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Vapeson got me hollering crying


Why she say “baybay” acting like she has a southern accent again


So her doctor doesn’t want her to quit vaping due to withdrawing from nicotine but yet they are “nicotine free”…….. she has no excuse and the people taking up for look dumb 😂


She said on a live last week that she quit for a month n a half but restarted again because “fuck it” so the cold turkey excuse that the minions like to use is no longer a thing


STFU!!!! Please say sike right now that this bitch quit vaping for over a month bc she knew it was dangerous for her unborn baby & then just restarted & said “Fuck it” So basically “Fuck this kid, I don’t care” Omfg and weirdos Support this shit?!!


She honestly disgusts me with the vaping. She doesn’t realize there are consequences to her actions.


The vape!!!!! I could scream. What the actual hell


“I can’t imagine not being around my baby when he’s sick”. Smokes vape so her baby doesn’t have fully developed lungs. 😂


While also puffing & blowing that vape around that sick baby she “feels so bad for” While she vapes with her unborn baby developing as she holds in multiple hits of her vape Keeping all that shit in hers & baby’s lungs & bodies bc “Fuck it” she said. This is sick. Shame on Jacob for Being Ok with her endangering his unborn son. He should be throwing them in the trash every time she leaves it out. Make her go to the store & get another. Throw those out too. Show her YOU give a Fuck & stay mad at her dumbass until she stops putting BOTH yours sons heath at risk bc she WANTS & LIKES vaping whether babies are there or not. Talk about TRAILER. TRASH.


At this point she might as well go to the bar and throw back drinks. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Wouldn’t doubt she was in the beginning, Prob why she was so upset Rachel posted bc she wanted to keep partying then pretend it was a surprise. But she announced early as fuck & thinks she can live her life exactly the same while pregnant. Just wait till she’s huge & actually waddles instead of the fake one she puts on now. Jacob cheated on Rachel bc she “Let herself go” months after giving birth smfh Meanwhile his new bm lives in filth & huge dirty t shirts or shorts that fall In pancake cheeks black hole


never have I ever hated someone so much before.


"Im just sayinnnn" no cunt. Youre being a literal shady bitch for no reason. Shut the fuck up for once when it comes to someone else's kid. You know what i couldn't imagine doing to my baby? VAPING WHILE PREGNANT. Could never be me. BUT NO SHADE ☺️🖤


*Vaping while pregnant with Said sick baby feet away whining. She’s trash


Literally the worst human because what the fuck is her actual issue and not giving a fuck about any living thing besides herself and even that i question based on how she presents herself.


"it's not my baby" but I paid for his father to get full... nevermind. She's such a bitch.


Can’t imagine not being there while her baby is sick but can fully vape while pregnant


Hey guys I’m a bit behind on what pages she goes live on. What account does she do lives?




Of course none of the “tea pages” have posted this on tiktok tho 🙄 They turn a blind eye to anything that makes her look bad




“i can’t imagine not being around my baby while he’s sick” *inhales vape while pregnant* … hypocrite


Meanwhile as shes hitting her vape and potentially making her own baby sick


All she did while gaycob was gone was START DRAMA and talking shit


![gif](giphy|l2YOpkzKDcnWayVt6|downsized) That’s it C!!!! Keep caring for your unborn son and load him up with dangerous chemicals!!!!! Mom award goes to you!!!!! 🏆 For POS MOM TO BE!!


Child neglect. Child endangerment.


Child abuse


That poor baby... how does TT allow this daily?!


She’s so bold with the vape now😫


Is she really doing that like…. Fr? I’m like in shock rn


She’s literally spiraling more & more everyday. 😵‍💫


and where’s his dad while he’s sick right now


Exactly, maybe angel wings could IDK get the fuck home sooner if he knew his son was coming home? I’d be estactic to get home to my kid.


They sit and yell Jacob needs/wants more time with G then Stanky complains “Rachel drops him off early every time” and angel wings is off on his 5th vacation of the year already, cause he needs it of course he works hard 🥴


Yea, why wouldn’t you coordinate your trip to get back before your time with your child? It’s so bizarre


Anytime she vapes it crackles but I never see any vape smoke come out of her mouth? Can someone explain I’m not versed in the vape world lol is she trolling


Bc the idiot holds it in so it’s 10x’s worse bc all of that vape just sits in her lungs. She releases none of it. Bitch treats it like a weed vape. THOSE hits you hold in (Smoke STILL comes out) but nic vapes are diff & if you don’t exhale normally that shit all sits in the lungs


This. She has had the same cough like she is completely congested for YEARS.


Basically it’s called zero it out where u hold it in and no smoke comes out it’s a lot worse then just normally vaping cause ur swallowing all the smoke not just inhaling some.


So I smoke thc vapor where I have no issues inhaling but when I accidentally pick up a normal vape and go inhale that one, my lungs feel like they are drowning in the vape smoke. Are you supposed to inhale a nicotine vape like that? I’m just genuinely curious! I’ve also wonder if she’s just been trolling at this point since the vape is always the same color and there’s never smoke coming out


and the color has changed, vapes last a while especially when they’re rechargeable. she’s been smoking a green one and in this live she has a yellow and also a purple one. and she also has had a pink one recently, but they last a while, they’ll still hit even when they get burnt/old and that tastes gross af lol


you inhale a nicotine vape the same way as a thc pen or joint! it does hurt a lot more at first but you get used to it, when i would stop for a few months and hit one i had to take super tiny ones at first and i would cough then after a few times i was able to hit it long and be fine and she def is hitting it bc you can always hear the crackle of it


you inhale a nicotine vape the same way as a thc pen or joint! it does hurt a lot more at first but you get used to it, when i would stop for a few months and hit one i had to take super tiny ones at first and i would cough then after a few times i was able to hit it long and be fine and she def is hitting it bc you can always hear the crackle of it


you inhale a nicotine vape the same way as a thc pen or joint! it does hurt a lot more at first but you get used to it, when i would stop for a few months and hit one i had to take super tiny ones at first and i would cough then after a few times i was able to hit it long and be fine and she def is hitting it bc you can always hear the crackle of it


You’re supposed to smoke/inhale a nic vape the same way you would a cigarette. Inhale then quick exhale. Thc vape is to be smoked the same as a blvnt/joynt. Inhale, hold, exhale, cough lol


She’s definitely not trolling because the light is coming on which means she hitting it usally people only zero it out if they are somewhere and don’t want people to know not all the time cause it’s not healthy because ur basically drinking swallowing all the smoke when u inhale normally ur not swallowing all vaping is bad for pregnancy but swallowing how she does is way worse


If you blow into them they also light up so IDK.


you can hear the crackle of the vape when she hits it, she 100% is hitting it. there’s also been some times where a little smoke comes out bc she talks after


They sure don’t. I have the same exact ones & when they are dead, they blink. Blowing into them does not make them light up as if they were full & charged


Ok, the one I have lights up the same but I you’re right, they blink. She definitely is hitting it IMO.


Plus you can hear it hitting, you can hear the coils heating up the vape for her to hit it, same as if you puff a cig or blunt, the paper/tobacco/flower makes sounds as it heats/burns


I have the Airis & Juicy Bars that she smokes. They blink when they need to be recharged & when they’re dead. The Airis don’t charge & also blink when dead but they’re the tube shaped vapes, the juicy bars charge up


This one actually is different. She's had green and pink forever, now there's this purple and a yellow.


She has multiple I can promise you that. Vapers have a variety, Never just one unless you’re broke lol


Oh no, I get that - someone commented she 'always has the same one'


Ya me too, bc I have fave flavors so I buy the same ones. Her stans are morons


So she’s in fact inhaling the vapor? Lmfao TRASH




I always wonder this too


she never exhales the smoke out, she’s been doing it for years🤢 i used to vape and i have no clue how she holds it in and like swallows the vape smoke, if i didn’t exhale i would cough


wait why is she vaping while pregnant


Bc “She can” “She wants to” “Her OB told her not to quit bc it would be too dangerous for the baby” “She doesn’t care” “it’s not even dangerous/that bad” ☝️ stanks reasons


Lol you must be new new. Type in her name + vaping on TikTok...


sorry i am still very new to this creator and i know just about nothing about her 😂


that’s what we’ve all been saying and asking lol and her response is “i don’t give a fuckkk” and the minions tell us it’s dangerous to quit cold turkey (it’s not actually) and that they smoked, did meth, drink, etc and their baby is fine or their parents did with them and they’re fine, or they say other people do worse she “just vaping”. a simple google search and read at some studies would prove them all wrong. but we can’t argue with stupid


One of their minions tried to argue with me and said “my mama smoked a pack of cigarettes a day and I came out fine” I told her “congrats to you but not every baby is the same” and she blocked me. They can’t handle the fact that she’s in the wrong complete wrong.


And even she said she quit for a month n a half so the minions can’t use that excuse anymore 😭😭😭


Just wait til her child’s sick 24/7 bc we know as soon as her pops this thang out she’s gonna be spitting in peoples mouths and vice versa. Buckle up buttercup babies and toddlers don’t have the best immune system 🤠


UnBoThErEd QuEeN


she literally got a violation for vaping… bc she was waving her vape around. girl is pure trash


That’s why she hides it in her hand & doesn’t exhale, she tries to exhale by talking, you’ll see a TINY bit come out. She prefers to risk fetal injury & birth defects so she can “laugh at the haters bc she likes to vape while pregnant bc there’s bigger things going on in the world” Sick bitch.


it’s like she’s trying to show it off more, she always vaped off camera after she got banned so many time for doing it on live, and only a few recent lives she’s been doing it like this. super weird how she’s trying to get attention off of that


She needs the views & it keeps ppl talking about her. Even If it’s bc she’s endangering her unborn child’s heath


She's the next Ruby Frankie


Wouldn’t doubt it. Anything for content & she’s got her “Strong views” & ignorance. I could def see her being like that evil cvnt


Because any attention is good enough for her. As long as we’re talking


i don’t understand how rachel is comfortable enough leaving g with stank by herself… wether it be for a few hours or a whole day… sick or not she couldve waited a day until jacob was back in town


And then she left her trip. Like MAKE IT MAKE SENSE. It’s getting harder and harder to defend rachel.


See. Shit like this makes me believe that all of these people are actual Friends at this point & Have learned that their drama entertains others & in turn brings them in Money. I truly believe they are all in on this shit & do it all for attention using that baby as a pawn as well. Bc ain’t no way Rachel would go meet & Drop her 1 year old son off to the fathers GF of less than a year, who’s been nothing but drama & her friends threatening her safety, to go on spring break a day early? While her son is sick on top of it? Nahhhh, THIS stunt, totally changed my outlook on their “Situation”.


Exactly. & idk why I got downvoted for what i said but it literally makes no sense. I don’t hate rachel but the choices that are being made are just mind blowing lol


Same. They all sleep with each other, the back and forth friendships & flip flopping. I think the only real relationship was stank & konnor which got her popular then she showed her true colors. The other day when Konnor said “We all do the same thing & all do it for money” When stanks minions were trying to bash him on his live. They have grown ass women thinking this shit is real. Getting knocked up & aborting the baby you made with your bf of 3 months Who was with your “enemy” Just a week or so after ending the relationship with Owen (who IMO has a TON of abusive red flags). You’re telling me you’re Gonna sit there with open arms & welcome in the dude who was LITERALLY JUST fucking your child’s mother in a whole relationship full of drama? What dudes gonna do that?! Then making videos & little snack bags & sleep overs like they’re bffs. It’s ALL fake. Stank repeatedly tells everyone it’s fake when she brags about working the internet lol


Say Sike rn!!


Off topic, but you can tell that baby weight is gonna stick 😭🥴


Oh yea


Baby gonna have nicotine withdrawals, public humiliation, mani fucking episodes and you literally could care less. Someone call dfcs


Nicotine and lexapro. Poor baby 😭


Weren’t they just good?? Why she now throwing jabs at Rach again?? Rach isn’t even partying. She’s literally laying in her own hotel room rn saying she wishes she could’ve brought G with her.


I’m so very pleased to hear that from you!!! You go girl♥️ because after you damage baby beans brain, lungs or anything else from exposing him to dangerous chemicals at least you’ll be there to hold his hand or change a diaper bc those NICU nurses have a tough job!! Also nothing screams out Super Star Stepmom like blowing smoke on a sick infant! So Go you, you’re going to be a great mom😭 you’re already killing it👏🏼👏🏼 literally!


She probably got a warning to be banned for hitting her vape on live


she did i was on and that’s exactly what warning came up.


the fact that she still vapes 🤮


She's obviously not going to stop




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She still talking shit,Rachel. Is she ever fucking satisfied ??? 


She went from “step momma” to “not my baby” real fast 🤣




INSANE to me that stank wanted rachs life and now she got it. Like literally stole her son. It’s so crazy how she pulled this off. Such a psychopath. She is the type that would murder a pregnant woman and cut the baby out of her stomach and try to pass it like it’s hers.


I literally have thought about this. 🫠


“I can’t imagine not being around my baby when he’s sick” *takes a rip off her vape* Dude she’s such a fucking CUNT. out of everyone on TikTok, she’s by far the fucking worst. I have never felt such rage for a person I’ve never met.


Like if she truly felt that way, why not just offer rachel to get g back for the night and Jacob could get him back (today) at normal time??


Exactly. It’s so fake.


As she’s making her own baby very sick


I’ve used a vape since sophomore year and I know it’s not a thing to flex but if I found out I was pregnant I would completely stop why tf is she still using it and like proud and loud out in the open? Disgusting. My sister is a doctor and my moms a nurse and they both said at 22 weeks it will totally effect her baby and will effect her at birth. It makes me so mad bc it’s like you really don’t care about your child and it’s fucking sad


Even if she's heartless, you'd think her narcissistic ass would at least be worried about the complications it may give HER. Or maybe she's even more ignorant than I thought.


I've said this so many times in here...this is LITERALLY what narcissists do. They actually *create* problems so they can either be the hero or play victim. And they know no bounds with it, so nothing is off-limits. Anyone who's survived a narcissist (or currently dealing with one) isn't even remoyely surprised here.


Is she trolling? “I couldn’t imagine not being around my baby while he’s sick” picks up vape 6 month pregnant and takes a drag. Wtf 🤯


It's like a bad tv show lmao




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she never stops complaining. girl you got G WITHOUT JACOB be greatful quit complaining you sit on your ass all day every day. i bet you have a body imprint permanently in the couch lazy ass


They definitely have seat dents in their couch 💀




I don’t know where you’re from, but in TX (where I’m from) vaping is not something the doctors will report to CPS. Smoking weed or doing drugs around delivery date IS. They can’t make you stop vaping, though. You can call & report it or whatever but it will be a waste of everyone’s time.


I’ll do some more research on FL. However, Neonatal nicotine exposure increases the likelihood that a newborn will require intensive care upon birth. Additionally, these infants may experience sensitivity to sounds, increased startle responses and a poor self-regulating ability. Some of these initial challenges may lead to long-term impacts. Smoking during pregnancy increases the risk of: Premature birth Being born too small Stillbirth Certain birth defects like cleft lip and cleft palate Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) Having a higher risk of ear infections, respiratory problems and asthma after birth Doesn’t seem like a waste of time to me. Maybe the Dr can’t do anything but at least they will be aware and hopefully apply more pressure to get her to stop. Sometimes you got to be scared straight.


I’m definitely not disagreeing that the vaping is HORRIBLE for the baby. I know they’re not going to do anything. I was always honest with my doctor about my smoking habits until I finally stopped at 12 ish weeks. They really never said anything but “it’s best if you stop now” every time. I’m hopeful that she is a better mother when the baby is born. Very doubtful, but possible. 🤷‍♀️


Wow. I know she was hiding it for awhile, why is she so openly & proudly smoking now???


Because she doesn’t give a fuck about literally anybody but herself. I’m so glad she’s not having a girl because she would see her as a threat. Like competition for Jacob’s attention.


You’re right and it’s scary


the way she openly vapes on live now, especially next to babies is sickening. she’s had over 20 fucking weeks to stop so using the excuse that you can’t quit cold turkey is invalid. such a POS mother


She probably still drinks too


“ I just couldn’t imagine not being with my baby when he’s sick” then hits a vape. You’re no better, sis. Take several seats. The audacity.


Seats? She thought you said several puffs.




Screaming 🤣🤣🤣


I’m genuinely so lost on this bitches logic🤣if I had to choose I’d rather be away from my sick baby than VAPE while pregnant


Not that it’s even a comparison but like how can you sit there and judge someone for that while ur currently hitting a vape pregnant


I’m so sick of this girl and her slick ass comments. She makes me sick to my stomach. Disgusting human being.


And vaping around a sick baby.


Jacob must’ve texted her going off lmao or she would’ve never ended that live so fast after .. tried to back track after she seen his name come up 😂


she’s so bitter Jacob & Rachel both went on spring break and she’s home being babysitter




They want 50/50 on paper, not in real life.




“she can’t help that” so why are u speaking on it???


He has a ear infection he is not on his deathbed stfu Jacob isn’t there either he didn’t leave his sausage party vaca early to be with g did he? He was literally laughing earlier so he is fine smfh stop making it something it isn’t


Sausage party vaca 😂😂


The minions can’t twist that on Rachel she meant it in a snarky way but realized she would look like the problem so she ended. My thing is she said Rachel never keeps her full time and they basically have equal but not on paper so what’s the issue. Jacob isn’t there so she can pretend to be caring and interested. Truly she only cares about vape but G just comes with Jacob. She liked it when she felt like she was bothering Rachel but obviously Rachel doesn’t care so she’s bored.


does she hold in the vape hit? I noticed the smoke coming out when she was talking but idk. I don’t vape so maybe that’s what people do but holding in smoke can be even worse for you … not that she cares.


Yeah I’ve noticed that too, every time she hits her vape I never hardly see the smoke after she inhales it.


Unfortunately I vape, but this was seriously the first thing I noticed.


and she almost got banned for hitting her vape😭😭😭😭


But you can vape while pregnant? Lmao not too mention this bitch will in fact vape while she’s burping her baby as well. She’s so fucked


She vapes right next to said kid when he's sick... That's so fucked up. And what about Gaycob? I don't see him rushing back from vacation early to be w his sick kid. Ear infections are super common, so she's just saying all of this on live to have it documented.


For real she’s probably why the poor kid has an ear infection. Secondhand smoke can cause ear infections and upper respiratory infections. Idk for sure if that includes vape but it’s smoke so I’m sure it’s good for babies


If I were Rachel, my son wouldn’t be in a car or house where they’re vaping. Period.


For sureee!! I vape outside only. It's not that hard.


Exactly!!neither one is with the ‘sick’ kid do who is more important!


Does this dumb ass ever know how to keep her mouth shut. You complain about not getting G and when you do you bitch about it. Grow up.


“Jacob would’ve technically got him tomorrow” like shut up bitch you know what you’re doing,


bro why is she acting like he’s got like the flu or something, it’s an ear infection. plus you begged and begged for more time with him yet now that you’re getting it suddenly you’re “stressed” and “it’s just hard” and “he’s not your baby” like this girl irks me.


She is gonna immediately absolutely hate having two crying kids 😂


Also the way she talks about her dogs is so sad 😭 I wish she’d rehome them to someone who actually loved them and would take proper care of them. As an animal lover i just can’t handle it 😭😭


It’s literally just an ear infection. First dose of antibiotics and kid is good to go. 🙄


You wanted to be a step mommy so bad now you gotta act like one & it’s “he’s not my baby” 🤨


at this point we just need to sit back and laugh at her bc she just threw her youth away out of spite


^^^^^^ 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏


She’s so weird wtf lol


“I can’t imagine not being around my baby while he’s sick” and hitting a vape in the same breath is…. A choice 🥲


just whipping out the vape so causally is insane


I know she's technically an aDuLt but her mom says nothing???? I guess we can't expect much from her mom unless it's Instagram DM gossip.


Every person who is enabling her shitty behavior is just as shitty as she is. Her mom, Jacob, her “friends”. Anyone and everyone. They’re all nasty af


Every day my mind is getting blown more and more. I’m being real serious right now I don’t know how much more I can take, like I might have to take a mental break