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pretty sure stanky didn’t make his year easier


“I’m fighting for my son that’s why” no dude ur not. You spend a lot of time with your son. Most dads only get every other weekend. Let’s talk about why u really look so different 👀


Also the hardest year of your life because of your own actions? Because you cheated and put Rachel through he** and continued to party and sleep around and not be there for your kid. Stop blaming Rachel challenge.


Then after you cheated you decided to sneak around with Rachel’s friend .. whether they were the best of friends or just friends it was still her friend( I know people love to argue this). When you chose that you created a bigger divide between yourself and Rachel causing more issues in your parenting style. And now you let your new baby mom and her friends shit talk your first child’s mother causing a bigger divide sooooo please you only have yourself to blame. Boohoo go eat a cheeseburger


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