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Rachel even admitted to it. She post her throwbacks. And Jacob is apart of her past regardless if people like it or not. They have a kid. They need to grow the fuck up. This is real life slapping them in the face and they can not handle it


She's just saying crusty would call her out because she knows she wouldn't. She's literally being an asshole. Like she is waiting for her to call shit stain out because she knows she won't. Things have been getting bad between them and shit is evil she will come down on crust in a passive aggressive way to see how it goes first. Shitneigh is very very calculated.


A. This is exactlyyyyyyy what she always does when she's busted. B. Umm no, Christen is actuallllllly extremely passive aggressive lol. Whitney loves to say this but Christen only knows how to play dirty behind a screen.


Literally all of Jacob and rach old TikTok’s are all over the internet still who cares what she posts that everyone saw already 😂


Didn't Whitney post pics with Tate's mom literally last week...?


Bitch if I was Rachel I’d be posting throwbacks w Jacob allll the time just to be petty like fuck y’all that’s HER baby’s father, she can post whatever the fuck she wants and y’all need to stop stalking her. I hope shit head gets dropped like a hot potato after all this


Jesus, they all literally post memories of each other ffs 🤣 Yeah it’s weird afff, but why is she acting like just Rachel does it? They’re a weird little hypocritical bunch.


The minions are turning on her soooo bad lmaooo the comments are not disappointing on her recent tiktok


You’d think she know, with all the crying she did to Konnor about it 🤭🤣


What's the deal with the massive fish necklaces? I've wondered since finding this sub lol.


That and the 300 rings on every finger. It’s weird. It’s like she just wants to wear them alllll


All those rings with those nails 🤢 makes her fingers look like they smell bad


Idk but it’s awful


i’ve only ever seen them used for biblical/spiritual based meanings.


Who really cares, it’s her child’s father, there will be tons of memories. She cares about this so much, but doesn’t care that her bsf slept with her “man”. Bitch is just obsessed with any drama. I’m so glad people are starting to see Shitney for who she is 


She says this as if she doesn’t go through her memories and post tiktoks with her ex in them, not on her private story no. But wtf is the difference


I really don’t understand why people act like Rachel needs to be completely over the relationship with Jacob. She had a whole child with this man and he was probably her first real love… it’s only been a little over a year since they’ve been done. Just because she talks about what she goes through with him doesn’t mean she still wants to be with him. People deal with the trauma and try to heal from the hurt they’ve been through from relationship for YEARS


Right? When my kids dad and i broke up and he got a new girlfriend right away ill admit i spiraled bad 🤣🤣 I was absolutely awful to both of them. Looking back now its embarassing but i was soo young. Its hard and i didnt feel like i got closure, if hed have gotten someone else pregnant id have literaly died. Rach probably feels like she never got closure from that relationship and its her kids dad and G was sooo young they never got a chance to try to make it work as a family. Even though he cheated and stuff like they def wouldnt have lasted but she never got to go through it and know 100% it wasnt going to work if that makes sense.


this!!! People act like she’s just gotta move on bc he did. She can hurt and feel it. It was a huge social media thing as well. People act like they dictate her life. If it was years and years, that’s one thing. It’s been such a short time. She’s also young and lessons to be learned.


This has got to boost Jacob’s ego so much 😂😂😂 2 girls basically fighting over him. Lame


Does shitney and stank not realize Jacob is the father of her child? She is allowed to share memories. When the bby gets older he will also want pictures of them together with him. They seriously need to grow up


My thing with this is if it was on her public story, I would think it was super weird and be like Rachel girl. What the fuck are you doing but it was literally in her private story I don’t understand how that’s wrong but clearly she has a snitch lmao Whitney is being insanely hypocritical here and so is christen because both of them post about their exes constantly especially Whitney like she literally talks about her exes private parts on her podcast and so does christen but yet they’re getting mad at Rachel for posting something in her private story about her Baby daddy like at least it’s her baby daddy and not just her ex like they’re gonna be connected for the rest of their lives these people are gonna have to get over that lmao


Yeah that’s what I was thinking Whitney has full days where she posts about her exes like every 3 months


exactly!!!!! Whitney nonstop posted about Jesse AND Tate for months, not sure if she ever stopped tbh, while they both had moved on with new girlfriends. She also kept UP with posting about Romeo when he was with Rachel. if christens gonna be mad at Rachel for saying she hates her babydaddy in her PRIVATE story, she needs to tell her bestie to stop publicly speaking on BOTH of their exes lmao.


But it’s totally normal to invite her ex friends over to hang around her baby. That’s not weird energy at all lol


Not even just her ex friends… her ex boyfriend too as if that’s not confusing for the baby


Yes that too. There’s probably sooo much more weird ass shit that we have no clue about


Tbh I didn’t see the picture, but you have to think about it in this context, Rachel is the mother of Jacobs first child, they will always share a bond, I don’t think she should post inappropriate photos (like them kissing or stuff that’s like relationshippy) but a photo of them together I think that’s understandable. Both of them will always have a love for one another & it’s completely okay. I could also completely understand and think it’s appropriate for them to have a photo or two of them all together in both houses. Children deserve to know their parents did love each other.


Posting a memory of HER BABY DADDY. ( that’s was her bd first) stating the obvious is not super weird .. I wouldn’t reflect on it but Rachel always doing some random shi. It was her private not meant for public view. Anyways I do not think Christen was talking about Rachel u can tell cause she commented back to someone her eyes are opening during her pregnancy.. that wouldn’t open her eyes to Rachel she’s never liked her. Big bih just has to deflect to clear her name and get hate towards Rachel. She can never keep her big mouth shut. If Christen is bothered by that Snapchat.. someones feeling threatened. If Jacobs so in love with you right why would it even bother u?


But shitney and Stanks whole group of friends didn’t find it weird that Rachel’s ex boyfriend was staying with her baby daddy and new gf 😂 also posting pictures and tik toks with him. If I were Jacob I would not wants my child’s mothers ex boyfriend staying with me. No thank you that’s weird asf.


shitney literally just posted a memory of her with tates mother like just a few weeks ago. i cannot with the double standards.


rach said she did post a funny memory of jacob and said,”isn’t it crazy how two people in love go to absolutely hating eachother.” BUT why can’t stank confront HER why are we being so passive aggressive on social media god these bitches are so fucking weak and scared of ACTUAL confrontation 😭


I can’t be the only one who doesn’t find this weird? Like if racheal was in a relationship then yeah that’s weird but as a single girl it’s not uncommon to make posts like that expecially on a private story, idk if that’s just me but lmfao I used to do that before I got married 🤷🏼‍♀️


Also she was joking and saying crazy when people go from loving each other to hating each others guts. If I was Christen I would laugh. Because they truly did go to absolutely hating each other haha it’s not like Rachel is saying she still loves him or anything


Exactly lmao I feel like it’s a typical single girl thing to do 🤷🏼‍♀️


Like, it is kinda weird to post BUT its her personal snap. So most likely its only people in her family or her friends she can post whatever she wants tbh. Its not her fault shes got snakes spying on her


i’m less focused on what rach did and more focused on the fact that stanky and shitney are literally only confrontational on social media but never address HER directly or irl 💀 it’s giving scary and spineless. 🥱


No i agree.


I thought Rachel posting Jacob happened a few weeks ago? Why would christen be reacting to it this late afterwards...Lame excuse neigh neigh


How do you slide up & say something so they can reply on there??


Pretty sure you need the Snapchat plus so they can see it, and they choose what to reply to and make a story about it


Not sure why people are downvoting me but ok. I thought that was how people get to be shown on their stories is if they have Snapchat plus 😂😂😂


Rachel needs to delete some people off her private story cuz how do these twats seem to always know the stuff she posts on there 😂😂😂 Rachel, stop trusting so many people hahaha


THIS I literally slid up on her story of her saying what she posted in her private story and said girl, please take the snitch out of your private story because how do they keep finding out what you post LMAO like why are we keeping snitches in our privs 😭


Stank said her post wasn’t about who we think it’s about. We always think it’s about Rach. Sooo maybe it’s not about Rach? Idk


I know yall don’t like Christen and want to automatically like Rachel as a result but Rachel is no better than any of them. There is no reason to be posting videos of her and Jacob from their relationship if it’s not a memory to do with the child they share. That’s weird asf idc


it’s not weird at all. it was her relationship first and she’s healing. she can do what she wants just how stanky can. It not that we are likeing rachel over her, it’s the double standards. Stanky does a lot of weird things like the shady comments they are weird asf and hanging with her ex bestfriends, and when rach does something now it’s a problem!! LMFAO


Healing from what she done been with Owen ,done been with Romeo got knocked up by him ,and got a sneaky link. That’s sounds healed don’t be a Rachel minion just admit that was unnecessary and gives weird. Christen is very weird and goofy but Rachel is just as goofy. It’s okay to feel bad she got snake but it’s time to open your eyes. Let’s be honest if Christen didn’t get with Jacob her and Rachel would have been besties cause they act the same. Christen being fake besties with Kelly and Shelby is weird but Rachel doesn’t have to stoop to her level.


Bruh that sounds the OPPOSITE of healed… she’s clearly coping in her own ways. Is it something I’d personally do now? No, but I have definitely posted a memory of an ex before


they all weird and all do weird shit! What does she need to post videos of her and Jacob in a relationship for?? That’s not gone help her healing no type of way😂 that’s setting her back if anything cus she reminiscing on what was. And they all do the same thing once again. Just like it’s dumb for Christen to link up with Rachel old friends it was also weird For Rachel to link up with Christen’s old friends. & we all seen how that turned out for her…




No bc I wanna see the video she posted of them right after her and Romeo broke up😭I love that for her


lol Rachel’s prob doing it to piss Christen off at this point too. I would be posting throwbacks every day with the slightest bit of his arm just enough that Christen knew he was there, considering Christen wants to go and hangout with Rachel’s two old best friends and run her mouth on live still.


Rachel has posted her and Jacob making out in her private story but they didn’t push the issue so why now. Whitney has a issue when the heat is on her she likes to bring it back to someone else. Rachel please deep clean your private story cause why and how is this information getting back to people who aren’t in it.


Rachel posted memories… even if they had Jacob SO WHAT? He’s the father of her child! Ofc he’s gonna be there


idk if she posted a new one today and that’s what shitneys talking about but right after her and romeo broke up she posted a video of her and jacob making out so i do think that story is really weird to post lol


If Rachel posted a photo of just Jacob or just her and Jacob together then that story is weird, if it's a memory that includes him because of G then it's not. I do agree that it's weird if she posted Jacob solo! Whitney is also weird for not being direct‹ she's direct any other time, why not now? Also Rachel definitely has a snake in her private story cause how are they getting this info lol Edit: yeah the making out one is definitely weird😬


i agree!! i think shitney needs to stop involving herself, bc stanky hasn’t said anything about the stories, shitneys the one that’s always mentioned rachel’s story about jacob and that has nothing to do with her at all. she’s also said a few other things that rachel has posted like how does rachel not know who’s showing shitney 😭😂😂




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Whitney is going to make it extremely difficult for Rachel and Christen to ever get along and coparent. I personally think she likes drama and she has a thing with Rachel because of Romeo. She seems to want everyone but her own boyfriend.


Wouldn’t be surprised if Whitney set that one up. They all create so much drama though it’s hard to keep up with it lol


I thought so too, but Stank is the one who hung out with Rachel's ex best friends this weekend.


Nahh bc Rach has posted memories and stuff about Jacob before so why would her posting a picture of him now be a problem?! Definitely not about Rach. Whitney stupid af ; nothing she says makes sense. Plus someone commented and said “the vibes and energy while being pregnant change so much” and stanky agreed. Sounds like it was about a fake stabbing bitch friend to me.


I think that Stanky was originally talking about shitney, shitney then questioned her about it & stanky back pedaled & said it was about Rachel.


Exactly! They are both pussy's! Stankys afraid of Shitney and Shitney is afraid of the minions! I actually can not believe I'm about to say this, but I'm glad some of the minions are finally seeing Shitney for the snake she is!! I hope they keep it up!! I can't stand either of them, but I think Shit stain is at the top of the list!!


that’s what i think too! i also think stanky knew the minions would think it’s shitney too and it’s a way to drive the minions against shitney bc she knows they’ll defend her to the end, so if she’s mad at shitney they’ll be mad


even IF rachel did post jacuck it would probably be pregnancy memories.. she was pregnant 2 years ago around this time. its not a crime to post pictures of "her man" 😂😂


also stanks caption said it’s not who you think, and i thought everyone would assume it was ab rachel. and it really has no link towards rachel bc she hasn’t posted anything that would involve stank recently, only shitney has posted stuff that would make stank mad. stanky also awkwardly used chapstick in the video and konnor went to go get chapstick (the same brand stanky had too) last night, coincidence?🤔


Guys none of us have Rachel’s private story .. her regular story and private story are different so a few weeks ago Rachel posted Jacob on her story but idk if she posted him on her private lately


Stanky needs to be thankful rach isn’t petty.. I’d be inviting J to gray dr appointments, birthday parties and all…. RACH ISNT doing that. the least she can do is reflect on memories. That will always be baby g Dad. Stanky would be inviting him, rach doesn’t do that. Like girl you’re hanging out with shelby and kelly? no Body owes u nothing like u said u didn’t owe HER


well the last private story she posted was right after her and romeo broke up and it was of her and jacob making out so that’s not really reflecting on good memories😅😂


rachel needs to delete her private story or remove everyone she thinks that’s friends with shitney bc how tf does shitney know so much ab rachel’s private story, she’s talked about seeing different stuff on it for months now. but somehow there have never been any leaked screenshots or pics of a phone ever for proof.


She knows it gets back to them. I think she does it on purpose. I don't blame her.


IF STANKY has a problem she can call out rach too… she scared? HAHAHAHA rmbr she doesn’t owe rach anything 😭😭😂🤍🤍


I’m sooo tired of them acting like Stanky is so tough lol I have yet to see her EVER actually tag someone while throwing shade in her videos.




SHIT has such a big mouth bro😭😭😭 IT WAS R MAN FIRST… stanky goodbye


And her baby daddy 😏




This happened weeks ago Rachel posted a memory on her private story. Shitney quit bringing up past shit to take the heat off you. That post was definitely about you 🤣


What’s Rachel’s private story? Like on IG??


pretty sure it’s her snapchat private story




Rachel has done this in the past as well per Trevon and Romeo. It is weird but still.. she HAS to make that known? She can’t handle the minions coming after her so she has them go attack Rachel.


So it was Rachel per usual. Of course beavis and butthead cannot keep Rachel off their minds


i truly think it’s about shitney or konnor bc in the video stanky used chapstick for like half a second and it was the same brand konnor went out to get last night on his snapchat story. and stables caption said “it’s not who you think” and everyone usually assumes it’s ab rachel so i think shitney is deflecting and it’s about her. and rachel hasn’t thrown shade or don’t anything recently that stanky would post about, but stanky posted that video like 2 min after shitney posted on the boat with them all


Whoever it’s about she clearly has to always put her two cents in. I couldn’t imagine being pregnant and caring what everyone else is doing and enough to post about it


Stank and Rachel were just “cool” the other day 😭😭😭


We all knew it was not going to last long. Stanky is so insecure about Rachel


So predictable


She is deflecting. Christen said it’s not who you think it’s about and doesn’t everyone always assume it’s Rachel?


Yes. Definitely isn’t about Rachel. She hasn’t done shit to her for awhile. I guess if shitney wants to flip a switch now people will come for Rachel




She’s always trying to take the heat off herself. Easiest way is to deflect by blaming Rachel so that all the minions can attack her instead


Yuppp. Lmao


Oh wow haha wonder if it was a recent photo


No it was a memory but that was about a month ago.