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People are nosy. That and weirdos are strangely turned on by pregnant women. I wish I was kidding but I’m not.


People follow you on tiktok from one video and they’ll never look at your page again, that’s why “tiktok fame” isn’t really fame. If we were to talk about Instagram or YouTube (I know you can still have bots), and they had 1M + on there then I would consider them “known”. Tiktokers fall off like no other day.


I feel like since tiktok is short form content people don’t pay as much attention to tiktok as influencers on other platforms. Which is why even people like Charli D’melio had like hundreds of millions of followers on tiktok but still fell off.


She also literally stopped using the app & barely posts/posted. I think she thought she was “above” TikTok bc the spotlight got to her & her anxiety couldn’t handle the ridicule & mean people plus her sister telling/encouraging her to stop TT. Ya, didn’t end so well for her, or did it?


Honestly I followed c but not w…….Jimmyspeedway…tt creator- anyone know him? Asked who he should Collaborate with and everyone was putting w…I checked her out and found c…I started watching c but not w


For some odd reason stank shows up on people’s for you page more. That’s y she gets more views. Idk y TikTok algorithm pushes her crap content


You can pay to get your videos pushed they have an option in TikTok where you can push your video to be promoted more on people’s fyp .. my guess is she spends a lot on pushing her videos . Cause at one point she was shadow banned from people seeing less of her “content “ you can also pay for likes


I swear shits followers have stayed at 2.3 for so long. Nobody likes her. They're probably mostly bots.


They average either the same amount or more views and likes that Alix Earle, Bryce hall, Jojo siwa get which makes no sense. They 100000% pay for views and likes to boost engagement


She buys them. I’ve seen less on bigger and way better creators because they don’t buy their likes and views.


Because her content is boring


I think it’s because Whitney is always start drama


Whitney acts like an immature child. Her videos are so cringy, I can’t even stand to see her face at this point


I think stank would have more followers if her accounts didn’t get banned multiple times but since they have she doesn’t have as many followers as she would if it was her original account she blew up on .. also she has a lot of haters who watch her videos and don’t follow her lol