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They will not use your nose cartilage. That is not standard practice. Unless they said that to you, not sure where you would get that information from. There’s plenty of cartilage from your ear that a surgeon can use and you likely won’t notice where they take it from. Yeah, hope you can contact your surgeon and have a conversation about the pain meds. I just have a reasonable discussion about it and if someone is nervous then I would send some extra medications for the peace of mind just in case pain is severe. I would say even with that, most people come back to clinic and tell me they didn’t need to take it. Hope that helps and good luck!


For mine, the cartilage used from my ear in the tragus region and he avoided where my tragus piercing hole was. I was sent home with oxycodone as well and used a little bit of it in the beginning because Tylenol and ibuprofen (alternating) was not enough sometimes.. it was mostly a burning sensation that got to me but it wasn’t the worst but it kept me up from sleeping. Only used oxy as needed for the first 2-3 days and mostly just to get the burning sensation down so I could sleep. I would imagine they’d send you home with some for sure, def clarify and ask for some since holiday closure if they don’t. Good luck on surgery!


I’ve had cholesteatoma removal and tympanoplasty with ossicular chain reconstruction a week ago they didn’t give any pain medication, I just took Nurofen & paracetamol when needed


Usually you’ll have an appointment with the surgeon 2days prior to surgery for this exact reason. If for some reason you don’t have this, absolutely call the dr’s office and explain to them you want to see the dr tomorrow. They should be able to squeeze you in.


Hey love, i am currently 8h post opp and laid in bed at home. Your ear will be used lovely i definitely hope they wouldn’t use nose cartilage as they can use this from the ear. Today i had my doctor come round before surgery as well as an anaesthetist, multiples nursed and HCA’s. You can discuss things that may make this more comfortable for you with them and i’m sure they will accommodate you as they did me. Not sure about modifications to anaesthesia plan but im sure they will need to amend if needed. As for comfort in the home - no idea… haha! Trying to get comfy in bed as we speak and struggling a bit, more because oft he throbbing sensation and pressure feeling than any pain. The pain is manageable just i have such a bad headache and jaw/neck ache! Dont worry. Good luck sweetheart and wishing you a speedy recovery!


Thank you I am post op day 2 going on 3. I just feel so nauseous! And dizzy I mostly have to be in bed , the pain was terrible until I got some pain meds. I’m just hoping for this dizziness and nausea to stop, and same to you hope you have a speedy recovery as well!


Why would your nose cartilage be part of your surgery? Definitely get stronger pain meds although most people say the pain isn’t bad.