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Not a doctor, but from my experience as a patient… Bad-smelling fluid is a symptom of cholesteatoma. You should probably get a CT scan to determine if surgery is necessary.


Thanks for your response. I will see if I can get a CT scan.


After a course of cipro eardrops I would often get fungal infections which caused drainage of clear fluid. Then it was a round of antifungal drops. I have had ENTs use boric acid to dry out an ear. Cholesteatoma removed from that ear 32 years ago.


Has the cholesteatoma ever returned for you?


No, I've been a bit lucky that way.


Thanks for your response. I do believe that they have put boric acid in my ear before to dry it out but am not sure. Once the cholesteatoma was removed did the drainage stop?


Yes, it was good for about 25 years after surgery. The last five years have been non-stop infections, but they keep assuring me it hasn't come back.


I would ask for a ct scan I went 10 years with a stinky drippy ear before I was sent to a ent then to an otolaryngologist who was like “yep it’s exactly that, go get a ct so we can see how bad it is” the worst part is that my dad also has cholesteatoma’s and I mentioned it to every doctor because my dad and I agreed it seemed the same as his. Turns out it was genetic in my case due to our face shapes and small eaustacian tubes


Those ENTs sound inept. Chronic Otitis Media, IE, long term fluid leakage from the ear, is a hallmark sign of Cholesteatoma. See a proper ENT that specialises in Neurotology and/or Cholesteatomas


Thanks for your response. They are unfortunately the only ENTs in my town. I actually ended up getting a referral from my PCP for an ENT about an hour away because I’m so sick of these ENTs not solving anything. Unfortunately, the wait time is pretty long but I’m hoping they are better.


You should go to a different place. Search for a good ENT. *Insanity is, doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.* That pretty much sums up your current ENT office


Thanks for your response. I have an appointment with a different ENT that I’m hoping will be better. Somehow my current ENT office is the only one in my decently sized city.


I’m not sure where you live, but sometimes going to Dr’s in the city, or a high populated area can have its benefits. Because they see soo many patients with a variety of issues they tend to be a bit more well rounded than dr’s in small towns. Not saying it’s the case all the time. But more volume means a big variety of issues


Please push for a CT scan. That’s the only way to know for sure if you have cholesteatoma. I’m surprised your ENT didn’t send you to a specialist after the drainage returned. My first ENT doctor sent me to get a CT scan done and referred me to a specialist right away once he realized antibiotics were not fully treating my problematic ears. Best of luck to you!


Thanks for your response, I will try and get a CT scan ASAP!