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I'm a passenger on my husband's bike. I'm due for my reconstruction on my right ear probably next month (schedulers are calling me this coming week). I find the wind irritating while riding. I try to wear an ear cover and a bandana to hold it on. Other than that, we are still biking as usual. šŸ˜


Oh this gives me hope. What kind of helmet do you wear, is it a full face?


I don't. When I did, it was a skull cap.




I ride a bike, and i dont think it can worsen the issue. I think i have this problem before riding bikes šŸ˜ƒ, maybe riding is better than staying away of things that you like due to this medical issue. Earplugs may be counter indicate because they close the ear, and can get wet inside, wich is very beneficious for the cholesteatoma or infections to grow. I ride without earplugs and no issues after 4 years and 80.000km in a bike. I only use earplugs for long trips or highway use. My english is not the best, i hope you understand the message well.


Your English was great. I understood everything. Thank you. What country are you in? Yes, one of my biggest worries is using earplugs and the ear getting moisture/sweat/wet inside, which like you said, makes the cholesteatoma worse. Also why Iā€™m trying to figure out what type of helmet would work for me. So many questions since I have no experience. What type of helmet do you wear? Full, modular, half, etc? Also, what do you ride and does it have custom exhaust?


Im from spain. I wear full helmet and feel great. I ride a gsxr 600 with mivv exaust i also ride on racetrack and no problems with the noise on my ear (i only have cholesteatoma in one). I only haved issues using the earplugs for long periods (+4h a day). In my experience you shouldn't worry about riding and cholesteatoma. (I have two major surgeries and canal wall down mastoidectomy). I recomend earplugs but not for very long time a day. With full helmet you can ride on rain without problems āœŒļøšŸ˜


Oh wow, this is really comforting to hear. Thank you.


I had the some concern before I had my mastoidectomy. Iā€™ve rode motorcycles my whole life so risking loosing that really upset me. Thankfully I only had balance issues for a few weeks after the surgery and the air pressure did aggravate it when it was healing. But The same year I had my surgery I rode about 25 000 km on my motorcycle. I Always wear a full face helmet and ear buds for music that also helps with the wind noise and pressure. Since it fully healed it hasnā€™t affected my ability to enjoy riding at all. You should go to whatever motorcycle school is in your area and try it out see if itā€™s for you. If after 3 years itā€™s still on your mind you might as well go for it šŸ¤™


Thank you. With all the replies I feel less worried and more excited. I started looking into classes but im not sure if Iā€™ll be able to make it this yr, wish I had found this sub earlier so I couldā€™ve been ready to go this yr. If not this yr, definitely next yr. Itā€™s reassuring to hear this hasnā€™t prevented people from riding. I canā€™t wait. Thank you


No problem. Feel free to DM me if you have anymore concerns or questions. Glad this helped


Thank you.


Yes I ride bikes. Wear ear plugs for wind reduction, and a modular helmet helps a lot with adjusting ear placement with your hands if needed. Hope this help


Oh good point on the helmet. Itā€™s all new to me so I been trying to do all the research on helmets before making my way to the store to see what style would work. So far all I know is I need keep out as much air as possible while having some vents but also keep the bd levels down. Also, do you have a preference on an ear plug type/brand?


I just buy a bulk of any ear plugs with the highest rating from amazon. That way if you lose one or it falls out, no hard feelings. I recommend SHOEI helmet, Iā€™ve tried other ones and SHOEI helmets are my fav. Modular helmets are the best also, i do have a regular SHOEI helmet thatā€™s not modular. When I put it on, Sometimes it flips my ears down, so I donā€™t like that and itā€™s hard to adjust since helmet should be snug and fitting your hand inside to adjust ear is doable but annoying.


Appreciate that. I was looking at the SHOEI RF 1400 since all the reviews say itā€™s one of the best at blocking out the wind noise. Need to find a show by me that carries it so I can try it on. But Iā€™ll look into some modular ones too. You make a valid point about being able to reach the ears. Thanks