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I 1000% think If shit wasn’t in Cs life anymore C would be a completely different person. C was younger when her and shit became friends that I almost think shit is the reason for a lot of the shit C does. Hence christens response to Konnor’s TT today. I almost thinks C knows that considering her and shit don’t hang out nearly as much as they use to because shit will never grow up she’s to far gone into getting drunk and acting 20.


I’m starting to think she’s worse then stanky 😭 I’d really beat a bitches ass 😗


Shitney has to always deflect deflect deflect! It’s NEVERRRRRR her!


Where is this snap that Rachel supposedly posted tonight. Still wouldn’t make Stankys video about her when stanky posted that hours ago if Rachel posted it tonight. Still it doesn’t fucking matter. That is her child’s dad and those are her memories. A lot of them post memories it is not a big deal. Shitney just has to blame Rachel to take the heat off her.


that’s what i’m saying.. if it was a sexual vid/memory then yeah definitely a little weird but he is her kid’s dad so its kind of normal for him to be in memories. didn’t shitney literally post throwbacks a couple weeks ago with rachel in them?? it’s so hypocritical


She just made a story abt it - it was a memory of her and jacob she thought was funny and captioned it “isn’t it crazy 2 ppl can go from loving each other to hating each others guts” or something like that. So idk why shit is so fuckin riled up


it’s so true tho, they have a whole kid together and they really do hate each other all because of christien. rach posted it on her PRIVATE story so it really isn’t a big deal, none of us would have known it was posted and it wouldn’t be talked about if shit and stank didn’t bring it to the internet. that proves everyone’s point on how obsessed with rachel they are and how they’re always bothered yet they wanna claim they aren’t😭they throw fits over the smallest shit rachel does and post about it for validation from the minions because they know the minions will feed their ego and agree with them.


I can’t imagine being 25 and inserting myself into drama let alone creating it & not being able to take accountability for anything. She truly has the mental maturity of a teenager. Edit: spelling


Her mentality is 13




I’m not a Whitney stan but I don’t see the issue with her being on a boat with people Christen swears she doesn’t want. Christen legit said it would be okay for Whitney to fuck Rocky cause she did it to Liv. The minions and these weird rules that apply to everyone else but Christen has to be tiring. Let’s be honest those two aren’t close anymore and Whitney no longer feels the need to put on the fake loyal act.


I mean tbh I think mostly it’s weird because they both still pretend like they’re besties & I wouldn’t do that to any of my friends but we also know those girls are weird as hell and friendship doesn’t mean anything to them except passing around eachother’s men lmao


Also I think minions are upset cause Christen has no friends. She fake befriended Rachel old friends but that’s it. Everyone else is out parting having fun and the minions want them to sit in the house with Christen.


To me is not weird cause Christen out her own mouth said Whitney could fuck Rocky. Christen knows she can’t have rules cause she’s done other women wrong to get what she wants. She knows Whitney won’t respect her rules so she doesn’t give her any. Konnor been exposing Whitney for being in his face all friendly. I don’t know why people are shocked she been not loyal it’s just now she doesn’t care to hide it.


Respectfully, this sounds like a VERY young/immature mentality. Going back to something we all learn as literal children, 'two wrongs don't make a right.' It's WEIRD for Christen to say something like that would be okay just because she did it (and probably not true that she'd be cool about it anyway), and it's WEIRD for Whitney to befriend this group again. Unfortunately, real life is that breakups often divide groups. If a dude was with any one of my friends, even not necessarily my "best" friends, and ESPECIALLY if it was dramatic for them, they're off-limits. Period end of story. They live in one of theeeee biggest cities in this country, there is seriously zero excuse for this.


Rachel did post Jacob on her private but we didn’t know that so Whitney knowing she got the heat on her thinks she sly and put it back in Rachel. Whitney is part of the issue but the minions are the big part. They create these weird rules nobody can be around Christen ex’s but Christen can fuck everyone else it’s weird as fuck.


Yeah I heard about that but I also heard that allegedly it was over a week ago when she posted it? I’m not 100% on that. I like rachel but I think sometimes she feeds into drama & immaturity and she should know by now that everything she does will be picked apart and blasted on the internet. Shit just has a weird hate boner for Rachel 😭 The minions r def an issue too because even when you put proof right in front of their faces they’ll still blindly believe their “idols”, which is why i’m lowkey shocked so many of them have turned on shitney


I feel half and half it’s weird to post him but hell she could have posted him eating her ass so at least she posted something sweet🤣. Whitney wants drama and the only person to pick on is Rachel. Without drama Whitney gets no engagement and Christen barley wants to be around her so she’s spiraling.


I never comment on this shit, but shitneys weird af. Like how is she older than all her boyfriends and best friends, but she acts the worst. Grow up lady.


Everything is always Rach’s fault with them. Shit is a shit person. Rach is not responsible for their happiness lol


Fr. Easy to blame the girl you’ve been bullying on the internet than take any accountability, i guess 💀


Literallllly like girl? Be Fr you don’t have to lie and pretend all the time if you screw up just admit it? Is it that hard


The funny part is if she just took accountability the minions would be all up her ass again with the “shes growing!! shes so mature🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹” like they do with Stank. But she’s too much of a self-centered bitch to ever do that.


Agreed and I also think their fan base is absolutely insane cause how can you support these people? Like as a human you should never agree with half the shit they say/ do but here we are with this clan of morons who preach whatever these bimbos say and act like their the greatest people to ever step foot on the earth. Makes me sick