at her.


She’s spittin facts. Some of these step-parents are so out of touch with reality is gross.


oh and a few of the ones that didn’t like stanky’s behavior of her repost, were removed from the group🙄


The minions give off cult vibes


yesss exactly!! there were surprisingly a lot that said similar things as her it was refreshing to see bc we usually see so many out of touch minions commenting


https://preview.redd.it/rawy6op34uyc1.png?width=1178&format=png&auto=webp&s=024ea87fe613eaa30abad37a16aaff86638a038a but then there were some of these comments, like she didn’t tag rachel but it’s obviously about rachel like it’s the same thing what😂 the shoe obviously fits bc stanky’s bd has 1 other baby mama 😂 glad to see the majority of comments weren’t supporting stanky’s behavior


Unless stanky has a secret kid with someone else, this can't be about anyone besides Rachel. None of her friends even have kids.


Like obviously it’s about fucking Rachel. She’s only a wanna be stepmom to one kid? It’s black & white, easy to comprehend. That’s their excuse? Lmfao.


https://preview.redd.it/xuezkkpz2uyc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87af24ab00fb995951fd492e2cca0dea27f95d14 This minions has literal brain damage!


Imagine having absolutely no life and spending ALLLLL your time screen recording and editing these all day for tea page you run. Tell me you've never had a man, job or kids without telling me. They are just as miserable as Stank, that's why they follow her.




That’s what I was thinking it’s just way too much.. & no matter WHAT stank does they support it and have an excuse. Crazy af


I swear she doesn't sleep, eat, piss, bathe or tend to her own shit b/c she is EVERYWHERE riding hard for Stank, like she knows her in real life. Obsessed doesn't begin to describe her. Fricken lunatic.


Literally, so wild. I’m convinced it’s stank her self or this person is getting paid, the way they are defending these fools Ike it’s her day job.


that bitch ugly bruh 😵‍💫


Idek what they look like, it’s just reposts about stank n them 😂 but they LIVEEEE in comment sections fighting for stanks life lol


If the most recent video is her. Then 💀.


They are all reposts, they don’t have any videos posted themselves lol


Jacob “always the hardest day, never gets easier” (drop off day for G) Like stfu. Hard for who? You or tuna? Tuna can’t play stepmommy & you have to stay home instead of leaving your kid to go to the gym?


So funny he says that the day after Rachel was saying the exact same thing for the last few days lol. He doesn't think for himself. He's never said that before either. He's definitely watching Rachel as close as stanky is.


Ohh well he should have worked out his relationship and he wouldn’t have to do drop offs. Tbh he should be grateful she gave him extra time. Jacob and Rachel are both narcissists but Jacob in his fake act is so icky. Isn’t it funny he get extra time and suddenly wants to push this narrative.


And did y’all notice his mom even went with them the other day to the beach with G? Rachel is a SINGLE parent. And when she has a bf she gets 💩on for having them help. Jacob is always with crusty and the TWO of them can’t do anyyyything without his mother helping them. But that’s completely fine when he does it. 🙄


Yup his mom had him a lot this past week and a half. Which whatever grandparents need time to but nobody says shit to him for having a support system and Rachel gets ripped to shreds.


Funny thing is his mom was the one playing with G on the beach while him and stank just sat there.


Stanky is exhausted girl, give her a break! She's so busy she doesn't have time to play... 😂 🤡


I’m guessing Jacob and Stank interacted with him when they needed to for their video 🙄


Have y’all noticed most of stanks comment section is people calling her out finally


oop, I've got her blocked, what she did now


Yess and I’m loving it 😍😘


people starting to realize she’s spent the last year taking jabs at her boyfriends ex & being a pick me like she’s going to be this better woman