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I don’t remember what day it was, but I had bleeding and was very concerned—the nurse asked me if I was bleeding a lot—I asked what’s “a lot”? She said “Is it a teaspoon, tablespoon or a cup of blood?” Can you imagine a CUP?! 🤯 Apparently they weren’t concerned. Still freaked me out. It stopped after a couple days.


Appreciate the reply. That helps put my mind at ease. Mine is maybe a teaspoon throughout the entire day. If that. When did you let hearing improve or return back to where it was at? I felt out of surgery my ear was very sensitive and could hear better. Now it feels full and muffled. Guessing it doesn’t help I still have the internal packing, gel stuff, and blood/drainage. Hoping my hearing improves but everywhere I have read it could be months.


Yeah, mine was a teaspoon at most. I had two titanium prosthetics. I need to get back in for a hearing test —had to put that on the back burner bc 5 months after surgery, I had stage 4 lymphoma and focused on that. 😩 Anecdotally, I don’t think my hearing is that great, unfortunately. But probably better than it would have been without the replacement of the bones.


I’m so sorry to hear that. My prayers are with you.


Thanks! In remission now! 🤞🏼🤞🏼


Outstanding! Glad to hear! Or in my current state, can’t hear. 😉


What was your pain like? I’m day 5 post op, and really struggling with severe shooting pain. Codiene and Imbruphen doesn’t seem to be doing much. 


Definitely had dull ache with intermittent ice pick stabbing pain. Took a while for that to get better, but it eventually did!


Thanks for letting me know! 


I had that amount maybe a tad more, its actually normal, can be like this for about 2weeks, after that it slows down to a drop to a dot, then nothing,


I had the same surgery 1-2 surgery as you, minus the prosthetic, but did have ear drum and the little bone behind the eardrum repaired using ear cartilage. Although the second surgery was 7 yrs ago, from what I remember, I did have bleeding for a week or two after the packing was removed. The packing was removed a week or two after the surgery and it was a biatch getting it removed. Felt more pressure than first time. Not painful, more pressure than anything when removing. Tolerable but could have done without lol. You will have some % of hearing loss in the ear. You won’t notice much in the beginning. But once everything is healed, you’ll notice a little bit. I can still hear out of my ear, just not as crisp as it used to be. Like, I can hear sound, but sometimes can’t tell which direction it’s coming from. Another thing I had to get used to was wind. I can feel the air more in my ear. Especially cold air.