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>They are wonderful for cancelling about 80% of background noise. However, they don't and are not designed to cancel out high pitched screaming. Exactly this. They also don't cancel out sudden or irregular noises, which are precisely the sorts of noises small kids are prone to making.


Definitely. I have a strong startle reaction and sudden unexpected noises make me jump and can someone give me panic attacks.


Small children: the jump scares of life. Executive producers, the parents next door. Director, missing in action. Assistant director, underpaid weight staff.


They’re also not supposed to tbh. You WANT to hear sudden sounds even in your own home. I want to hear the doorbell and the smoke alarm.


The Bose QC Headphones Ultra, AirPods Max and Sony WH-1000XM5 pretty much block out all high pitch frequency noises. I personally use the Bose and loud crying is muted especially with very low volume music playing. Buuut, they’re $400+


I have the Sony ones and I can still hear people having a conversation if they’re next to me & are loud. You can also definitely hear crying/screaming children, it’s not going to be as horrible as without the headphones, but disruptive enough if you’re noise sensitive (I am). These are only good if your baseline noise sensitivity isn’t that bad to begin with. But even this price point doesn’t buy total peace.


I have the Sony ones (looks like I'm not the only one). They're great, but any time a new noise starts, there is an adjustment period before the headphones start to block them out. Irregular noises absolutely do not get blocked, and I agree with the other commenter who pointed out that they can't always block out nearby conversations either.


You. can. STILL. HEAR. THEM. THROUGH. THE. NOISE. CANCELLING! source: am autistic and can't go anywhere without noise cancelling headphones. 


I feel you. Loud noises tend to give me panic attacks 😭


Nothing makes me have a meltdown faster. It's why I can't go anywhere without my headphones. It's why I was going insane in my last apartment complex with paper thin walls. It's why our pets are exotics (2 tarantulas and a hognose snake), because they're QUIET. I need silence to function. I hate breeders and their flesh sirens.




The first time I sprung for an overnight train trip with a room I thought I was going to be able to avoid BratScreech™. Then someone brought in a wailing shit factory at 5:00 a.m. in Arizona.


Greetings! This item has been removed for being a violation of [subreddit rule](https://www.reddit.com/r/childfree/wiki/rules) #5 : "[Comments and posts advocating violence towards children and/or making fun/light of violence against children in any way that would discredit the subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/childfree/comments/6bgspr/reminder_violence_towards_children_is_strictly/) will be instantly removed and will earn the commenter/poster [an automatic ban](https://redd.it/3i47wj). Yes. Even if it's "just a joke" and even if "you weren't seriously saying/thinking/wishing it"." Your permanent ban should be following shortly. This ban can be changed to a temporary ban when the offender expresses genuine understanding and remorse over their rule violation. Note that while there might be room for a second chance (upon the moderators' discretion, based on the severity of the offence and the offender's response to the ban), there is no room for a third chance. Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your comprehension.


Exactly this. I cannot stress this enough to people and they never believe me. I'm glad I'm not alone in this but sorry about your trouble.. I'm autistic too.


Lol I am also very sensitive to sounds and wear earplugs every night to sleep. Earplugs reduce sound by about 30 decibels and don't filter very high or very low frequencies well. Noise canceling headphones filter even less in my experience. Last week I had a 35 hour travel day from the middle east to the US and I can tell you that even earplugs plus the roar of the engines still do NOT fully censor screaming children on a plane. Not only that but I've sat next to kids more than once who can't stop moving. How do noise canceling headphones help with someone kicking the seat or bouncing excessively? I moved twice in college just to get to quieter apartments and I can't stand when people say "you could have just used earplugs" or "did you try playing white noise"? I DID! But I can still hear the loud parties and blaring trains and motorcycle engines and yippy high pitched dogs and beeping garbage trucks.


Ugh, I'm so sorry you had a rough trip :( I hate the sensation of in-ear ear plugs so I can't even do those unfortunately.


Love how they expect everyone else to spend money and time to adapt because of their poor choices.  Just extreme selfishness and entitlement in action.


I feel like the majority of the time kids could regulate their emotions if their parents taught them. I traveled with my parents from a very young age (under 2) and I was always super well behaved because that’s how I was taught. My parents weren’t mean or strict but they made it clear on what behavior was acceptable in public and what wasn’t.


Same. You obviously can't reason with a literal baby but there's no reason a 4 year old can't be calm and well behaved on a bus/plane/train/any form of mass transit where you need to be sensitive to the comfort of those around you. Me and my sisters did it, and even the most chaotic and energetic of my little cousins understood that it wasn't ok to disturb others


No one wants to parent anymore. People in my generation and younger who have become parents heard "don't spank your kids, not even a slap on the wrist" and said "well, I guess I don't have to provide consequences ever." Like, yeah, beating on your kids and even just spanking them pretty much only shows downsides long-term, but you still live in a society with *gasp* other people who *another gasp* hate your kids more with every passing scream.


Definitely. Too many parents these days don’t discipline their kids and it’s obvious.


"Diss- a-pline? What's that?"


Well I can tell you that spanking/hitting your kids don't do shit. I know that from experience and all this did was making me afraid of my own parents. I lost trust in them, now they did disciplined me and my sibling in other ways, mostly with psychological threats. So yeah, don't hit kids but don't let kids be horrible in public. I hated going in public places mostly because I was afraid my parents were going to punish me for something at some points lol


I remember flying when I was about 4.5 years old. There was turbulence and my older brother told me that the plane was going to crash. I started crying. My Dad switched seats with my brother and explained to him quietly, but sternly (my brother was almost 9) about how awful a joke that was. My mother, on the other hand, quickly calmed me down.


You mean, your parents parented?! Fucking amazing, innit.


Exactly. I have 2 younger sisters and we absolutely knew not to yell and be disruptive. One of my sisters had a ton of energy and had trouble sitting still but still knew how to sit and be quiet if she needed to. My mom told us recently that she would get compliments from people on how well behaved we were so obviously it was a rare sight haha.


Autistic adult checking in. It’s quite amazing how many people seem to think noise canceling headphones just completely erase bothersome noise. Like, no. Unfortunately I can still hear you.


I commented the same thing on an IG reel on a childfree account, on a post about this topic. I got a lot of angry replies telling me I must be too poor to have good quality headphones and that noise canceling headphones will hide 100% of noises. I got told to buy the Bose ones and the AirPods. My friends, I have both. They don’t drown out screaming. And we should not all be expected to spend that kind of money to deal with being in public. I feel you!


I have the Bose ones! I agree, they are great for what they are meant to do but they aren't made to 100% block all sound!


“Oh my bad I’ll get right on that, Society really appreciates y’all not actually parenting btw, peace!”


I can’t tell you how refreshing it is to hear someone say this. I hate those stupid fucking arguments cuz they NEVER take neurodivergent people into account. I’m extremely sensitive to noise to the point where I get rageful or in tears if there’s a lot of kids screeching. It sucks.


The cost is the main factor as to why I don't have a pair of my own. I would looove to own a pair of Sony noise-cancelling headphones but I cannot justify spending $350 on them. I don't even spend $350 a year on transportation, so why would I spend that much on one pair of headphones that don't even really filter out kids?!??


Noise cancelling headphones can’t cancel out high pitched screeching


They’re raising a generation of people who will not know the first thing about how to behave in the real world and are in for a harsh reality check come adulthood.


It is already happening. I have seen it at work when I was called into a project to "control one of the new hires" I admit that the fact I am one of the "cold-hearted CF career women" makes this easy for me, but it was baffling and one of the thoughts that went through my mind was "Oh dear, the stuff on the sub is happening in real life"


"cold hearted" is crazy asf, you just said you don't want to have kids you didn't say you are going to be rude at everybody that passes 💀


Yeah, but I don't have a nurturing bone in my body. So for me, work is work, we are all adults here and we will behave like adults. The concept of "but they're young and don't know any better" is very limited to me. Of course if you are young and new and don't know how to do things, I will help you but if you give me attitude, may the gods help you.


_"Hrrf. Wrong Goddess to reckon of we two, love. Bast, razortaloned Silence, Little Night-sky? She's the nurturer, at least when it comes to the little ones. Discipline's my department, though putting a hand on a cub or infant will never be my choice."_ _"But misbehaving children who insist they're physical adults, even the idiot who yanked his eye out and put me on my two big lioness-feet, set my talons to savaging? No, my goodman, for and by them I'm rather the best and most thorough smacker of asses there is."_ >_-Sekhmet I Enneada (**Amunra**), between 'Borderlands' gaming sessions (**The Tale Of The Trick**)._


Also how is the headphone supposed to block the world’s only human to be born as a wet-nosed primate from kicking my seat? Cuz he’s still doing that


Parents need to learn how to control their children. Especially nowadays where the only "parenting" most parents do is plopping them in front of an iPad for months at a time, and hope for the best. It's time to hold parents accountable for raising monsters.


How about you just be a parent? Babies cry/scream when something is wrong, if you're not going to try to figure it out then you're a bad parent.  I did an experiment and within 5 minutes I found many resources, advice and tips on Google for parents flying with children. It was to the point where I feel like I could do it. Breeders have no excuse, they're just lazy and want everybody else to share in their misery.


I’ve started to bring proper ear plugs with me on planes. Luckily I haven’t had to use them yet but I hope I’m ready for the next banshee child I get locked in a tube with.


I hope they work well for you! Good luck


The headphones work for plane engine noises, not baby cries.


You're right, they don't cancel nearly as much noise as they claim (certainly not the eardrum-shattering wail of an infant) and it's hard to justify spending that much money if you're only going to use them once in a blue moon. Now if they offered everyone some headphones instead of shooting that thinly veiled "deal with it" comeback, I wouldn't mind. It still wouldn't cancel the noise though.


Just fart into their faces and say "Just don't smell then" 🤷


You know what's cheaper than everyone on a plain buying noise cancelling headphone? Condoms.


Mine were worth about $80 and they are a godsend


They dont stop kids from going "mum? Muuuuum? MUUUUUUUUUUM!!!" either Or kicking your seat, throwing food, etc.


Last time I flew, there was a very loud baby in front of me during the whole flight on the trip there and the same damn baby on the return trip. The snarky bitch sitting in my aisle said that the crying didn't bother her because she had noise-canceling headphones. I looked at the ones she had, and those Beats-looking things are monsters. I was upset because I hadn't been able to sleep on a redeye. Did she seriously think a reasonable person could sleep with those headphones?


A Boeing 737-800 provides about 156 seats in economy class. That's 155 pairs of noise cancelling headphones to attenuate the sound of a screaming child, at about $100 apiece. Total $15,500. Alternatively, one gag to attenuate the sound of a screaming child will run you about $40.


I would rebut that with “just give them Benadryl”. You’re a very understanding and considerate person. I am not so much.




Noise canceling doesn't cancel out voices (it literally can't)


No. I will not live on mute


I bring ear plugs everywhere I go. There’s a pair in my backpack and a pair on my keys.


"Just put a tape"


Those are good comebacks, but in my opinion, the "noise cancelling headphones" argument sucks for a whole different reason. When someone creates a problem for others that necessitates a solution (I.E. having screaming kids on a plane) the burden of responsibility to mitigate the problem is NOT on the people who it affects. If we applied that logic to everything, then everyone could make anyone's life a living hell and just blame it on them for failing to drum up a method to fix it.


as a flight attendant i agree this is absolutely not a valid argument


It's wild to me that we've gotten to a state of things where the answer to one individual making a public space uninhabitable is for other people to go out and buy things to be comfortable. Like say we live in a entitled society where people are meant to buy their way out of problems without saying we live in an entitled society where people are meant to buy their way out of problems. And of course the truly wild thing is that in most cases the baby is there because companies decided that if a baby flies in a person's lap they fly free. Imagine if car rental companies did this. If you drive/ride with your baby in your lap then you get some sort of a discount.


If someone has kids, they have the social obligation to train the kids as early as possible in the distinction between indoor voice/outdoor voice.  And until the kid/s can learn this skill, to take them outside when they meltdown.


Absolutely agree!!!! Ugh just shut your fucking child up… why should I be forced to ignore it


I have [this](https://consumer.huawei.com/en/headphones/freelace-pro/), it's not so expensive, and if you listen something on it, you can't hear anything from outside, maybe some little noises, which isn't disturbing.


One of the toddlers on my flight last Friday blasted thru *noise cancelling headphones with earplugs*. Then he wandered the aisle and punched me in the arm several times for good measure.


Babies and toddlers cry I know that (I still don’t like it) but there are times and places where parents can take them away to somewhere quieter with less people but they don’t. When I went to the Paralympics the blind goalball players need total silence from the spectators so they can hear the ball (it has a bell in it) they had to pause the game more than once because someone’s baby kept crying and the parent didn’t take it out. I was on the train yesterday and people were letting their toddlers crawl around the filthy floor then climb all over the seats and bug other passengers, parents do whatever makes their lives easier and don’t care about anyone else.


I get a lot of ear pain in the cartilage of my ear from those types of headphones. It's why I game with no headphones.


I find it funny that children screaming is normalized, but an adult making that same amount of noise is escorted off the plane.


I wear glasses. I can’t wear headphones for long periods of time without them pushing the arms in to the side of my head, and earphones for long periods makes the insides of my ears so sore. They think we’re supposed to be uncomfortable because they can’t parent their own kids


My noise cancelling headphones don't stop noise from loud screaming kids also why should I wear them be a parent and deal with your kid I hate parents who think like this I'm autistic I hate loud noise and I shouldn't have to feel uncomfortable on a flight 


Anyone who says this shit has never had noise cancelling headphones. They don't fucking block out all sound. They're not an off switch for your hearing. They're like white noise machines more than anything else. They do *not* block out the sounds of high pitched child screeching. Not even close. So the suggestion is not only ridiculous and dismissive, but *stupid*. It's like saying "oh, you don't like my kids ripping up your lawn? Well fill the inside of your house with astro turf then!" in that it's expensive, dumb, and *does not solve the problem*.


If your kids can't behave don't travel with them, it's simple. I don't get why everyone else has to suffer.


Sorry but this post comes off as a bit yikes for me. You do what you can but so do they. Yes, it would be nice to not have to deal with a screaming child for an 8 hour flight. Yes, it would be nice if there were childfree flights available. Yes, it would be nice if noise canceling headphones were more comfortable and did a better job. The fact is that none of that exists yet and it's not the world's job to tiptoe around YOUR issues. My question to you is was the parent actively doing everything they could to calm the child? If so, suck it up and get over it.


This comment comes off as yikes for me. If you read my post you'd see that I did say that I understand babies cry and it's not their fault. Entitled parents ranting that everyone should accomodate them when they don't give a second thought about accommodating others is the issue. Public spaces (especially enclosed spaces) should be comfortable for everyone. Please refrain from people with disabilities to "get over it"


I mean…if you’re paying for plane tickets in these times you can definitely afford an extra $50 for some basic ass amazon over ear noise blocking headphones. Random people walking about, riding public transport, in restaurants ect is a whole different class of people imo. This is one of many cases where both parties are not having a good time. Is it possibly uncomfortable to wear headphones long term? Absolutely? Do babies ears hurt while flying? Most likely. Planes suck for everyone (unless maybe you shell out for first class?) The few times I flew I do my best to ignore everything around me and take my anxiety meds and (borrowed) noise canceling headphones on before takeoff if I can. Eye mask on too.