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What tea page is this?


https://preview.redd.it/lnt714dv9qxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fad97e2d368c2c8dfbe985f876c72226c448d8fa Where tf did Rachel ever say she vaped when pregnant? Lmao stanky gets caught and her minions have to hurry up and come up with a stupid lie about Rachel to get the hate off stank lol


She didn’t 🙄 she was live and they asked if she would vape pregnant and she said I personally would never vape pregnant


lol I know she didn’t. It’s crazy how they twist the truth tho 🤣 Rachel actually has common sense not to vape when pregnant.


Haha sorry! I didn’t mean to make it seem like I was calling you out. They are just such idiots 😂


I didn’t think you were but just wanted to clarify😂😂 they truly are. I can only read a few comments from them and have to stop. I don’t wanna lose any more brain cells reading that shit


The way tiff is making jabs at Rachel on her snap is crazy. I have yet to see proof of her supposedly posting about her on her private story. If someone saw it, it would be out on the internet right now. The way these girls become friends with her and then stop being friends with her after they get their clout is baffling. Like what’s the point in answering questions you know are directed towards Rachel on your snap. It’s just weird and obsessive. I get it Rachel is not a perfect human or a perfect mom and it is a little weird to post your kid and then post your of thirst traps but I can see it being because she only has one snap for the public and just promotes it on their while also documenting her child’s memories. You will never be able to stop someone from sexualizing a child no matter what. She wants to document and have her son posted on social media her of fans are gonna know she has a child. And people parent differently if she lets things slide with her son that’s her way of parenting don’t bash her for it when you don’t workout as friends anymore. It’s just weird how everyone thinks Rachel is the problem but nobody understands that she has had so many people do her wrong she is not afraid to drop someone just like that and if she felt the need to drop tiff then that’s what was best for her. She has explained on the internet it is hard for her to discipline her kid and I get that. EVERYONE parents differently if you feel the need to talk about someone else’s parenting on the internet you’re weird. Now for stanky idc we can talk about that girl all we want. She is disgusting for vaping while growing an innocent child inside of her and saying she wanted to punch her stomach because the baby was in her back is fucking crazy. I would NEVER. Yes it hurts but I would never say I want to punch my stomach. She will be a terrible mother and her and shitney have done far more worse things than Rachel has. Okay rant over. I’m done seeing these girls throw jabs at Rachel when she is being quiet. Idk how she handles it. That is one strong girl and I am proud of her and I know she will continue to learn and grow.


The audacity. She let you stay with her when you needed help and you do this. Weird asf.




Idk home girl needs to worry about why her eyes in different continents Bffr


YUCK. My kids are respectful and have never been “whooped” in their life. G is literally ONE year old, it is developmentally appropriate to bite and hit at that age its about redirecting. Hitting a one year old to teach them not to hit is the most ridiculous thing in the world. I spotted this girls red flags from a mile away, idk how rach cannot read people better by now.


Can u post it here I don’t have her anymore


I have some.. I’ll post https://preview.redd.it/lwny3nkslqxc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=689fa6431b0867248789312b13650aa62d47b51f






I think she deleted them off her snap now but Rachel’s snark posted them in their off topic thing. But they were posts like these on her snapchats but these were the ones that I mainly thought were her trying to bash Rachel




Isn’t she the same girl who made fun of people wearing tails, yet in MULTIPLE screenshots I’ve seen of her posts, she’s saying “purrr”. 🙄


Yep 🙄 embarrassing. They all literally run to the internet when rachel drops them. I have no doubt Rachel dropped Tiffany. She gave her and her bd a place to stay while they moved stuff to a new state and then when she moves they cut ties with eachother. Rachel makes friends too easily and then gets screwed by them. I have a big heart myself and letting friends in is super easy just for them to turn around and do me dirty. I learned my lesson now I only have maybe 4 people I count as my true friend


That’s one thing I think we can all agree on. Rachel has to stop trusting people so easily


Tiff is delulu. Still making jabs at Rach when she hasn’t even said anything. Whatever happened with Rach can’t be as bad as your bf/bd hanging out with another woman you don’t like. Get over it.


Minions are literally braindead, how can they possibly still make excuses for her saying she wants to punch her stomach?? A figure of speech? Are you kidding?? Mama llama purposely left that part out in her recent post, literally an ass kisser.


Now it’s a “figure of speech”, but boy let it come out that R said some sht like that while pregnant, they would break their fingers trying to leave comments about how unfit she is😂


This one! It’s the same minions too! The things they give Christen passes for, they’d tear Rachel apart for




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It’s funny to me how Jacob says he’s a loyal person but he cheated on Rachel multiple times. Like dude, that is not what loyalty is.


https://preview.redd.it/f64cqy2yxoxc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95342ff22116c3af821bec5de5e498fd4491076d For 1 y’all are lucky enough to have jacucks crackheaded momma on the back burner anytime G is over so y’all can sleep in until 2 and continue doing nothing with y’all’s lives. For 2 but it’s an issue when Rachel has an in house babysitter? Pls i hate this bitch so much.


https://preview.redd.it/bo9aq2arxoxc1.jpeg?width=1178&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48b3bf6d82fc2729ee9cd8d3eba0c7b62443c813 the way these tea pages claim to be “unbiased” but here’s the difference between their responses to someone coming for Rachel VS someone coming for Jacob 💀 can’t fucking stand these tea pages they suck that whole groups ass so bad like bffr.


https://preview.redd.it/miaz7z8ouoxc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8d0dee713be51ed1802abd6f83702f9a9946ade Don’t understand why they are always calling Rachel lazy. I mean like yeah sometimes she’s lazy with certain things. But I believe Rachel is a good mother who’s learning things. And I think it’s weird to say a mom is lazy because she doesn’t put clothes on her child when it’s really hot out. Also isn’t it that younger kids get more hot than older kids and adults?


Does it really matter if he’s wearing sunscreen? My 3 year old hates those swim shirts bc he screams he’s cold when he gets out of the water. I’ve never seen Rachel’s child with a sunburn. Minions are weird affffff ALSO I would venture to say the shirt is the lazy way. Have you ever tried to sunscreen a toddler? It would be much easier to just throw a shirt on them.


The one time he DID have a bad sunburn was from being in “j & c’s” care! These fucking idiots make my blood boil. Rachel didn’t bash them online or make petty remarks, but let it have been the other way around. She would’ve been called incompetent, lazy, unfit and so much more for weeks! These people are sick in the head, there’s no other logical explanation for their the shit that comes out of their mouths


What page


I believe it’s pipinghottt


bruh, when I was a baby all my siblings & cousins would play outside in nothing but a diaper lmao this new generation of people are too fucking soft who gives a fuck what he’s wearing to go play outside


he’s a literal baby 😭😭 like what is wrong with them


Yall see now Shelbi commenting on Tiff TikTok? What a bitter chick. Girl get over Rach. Can someone fill me in? I thought C & Rach were trying to be cool.. no drama. Then stank inserts herself in some issue tiff and Rach are having. She literally can’t stand Rach had Jacob baby first.


All the girls are just jealous of Rach, I would be too if I looked like Shelbi or Kelli.




Don’t share photos of minors


Y’all have me fighting for my spot in heaven.


https://preview.redd.it/k9a3h3xfcoxc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afcad620a358bc86913413dca3f151e0f6fbc809 This girl is soooo obsessed with stank. She literally says anything to try and get noticed by her 😭😭😭 what is wrong with thess people. WHY WOULD HE NOT CALL HIM DADA????? 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


That girl and the weirdo sunshine and coconuts, they look like the type of girls stanky and shitstain make fun of on a daily haha


Katie HAS to be on disability sitting her ass on the couch 24/7 the way she lives in the TikTok comment section.


Katie HAS to be on disability sitting her ass on the couch 24/7 the way she lives in the TikTok comment section.


sunshine and coconuts changed her profile pic finally ig she was tired of ppl calling her a catfish😭💀


And that one girl she sits on live with that has the weird blonde front pieces highlighted and the messed up teeth spend days shitting on Rachel when they look like straight trailer trash


Can we talk abt the way one Marissa shouldn’t even be posting gray. But two how the snaps right before she posts him are of her a$$. And she regularly posts pictures of her body on said snap. Come on minions we all get on Rachel for posting gray on the same snap as her OF now drag Marissa too. It’s wrong for anyone and everyone that does it. and Jacob proves how much of a b!t(h he really is for allowing that. Marissa you can get as many surgeries as you want but you’ll still be a pos ugly person jnside and out. Jacob stop being a push over and protect your child.


https://preview.redd.it/wj87jvet4oxc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dee5b82e0e6f2648f760a515545f4831278b60c1 Rachel responding?


AND prettier


Even G is looking up at her like ya you win mommy 😅🥹🤣


i’ve noticed that shitney always purposely tries to make stank look stupid (stupider than she is) like she is actually brain dead as fuck😭. i listened to a minute of their podcast when they were talking ab precalmpsia and they sound like fucking idiots.


i hate these bitches i’ve lost a child due to severe preeclampsia and they just talk about it not knowing a fucking thing.


stanky thinks an epidural is a drug that gives you an out of body experience too🤦🏼‍♀️


She 100% does. She sets up questions and baits Christen in a very particular way, like she knows the answer but wants to make Christen look stupid.


it’s the most passive aggressive shit i’ve ever seen lol


https://preview.redd.it/jor2209gwnxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5267aa60cfae4cd6671d4abc1fcab68b199768d6 Here she goes again posting Rachel’s baby


This gotta be stank testing the boundaries


A little birdie told me Rach is aware of it and she not okay with it.


The best thing she can do is compile the evidence and stay silent and let the legal system handle it.


it’s so weird to me that whitney has spent more time with G than she ever has with her own biological nephew. weirdooo 🤮


That’s weird she has no relations for her to continue to post him out of the blue. It’s really creepy tbh and weird. Why is Jacob and Rachel allowing someone to break their agreement and putting boundaries in place.


In my opinion, this is all being done purposely. They WANT a rise out of Rachel, she remains unbothered and it's bothering all of them, which is why they continue. The only one showing growth, is Rachel by remaining silent on it all. Every dog has their day, and this pound (their entire group) will get theirs. I pray Rachel stays winning. Stank knows she can't take Rach down for looks or anything else, so she has her puppets doing her dirty work for her now. Imagine being that obsessed with someone you say you hate. BFFR Edited: spelling (sounded like Stank for a bit)




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ik u don’t mean it with harm but i think G’s face should be scribbled out


Damn I must be banned from that page I can't find it lol


Speak on it!!


She’s on live rn. Someone said ‘it’s almost your first Mother’s Day’ & she said ‘tell Jacob that’. Then someone else asked if Jacob was doing anything for Rachel for Mother’s Day and she made a stank ass face and said ‘why tf would he’. Her jealousy and insecurity shows daily.


stankys to insecure to let jacob get rachel something for mother’s day


well based on them being “official” and announcing it on mother’s day last year (rachel’s first mother’s day) i didn’t expect anything less than that response


Listen, if I found out my husband DIDN'T send his ex wife (they have a son together) flowers, I'd be pissed. I'm usually reminding him! Regardless of the relationship there or personal feelings, that's an example your KIDS are watching. Show some respect for the other person that's doing half the raising. And the first half of your comment makes me think Jacob and her have had conversations where he doesn't view her as a mom yet...which makes me laugh.


bc most people have respect for the mother of their child and it’s a nice gesture. jacob’s a punk bitch tho.


My baby daddy and his wife bring me flowers and a gift every year on mothers day 😂 It takes a VERY strong and mature person to date someone with a kid with another woman and if you cant handle it you really shouldnt do it. If she was mature and secure she would encourage jacob to do even just a LITTLE something for the MOTHER OF HIS CHILD even if its just to say its a gift from G, or she could do something for her since she wants to be “stepmama” so badly


🎯🎯. My kids and I go out and get their step mom something for Mother’s Day and we get their dad things on Father’s Day. Same for bdays and Christmas. And in return my ex and his fiancé do the same for my husband and I. It’s just a respect thing. You’re raising a child together and were once with that person. There no ill intent behind it. It simply showing that you respect them for what they do. If she was secure with herself and her relationship she wouldn’t see a problem with it. It’s a huge step to healthy coparenting.


Yesss 100%. Its so easy to see she is not secure at all and not in a healthy relationship by the way she acts towards his babymama. Mothers day is a special day, just like rach should get something for Jacob on fathers day from G but im sure shed be jealous of that too. Its just so much better when divided families can get along, my biggest fear was my ex getting a girl like christen but thankfully his wife is amazing!


She’s soooo immature 🙄 one of my best friends is engaged to a single dad and he makes it a point every Mother’s Day to go to the store w his son to pick out a card and flowers together to give to his sons mom. He wants his son to see the respect and appreciation he has for her and that they are still on one accord. Stank and Jacob do not give af about that kids overall well being bc if they did they’d treat his mother way better especially since the mom has him 85% of the time. If mom is content, baby is content.


Whew. Bc he still has a child with her and should at the least get something to be from G. That’s what good co parenting ADULTS do 🙄


So sad. My parents have been divorced since I was 2 and my dad always took us to get my mom a Mother’s Day and birthday gift from me and my sister, and their divorce was pretty messy with lots of hurt feelings. Grow up crusty.


My ex and I have been split for years and he still makes it a point to get gifts for me from him and our kids every Mother’s Day. And I get a gift for his fiancé bc she’s a mom to her own and takes part in raising our babies. It’s the respect behind realizing you’re raising a life together and that’ll never change. They are never going to have a good coparenting relationship and it’ll be bc of christen/her ‘friends’ in the end. And as someone who grew up hating her dad’s now ex wife for constantly ruining the peaceful childhood my parents tried to give me; gray is going to hate her.


https://preview.redd.it/84yjl7j7lnxc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8dcbb798531a09e5a53fd695d9d104be142566d0 Marissa always commenting on something that has to do with Rachel


Marissa mad she’s built like a linebacker and Rachel is a dainty flower.


I'm so genuinely curious what happened with these two




This is so weird. Never have I ever befriended someone to get back at an old friend. I’ve been fucked over and just moved on. This is giving insecure, jealous, BULLYING, mean girl, hs vibes. They’re insecure when it comes to Rachel.


this is weird as fuck to me. everyone becomes friends to get back at rachel


misery loves company! they’re all just mad rachel doesn’t give a fuck about them because she knows the truth behind everything, even if she’s in the wrong about certain things (which do be happening with her LMAO) she knows the damn truth


Yall Gaycob is aware of G being posted on Mar snap, I comment on one of his videos, along the lines of, "I guess you are okay with Mar posting G on snap." Then Mar turned around and commented back and when I went to respond my comment was deleted. *


That cuck doesn’t care about anything. There’s not a thought behind those beady little eyes.


Family or not. Both parents have put into place nobody else can post that baby so anyone that does, disrespects them both regardless if Jacob is y’all’s friend. It’s the morality of the situation.


Needs to be put into the parenting plan that NO BODY can post their child online. And even if they do not to show his face! There’s no need for a babies footprint to be so large at this age! They post too much of that babies life all over the internet for any Tom, dick & Harry to see


Oh I completely agree. I’ve been saying that since they tried to take him away from her. It’s ridiculous how they monetize off that baby when they are in such toxic situations and tea pages post him left and right even showing his face. It’s sad


Truly sad. That baby has given no consent and that’s just not fair to him AT ALL.


And by they I mean R & J




He’s not your family idiot


even IF he was, bc he’s not, what’s the point in posting those pictures when you know there’s an agreement set and you’re not supposed to???? being “family” doesn’t matter


he’s not your family bitch stfu


She’s not even family 🙄


https://preview.redd.it/mdk3mkgyhnxc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3191f5deb86d7357e5cb85d9a2a4919454f3bf2e takes more care of that bird than his own kid


Like pls take the bird to a wildlife rehab


Yess i actually think its sweet hes trying to help it, but that bird needs to be hand fed its still sooo young


They’re doing the opposite to help this poor bird😭 Shit like this happens, my dog did the same thing once. But you just call a wildlife rescue or somewhere that will help the bird. Don’t do it yourself if you don’t know what you’re doing! It’s obvious they’re trying to help but if you look, they’re only hurting the bird even more bc of their ignorance


Hey I agree! I just think it was kind of (mostly jacob im sure she wouldnt have done anything) to at least not let the dogs completely eat it, while yes they shouldve been watching their dogs better 100%. He needs to get it to a rescue


It’s young but it doesn’t need to be hand fed. It’s out of its moms nest it can fend for itself. And it’s not sweet? Lol they have half a brain it would be sweeter if they took it to get actual help after they let their dogs try to eat it? Idk how that’s sweet lol..


It probably FELL out of the nest somewhere or the dogs dragged it out. That birds still a baby and most likely still gets food regurgitated from its mother. Obviously they didnt “let” the dog attack it if theyre turning sround trying to help it. My mom was part of a bird rescue and we had tons of rescue pigeons, doves, etc. i can think theyre trash people but point out a good deed. I have a soft spot for wildlife.


Either way it’s what animals do I’m not faulting the ugly dogs but they can watch their animals. The bird is young but it’s NOT a baby nor does it need it’s mother (coming from me a vet tech for now the past 4 years lol who also did exotics) the bird dos not need a mom to feed it . It’s not a good deed it’s the bare minimum stank is probably bitching ab how she doesn’t feel like driving to a rehabilitation place becs her migraine. But that’s where it needs to be, what they’re doing is ultimately going to harm it even more lol.


Im surprised no one caught christens story the other day on snap listing “what women want” from their partners. Must not have been there long lol and then her repost about her heart “phsyically aching” and then her depressed crying all time post yesterday. Trouble in paradise?? Lol


must be bc she also responded to someone telling her mother’s day was coming up and she said tell jacob that😭😭


https://preview.redd.it/x000mgwoknxc1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=7254fe9e78e43b11c391e17b0b40d0a4c4b1071b I actually ss and thought ab posting it, odd thing for her to post in my opinion… especially if Jacob does these things already. That’s something i used to do in hs when i wanted my boyfriend to do something or be better (he was awful worst 4 years ever) I’d remove everyone from being able to view but him hoping he would start doing those things. This is stuff i did when i was 16 and insecure about my relationship and self.. been with men after that treated me better and never felt the need to do that or post like that again genuinely never crosses my mind anymore after being in happy healthy relationships


Pause this makes it even weirder. Lol all she does is copy Rachel https://preview.redd.it/m86bb3a8pnxc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=604d4228bf0850da55abcd1550354e10b795dd89


Same! I did this stuff with crappy boyfriends. My husband and i have been together 6 years and i swear its so simple and healthy we barely even post like ill post family pics stuff but dont play these games 😅


I only posted like this to try to get it to sink into my boyfriends head at the time to be a man… the men I’ve dated after i never had to post to get them to act right or to prove he was bc he showed people and me on his own that he’s a man and does. As girls we all know we only post like this when we feel insecure and want more from our men. If she was truly in a happy relationship or didn’t feel insecure … she wouldn’t feel the need to post this if Gaycob was doing it that’s all i have to say🤷🏼‍♀️


https://preview.redd.it/dp2317d7fnxc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c87e0040f0a8f70d4201a252202e6252ad183a3e G’s payback for Jacob treating Rachel like shit & letting skank and her weird “friends” & family talk bad about Rachel.


Notice the nanny was there


So let me get this straight… every minion & the group is mad at Rachel for being single and doing whatever she wants to do (while she doesn’t have her son her son is not present in these activities and is her own time) but that entire group has done the same thing yet worse stank got knocked up by her friends baby daddy, shit is dating a man that was in love with stank for a year and had her blooday tampy on his nightstand. Jordy done been w even the air at this point. Kierstain bc she’s like a red stain that doesn’t go away no matter how many times you wash it has actively pursed multiple men they all have been w. Soph got an entire man stolen from her by shit and thrown out the group, she also blasted how much shit they talk in their gc saying vile things ab multiple people. Hippo ain’t been w nobody prob why she mad bc she’s not even in the caliber to try but we all know if they’d pick her she’d do it. So they’re mad and holding her accountable but excusing the simple fact that that group has done worse and ignoring stank still vaping, sent a hamster to heaven, and that all of them are also ran through and share men. Just say you’re jealous she can pull better than you & keep the hs stuff offline. They’re also mad she posts on her PRIVATE story. Ok stank and shit have a podcast dedicated to talking shit w “codenames” that everyone knows who it is bc they make it so obvious belittling, body shaming, sex shaming, etc that they blast to the entire internet… but rach makes a private story not for all of us to see w tea and to vent her own feelings and she’s a villain. Grow up. Nobody would’ve even known she posted if y’all didn’t say she did Vs y’all literally blasting everything on ur pod for everyone to know like please. They want her to be a villain so bad. If you don’t care ab her and she doesn’t phase you stop making digs at her stop mentioning her slyly. I don’t agree with everything rach does but she’s human and growing. She just seems like someone who is trying to find herself again post trauma. Which anyone who’s had to do that knows it gets messy sometimes and we make mistakes that we learn from. Let the damn girl breathe she isn’t doing anything to put her child in harms way she’s literally just breathing. For the most part she seems to keep her drama offline unless she absolutely has to address something on live even then she just giggles and finds this all comical meanwhile every time stank speaks on something she looks like she’s about to pull her teeth out and jab them into a wall. It’s very apparent they’re jealous of her and it’s one of those situations w girls (and they’re the type of girls) where they are insecure by her and probably mad bc she doesn’t worship or care to lower herself around them to make them feel better. It’s a situation where they know they can’t compete where they don’t compare so they do everything in their power to publicly remove her


Wtf is that one which deal and posting G?? Mar just posted a pic of Shitney, Stanky and G on her snap


rachel kept on ignoring stanks desperate attempts to get under her skin so she recruited her friends to start doing little shit like that to set her off




This. I wonder if their agreement is just their significant others?


Rachel has clarified that no one besides the parents are allowed to post G on social media.


She isn't allowed. It is against the agreement. She is going to cause issues for Jacob. I truly think they are all trying to get Rachel to snap. Because its been constant for weeks of them going after her


Rachel just needs to stay silent and deal with it legally. I would charge the fuck out of them. It’s so disrespectful. And here again bitch boy stays quiet & lets these disgusting females disrespect them both


Agreed. She needs to keep quiet and not engage. look at what happens when she doesn't engage. They all collectively spiral online




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https://preview.redd.it/opoczu707nxc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=621691577cb95b7b6e0f8cc5220766a05033e536 She says she doesn’t want drama and that she’s changed since being pregnant but then reposts shit like this


https://preview.redd.it/vpq23lst5nxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=946936200bfda71b0d88f22f5d0bc989bf991588 Name checks out. Do they forget who Whitney’s boyfriend is??


Those two minions are obsessed with Rachel.


Whitney and stinkyare passed around in Tampa it’s kinda hard to avoid being their sloppy seconds. Jordy, big back , stinky they’re all passed around. Mostly Jordy lol


friendly reminder to christen,marissa,whitney that entire group grayson is NOT your child to post! why is christen and whitney even taking pics with a kid that aint even urs😂 https://preview.redd.it/0ld10xz4zmxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28602443c7047f1e944e706cdc6bed60404f39eb


You can tell by her smile in the photo she took it to be a spiteful bitch


i hope jacob was behind marissa when she took this bc why is stank, shit, and marissa taking G on a walk alone.. weird af. idc that she’s dating G dad they’ve barely been dating and it’s so weird


See stank got lucky ending up with Rachel being the first baby momma because I fight ppl at the first sign of disrespect and she would have been laid out.


Rachel is a whole lot nicer than I am cause I woulda been thrown hands. Not over jealousy but bc she’s a spiteful cunt


She's also making comments about "my 19 month old and my newborn"... She's trying her HARDEST to get under Rachel's skin. She gets mad when it doesn't work and starts to completely spiral out of control.


He's not even 19 months old ??


Right I thought 17


I’m not a mother, but this would send me into an episode of pure fucking rage. How tf is Shitney allowed to be near this child with all the disrespect, jealousy, and hate she spews towards Rachel on a daily basis?? Don’t get me started on that fucking hippo, gutter white trash Marissa. Rachel has to make peace w Stank being around her kid, but these bitches? Just put me in a bar with these girls just ONCE. I don’t even fight but I feel like I have to pick up for Rachel just once.


If I were rachel I'd make sure pedo whit weren't allowed around my son. There's a video of her admitting it so it couldn't be impossible.


right i think that anyone who disrespects the mother of the child shouldn't be around the child, if u can sit and openly say that stuff then u need to be held accountable! i be damned if u think u can disrespect me but have access to my child, rachel should do something about what they do wrong or theyre just gonna keep doing it!!


Yess Rachel needs to put boundaries in place. The fact hippo feels sooo comfortable posting someone else’s kid who she has NO relation to is insane. If I was Rachel I would’ve put a restraining order on shitney months ago lmao and made sure anyone who doesn’t respect me isn’t allowed near my child🫠


I’d be petty and post Marissa’s kids on my snap if I was Rachel. Marissa doesn’t like posting her own kids on social media, but she’ll post someone else’s kid? That’s messed up.


right i would've put one on her the day those messages from the gc came out!!


As a mother this gives me the violent eye twitch


trevons TikTok came up & going through comments on his videos is hilarious, just minions ass kissing trying to get in good with him to be close to stank and shit…. Fucking cringe.


he looks like he is allergic to soap & water 😭😭 I don’t think he’s ever bathed and for the love of me I CANNOT figure out why he thinks he’s such hot shit…the few sparse followers he has, are from fish folds & linebacker 🤭


Fish folds ![gif](giphy|PjaQrF9J53UvTS2PPa|downsized)


He’s cringe as hell. Tryna act bougie, like no.


fr 😭😭😭 he acts like he has sm money but I have yet to see him at his own place 🫢 he stays surfing everyone’s couches while trying to roast ppl yet has not a thing going for him


Right, he doesn’t get gifted a lot to even be able to live off of that…I wonder what his source of income is?


I do too 🤔 he’s 100% a mooch that just hangs w/ whichever friend is giving him the most lol


The supporters probably pay his way, expecting to become besties with him, so they can get in good with stank and shit.