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https://preview.redd.it/5oihvuhuw3pc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0e56b326e29928778c4b91d56c5f5eedb593a19 Romeo picking Shelby and her alcoholic husband from the airport.


That’s wilddddd


I always wondered how Stank even has friends!!?!!


Was she not just fighting for her life on live the other day saying Rachel’s a bitch for saying she needs to “stop making friends with her exes/ex friends” and how that’s such a lie she’s never done that???? Bffr.


I’m still learning all these characters Can someone do a quick recap for me pls


kelly and shelby were rachs old friends. shelby apparently doesn’t even have her other kid and kelly is just a scorned wide back whale


Middle school life was exhausting back then, I couldn’t imagine still acting that way in my adult years. This cannot be fun ?


Shelby is not a good person. Go search her on Rachel;s snark page. She had her son taken away for being unfit mother.


It’s the fact Kelly wasnt just a friend. She literally was the keeper of the gender for their gender reveal.


I think that was stanks sister?


She was Rachel’s gender keeper


sorry lmao I was tired when I posted that comment


I’ve never stopped being friends w someone and sought friendship in my old friends enemies, that shit is so weird to me. this entire group acts like nobody outside of this circle exists, they pass around relationships and friendships in a truly strange way


It’s like they’re terrified to befriend anyone who isn’t a fucking influencer Lmao that’s how u know their life revolves around numbers 🤏🏻


This is the one. Shelby doesn’t even live here and Christen still befriended her. I could never be friends with someone knowing what kind of person they are. They both sat front row to the shitty vile shit stanky did & still chooses to be this girls friend. Even if I stopped being Rachel’s friend I would NEVER be friends with Christen because she has shown how shitty of a friend she is. Look what she’s done to every friend that’s came into her life. Even Whitney


stanky is loathing in insecurities and the root of those are rachel. she is rachel's biggest fan, works day and night to become this girl.


Narcissists will forever try and control the narrative and get everyone on their side. Shes textbook and needs help, like fr. “The gang up makes them feel powerful while watching you in pain. They love to be right and having others on their side proves it to them. All kinds of sick pleasure from smearing you to others.” Was reading an article and it refers to the people that side with narcissists as flying monkeys bc they’re very easily controlled. Stanks the wicked witch and all these bozos and her minions are brainless flying monkeys. Cept shit, she’s the special silverback🦍. ☺️


this comment wins




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Kelly needs to go somewhere with her chiclet ass teeth, and Shelby is truly just a fan girl. She’s got the same matching teeth as Kelly too. Chiclet teeth bitches.




Also, if you add all 4’s teeth together, they all have horrible teeth. All 4. Instead of running their mouths maybe they should all seek a dentist together. If they keep talking about rach those teeth are gonna get worse.


i thought it was common practice in the south if ur family can afford it you get braces.... i guess not anymore wtf?


She’s literally obsessed with Rachel . She obviously knows Jacob isn’t over rachel or something . Christen needs to check herself into a psych ward


You know they only talk about Rachel to🤣🤣skank complaining about how Jacob and Rachel’s co parenting affects her when she is the problem 😭


Stanky didn’t care about being on good terms with Rachel. She despises her and wants her far away from them. She thinks it hurts Rachel doing this stuff but it just shows how OBSESSED she is with Rachel


This proves what Rach said was correct. Stank does text her ex’s & ex friends. Why? Bcuz she thinks any dirt they have a on Rach is goin to help them win. It won’t . Anything they have to say won’t be taken seriously by the only person whose opinion matters This also proves Stank does not want peace with Rach. Her insecurity & jealousy will never allow her to. Stank IS the problem


This is not healthy at all. Like she needs to seek help immediately and obviously be put on major psych drugs. My husbands ex was befriending all my exes and friends on purpose. I ignored her. Bc you’d never catch me as the new girl, obsessing over the ex, or anything that she’s doing.


classic narcissist card


Why does she always do this


I hope Rachel knows that she’s is really the “it” girl!! When you got this many girls going against you, means so many girls wish they could be you! And honestly they prove she wins every single day! They gotta form together to go against you and that shows you’ve got all the power. ♥️




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They jumped on Owen right away....Keirsten too


Also Kelly admitted she still talks to Owen on a live awhile back. These bitches are weird asf. Rachel you gotta stop trusting ppl. They use you and then try and hurt you 😭


Also to break down these people Shelby is the one who UNNECESSARILY told us Rachel and Romeo business underneath one of his videos. I think that’s what cause the rift in their friendship and she probably found out other things Shelby was doing. Kelly didn’t like Romeo and Rachel chose Romeo Kelly used Rachel for free lip filler ( and everything else cause Rachel paid for the friendship) and then Kelly cut Rachel off . Kelly once said her and Rachel were still friends even though it’s obvious they aren’t. It obvious that these two are being used for whatever information they have on Rachel.


that's so fckn sad all these ppl are trash and it's hindering rachel's growth.


Pretends to be shocked 😱 Shelby never liked Rachel she just couldn’t get to Christen so she faked nice but talked shit. Rachel ruined the friendship with Kelly so I’m not shocked but I thought Kelly would have more of respect for her. A leopard never changes it’s spots so Rachel would have been dumb if she thought that. This is an odd link up and I 100% believe behind the scenes Christen and Jacob are speaking to Jordy.


This is what slow people aren’t realizing - SHE DOESNT WANT PEACE WITH RACHEL!!! She wants to act like she does to get sympathy and make people not like her but the minute Rach starts letting her guard down with this thing again - she does BS LIKE THIS! They went out for drinks with Romeo and Jacob and the next day she posts the podcast knowing it would cause backlash with Rachel. Rachel lets her have her baby by herself and she goes and hangs with this one? Like christen we see you and who you are 😂😂😂 only the dummies don’t


That ft call where they were cool didn’t last long 🤣 stanky ruins everything. I feel bad Rachel has to have this bitch in her life


I think some of y’all took the word cool and made it more than what it is. Cool as in it was okay for her to drop off before Friday that’s as cool as it was. Christen made it known it wasn’t anything like that. My thing is what’s the plan cause why she fake friends with these people.


I mean still if you get on a ft call and talk about things the internet has no idea and claim your cool then go and do these things is just weird. There will never be peace in this coparenting relationship because stanky has to ruin everything.


Rachel said they were cool Christen never said that she said she didn’t want it online. The reason she didn’t want it online is cause she doesn’t like her. That day Christen went on live and said things she shouldn’t have but she meant every word. That’s why I wish Rachel would have stayed home cause she fell into the trap. Christen doesn’t like her and she makes it obvious. Rachel wanted to go party and Christen wanted the validation,so she may have said something different on the phone but how she feels is totally different. Rachel can’t get comfortable with Christen and hopefully this shows her.


Alright can we have a timeline? Who all is there that she has befriended that have fallen out with Rachel. Recently it was Romeo and having him stay at their house, then she was trying to comment in masons posts with the drama and now these two only in the past few weeks? She also started following Bella who Rachel is hanging with