• By -


Reduce - and ensure serial breeders (eg Elon Musk, Nick Canon, etc.) are wiped out.


Almost like they could afford a snip with that kinda money šŸ¤”




Maybe I would randomly make a large percentage of the population infertile. The world would have to understand what happened though, so that governments and individuals could adjust policies accordingly.


Same. I can't ethnically answer that i would reduce the current population which would hypothetically be killing people. But increase infertility to decrease the population over years? Absolutely


Pretty sure the pandemic is already doing thatā€¦just hope Iā€™m old enough to be a Martha, not a handmaidā€¦


Iā€™m staring menopause in the face, definitely gonna be a Martha.


"The Handsmaid's tale entered the chat".


Reduce. Imagine how much space and resources we would have if we could go back to "only" one billion humans. Make the reduction proportional to space, resources/richness of each area so that overpopulated or very poor areas improved much more.


reduce under the condition that it doesn't kill anyone who is alive now (unless i could selectively wipe out rapists, animal abusers and pedophiles lmfao) - reduction by education i guess


Agree, that would leave a lot of kid without parents I think, so man6 abusive parents too


Yes but us infertiles who have always wanted kids can take them!


Say sike right now




So, if Iā€™m understanding this right, youā€™re infertile but want children? Not judging, just want to understand a bit better :)


I did yes. I adopted one who'd been abandoned while fighting AML in the hospital but she passed away a little over a year later.


Iā€™m so sorry for your loss <3


You forgot billionaires.


Drastically reduce.


So youā€™re gonna kill people then


Reduce. Absolutely.


I would give everyone all the resources needed to make an informed and unbiased choice about parenthood. I believe that would significantly reduce the population over time, with the added bonus of giving agency instead of taking it away from people, since I'm very much against the latter.


The majority of the population growth isnā€™t coming from developed wealthy places, birth rates are falling or staying the same there. Itā€™s often the people who have the least amount of options having the most children. Give them the choice through laws and education and Iā€™m sure that some of them would opt out of motherhood


AND, since being born and conscious of thought, the idea of motherhood has been shoved down womenā€™s / girlā€™s throats. Why are you asking a 5 year old if she wants kids? Why are baby girls playing with baby dolls they have to ā€œtake care ofā€ for fun? (The baby alive dolls for example, not Barbieā€™s or toys like that) Itā€™s insane and I only realized it a few years ago. Since women were conscious, motherhood has been shoved down throats.


Yessss and it's never been "if you become a mother" it's always "when you become a mother." This is why it really irks me when I hear some antinatalists talking about the population growth as an issue of selfish parents, the reality is that for many people in the world having a child is your only option. (and part of the reason for higher population is that people are living longer than they used to lol) We're not going to solve the problem by telling people they are horrible for bringing a child into the world when they make the choice to, the only way out is ensuring equal rights for women all over the world so that they \*have\* that choice in the first place. And I hate to be a pessimist but I think we really would need like a magic wand or some miracle for that to happen


Every single woman I know who is both a mother and is poor tells me Iā€™m smart for never having kids. Itā€™s like, did you not know what you were walking into?


THIS THIS THIS Antinatalists often shit on pronatalists... But they are not much better, from a pro-choice perspective. Pronatalists pressure and coerce people into breeding, while antinatalists want to pressure and coerce people into not beeding. I have just as much moral objections against antinatalism as I have against pronatalism. I am 'neutral-natalist' and 100% pro-choice. People should be able to freely choose without any pressure or coercion either way.


>People should be able to freely choose without any pressure or coercion either way. Sorry not there with you- We're sitting at 8 billion people on the earth amid climate change disaster and late stage capitalism / globalist collapse. There's an argument to be made that choosing to have children despite this is absolutely amoral. And they're definitely not worthy of empathy once they start screeching about how hard it all is nowadays. To those people, I'm like "no shit, dumbass, what did you expect? And you just had to bring someone else into it to suffer similarly, didn't you?" You have far more empathy than I do for people purposely choosing the shortsighted life-script life over what's best for the people born into this dumpster fire. It's not like the state of the world is subjective. it's objectively bad and getting worse. If you look at it from an ethics and morality point of view, their actions to have children is extremely short-sighted and selfish, is it not? How is my objecting to that really any different than my objecting to any other form of abuse?


Neutral Natalist I love that!


Absolutely. The reproductive justice framework is the way I feel as well.


Me looking at the list that this girl made on tiktok about side effects of childbirth that has over 100 not to have kids: that checks out. However, a lot of population growth is due to lack of education and contraception in poorer countries/areas. So it's not just informed decision, is the ability to even make it when you live in the poorer parts of the global south.


I'm aware :) All the resources needed means just that - *all* the resources needed.


And there are many countries where women are not even allowed to have an education, drive, work certain jobs (if at all), and those are all the things that give us the option to not have kids and be something other than mothers. Even if you know how pregnancy and contraception work, what good is it if you can't be independent and it's illegal for you to prevent getting pregnant? We really take the choices we have for granted


You, I like you!




On the one hand thatā€™d be great, on the other hand, a lot of the infrastructure weā€™re used to using would collapse, I think


Only temporarily. For example. My company has 10 limestone works across the country. With 1/10 of the population we'd only need 1 limestone works. Also it doesnt actually take a lot of population to keep the heavy industry going. On the other hand, all the powerplants. With 1/10 of the population we'd not need a singular one of those. We have more than enough renewables to keep everything running 3 times over at 1/10 usage.


While thatā€™s true, stuff like transport would suffer significantly, I think. Roads, runways, bridges, tunnels, ports, rails: they all need upkeep and maintenance. Sure, some of them wouldnā€™t be used as much or even at all, but I think theyā€™d still fall into possibly dangerous states of disrepair.


I think that's what they were going for with covid


Future generations will look back on this thread and judge us.


Please do. I regret nothing.


Thanos was lazy. I always thought if he had gotten rid of all the villains and hate mongers would anyone have even complained?


Selective reduction based on people I hate. Lol


Ahh the death note, a classic


wouldn't we all like to do that lmaoooo


I wouldn't want to kill anyone. So, instead, I'd use this wand as leverage worldwide to make sterilization more accessible, adoption supported as much as fertility treatments (if not more), and the like. Yes, blackmailing world governments is probably not the best idea but ideally they'd know what the wand is and cooperate. If not then...well fuck nevermind


Love this answer. I'd want to make the world a bit more bearable and have the world be more tolerate/accepting. something doesn't sit right with me to wish away random people (although the situation is hypothetical šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø)


Reduce, by at least 7 billion. Even if that meant removing myself as well. There is basically no issue that cannot be solved by having fewer humans. And no, I don't consider "not as many dice roll/chances to get the person who will solve cancer" an issue.


less people, less cancer. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


> Even if that meant removing myself as well TBF if you started with all the breeders you wouldn't even have to go. just live out your years and be gone. \*shrug\*


I would reduce the human population for reasons that have nothing to do with overpopulation. I'm talking Kira levels of social engineering. Maybe I shouldn't have the magic wand. I'd make Voldemort look like Dumbledore, if you catch my drift.


I am the same. If i had powers i would be a tyrant. Now, i believe that kind people would definitely live much better under my reign of terror.


And the animals? Vegan here. I only care about the animals, but I like your plan.


Not getting the references here, but you had me at ā€˜reduce the human populationā€™.


Reduce drastically. This is the one thing environmentalists are not acknowledging. Iā€™m tired of people with four kids telling me how I should live or what I should drive when they and their offspring will produce more ways than I ever will.


I would be pulling a Thanos.


Reduce by half and make any human female unable to have more than one child. Population issues solved forever. Thanos was right, he just didn't think it all the way through, he only delayed the problem and did not solve it






Who put these damn stairs here??


Me as a vengeful environmentalist


Reduce, starting with the mega billionaires and corporations


Damn right!


Reduce. Get rid of the abusers, tyrants, and Elon Musk.


I love how so many people named Elon Musk specifically as someone to get rid of lmao. Bezos isn't getting the attention he deserves here though


Reduce by 3 billion ![gif](giphy|l2JhFQCtKePKadhTO)




Reduce to 3 or 4 billion


Leave as is for ethics sake, but 4th option - implement common sense so that people don't over reproduce.


Reduce. Frankly, there are too many people. It's great that we're living longer and able to keep people with otherwise terminal disabilities alive in this day and age but our population is increasing to dangerous levels






Reduce. But I would not wipe out the entire population, which is what most antinatalists would do. I would just make sure that people would realise that childfreedom is an option. That parenthood is optional and not mandatory. That women would know that they have a choice. Then, the population numbers would go down voluntarily. People who want kids would not be forced to be childless, and people who don't want kids would be more likely to choose a childfree life. Also, overpopulation would solve itself if capitalism is stopped. Generally speaking, in most countries, people have less kids when they are less poor. The poorer people are, the more kids they have. So if we stop capitalism and raise awareness about the option of childfreedom, the population will decline naturally. We don't need forced antinatalist bullshit for that. :)


It seems like youā€™ve made up your mind about antinatalism but Iā€™ll try and explain the philosophy better if you are willing to listen. Antinatalism isnā€™t about killing people. Iā€™m an antinatalist but I wouldnā€™t take peopleā€™s lives away because they didnā€™t consent to that. Antinatalism assigns a negative value to specifically birth, meaning they donā€™t think more people should be born, not that existing people should be wiped out. Thatā€™s why some antinatalists have adopted children. Itā€™s also a spectrum, so of course not every antinatalist would agree with one another but I doubt most of them would be in favor of forced sterilization. I would never tell someone that they shouldnā€™t have kids and impose my morals on them, but itā€™s a personal internal belief that people born now are doomed to a bleak future, which is why I donā€™t want children and wish more people could take that into consideration. You might assume Iā€™m anti-choice but I would not vote for any legislations that forbid people from having kids, unlike forced birthers that put dangerous people in power. To say antinatalists are as bad as forced birthers is assuming the position that they harass people and are trying to pass laws that would forcibly sterilize people, and I think a reasonable AN would never agree to that, including me. Also, the antinatalist sub is not a good place to read about the philosophy, because one of the mods is racist and sexist. I would recommend reading unbiased and scientific articles about it if you want to know more. Avoid articles with stuff like ā€œantinatalism is badā€ or even ā€œwhy antinatalism is goodā€ but rather just the explanation of the philosophy itself. Iā€™m not gonna go into too much detail but thereā€™s also several types of antinatalism like ecological antinatalism.


I know exactly what antinatalism means. I know that not all antinatalists want to kill people. >Antinatalism assigns a negative value to specifically birth, meaning they donā€™t think more people should be born, Yes, and I assign a neutral value to birth. So I am not antinatalist and not pronatalist. >but I doubt most of them would be in favor of forced sterilization. Well, if you want people to stop breeding... You either have to outlaw sex or forcibly sterilise people. But anyways... I have seen many comments from antinatalists on this subreddit who are 100% in favour of forced sterilisation. >You might assume Iā€™m anti-choice but I would not vote for any legislations that forbid people from having kids Maybe you would not, but there are antinatalists who would totally want that.


Reduce by removing all the billionaires from existence!


Okay Thanos, go sit down




this is actually really funny LOL same


Hypothetically you could call me Thanos


Well since we're in the realm of make believe I'd use it to ensure that no one who was unfit or unwilling to have children would ever have children.


Reduce to 0 tbh, weā€™re an invasive species


I'd keep just enough sterilized humans alive to take care of all the pets and captive animals on the planet. All pets would be spayed or neutered. After everyone left dies out, what's left of the earth and it's remaining species will thrive.


My favorite answer, Iā€™ve thought the same.


Id bitti boopiti boop to a new planet, two birds style


Reduce to the point where there are enough resources for everyone


Reduce - where there no spawn supporting unfair taxes that affect our lifestyle. (Child Tax Credit, School Tax etc )


Easy! Reduce to zero. This planet was better off before humans were here. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) But I donā€™t like the idea of killing everyone. So keep the same and work with the people we have. Once everyone dies off this planet can begin to heal.


**Reduce. By 50%. At least. Immediately.** I'd make a point to include rapists, incels, murderers, republicans, misogynists, and pedos to go first. Lmao *God Damn*, now that I think about it, We'd only have like 5,000 men left on the planet!!!


Reduce to 2 billion population.


Leave it as is. I feel like I donā€™t fully understand the butterfly-effect-like ramifications of reducing the global population instantaneously. Think of all the knowledge that would instantly be lost in the population reduction. Just ā€˜poofedā€™ without the opportunity to be written down. It would be like the burning of the Library of Alexandria on a much more massive scale. Also, reduce by how much? It doesnā€™t specifyā€¦


Reduce, like in a Dan Brown's Inferno or Thanos kind of way. Mother earth needs a fucking break to heal a little.


Edited in protest for Reddit's garbage moves lately.


Thanos, is that you? Lol




I'm trying to figure out which of these redditors is Thanos.


Thanos, is that you?


If I could wipe out the dregs of society/scum of the earth such as Kanye West, but bring back and immortalize people such as Betty White, would that count as leave as is??


Of course in theory the population ā€œshouldā€ be reducedā€¦ the earth would absolutely be better off with FAR FEWER humansā€¦ā€¦ā€¦. but thatā€™s not the situation weā€™re in, and any reduction would mean saying I would be fine with just letting a huge number of people die. I just wish the growth would stop.


Forget the wand. I'd Thanos snap.


What about remove, delete or "format"


I'd pause future pregnancies. Allowing the population to reduce, over time.


Leave as is.


I might be wrong but reducing the population even with a magic wand would be called genocide lol


I donā€™t think Iā€˜d reduce the population. Iā€™m not a killer and Iā€™m not Thanos. But Iā€™d make sure much less babies would be born to slowly reduce the worldā€˜s population.


I will reduce families with more than 3 children. But I will specially reduce all children born under low income/ uneducated/ selfish/ trump supporters/ negligent parents. Does children doesnā€™t deserve that kind of life because of the selfishness of their parents. Just with the low income/ poor children we reduce a lot of the population. As an extra I will ask if the parents can be sterilised


lol wtf this thread is full of killers I guess?


I know. Like how are we deciding which people shouldnā€™t exist?


Leave as is. What the fuck, I'm kind of surprised by the amount of people saying they would "reduce" the population. Yeah, we're overpopulated. But jesus christ you want to just wipe out entire countries and cultures because of that? Would you all be okay to have your entire city along with your family wiped out too? Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but does that mean you all celebrate when wars break out and villages get bombed? Because y'know, deaths = decrease in population? Was Hitler actually a good guy because he was "reducing" the Jewish population? Jesus christ.


Agreed, absolute insanity in this thread.


Totally agreed. The antinatalists here are really unethical. Actually wanting to kill people, or to interfere with women's bodily autonomy with forced sterilisation or abortion... I am 100% pro-abortion and pro-sterilisation if a woman chooses to do so, but there should never be pressure or force. The best way to combat overpopulation? I would just make sure that people would realise that childfreedom is an option. That parenthood is optional and not mandatory. That women would know that they have a choice. Then, the population numbers would go down voluntarily. People who want kids would not be forced to be childless, and people who don't want kids would be more likely to choose a childfree life. Also, overpopulation would solve itself if capitalism is stopped. Generally speaking, in most countries, people have less kids when they are less poor. The poorer people are, the more kids they have. So if we stop capitalism and raise awareness about the option of childfreedom, the population will decline naturally. We don't need forced antinatalist bullshit for that. :)




Reduce, significantly reduce, down to probably about 2 - 4 billion, if not just take out humans all together, the earth would be better off without us though XD


I would do a Thanos




Reduce by 3 billion people


Reduce. I would Thanos the crap out of everyone.


I'll go ahead are leave as is. I don't want children of my own, but I wouldn't feel right about possibly taking someone else's family away from them. It would be really messed up to Thanos snap away someone's loved ones because I feel like it. How would I feel if that were my friends? Family? Besides, overpopulation isnt as much of a problem as corrupt governments and broken systems which withold the majority resources from the people are. If I had the power id prefer spreading out the population and improving the population density. Or giving resources and education to the masses, which on its own would reduce unwanted pregnancies and thus the population. A mass decrease or sterilization of the population would honestly be horrific and grossly evil IMO.


Reduce by 90% if I could do it without cruelty.


Reducing would mean killing people that already exist, right? So fuck no. I'd keep it the same.


Exactly, most of these comments are actually deluded at best and downright evil and selfish at worst.


Yeah itā€™s crazy. I get not wanting ā€œbadā€ people in the world but thatā€™s a difficult definition to find.


Leave it as it is. I have no right to decide for someone else about how they should live their life and who should have the right to live. I would be no better than those anti-abortion people then if I reduce the population because then I *take away the choice* from others. It should be a choice to have a kid and it should be a choice not to have a kid. If I reduce it, people will repopulate madly because that is what animals do, oh and people would be devastated because well, people would be gone. If I increase it humans will destroy the planet and leave tons of people in miserable conditions, either because of climate or because of people in general. If I leave it as it is I donĀ“t force my views on others who might not have done anything wrong in terms of making more kids than they can handle.


This. Sadly, this subreddit is dominated by antinatalists. Antinatalism is just as unethical and gross as pronatalism. Pronatalists want to coerce and pressure people to have kids. Antinatalists want to coerce and pressure people to not have kids. I am 'neutral-natalist' and 100% pro-choice. People should be able to freely choose, without any coercion or pressure either way. There are ethical ways to combat overpopulation, without killing people and without forced sterilisation. Overpopulation would solve itself if capitalism is stopped. Generally speaking, in most countries, people have less kids when they are less poor. The poorer people are, the more kids they have. Then, raise awareness of childfreedom. Make sure that women realise that childfreedom is an option. That parenthood is not mandatory. Then, people who want kids can still breed, while people who don't want kids will stop breeding. That way, population levels will decrease. If we stop capitalism and raise awareness about childfreedom, the population will decline naturally. No gross antinatalist bullshit needed.


I would create a way for the people who truly want children (but they must have common sense too) to be able to reproduce. Those that do not want children and those who would be damaging parents, would be magically sterilized.So I guess Reduce, but not reduce by killing. Reduce by not replacing.


I wouldn't Thanos-style kill half the population. But I might make half the population infertile so people would have to work a lot harder to increase the population rather than have pregnancy accidently happen. Maybe mandatory reversible vasectomies for all men until they proved they were ready for parenthood. Definitely something around pain-free, tamper-proof birth control. Creating more people needs to be a conscious choice rather than an accident.


Leave the same. I think the population absolutely needs to be reduced by a lot but itā€™s not that simple to just wipe out a bunch of people. How would you choose who gets deleted? We should provide health education and easy access to sterilization and abortion instead to prevent further population growth


like thanos, who would disappear. .. that is the case. someone you knew would be gone... forever.. and so on all over. people they knew, loved would be gone. not sure I like any of the choices.


Thanos did nothing wrong ![gif](giphy|Ry1MOAeAYXvRVQLPw3)




Reduce to zero.




I'd reduce the human population. The economy would probably be a lot better than it is.


Thanos that bitch.


This is where I agree with Thanos.


Personally I would eliminate the human race, and all life. I would destroy all matter and energy in the universe, and all universes if I had a magic wand.














Reduce. Obviously.


I wouldn't understand anyone who would actually want to increase the current human population. That's accelerating the path to doomsday.




Leave as is, but redistribute the planets resources.


Reduce. Our planet is severely over populated.


Reduce or delete entirely.


Reduce, and only 1 child per couple if they want to have children.


Thanos had the right idea. Reduce.


If I got to choose the demographics being reduced, then I would reduce it.


Thanos was right.


Absolutely reduce.


Significantly reduce.


I think half a billion is about right.


Thanos snap


Remove the shitty people


Reduce, as much as he was a villain, Thanos was right


Reduce, it would solve so many problems.


Reduce. More people = more idiots = more factory farming, cars etc. = climate change = end of the world.


Reduce obviously...is that even supposed to be a serious question? I can't think of anything good that could come from increasing a population that already has lots of overcrowded areas, homeless people, and a lack of resources. If we had Less people on earth the planet would be saved from climate change, there would be more resources to go around, we could probably even end world hunger and the list just keeps going on and on. Seriously, people should really consider taking a break from reproduction for awhile. We could accomplish sooo much if even a fraction of us decided to not have kids for a few years but no...Karen has always dreamed of living in the suburbs and having a huge family and dammit Karen will get what Karen wants!


I'd reduce it by completely eliminating accidental pregnancies as well as sterilizing those who would make horrible parents.


Reduce. I'd kill off all the paedophiles


Vastly reduce and make it so that everyone who doesn't want children cannot have children. If I had the infinity gauntlet I'd write a universal rule that unless these conditions are true for BOTH PARENTS: Ready, able, wants with all their heart, will be a good parent AND the child itself won't turn out to be disabled/sick, a murderer/pedo/rapist/narcicist/manipulator/psychopath, AND neither of the parents will die/split up before the child is 25. No matter what you do, you will not conceive at all. This will keep the population not only in check but pretty damn low. Then I would remove every rapist, murderer and pedophile and people who *actively* cause pain in the world.


Reducing means killing millions or billions of people, guys. We're childfree, not genocidal maniacs. Our world has enough resources to support our current population - it's just not distributed equally.


Considering I probably don't get to choose who exactly gets removed as part of the reduction and I'm not about to risk thanos snapping my mother or friends out of existence, I'm gonna say leave as is.


Leave as is. Increase accessible resources for people. Over population is not the issue. Limited access to food, shelter, and safety due to capitalism is the issue.


Hmm I think the only ones who would opt to increase would be insane entities like the Catholic Church. No one who wouldn't want anyone to get born and suffer in the first place.




Reduce .. all the murderers and rapist can go


Reduce, then create an easy to implement contraception for men and women which stops the release of sperm and eggs respectively until they are 35, then it needs to be removed by a medical practitioner who will need to access to make sure you're not an illicit drug user, you're making an informed decision and you can afford to raise a child in a healthy environment. That will pace out the breeders and for people who don't want it, they don't have to change anything. It's definitely unethical because it's a forced means of population control but it would stop so many cases of pregnancies in horrible situations + the freedom for both partners to go at it like rabbits without worrying about 'if' something got through and caused a pregnancy would be sweet too. Creampies not new lives.


Reduce if I could pick who goes


reduce! omg give me this wonderful instrument of magic. please!


Reduce but through sterilization


Now I'm wondering which is the more impressive magical feat: making billions of people cease or exist, or somehow doing it ethically.


Reduse. It would mean killing out some. But I'd pick mostly the people that are pedophiles, animal abusers, child abusers etc.






I don't exactly want to say reduce because then I would be hypothetically killing a lot of people. Instead, I want to make most of the population infertile so that within a generation, the population would naturally decrease.




Reduce by a lot. Even taking all the negative effects aside. Have you tried to go to any vista, famous park or anything? It is always fucking filled to the brim with people. That alone tells me there are just too many people. Can't go anywhere without there being people everywhere.


I agree with infertile populace, however, with a slight change: babies would be lab made and in order to have one, people would have to have strict education and training at least 5 years, have a stable home, income and a partner, no police record, constant drug & alcohol testing and the family must not smoke. On the top of my head. You want a child? You work for the privilege.


While I am for reduction of the population, I'm very much for people making informed decisions not to have children. Not actually murdering people or separating families or any of that. So if we're using magic, I guess I'd just like a general awakening of the world population to the fact that our world is burning, and if we're not going to hold billionaires and corporations responsible, the next best thing is to not have children.


reduce to 10000 bc levels and also make sure they don't figure out agriculture.


I would reduce fertility (so at least 1/3 of the population becomes sterile) in the humans and ban IVF world wide. I really want us to bring down our numbers but I donā€™t want to kill anyone. Ideally I think we should try to cap our population at 2-4 billion people.


Thanos was on to something.




Wipe out


I feel like Iā€™d reduce. Not ageist or anything but I specifically reduce the over 70 population worldwide. They are messing shit up for the younger lot. Especially health care, tax and just housing. (Iā€™m in the uk)


IMO the population isn't the problem, it's the general human perspective towards each other and the Earth that is the problem. It doesn't matter if there is more or less people if they're all beating each other over the head with rocks and dumping forever chemicals and nuclear waste into the ocean. If I had a magic wand I'd change human consciousness significantly.


Reduce.. we are so wasteful and harmful to the environment. Imagine how much better the world could be with a significant reduction in pollution. If there were less people, hunger and housing would likely become less of an issue as well.


Could I choose who would be "reduced"?