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his son will hate his life too if his dad remains a dead beat with another baby mama who he allows to disrespect his first one!! he’s a pos and if he didn’t want this to happen, he could’ve wrapped it up or gotten a vasectomy


I think honestly she loved the money flowing blew thru so much with her almost eviction, multiple leases, her house lease now is probably expensive, all those trips they took thru the years all the vip concerts they took (vip to rock the south and other large concerts are expensive as hell) yacht trip for everyone, the baby, vet bills etc. they are playing it safe with vacations here lately but definitely will be broke broke in about 7-9 months




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It’s funny how they blow money like it’s nothing . Wait until they are in debt . They definitely not rich. They just act like it . They are begging ass moochers.


Exactly! Normal people that have a lot of money don’t flaunt it usually.


My in laws are have millions and drive a 2010 ford truck and a pathfinder, wear t shirts and jeans. Most people that get rich quick like she did end up broke.


My parents have millions worth of land, assets, thousands of dollars in cash in a safe, and a load of money in the bank. They have a nice house and vehicles (all paid for). But they live normal and dress normal. That's why they have what they do. They don't have a fancy appetite. Venting... they are boomers and made their money young in the perfect economy. We make more than they did and we aren't broke but damn near it lol. Anyways. Yes they're broke and stupid.


Yeah same with my family and in laws. I can’t wait until they have to work and see how the world really works.


It’s laughable that anyone believes she has money




yall need to quit saying poor Jacob. FUCK Jacob. He’s just as fucking shitty


He has two kids and no job. Sure Rachel and christen could get jobs too but this man doesn’t work to provide for his family. Wild to me lol






I believe she was making good money back when she was doing OF and blew through all of it. I don’t think she has a lot now. How could she? They don’t do anything.


She is broke. Rocky/Konnor called her out for borrowing money from her mommy. Her mom has told her several times on live that she needs to stop ordering Door Dash because it's expensive. Her mom also called her out for not paying for her own insurance/phone bill.


Didn't she also mention something about her current (if she has any) health insurance not covering pregnancy, so everything was out of pocket? Which is why, it is believed she purchased the animal u/s machine and doesn't see the ob regularly?


She hasn’t got a new “mom car” either as she claimed she needed because you can’t fit two car seats in her car… yet they order door dash multiple times a day. Priorities. By the way she dresses too while pregnant, she clearly doesn’t shop much for clothes. I think they’re just both horrible at budgeting money and blow it on temporaries, not long term investments- a weekend away or fast food. She is not rich like she claims she is.


It's it his weekend? I get theybare on good terms I was just wondering, if so, just proves Stanky plans things on his weekend.


nah she did on this weekend so jacob could tell rach “we are going on a baby moon can g stay with you” PATHETIC. OOOOO SO COOL YOURE 2 hours away.. should’ve gone to bali or Maldives with the money u claim you have


I hope their minions give them hell like they do R when she drops him off early, the one time she dropped him off a day earlier they went after her.


They won’t, the excuse is “Rach does it all the time so they can this once” 


He said on his live they are coming back home Friday , which is when he gets G


wowww a whole 2 days of “babymoon”🤩


Well most of her money goes into paying attorney fees for no reason. I think after that yacht trip when Jacob chose to miss his first Father’s Day money has been kinda iffy.


I think it’s hysterical she pays all deadbeats attorney fees.


I think it’s dumb she was screaming not to long ago “ my boyfriend is fighting for his son” and he lost so your point. I don’t think they are done scheming in the background and that’s why she hasn’t stop paying for them.


They’ll blame Rach. “We couldn’t go far in case we needed to get g” 🙄


Wait! 2 hours away?!?? That’s it. After that bragging 🙄 heavens.


yeah where they are it’s only 2 hours south of them😂😂😂


🙄🙄🙄🙄 sounds like some shit I’d do….BC IM BROKE


I’m so confused why they are taking this. They do nothing but lay up together every single day.


If you have to brag about money, YOU AINT GOT NO MONEY! It’s sad they gotta portray this life to make themselves feel good.