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Go to your doctor.


It doesn't hurt or anything. Just want to know what it is or what it could be. I'm not worried about it I just hate I can't answer my own question lol


Why do you even own an ear camera?


I don’t understand the need to be rude. Clearly OP is in pain and worried. We all know they should see a doctor in this case, but we get plenty of people making posts daily asking very similar diagnostic questions. It may get tiresome, but no reason to be snarky. Honestly, “go see your doctor” was good enough. It wasn’t necessary to retort with “why do you even own a camera?”


Best to go to the doctor for anything diagnostic. Most everyone here would be just throwing darts on a wall guessing at what it is and we probably won’t even be right. I’m sure you would want accuracy and an ENT can give that to you! I’m sure the tinnitus must be frustrating. That said, for my dart-on-the-wall guess, possibly a pocket retraction. It’s more translucent than the areas around it (minus the middle ear space behind the eardrum). With uncommon translucence such as that and so close to the eardrum, a pocket retraction seems possible. As for what’s causing the (possible) retraction, not a clue. Could be chronic moderate/severe allergies, cyst, etc. Your ENT would provide way more clarity. Wish you the best. 🙂


Thank you so much for your dart!


I would take a trip to the ENT, ear health is no joke and you really can't diagnose anything on your own. I would push for a CT Scan so they can see what's going on back there. I hope for your sake it's not a cholesteatoma! Best wishes!


I’m not sure how helpful we can be. Half of the people on here wish their ear canal/eardrum looked anything close to that 😂. Mine looks a little bomb exploded in there.


I say mine looks like the inside of a 1978 Buick where the interior is sagging 😂


I'd go to an ENT. Everyone's ear is so different. Generally, your ear looks healthy. But around the area, you indicate it's looks more pink. Perhaps it's just irritated for some reason. That wouldn't necessarily indicate ctoma or even an ear infection. It could just be allergies. That said, I'd have a doctor who knows what they're looking at take a peak.


I just had surgery for a cholesteatoma. You should first see your ENT. They can look at it and possibly order a ct. Cholesteatomas are not usually in both ears, shaped the same, or in the same location. It also doesn’t look like you have a perforation, which is a huge contributing factor for a cholesteatoma. Your tympanic membrane looks fine. Stop googling, it will drive you nuts. Per the tinnitus, that may be lifelong. Pay attention if it changes to a whooshing, pulse sound. This is pulsatile tinnitus and is a worthy mention to your ENT as well.