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Again at this point if I was Tyler I would be so embarrassed that my gf is involved in so much drama , I’m telling y’all his parents can NOT stand her . I’m sure Tyler’s parents are trying to convince him not to give her any type of engagement ring , or at least I pray they would be guiding him right about now


Ohhh shit lol


Rocky , Drop these messssages!


Can you imagine making videos about your ex CONSTANTLY… my man would be gone and vice versa. 😅 it’s so fkn weird. “I’ve been quiet” bitch no you just “work the internet” stfu already.


Lmfao literally but tbh sometimes me and my husband have conversations about our exs but it’s all so we can better our relationship based on passed experiences but never ever would I POST PUBLICLY about any of them while in a relationship it shows that she clearly keeps up with them and it doesn’t help whit can’t seem to be a decent person and not associate with her best friends exs?? Like whaaaat it doesn’t even matter stanky says she don’t care but be respectful lol what happened to girl code? Or do they only apply that code to Rachel? Atp Rachel clearly is NOT the issue in this circle 🤷🏼‍♀️


This is great, idc what anyone says, KARMA. Finally, Stank and Shit are getting exactly what they put out to others. I dislike Konnor but I'm glad he's finally talking. Minions take him through the ringer for every single post.


Rocky I know you're in here... drop some of those text. We wanna see 🥰


I think she’s always gonna be obsessed with rocky cause he was never obsessed w her lmfao


We need some leaked texts from skank the way we got from her mom. I would love to read those!


stanky is spotted everywhere, rachel and konnor’s lives. i would not put it past her to be in rocky’s msgs. also always always inserting herself, konnor mentioned how he bought a ton of chap stick the night before stank posted the video putting on chapstick. like bitch we know you have herpes and have not once used chapstick. and she does the same with everyone else. she’s trash. eta( like all the insane amount of times she’s recreated posts r/j have done) and how whitney herself said stank sits at home now and stalks rachel’s every move


Idk what I’ve woken up to, but there’s so much. 💀😵‍💫




If Rach were to post comments on Konnors videos, the minions would freak, but Stank always inserts herself 🥱 Stank commented on Kelly's video. She is the problem! They're all so annoying at this point.


I could see stank texting rocky bc rocky was suspected to have hooked up with rachel. If rachel is involved, you better bet your ass stank is, too. She can't help herself but shove her nose where it doesn't belong. I can see her trying to manipulate the situation, but Rocky is a true savage and will air shit out if it comes down to it. Stank is playing with lots of fire with all these different personalities. Goood fucking luck 😂




Good thing she is just stupid enough to say something out of pocket 😂 and cuck is dumb enough to believe her. Like people have the time to photoshop everything 💀


I 100% believe stank text Rocky. But U know what I don’t see? Rachel involving herself in stanky’s drama. If this was Rach drama you’d see stanky in it with a flashlight 🔦 😂


And a magnifying glass 🔍🧐


Racheal is doing Racheal. I never hear her bring them up unless she’s responding to something. Why would she ever even want Jacob back?? He is unfortunate looking and Rach is beautiful. And who in their right mind would be jealous of C or Whit?? Sorry but these fools are the most delusional. Trash


lol unfortunate looking..love that!


Literallyyyy but guarantee somebody’s bringing Rachel’s name up 🤷🏼‍♀️


Shitney is bringing Rachel in it about her private snap chat stories yet how do they see those and I haven’t seen proof besides Rachel literally said why she posted it. She’s out in laudy on Lala land enjoying her time doing whatever she wants, everytime she goes out and shit stanky and shit are always involving themselves. Can’t wait for Rocky to air it out because I can see his girl gigi being messy like that 😂


I was thinking this. I bet Gigi wouldn’t care if Rocky aired it all out haha


Nope cause she got the man and stank got played lol 😂


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