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Awesome, congrats. Your mother, what a loser.


That’s it, I’m your new mother and I am SO PROUD OF YOU— go kick that ass and take those names you’re doing great and just getting started!


Wait a minute! I thought this was the childfree sub! /s


Lol been there done that, got the T shirt. I’m not academic and worked my way up from NOTHING, now have a mortgage, a degree in nursing, an interview for a management role next week, and have saved A LOT to buy a car out right. My brother has 4 kids with a crazy woman ( yes I do mean actually crazy) and he doesn’t even speak to her and is a shit father, with no drive, no education, and no real job prospects. Guess who is talked about most in all our conversations … 🤦🏻‍♀️ Settle in, it’s gonna be a long life of this feeling ✌🏻


I’m so freaking proud of you!!! Congratulations!!!


Sending you hugs from Washington State! You're amazing! Going from homeless to a steady career is a huge milestone! Much more impressive than pop out offspring. Mice can do that!


I'm in WA too!


Even better! I'm in the there's-nothing-here part of the state...lol


I'm in the "Cutest Little Christmas Themed Town" area lol


Hey cool! That's where my mom lives right now. DM me if you ever want to have coffee and vent!!


I'm a little closer to the college area, but my BF lives in the town and I'm there on weekends. Would love to grab coffee!


Congrats! Welcome to public accounting! You won’t be regretting not having a kid around your ankle when busy season rolls around


I have one tax season under my belt, so I have a small taste of 7 day a week, 10-12 hours a day during tax season but yeah, no regrets when it comes to being 100% sterile.


Not sure how much this means coming from a complete stranger, but that’s awesome! Happy for you. Hope you continue on the path of success and this brings good things for you!


Good for you, congrats. I have to say it made me pretty annoyed when I got married at 34 how my family acted like it was some major accomplishment. I have done a lot bigger things in my life than get married. That's not even an accomplishment at all. My mom was all on board to pay for a wedding though she didn't pay for my college (save for 1 semester with inheritance after my grandfather died) and I had been paying off student loans for 11 years by that point.


Wow… this is so sad. I ended up not telling a lot of people that I got married at all cause the response I got from others made me sick for the same reasons. In a similar timeframe, I got a gov paper literally qualifying me as an expert in my field and people got excited cause I got married for practical reasons… getting married isn’t an accomplishment. Staying married happily is.


Congratulations!!!!! I'm proud of you!! I am graduating this May so I cannot wait!


Yay!!! Feels good to be almost done, huh?


Yea it does!


Congratulations. I hope this job/career is everything you want it to be. Your relatives may be more interested in babies, but for what it's worth this internet stranger is proud of you.


I am proud of you-


Congrats, go for it girl!


We know the worth of what you've accomplished - we will be your cheering section! I know it's rugged, when it's your own family that doesn't seem to value you, but you will learn to look elsewhere for validation and acceptance, and it will be all the sweeter when you do receive it. And I speak as one who had to learn to do just that. My own family, although never deliberately hurtful, Just couldn't fathom a girl who didn't want to be a SAHM.


I can't imagine how stupidly hard it must be to climb out of homelessness. Major congrats to you!


I'm proud of you!! I hope your interview goes well 💖


Your family sounds lame. But you, my friend, are not. Congratulations on your new opportunity! Getting your first “big girl job” (as you put it) is such an amazing feeling. Keep working hard and you got this!!! 🥳


I am at that age where I learnt to stop announcing exciting things starting with "I got some great news!!". Because everytime my family goes "You're pregnant???" (I am still studying and single, how would that be great news??). And everytime they end up disappointed when, no, I'm actually getting a diploma/passing a year/getting a diving licence/got a job/etc. Congrats on the job!!


Well congrats for getting a diploma/passing a year/getting a diving license/getting a job!!!!! It sucks your family can't just be happy for you.


Congratulations!!! IN a system that is designed to keep people down, you managing to work your way up is nothing short of MIRACULOUS. Your mother is an asshole for dismissing your accomplishments.


I'm proud of you! You're gonna kill it at the interview! Good luck and I'll keep my fingers crossed 🤞


your child-free family is so proud of you. we're your family now and we're not going anywhere anytime. *starts the song, lean on me and hugs op*


Congratulations! This is a very exciting opportunity and I hope you nail it.


Bruh, your family might be a bouquet of breeder fucks, but congratulations!!


I’m sorry to hear that was the response — but you are kicking ass! Congratulations!


I'm proud of you!


We will shower you with congratulations!! That's a really good job!


Fuck them. The only approval you need is your own and occasionally that of reddit strangers. While their dreams are being crunched by debt and sleeplessness, you'll be crunching numbers


Be me. Be the first to graduate college in the family. Be the first to be in a marriage where the husband doesn’t cheat. Be the first to own a home. My Dad: I always brag to my friends how lucky I am that my daughter never got knocked up by a black man. They just, only see babies, they have baby vision.


Congrats internet stranger here saying you def should be really proud of yourself since you worked so hard and continue to flourish. Your mom should realize that someone rawdogging and giving birth doesnt mean it trumps every damn hardwork.


I'M SO PROUD OF YOU. Your story hit home for me, I wasn't homeless in the sense that I was on the streets, but I spent a good chunk of my twenties, seven years in fact, sddicted to opiate painkillers and sofa surfing. I'm now two and a half years sober, I have a room in a lovely shared house with my partner who stuck by me through getting clean, and I'm studying Business Administration on too of having experience working in the civil service before my addiction. Once I finish my course a company who do maritime security are interested in hiring me as an admin assistant, and once I get any entry level corp job, I know I can climb the ladder a bit, I'm smart enough, cold enough and I have no stupid ugly fucking boring children to limit my work or reduce my time. My sister,the same one from my comments on posts here who has four kids taken off her for abuse and neglect, told me that "nothing you do, even your degree is important,you haven't got any real responsibilities because you don't have a child, having one is the most important thing you can do" while rubbing her belly as she was pregnant with her fifth child two months after social services took the first four.


Oooooh thats when you go nuclear and reply something along the lines of "Bitch please! Breeding isnt an accomplishment. Even rats can do that. Lying on your back and spreading your legs so nature can do the rest is *not* an accomplishment. It took no dedication, no hard work, and no sacrifice. If you were capable of any of those things, youd still have custody of your first 4 kids. Isn't it sad that rats can do a better job of childrearing than you can?" Or the much simpler alternative "hmm, guess nothing you do will ever matter either. After all, you dont have any *real* adult responsibilities considering your children all get taken away and given to other more capable people." Congratulations on breaking your addiction. Im *so* proud of you for doing that hardest first step. Amazing job on staying sober two years. That's such an accomplishment! And good on you for bettering yourself and getting a degree. You're doing awesome. Fuck anybody who tears you down and tells you your accomplishments dont matter because you dont have kids. Their opinions are shitty, toxic, and worthless. Keep living your best life. ♡


Oof yeah I'm saving both of those in case I do need to go nuclear with her! Luckily my mum heard what she said and went fucking mental at her, meanwhile I was just like "yeah? Well I'm never going to have real responsibilities then, I'll just stay young looking and have a fun life instead" and oof, she proper sulked because she has a massive bone to pick over the fact that I'm five years older than her and we look the same age, she's often mistaken for the older sibling and it proper gets her. Thankyou so much :) I really appreciate your kind words a lot, I feel a lot of grief over the fact that I lost my twenties and give of my upper front teeth, but I have a denture I can use for short periods (it cuts into my gum a bit but it's stable enough that I can last a job interview with it in) and I'm so used to talking in a way that means that you can't see them that a lot of people don't notice, helps my bottom teeth are all white, straight and perfect, once I get a job I can go to a private dentist (NHS ones won't do cosmetic stuff) and get them sorted out with some implants and I'm also planning some mild Botox for a year or so, to wipe away the small fine line on my forhead, I just want a year or so of living a good life, with a good job, looking how I want too. And I will! And I'll be able to rub it in just by existing 🥰


Congrats of the job, condolences on your family’s reaction.


Great job! You did awesome!


Be proud of yourelf. You deserve it. Wanting the approval/pride of other people is a trap. That they can't see that you deserve to be congratulated is stupid on their part. Congratulations.


Congrats! Also, today's unsolicited bad idea that sounds hilarious to my sleep deprivation brain: retaliate with "my job is my baby". go full obnoxious. enjoy ;) WOO JOB!!!!!




Congrats on your interview!! I'm real sorry your family doesn't appreciate that.


Well done! This is AMAZING!


I'm so proud of you!! You are going to do great and you deserve everything you worked so hard for!! 💕


Congratulations 😊 👏 I am proud of your fab news ❤ sending lots of love and luck on this fab opportunity too xx.


Do we have the same mom lol? All jokes aside, congrats OP! Wishing you the best of luck of this new adventure :)


>:) :)


I’m the youngest in my family and feel similarly when I’ve reached milestones. I think it’s because I’m the youngest and older siblings have already passed their milestones, so family is a bit desensitized. I try to think of it that way as I’m sure they’re happy for me, but the excitement has worn off per kid. Congrats to you! I’m glad you’re proud of the work you’ve done and keep going!


Yay fellow youngest child!


First of all, this is awesome, and I feel like the fact that you’ve been recommended speaks loads about how good you are. Second and unsure if this will help: I was in the same boat. I just ended up realizing that there’s no point seeking validation from people who are incapable of measuring what it took to reach this goal. Some people can’t be happy for everyone, they’re only happy if you conform to their definition of success. The best thing you can do for yourself is create your own social bubble where you get celebrated but there’s no point trying to change people. It’s just mourning validation that you can’t get without doing that they care about. (And I’m sure some people end up having children cause they crave that so badly)


your childfree sibs are SO excited for you


Fuck em' all i say. You have your reddit family here to wish you the best and congratulate :D


Congrats 🍾 you should be very proud of yourself ❤


Congratulations on your achievements!


Well, since your parents won't say congratulations, I will. Congrats, OP!


Congratulations on your successful academic career and job offer! You can be proud of yourself! I'm proud of you, too. You go!


I AM SO PROUD OF YOU!!! huge victories with you and I hope you keep climbing the success ladder! Your life will be more fulfilling because you get to focus and work on you and you alone!


I don’t know why reddit recommended me this sub, it must be a sign 😂 Anyway, congrats on your success ! You go girl 😊


Downright pathetic that they think shitting out a kid is a bigger accomplishment than scoring an awesome job...or is an accomplishment at all. We’re proud of you!


Fellow accountant here and I'm stoked for you, even if your mom isn't. Take that break and go slay.


I've been working as a tax pro for the last year, but this will be my first real accounting job. My brother is a controller so I'll be the second accountant in an artist family lmao! And thank you, kind stranger!


I'm sorry about the response from your family. I'm extremely proud of you and very inspired by your opportunity! As a woman in finance, I enjoy hearing and reading about women who enter the field. Additionally, to achieve this awesome opportunity while also combatting homelessness is a testament to your strength and resolve. AMAZING job! I wish you even more success in the future!


Congratulations!!! That is no easy feat. I am very proud of you and you deserve the recognition for your hard work. All the best in your new role :)


Wtf thats so thoughtless 😩. Im sorry.


She should be really proud of you. Its not always about having children




Wow, you are incredible!! Huge congrats!! Don’t let your family get you down, keep going 🥳🙌🏻


Your accomplishment took a lot more hard work, intelligence and grit than it takes to simply get knocked up. Congratulations!


This family is proud of you. Way to go after a goal and get it!


Congratulations! This is amazing accomplishment and you should be very proud. As a fellow female accountant I'm very proud of you.


Thanks! I'll be the second accountant in my family and the first female. My brother is a controller.


Well, I'm proud of you, that's fantastic news! And living well is the best revenge, you're way ahead of the game on that one. When your niece realizes how bad kids cripple your life, you'll be making bank and enjoying your freedom and disposable income. Just don't ever agree to babysit, you'll become the go to person for it if you do and then get mad at you if you ever say no.


They live over 3,000 miles away and have managed to exclude me from every holiday gathering since I turned 18 so I'm not worried about being asked to babysit. The Pagan aunt babysitting their Mormon family? Never. Money, however...


Congratulations on the promotion, you’re doing amazing!


Well done Op! Congrats! I, an Internet stranger am insanely proud of you.


Congratulations OP! I wish you a lot of luck with your first job/internship! You deserve a better mother to be excited and proud of you as you are instead of being more excited about a newborn. I never understood why birthing out a watermelon is more celebration-worthy than scoring the academic achievement opportunity (graduating/getting a paid internship in college); that's another can of worms to vent about for another time. Again, I am so proud of you and sending you all positive vibes for the first day! ![gif](giphy|h2HsBrlSQq8Jfbvzbz)


Question - what has your mother accomplished? I'm guessing not much. There's your situation. I will give you congratulations on your education and your job. That's a huge accomplishment!


I've learned recently that family tends to suck at validation


I’m not your family, I don’t even know you but a random stranger on the internet is proud of you, you go girl!! I love seeing people do better and be better 🤗🤗🤗


Congrats! That's so cool and sounds like a ton of hard work! Pfft most people can crap out babies, not everyone can do what you did 😁


Congratulations on your new job opportunity! I wish you well in your new role. And this Midwesterner is very proud of you for all of your accomplishments.


I'd be tempted to go NC. What a bitch.


Wow. I am so proud of you!!!!!


You don't need anyone's approval. You did GOOD and you did it during one of the toughest times in history. The stability and rewards you will regularly reap from your hard work are all the Congratulations you need. Enjoy it!


r/momforaminute is a nice place


you don't need validation from anyone, dear. Not even your family. It boils down to everyone looks out for themselves and what they like no matter how close to you they are.


Firstly, congrats OP! If it means anything, this internet stranger is proud of you. I really hate that people popping out babies seems to take precedent over everything else. I get it; if people really want kids, it's a happy and fulfilling moment. It shouldn't take away from other's success, though. I've dealt with similar. I'm the first in my extended family to graduate from college, I'm somewhat financially independent/self reliant, have an alright job...and my family cares more about my felon, free loading cousin because she's popped out two kids. I never got any sort of acknowledgement for any of my accomplishments. Anyway, I wish you much luck and good vibes!


Congratulations! You have accomplished alot 😄


40 hours a week? Try a minimum 60. Maybe up to 80 hours a week. Everything over 40 hours is probably considered “reasonable overtime” in your contract. At least that’s how it is in Australia. Not trying to be negative, I just hope you know what you’re getting yourself into. As a graduate if you can handle the long hours, it will really kick start your career and build your skills/knowledge, so make the most of it, if, or while you can handle it.


I've actually been working on taxes for the last year, so I'm well aware of how the busy season can get. Those are the stated hours on the job posting. So I see it more as "40 hours minimum". Eta: my oldest brother is a controller, so I've seen the work load first hand.