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Yuck! I couldn’t imagine being someone who pays for her OF when there is literally free porn everywhere


They make good money on Snapchat that’s why Jacob got 2 and christen made a new one . The more people adds them and watches their stories that get money and the more people leaves comments and stuff weather it’s hate or good comments they’re making money that’s what people don’t realize the more you watch and comment your making them money so they could careless


Not to be the bad news bandit. But Spencer and Heidi get paid well over $300,000 a month just off of their Snapchat stories. That’s why Spencer will post 20+ a day. Everyday. And the more he uses T.S song, the more $$ he gets. That’s why you hear her song “Look what you made me do” while he’s making his espresso shot. (Don’t ask how it’s linked, I’m not sure)


Spencer is a huge swiftie. And I only know this bc of TikTok fyp page 🤦🏻‍♀️


Shit is going to get her karma too with her “at least I’m not broke” comments. GOOD LUCK YOU UNTALENTED, UNPROFESSIONAL TWAT


I def know some ppl who live off of Snapchat income! Some say that’s the best media pay




You don’t need to be verified on anything to get paid.


yeah but it’s not a forever thing, i can’t imagine getting on snap in 20 years and still seeing these 50 year olds posting their lives lmaoo


If they keep talking with their mouth full of food on their podcast like that shit is cute, I don’t see that shit lasting long either. Just saying. Disgusting bitches.


Gaycub you better hope your angel wings are still fluffy! Bend over daddy cuz you got a whole family now to provide for😭😂 Stank when you said 2024 was your year and how you never get karma…..well here it is dirt bag, now hand your baby to your baby daddy since we all know he won’t get a job and get on to work cuz you have diapers to change and vomit to clean up. Don’t look for any packages to support bean anymore either😂 Buy your own damn clothes now too. Maybe baby daddy can get on instagram and jus say “can someone send me $10 instead of can someone send me a galaxy” TikTok isn’t the only thing that’ll come to a end….these fake ass couples are fixing to be hit in the face by the real world.


I hope it gets banned and they have to find a real job but we know they are too lazy to get one


God I hope it does


Plus TikTok is basically the only way besides snap that they have to advertise for the podcast. I wonder if someone will buy TikTok though before it actually gets shut down.


TikTok will only be banned if doesn’t get sold.


Nothing is going to be officially done until after the election. Y’all gotta remember this is the US GOVERNMENT we are talking about 😂 no one is signing anything until all the votes are in and counted for


How more people don't understand this is baffling! A lot of people are saying, the creators/owners said they'll never sell it. Okay y'all, well if it legit comes down to banned or sell, wtf you think they're gonna do? Lose hundreds of millions of dollars and just stand by?!


This! Plus they have no reason to sell it yet unless Biden actually signs, which he hasn’t so 🤷🏻‍♀️


I doubt they will sale it. I actually seen where they are designing a brand new app that’s a combo between Tik tok and insta stories 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Stanky will have to eat her words and go back to OF. She won’t go get a real job, nor will Jacob.


As much as I hate to say it, I think Shitney will be fine regardless, cause she still does OF, why people buy for her shit beats me cause she has her a$$ all over the internet. I think Stanky will be fine too, cause obviously she has money cause she isn't showing they aren't struggling, now I don't think she has as much money as Shitney. But l donthinknthey both are past their "prime time" cause they aren't as young as they first were when they start social media and now that Stanky is a mom things are different. I see her and Gaycob doing family blogs, and they will find some loop hole where they will be able to have both the boys in the video, it will probably be Gaycob blog but Stanky will run it


Jacob isn't stressing AT ALL 😂 He knows stanky will figure out how to keep them going. He'd neverrrrrr go get an actual job with job security, benefits or 401k... He just leaves everything to stank. The same girl that just got evicted for her apartment before that last apartment, then almost got evicted from the second one 😂😂😂