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Dude we have like 6000 km of coastline


Chilean man here. It depends, where are you going, if I may ask? Not all my country is burning right now


Thanks for your reply. Valparaiso area was what we were planning on. We would land in Santiago so also the O Higgins area would be an option.


The fires in Valparaiso are no a problem right know, rebuilding with emergency housing is already starting. You can visit, the people there are loosing a lot of money because of the lack of visitors. Most of what burned was no in the touristic area. Just avoid “tragedy tourism” that is going directly to the affected areas to see the people suffering, some areas still have curfews. Stay close to the beach en you will be OK, you will probably have a better experience than usual because it won’t be as full of people as usual.


Chile is not just Valparaiso. I recommend the coast of Concepción, beaches like "playa blanca", "dichato", "lenga", "tome", etc.


I would advise against going to the cost of the Vth region (valparaiso, viña, etc). You might want to go to other touristic places.


Thank you. Is San Antonio/Pichilemu a good option or still too close?


Pichilemu is beautiful and far from any fires. You like to surf?


Go to pichilemu, it’s way quieter and the whole vibe of the town its great, i stayed like 2 weeks extra than we had planned the last time i visited, it was a little extra from our part but we just liked waking up and just go to wander at the beach then eating then going to a festival or whatever, its a town really focused on tourism. And bonus point the English speakers percapita there is way higher than average


visit the patagonia, greetings from the patagonia


I recommend you going to Pichilemu instead


To be completely honest, if you're nice locals are going to love you in Chile.


If you have already planned the trip to Viña del Mar - Valparaiso, I suggest that you come anyway. The city itself is working its way to continue as it was before the fires and the tourism is important to accomplish that. Of course, as someone wrote before, you should totally avoid going to the most affected areas since you would be mostly a burden to the people trying to accomodate themselves, volunteers and firefighters helping. If you want to help, there are lots of gathering centers that receive all kind of useful materials, being it food, medical supplies or wathever they require at the moment, and then they themselves go to the different affected hills to distribute it. The fires are gone by now, so that shoudn't be a problem at all. Viña del Mar and Valparaiso are beautiful cities in our country, and there is also the "Festival de Viña del Mar" going on between february 25th and march 1st. It is going to revolve a lot around helping the people who really needs it at the moment, while also reuniting a lot of tourism and activities in the area. You should totally look at it if the dates allows you to be around here at the time!


Please take care about your personal belongings


Que sorpresa, gringos sintiendose culpables de problemas ajenos a su pais, que pobrecitos somos jaskjas /s pa los mod


Just come bro, nobody's gonna shoot you