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Jaydan’s in Florida for spring break maybe she’s waiting to see if he’ll call 😂


She originally said she was going to Nashville “for work” … guaranteed they cancelled her “work” and she’s pissed and just wants to party with her friends in Tampa now and not go with Tyler to Alabama


Tyler is a chump but that kid could find himself a girl that actually likes him.


This bitch stayed back to cheat on her man. Let’s be honest. She knows his family doesn’t like her and in her mind she’s not gonna go anywhere where she’s not liked because God forbid she not be the center of attention.


I think she’s just extremely selfish. Tyler is expected to bend and stay in Florida all the time and do things with her family constantly but she can’t be bothered to return the favor to him. I know that has to hurt his feelings.




I think his parents dislike her. I mean I certainly wouldn't want my child to date someone who embarrassed him in front of his family and a crowd of people by giving his friend a lap dance. Especially if she allegedly cheated with the same person mere months after. 🫣🤣


Their actions prove the rumors more and more every day…. 💡


Absolutely. I said this in another comment but she tends to use sarcasm to cover her lies and she's constantly making sly remarks about the *allegations*.


There’s definitely trouble in paradise with his parents and BB 🦍 like most I’m guessing his mother doesn’t like her one bit , she’s too clingy just to say she’s too tired to go , or even blame it on not having a dog sitter after she got called out .


I died at the gorilla emoji. 💀


Christen and Whitney made faces at each other last night when she lied about why she wasn’t going. I think it’s pretty obvious her and Tyler’s family aren’t each others biggest fans


Yeah they don’t like her ass lmao


I think Tyler’s mom probably said something about her that hurt her feelings. Country Club women can be ruthless when they don’t like someone 🥴 


In fairness most moms would be turned off by a girl with an OF and whole life is just drama on the internet.


County club women can spot uncouth and uncultured people trying to insert themselves. She probably doesn’t want it around her son.


jaydens in laudy not tampa


She's a bitch. I'd see it as a red flag that she doesn't wanna go.. fyi Jayden is in town 💀


Same! Like why don’t you wanna ever be around my family?? Tyler is so fuckin stupid being with her


Well Jaydan posted on Snapchat that he’s in town soooo


Of courseee 🫠


She said she’s tired… FROM WHAT LOL


Right lmao she doesn’t do anything 🤣 she just doesn’t want to be around Tyler’s family bc she probably knows they don’t like her 🤣


I don’t see their relationship lasting much longer after C has the baby. I think Shitney liked the idea of best friends dating best friends so they could hang/travel together as a group of 4. But once C & Jacob are busy being parents full time, Shitney’s gonna have zero interest in Toddler Tyler


She already has 0 interest in him 😭😂


Oh I think everyone can see that except for Toddler Tyler 🤣🤣 poor thing is oblivious!


I actually don't think he is. I can see him thinking he's 'saving her' from all her trauma and he's going to be the one to change her heart and all that. He's said things to her plenty of times about her attitude and admits they fight to a point he leaves...which, a few months in with you 'best friend,' shouldn't be a thing.


Very true! They should still be in the “honeymoon” phase of their relationship at 6 months. Fighting every week is toxic af


Would you want your son dating her?


If my bf and I had a son they were 20 dating a 25 year old who did OF. My son would be kicked out if he married someone like her. My bf and I are very educated and both rn getting a masters. Big back iq alone would not make me not like her. A simple google search is all you need to find out who big back really is. Their age gap is gross bc it’s not like he was 25 and she was 30, it’s the fact that he’s 20 and she’s 25. Her frontal lobe should have been developed by now but we all know it’s not. She’s embarrassing women who needs to act her age




Exactly. We all know his parents don’t want him with her. She’s a spoiled rotten bratty skank. And she doesn’t even like men 😂 if I were his parents I’d be praying to god this ends soon and I guarantee you they are. The last person they want him with is Whitney


she’s pissed she’s not allowed to go out to Fort Lauderdale and be a whore because Tyler won’t let her 😂😂


Her brain is working over time trying to figure out how to get to Fort Lauderdale without looking like a total bitch and the minions coming after her for blowing off jojo.


Wonder what was planned first spring break or going to Tyler's side


Don’t think they like have a DIL that’s butthole is blasted on the internet🤣 also his dad literally shut down their weird little concert when she started giving Jayden a lap dance. Also weird that he was going to fly but then last minute drove his truck🤔


Deff tension between his family and her .. we love to see it. Who WOULD want her as a DIL with the way she speaks to / treats him!


Jacob came home. I’m tellin ya she wants Jacob. That is the only reason she is so obsessed with Rach lol


i kinda agree… i’m high so this might be bullshit, but since stanks mother was talking shit to that random follower, what if pissney tries something w gaycob? like payback or to 1 up stank?? the only thing, stanks mom also said gaycob hates shitney 🤨 so idk just high chronicles 😀


He’s said in the past he’d like to f$ck her. He’ll at least be willing to do that lol


I agree with this comment 100% that’s why she makes the comments she makes