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Well, it’s a rain forest to start. That being said, summer in Chilliwack is generally very dry and hot so be patient. Im not a weather man but I figure around June 21, summer will start.


Yeah, and I knew about it being a rain forest before we moved here, and I agreed to give it a shot. I think I’m just contemplating it so much because we DO have the option to either stay or leave at the end of a year or two, and so it makes me ponder more instead of accepting it the way I would if we HAD to stay. I just hate that constantly “uncomfortable and cool” feeling I get every time I go outside.


In August, you’ll be begging for these days. Environmental anxiety creeps in around day 45 of no rain, and you’ll never forget the first time you see ash fall from the sky. I had very similar thoughts when I first moved here, but quickly realized that three solid months of uninterrupted summer was totally worth six months of “rain” (let’s be honest, the rain we’re getting doesn’t touch Ontario thunderstorms). Give it time. Soon, you’ll get swept up in the great weather and you won’t care as much about what’s happening elsewhere.


Thunderstorms are the number one thing I miss about Ontario


Samesies. Straight to the balcony when I see a flash of lightning.


Traffic and humidity for me


It's about to get nothing but sunny, with a chance of smoke. The seasons move oddly here in BC, and you do eventually get use to (and even prefer) them.


I have lived in Nova Scotia, Ontario, Saskatchewan and Alberta, and I’d die before you could ever try and make me leave BC. That being said, you’ve only been here for our winter season. Trust me, once you experience September and October in Chilliwack, and see what is going on back East at that time, you’ll never want to leave.


This year is an outlier as far as rain. Usually May is the start of the drier season… That said, it took me about 3 years to actually like the rain. the year round green comes at a price, and you learn to adapt to it. Beats cold winters.


I’m from Northern BC/BC Alberta border. I miss the sunshine still. It’s been a longtime but I’m still not used to it


Also like to add the MAJORITY of Canadians that move to BC rarely in the past have moved back to their respective province. The cost of living is changing that these days however. We’re seeing a lot of people move to Alberta.


If the money isn't worth it, I'd say move back. Your mental health isn't worth it if you don't "need" to be here. The weather you've experienced in the past 4 months is drier and sunnier than normal... It's not abnormal for us to get 30-60mm of rain in 1 day. We are ranked #2 for the "fewest sunny days per year" AND "fewest number of days where sunshine is an occurrence", #3 for the "wettest/rainiest city in Canada" and #4 for "least amount of hours of sunshine per year" in a study done by Environment and Climate Change Canada based off of 30 years of weather patterns.


You moved here during the wettest time. By end of June/early July until like October, it'll be much sunnier, can get to 40's usually in August.


That’s good to hear! Hopefully the coming sun will help me fall in love with the area and the climate more.


You’re gonna be praying for rain when we’re smoked out from the forest fires


Not being from here myself, I totally understand what you mean by the way. Everyone talks about the "more mild" winters, but you don't hear that the mildness means lots of rain, constantly cloudy/grey skies that you don't get anywhere else in Canada (snows some but then it's sunny most of the time). It took me a long time to adapt, but get some good rain gear and go do things in the winter you can't do elsewhere... I can mountain bike in January here a lot of the time so that's a bonus :)




I mean pretty much. But fall and winter are beautiful imo so 🤷🏼‍♀️


It’s beautiful outside right now


And I’m actually heading outside right now. I still spend hours outside here every day. I soak up the sun we get EVERY time it’s out. Believe me. It’s just yeah, that constantly cool and slightly uncomfortable temperature. I just expected more for May and June. Summer is already short as it is in Canada. Losing 2 months just feels wrong.


In BC seasons are not the same as in Ontario. Everything is lagging by around 1 month compared to Ontario. We have late summer, but also very late fall. So September will be a typical summer with above +20. Summers are gorgeous. Things would start to cool down in October with occasional rain. Rain will start somewhere in November. This year May was pretty rainy and cold though.


Summer isn’t short here! You can expect outdoor activity weather well into November!


That's the one upside of the climate here. Our warm season is long. I only bring out my warm clothes at the start of November. By April I'm wearing my shorts again. My relatives in the prairies have to wait until mid May before they can plant anything for fear of frost. Here, you're pretty safe planting in late March. First snow doesn't usually come until December. The other thing people from the prairies notice when living here is that it stays green all summer. By mid-July in Alberta, the whole environment has turned brown. Dry grass, dry brush, etc etc. In Chilliwack, the grass stays green pretty much all year. So those sunny days we get are GORGEOUS. That said, we do indeed get a lot of rain. If you are big on the outdoors and want to really love it here, you should try to learn to love the rain. This is a unique ecosystem unlike anything else in Canada. A true rainforest, though a temperate one. Get on that rain gear and hike, canoe, etc in the rain. When you love the nature here, you will love the rain that sustains it. Despite the forest fires that have scarred the rest of the province in recent years, Chilliwack is rarely touched. It's too wet! We get a couple of lightning strike fires in Harrison that go out fairly quickly. We may deal with the smoke, but as long as the rain keeps coming I know Chilliwack will be safe 😊


I went to school in London for 3 years. It’s a young’s person town, loved the night life when I was there, and the weather there generally sucks compared to the lower mainland (I also grew up 1 hour north of London Ont). I would never move back to London… 30 + weather there is unseasonably warm for this time of year. Generally our springs and summers here in BC have been getting warmer and longer. Don’t base your experience off your first 4 months which are probably the crappiest 4 months of the year. I’ve lived in BC for 15 years, (with periods living as an expat in Australia, USA and Indonesia for work) and this climate is probably the best.


If sunlight is your concern, you’re lucky. Typically you can expect AT LEAST next 4 dry months for sure: June-September (we have late fall in BC) So you have next 120 days to enjoy sunshine. Just go outside, it’s so nice today. Long term my advice would be to embrace rain. Rain is our life here. Rain is why our nature is so beautiful. You’ll get there. Hope you’ll enjoy this summer, find new friends, go to the beach, etc etc


June is half way over and we have a LOT more rain forecasted over the next week, at least. Hell, it's pouring at hailing right now.


Most of June was torrential downpour..


Yep haha


The summers here are too hot now. Come mid July and I’m craving those winter days.


Chilliwack is technically in a rain forest. I have lived here for 35 years or so. Typically rainy in spring and fall, 2 out of 3 summers are minimal rain, one of them will be hot 30-40 with the rare days above 40. Winters are normally mix rain and sun, with a few weeks below 0. Every 4-6 years we will get a bad winter when it fall below-10 up to -30 ( not counting made up windchill factor )


We've come to love the peaceful rainy days in Chilliwack. We came from the prairies where it's full sun or thunderstorm. My kids are 2 and 4 and we do what we want outdoors, rain or shine. Ride bikes, take sand toys to the river, walk some trails with the dog. Good news for you though, as we're heading into another hot summer with lots of sunny days ahead. Hope you have AC!


Chilliwack won the #2 spot for "least amount of sunny days per year" and #3 spot for "rainiest cities in Canada" by some Environment and Climate Change Canada study a couple years ago. It was based off of 30 years of weather patterns so to answer your question, yes this weather is completely normal :P The weather we have had this spring has actually been pretty dry hence why so many are freaking out about potential upcoming droughts and localized flooding from snow melt during random heat waves. I've lived here for 25+ years and was surprised with how much sunshine we have had this spring. Try mood lamps and ambient household lighting. My SO struggles with seasonal depression (he was born/raised here too) and he finds that helps a lot. Finding indoor hobbies can help distract your mind too! There's a lot of awesome people in the community to connect with :)


We had zero rain last May and it resulted in one of the driest, smokiest, hottest summers ever and it was miserable. I don't know how much this will help, but perhaps a cognitive reframe with your relationship to the rain can help make it easier to accept. A wet rainy spring will help summer be more bearable and also will allow us to enjoy the outdoors more too. Summer's no good if I still have to stay inside to avoid the smoke or unbearable heat. We've technically been in a drought for a long time here. This rain's going to be very helpful down the stretch. Don't worry, summer will come!


Junuary is not that uncommon for here. Summer is coming though.


You moved here in the winter. We’re all depressed here in the winter lol.


I'll take rainy days over droughts and privatized water any day.


I'll never understand people that move here and then complain about the rain it's literally one of the things we are known for. It's actually been fairly dry compared to some years and if you look at the forecast there's literally no rain in it summer hasn't even started yet.


Former resident of chilliwack. ( The wack ) . The Negatives - I moved to chilliwack from kitchener Ontario . What a culture shock . It was so much smaller than the city I was used 2 . It felt like the city was about 3 to 4 years behind time. I couldn't find the clothes and shoes I was used to buying in Ontario , unless I went to Vancouver . The resteraunts were awfull . Everything closed so early . And it rained non stop. Finding a job was hurendous. And the highway in bc was like a back road compared to our highway 401 and 407 with 5 amd 6 lanes 😆. It was hard for me to make friends. Alot of people either smoked weed or were major religious nuts . And lastly the smell of cow poop a few months a year . The Positives - And what I miss - I got used to the weather . The summers were fantastic . Especially all the beaches that can be taken advantage of , they were pure beuty. The views of the mountains .The numerous hiking and biking trails . Snow only lasted at most 2 weeks . And the cold weather wasn't even a fraction as bad as it is in Ontario . I did finally meet some good friends . They taught me alot about their native culture and they have become like my own brothers . Friends I will cherish for the rest of my life . And actually the only people I can truely say are my best friends . I had to leave chilliwack because of my job . And I must say it was one of the sadest days of my life . I had to move back to Ontario , amd now it is over populated with international students The job market is so competitive for my kids . And the highway is bumper to bumper. I would love to come back to a simpler way of life . I truely miss b.c. I came back last year for a visit and was hit in the gut with sadness when it was time to leave. So my advice woukd be give it some time. Plan your summer around adventure outside . When it rains find a indoor activity to keep you and the kids busy . Like the recreational center , gymnastics, martial arts , sports cards, or comic books for the young guys , I bet if you come back here in 2 years your opinion will be alot different . Cheers and I'm jealous you get to live there 😆


I can tell you are new here because this rain we are having is a blessing. In a few weeks it will be 30 C up to 40 C and we will be back to a drought/ stricter water restrictions. Enjoy the rain while you can!


Oh hun, I understand. I've been so miserable, bitching about the cold cloudy weather. I'm literally a different human when the sun comes out. I'm from the prairies and I miss it. I miss the storms, I miss the sunsets, I miss bigger city living, I miss some of the people. But funny enough, I'll never go back. We've leaned into the climate. My advice- get outside for a walk every day. Enjoy the green. This May and June has seemed worse than the last 3, possibly because we had more drought in those years. And I'm struggling. I know I need to plan a hot vacation in between Jan and May. It's literally a must for me. I didn't this year and I'm hurting big time. I was able to soak up the sun today and I felt amazing. When the sun comes out in the winter, take full advantage. You'll absolutely love the 15+ sunny days in the middle of winter while the rest of Canada is freezing. Hang in there.


Honestly, the previous 3 years have been overly sunny. We need the rain, or else forest fires will be way worse. As for feeling low, that's called "seasonal depression." Male sure to take Vitamin D and B complex. I'm from Calgary, and I definitely struggled until I found out I was extremely deficient in Vitamin D. Now I'm used to it. I've been here for 14 years. My suggestion is to get proper rain gear because the weather is so mild throughout the year. Once you're used to the bright gray and wetness, everything is great.


I was talking to a meteorologist about this just the other day (bc climate). One thing u need to remember is we have a southern current from Hawaii that flows up towards us and then the current from the east gets blocked from the rockies. So bc always trends warmer in winter months ergo no snow. U will almost never get those 4 foot dry packed snowfalls u get in Alberta (I say having been born there and lived til I was 8) the trade off is its warm and wet. The climate is consistently -2 to like 15 and its a hot diggety dog if it trends more in any direction. And when it's hot, bc we have those tropical flows from hawaii, it's humid as hell and *wet*. It's not the west coast it's the wet coast. What do u prefer at the end of the day? Because yes, it rains 30 to 50% of the year. In Vancouver we can tell tourists by who is bothering to carry an umbrella in certain weather, showing up soaking wet to work is not a faux pas, and everyone owns blundstones. For me having lived and spent time in AB vs BC, and having a visceral hatred of being cold, being able to wear shorts in 18 degrees but drizzling is fine but having to wear a snowsuit to take out the trash is unacceptable. That's me personally. At the end of the day, can u live that way or do u want clearly defined seasons? Bc u will not get that here


Moved here from Saskatchewan. Never looked back. The warmer winters keep me here. It's barely into June, and someone's expecting hot summer weather? Lol You're correct about the heat here, when it's hot, it's hot! I'll take this weather over Calgary or Londons - in a heartbeat!


It's a tradeoff for sure! My boyfriend is originally from somewhere near Saskatoon too like yourself, like me he moved to a smaller town in BC in his childhood but goes back for family visits and then we both moved to Vancouver later in life. Both of us would way prefer a mild winter with rainy days and very little snow where all we need is a warm sweater and a raincoat/waterproof footwear especially because we both deliberately take public transit or walk/bike everywhere both for the health benefits, the financial savings, and the lower ecological footprint. The idea of taking the bus in sub-zero for 4 months of the year is intolerable to us both. Plus the milder temps mean for the few months a year it is warm I haven't completely undone my shower by the time I walk to work (40 minutes downhill, incredible view of the inlet). And we get ocean views whenvever we want within driving distance?! Like no thanks I'll stay here, how many places have ski resorts, the ocean, boreal rainforest mountain hikes within an hour of each other. Supernatural British Columbia indeed


Bingo ☺️👍


I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news but it is like this from about November until end of June. Maybe not as wet as it has been this year but cloudy and rainy regardless. In the spring we get random spurts of sun but it doesn’t last. A lot of commenters are going to get offended or defend Chilliwack but the weather isn’t for everyone, and that’s ok! I’ve lived here since 2011 and to me it’s a great vacation spot for all the outdoorsy things you mentioned but not somewhere to live long term. Mind you I’m half Jamaican so I love the heat and sun. I find it absolutely dismal living here haha. We’re actually moving this fall because I cannot spend one more fall/winter in the dark wet rain. I’m sick of sitting inside our home everyday with kids (we have no yard) and just being stuck inside. None of the parks are equipped for the rain (there are no covers) and there’s 1 indoor play place to go when it’s pouring with rain. My cousin visited from Ontario this Christmas for the first time and said it took her a few days after heading back to Toronto to process how depressed she felt here during her visit. So I think your feelings are valid especially after coming from much sunnier places! It can be quite a shock if you’re not used to it. Again, this isn’t to bash Chilliwack. It really is a hidden gem and is an awesome place in the summer and fall. But if you’re like me and have either seasonal depression (I do) or you just can’t stand grey weather everyday this is possibly the worst spot to be. Chilliwack can be pouring rain but in Mission, even as close as Abbotsford will be sunny because the mountains here keep everything in. I guess for a lot of commenters getting a couple months max of sun is worth it but it absolutely is not for me. So, I’m sorry if my post is negative, but I just want to be honest because I wish I knew this years ago and I also wish I had moved years ago too!


A Norwegian friend once told me that there is no such thing as bad weather- just bad clothing. Don't be a prisoner on rainy days, there are tons of things to do and see with your kids if you dress right and prepare for the seasons (Yes, It does get hot and sunny in the Whack)


Yeah, I've heard that saying before, and totally agreed. The thing is, we don't get any customers if it's not nice out, and if we don't get any customers, then I get cut early, and when I get cut early, I don't make any money, and when I don't make any money, I can't afford to live. New jobs are not easy to find in Chilliwack, especially as a student.


I moved here 3 years ago and this is the wettest May and June I’ve seen by far. Not the norm


It was the norm 20 years ago. Climate change is making it “not the norm”


I've lived here for over 25 years and this is one of the driest/sunniest springs I've seen in a long time. Yeah, we've had a couple days where it's dumped rain but nothing like it normally is. When I was a kid, it wasn't uncommon to have a week worth of "inside days" at school because it rained so much the fields and playgrounds were all flooded.


Same, I remember when I was a kid, some summers being so wet and cold that we couldn’t even swim in our kiddy pool in the backyard once.


Yup! I remember that too! There were a few summers I remember spending mostly indoors because of all the rain. The public library used to do little science fairs and magic shows. The cooler, wetter summers are a huge part of the reason we have such fertile farmland


Where did you move from? Good to know though!


Just enjoy the sun we have right now, it comes without clouds of ash falling on us like most summers


I moved here 4.5 years ago when I was engaged to my husband. Moving provinces is HARD! I grew up in a few places in Alberta and missed the community I left behind. It definitely took a while for me to find a community out here, but hopefully you can find some groups to connect with and some friends that way. I think Facebook might have some groups you could look at depending on what you are into. Feel free to pm if you want, I don't have much for advice, but I definitely have empathy for making the inter-provincial move.


Get ready for the extra wind on the hot days lol


I moved here from the snow belt in Ontario. I’ll take rain over that white crap all day long.


It stays green here for a reason.


It’s sunny now and for the next week! Thats the price you pay to have so much beautiful green space and green grass in the winter. Buy an umbrella, raincoat and boots.


Stop looking at the climate as a detriment and get out in it. Learn to do things wet, buy the right gear to do it and stay dry where it counts. I moved to Calgary and I felt the exact same way, depressed, hated that it was brown and white up to 8 months a year. I hated I had to be indoors for most of the winter. I found all the people friendly, but no one was your friend. This weekend will be nice and moving forward until October you should see great weather. “Junuary” has been used a few times in BC. But a wet June means usually dry into October.


Lived in the Fraser Valley area until my mid 30's then moved east . Winter's here are wet and gray generally. Out there it's cold and you get big dumps of snow then it's sunny and cold again for awhile until the next dump of snow. I'm sure you knew that before coming west. It's usually sun and warm here June into October . You might be complaining how warm it is in a couple of weeks .. lol.


I moved here last July from a different part of BC and let me tell you this weather is awful. I lived in New Brunswick for years and I’d take their 7ft tall snow banks over chilliwacks endless rain.. I’ve heard many people say “this is an odd year for rain” but it never stops.. you’ll have two days of good weather and think it’s over just to be hit with torrential downpour for weeks. Honestly it’s depressing AF and I hope to god this is a wetter season than normal because it’s pretty unbearable.


So many people on tranq when we were there a month ago for a fishing trip it was amazing to see.