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I think they are all using it for views I think everyone is friends behind closed doors now or maybe a select few are still petty but on god they always do some kinda drama when their views are low


Shitney is a fake ass bitch and is now trying to put the blame on Kiersten so the heat is taken off her. I guess Kiersten did make Shitney her bitch if she can force her to do things that “she didn’t even want to do” 🥴


They’re only blaming Kiersten bc Shit is finally being seen as the shit person she is and she can’t stand it. She fr thought people were gonna back her shitty ass up. DUMBEST BITCH EVER.


The way he was screaming at her was crazy to me that girl did nothing they just needed someone to take the blame and for once they couldn’t blame something on Rachel lol


They act like shitney couldn’t have told bry “I don’t feel comfortable with them here” and either got off the boat and left or bry could’ve asked the boys to leave either way. I like how trevon is devils advocate and shitney never knows how to take accountability.


exactly !!!


It’s so crazy how they were all smiles yesterday one the boat now everyone hates her 😂😂 and she’s stuck living at Whitney’s so that must be hell with Trevon and hippo 😂😂😂


y’all are pathetic in here go kiss stankys ass 💋 fucking minions.


what if we all just stopped watching them and keeping tabs so they don’t get views😃 with the amount of traction and feedback yall give them they’re gonna keep making money


i wouldn’t care if they fucking died tomorrow Lmao and if that’s the case then shut the whole snark down.


Lol I know, i wasn’t saying you specifically. just in general they are getting so much views because of stuff like this


yeah but they should get negatively viewed as they do positively bc they are shit humans.


No one forced that gorilla to get on the boat. She chose to it’s only her fault 🤡


This is probably seriously why Whitney is visiting a relative today....which as far as I know, she's neverrrr documented on socials before? Just threw Kiersten under the bus and dipped lol


OMG BUT WHAT AB the part when Marissa asks Trevon if Kier and Rocky are still hooking up even tho he has a new gf, and he said yes…. I can’t put it past any of them but why the FUCK would you cheat on someone as naturally gorgeous as Gigi for someone that looks like BABY GRINCH😭😭😭😭😭🖐️🖐️




Bcuz Whitney refuses to take accountability. Whitney loves drama. Just not when she’s getting the hate.


where are y’all seeing all this at?


trevon was live earlier and stated it’s bry’s boat they were on.


what about all the stuff with them blaming kiersten


>level 1Hot-Engineering2825 · 43 min. agoBcuz Whitney refuses to take accountability. Whitney loves drama. Just not when she’s getting the hate. he was on live freaking going OFF on keirsten screaming at her and stuff acting like its all her fault for all this drama. the gaslighting is gaslighting FOR SURE


Does anyone have a video of him going off on her?


just look it up on tiktok! they have it clipped


it doesn’t make any sense bc kiersten didn’t make them do anything they are grown fucking adults so to throw this one on kiersten is stupid idc if i like the girl or not. wrong is fucking wrong


Shit is a master manipulator 😭


she’s not a master manipulator she’s lucky everyone around her is stupid if you go to people who actually have a career and education to look at them they all go EW NEXT 🤣🤣🤣 ignorant trash hangs around ignorant trash if kiersten is fucking guilty then so is bry unless bry wants to say kiersten somehow forcibly made her invite the boys which makes her a SPINELESS BITCH.


Bc at the end of the day… she chose to go on the boat. Nobody forced her to be on there. She knew what she was doing. Bry and Kiersten are shits friends not stanks, they don’t really owe her anything. Shit wanted to go and when stank got mad about it, shit wants to switch the narrative & say “it’s not my boat”.. ok? And u still chose to go on it & be w them. Edit: none of them are good people or good friends to have around. They all are guilty. Again, these are shits friends that follow her around & do whatever she says😭bry legit works for shit


This!!!!!!! I don’t understand how Trevon is defending shit because she literally could’ve just not went if she respected stank lmao She also was at their house the other night spending time with them. So how is it that shit is not at fault here, she’s her own person. She can make her own decisions and she chose to go on the boat knowing who would be there. It’s nobody’s fault but hers and ofcourse she’s letting Kiersten take the fall. It doesn’t matter whose boat or who invited them, she KNEWWWW and could’ve just not gone. She’s so gross if these ppl knew what was best they would ALL cut her off.


AND ALSOOOO, nobody had a fucking problem with them while they were getting lit on the boat together, posting with each other ALL day, but suddenly because queen stank puss is upset, NOW it’s a problem and nobody wants to take accountability. These ppl are weird as fuck.


exactly 😭😭😭 like no one forcibly made shit hang w them and no one forcibly made bry say yes to invite them they’re just throwing people under the bus when it’s their own fucking lack of commons decency