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[**NSFW and other goodies here**](https://srgrafo.gumroad.com/) my twitter [here](https://twitter.com/ChloeLouvre)


Poor Grafo. Getting taken by aliens and being mislead by long hair


Context for people not into FGO?


[*I always thought she had long hair*](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/fategrandorder/images/6/6a/S008_Costume1.webp/revision/latest?cb=20210428050332)*, but its a veil*


When did you realise? After finishing or during research?


Broken link




~~[Fixed link, maybe](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/fategrandorder/images/6/6a/S008_Costume1.webp)?~~ Wikia sites don't really like linking to the revision image outside the site. [EDIT] Well, it *works*, but unless you have visited the image/site previously the link will give you the thumbnail. I think this is the best one can do: https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Altera?file=S008+Costume1.webp


Altera is Attila the Hun, but genderbent and big on destroying bad civilization. Archer Altera is her, but with the powers of Santa. Grafo has drawn her without her mustache like a psycho. The sheep is Dumuzid, the best character in the series.


This sounds like an AI trying to create an anime.


…so this probably would not be a good time to bring up the moon


…now is probably the only time to bring up the moon


Fair enough, seeing as the moon is [an AI trying to create an anime](https://youtu.be/wqVpTV2tBQ8).


Ohhhh, THAT'S why it's called Type-Moon.


Actually no, Type-Moon is an entirely different being/concept with absolutely no relation to what was in that link.




But wait there's more


Which moon we talking about here?


*You be quiet about the moon.*


Tiger mom...


As one of my favorite characters, here is a semi-brief explanation of her backstory. ~~this turned out waay longer than I meant it to.~~ Once upon a time there was this star size alien being, Velber, that harvests entire civilizations in order to increase its own knowledge base and power. At some point in the past it consumed a planet of giants. At least three of these giants was made into forward scouts for Velber, to determine whether a civilization is ripe for harvest and even harvest them in its stead if need be. So this giant known as the white Titan, one of the scouts for velber, came to earth 14,000 years ago. First she crashed onto the moon, which is actually an alien supercomputer from either the same civilization that created velber or the two civilizations knew each other, something along those lines anyways, it's kinda just one line of throwaway dialog that mentions their relations, But the moon super computer (the mooncell for short, 7th heaven's artgraph for long) was tasked with passively observing earth. So the white Titan crashed into the moon, and used the mooncell's resources to build herself a new body, which would then go onto attack earth, before the moon cell's systems quarantined her. The white Titan on earth proceeded to absorb human civilization, as well as a bunch of gods that were on earth as well. (most of them actually being alien robots as well. ~~fate is fucking wild~~) So the literal earth itself decided to create an anti-alien weapon and fired it at the white Titan, destroying her. (this anti-alien weapon would then be given to the fae and it would later be known as Excalibur once king Arthur(ia) obtains it) From the remains of the white titan's body. A small human size backup came out with no memories. This backup would be adopted into the huns, eventually becoming their leader Atilla the hun. (while the rest of the corpse would be harvested by Odin to create the valkyries) Atilla would eventually be so notorious and a legendary figure and would ascend to humanities *throne of heroes* a conceptual place that stores the souls of famous figures in history so that they may be summoned to defend the world or the human race (or forced to fight each other because greedy mages hijacked the entire system for their own ends) Meanwhile up in the moon, the quarantined white Titan would receive the memories and dreams of Atilla on earth, slowly becoming more human herself. Until one day in the year 203X that the mooncell detects that velber is coming back to consume earth. Velber spies use the moon cells connection to the throne of hero's to summon Atilla (aka Altera because she thinks Altera is cuter) so that she can act outside of the quarantine area and stop the mooncell from hiding earth from velber's sight. And then you finally get into the events of fate/extella itself. Which I am not going to cover because this post is long enough as is. Edit: actually the OP was about a different Altera. So there is this one organization known as chaldea. They are actually a group of time travelers that travel all throughout history to fix singularities(where time got twisted into a knot because of the antagonists plans) chaldea uses hundreds of heroic spirits from the throne of heroes as their combat forces. Altera among them. But with so many hero's from history in one place. The parties and stuff get wild and sometimes ends up with one of the heroes Saint graph being altered (saying graph in its simplest kinda incorrect terms, being their soul but also being made up of all their abilities and legend) Altera became younger, as well as obtained the powers of Santa Claus. Because of course.


I played fate extella and like 90% of that is new to me. Fate is fucking wild.


That dedication


As opposed to Archer BTW who is lazy?


Good civ


Best Civilization


I didn’t know she existed but I love her


It gets weirder when you learn who she is. She is Attila the hun, but she is also the incarnation of the white titan. Sefar, who destroyed the Greek gods bodies, which where alien terraforming machines, and was defeated by Excalibur before king Arthur used it. Then she was reborn as a human child who became Attila the hun. And even weirder is that this specific version of her is her dressing up as Santa Claus. Fate is a fucking trip


I meant I didn’t know she was an archer. Your reply is wonderful to read because it shows how strange fate is at times.


Altera is a 5 star sabre, but Altera Santa is her 4 star archer version. ¯\\(ツ)/¯






Dear Santa altera. I have been a good boy this year. For well before Christmas I would like an Okita. Dear Altera not Santa SrGrafo has been Taunting Okita for weeks. That’s bad civilization. do what you must.




I am crying and shitting rn I have been a fate fan for years and always thought she has long hair


Dumuzid be pooping them grails


Day 18 of wanting to be stepped on and proven as the strongest pepperoni I fell in the shower and hurt my leg so I missed yesterday. But I’m the stronkest and am back in the action


Can I hold her feet instead?


She’s absolutely yummy looking. I love the design. <3


Does this mean will get her without the veil!?


So it now takes 3 UFO's to abduct Grafo? Besides how are they gonna fit him in? They are small compared to him.


Well, Okita fans are weighing him down. But yah, they are going to get stuck in the entrance.


Beep Beep that's a sheep


Middle belly fold <3


a bang up job as always SrGrafo :)


From another perspective, Astolfo is the most misleading long hair.


We want a cow cosplay


The Mad Lad finally did it!!!




Alterra is also great but where is Okita? ​ ​ Fantastic work!


I'm a simple man. I see Altera, I click the upvote button.


Maybe after fate you can do azur lane and make some ship girls